>Read the Map
>Leader Name
>starting location
Risk: Imperium Edition First Game
Olive Green
Name is name related
Dark Blue
Great Prince(title may vary) Maximilian
You're in m8
>Dark Green
dude why did you not ally up last game... as OP i cant give you advice in the game but i was cringing
did i miss any reply from you. what does the map need? also if you'll link it in thread we just played i can download what you have
Looks like I'm going to have to build up to the title the Great Empire this time
I don't know. Most of the people their follow GoT already they know the alliances and stuff I missed signing off NAPs, I didn't know who was with who or I might end up betraying someone unknowningly.
I want to see if we can get one more. This is just to make sure I got your colors and locations right.
im lookin good
also, use dice or post # when we start?
If nobody turns up in the next 5 minutes, we'll begin
Can you explain "The dots on the map indicate "Capital Provinces". These provide a +1 bonus to their owner, and unless they are fully surrounded and cut off, they require a full turn to conquer" please? Do we need to siege capitals and if so how high do we need to roll?
There were no established alliances before the game started. GoT lore is irrelevant in the game except for RP purposes.
Perfect for me. Thanks
Looks good
Post number for now
Yes, capitals need to be sieged. I thought I added the roll requirement, but I guess not. Anyway, you need a 8,9,0, or dubs/anything better than dubs. It does consume your whole roll, however.
Noted. Thanks.
Map looks good.
Time to do what Saxons do best.
Please have there be no Normans/Danes...
Two more questions: Is my capital supposed to be Edinburgh and do we receive siege bonuses for surrounding capitals?
Aaaand we're off!
wish i had hosted the age of heros map now. it would have been perfect for 7 rollers.
and the children of the forest makes it perfect for the OP to roll dice in the mupdate for them because they effectively cant win the game; hell the map even suggests the OP play as CoF
fill my duchy, spill into latvia
Thanks man
it's not really your "capital" per se, I just couldnt think of a better term for them. Its essentially a fortified city. You have to surround a capital to be able to take it at all.
Fill the region, spill into the south
Rolled 4942 (1d9999)
Fill the low Countries.
Are we using dice?
Just post numbers for now. The next version of this map will use dice
Rolled 80869 (1d99999)
Noted thanks.
AoH is definitely a fun map
It is the beginning of a new age. They shall sing songs and tell tales of how today began ... of how the unification of the Celts began.
Fill my current region, spills to cross the Irish Sea and surround the capital
>at least one line of RP must be included
... shame on you all
I am but a lowly scīrgerefa. My place is but to sow the fields and protect my lands. I seek not riches or wealth, but only to protect my family.
>As the descendant of old Prussian pagans, I will not allow Catholicism to conquer the north in the same fashion as they have in alternate realities. Pagans til the end!
>Bring for the all the fighting men you can and begin consolidating the Baltic countryside. Breed all the women and recruit all the men to our efforts
Frederick, Alasdir, and Maximilian have all filled a duchy, and thus may adopt more fitting titles, as well as name their realms.
I should clarify that the capital siege rules only apply when attacking one held by another player. Neutral ones just get grabbed like any other T
Keep track of your bonuses. If it's not in your name, it doesn't count
(Roll on this, by the way)
Fill southern Italy, head into Sicily.
Name(stop me if its out of place): The Great Empire
Dice and bonus fix
Something grew in Æthelwulf's heart. He saw something being made of his name.
Fill the Low Countries. Then sail for England.
>We name our Duchy: Baltic Union
>Such and embarrassment... the prince mistakenly typed Latvia instead of Lithuania.
>Do not hold back men. All the Baltic pagans will come under our dominion. Bring me the finest Lithuanian whores. Double time on the breeding program men. in a generation we will have the finest fighting force the world has ever known.
Baltic Union>Finish Latvia, spill Lithuanian duchy
Rolled 67451 (1d99999)
Bonus fix
Perhaps just a bit, but as this is the first game, I dont really mind.
Rolled 57621 (1d99999)
We shall adopt a name in respect of forefathers for we do for them just as we do for our sons.
Now that Alba is whole we must conquer all of Eire and Cymru (Wales)
straights not a get
I actually meant for them to be in there, but I didn't get around to it
Sorry m8
>Franz Joseph
The Duke of Albany has expanded his holding enough that he can right fully consider himself above hims peers
Æthelwulf Has filled a duchy, and thus may adopt a new title form himself and his realm
Gotcha, you'll be in the next mupdate
should I roll for this mupdate
God, the typos on that mupdate...
Æthelwulf is declared Ealdorman. Lord of Friesland, and the Saxons.
Fill England, those lands are ripe for conquest. Then push into East Friesland
The Count of Vienna expands within the borders of the duchy of austria, if our might is great we shall further our gains into bohemia
>The prince was seen last night with a group of his most loyal earls. It is rumored that a plan was born out of this union to gain control of all northeastern europe. no one knows for sure however. it could have simply been a group of middle aged men complaining about the lack of interests their women have been showing them, who knows?
We continue our march on Lithuania and if it is filled spill north to Latvia.
Rolled 69848 (1d99999)
Fill the duchy of Sicily/Southern Italy.
That's one right?
Rolled 52378 (1d99999)
Eire now joins Alba and we are a step closer to completion ...
Finish bringing the Welsh into the fold, send ships to claim Shetlands and Faroes and then begin the annexation of the Britons
Yep. Sicily, Corsica, and Sardina are part of their own duchy, as well.
Rolled 34558 (1d99999)
Are we using dice?
Also forgot to update bonus
>The Great Prince Maximilian, son of Magnus, expands his forces into Sicily. Spreading the empires catholic traditions. The soldiers, however were less holy than most. Ravaging any villages they deemed deserving. The young Maximilian loses no sleep as expansion is the top priority
No, not this time. the next version will
My scouts noticed your men camped on the coast. What are your intentions in my lands foreigner?
Venice duchy
I am bringing disparate Saxons into my lands. They shall be compelled into service in my lands, to prevent them from causing future conflict.
I shall leave Celtic lands to peace, but the Saxons must be united.
>the great duke Maximilian sends rations of popped corn to the distant Germanic monarch
So you seek to grant the Saxons safe passage to your lands? I see nothing wrong with this ... that is of course with the understanding that you are leaving with your precious Saxons.
Maximilian and Frederick have ascended to higher status, allowing them to claim a new title for themselves
Franz Joseph has begun to lay claim to Austria, while Æthelwulf and Alasdair compete for England.
Frederick is awarded +2 Ts this roll for his quality RP the last few turns
The Count of vienna will claim the remaining parts of austria and will further expansion into Bohemia
Rolled 50719 (1d99999)
Fill the Venetian duchy
> Maximilain holds off the sailing of Corsica and Sardina for another day and appoints his resources to the sieging of the Venetian duchy, spills into Milano territory
Let us give the Ealdorman time to evacuate his Saxons ...
Claim the neutrals in southern England and then northern
>With winter setting in there is little to do in the north. Instead of fields we instead plow our women. The Prince has not yet sired an heir.. perhaps this will be the year. His finest warriors are still fighting in Latvia/Estonia, but Freddy's ambitions are far greater. Frederick was praying to Parcuns, the Prussian god of thunder (or is it sea?... oh well). perhaps his prays will come true... both in war and in bed.
Baltic Union>Latvia/Estonia duchy, spill Moscow duchy +2 RP bonus this round
Parcuns is god of thunder
> +4
Is that right
+1 Capital
+1 Capital
+2 Archduke
Yup, he's right.
>mfw I may have made Britain slightly OP on accident
He got great rolls right off the bat, so he blobbed kinda quick and got all the bonuses.
Rolled 93552 (1d99999)
>Æthelwulf wishes to unite the Saxons. He sacrifices his best horse and hound to Wotan. His poets sing of great deeds, and his men get drunk, battle looms upon the horizon.
He then marches North to finish filling Mercia. If Alasdair wishes for conflict, Æthelwulf shall give. Fight them in Mercia, and move into Northumbria.
so yeah i think you two are living a few centuries apart on the timeline kek
It's too late but I updated my bonus. Forgot about capitals
Franz Joseph has filled a duchy, and may adopt a new title for himself and his realm/
The first war is upon us. In an eerie echo of reality, Saxon invaders begin their assault upon the British isles. Elsewhere, Frederick and Maximilian quietly expand, gathering strength.
I'd rather have peace.
Also GoB thread has the last rules in it now, along with tribal outlines. I'm debating whether or not to have temples, which give you a large tribe specific set of bonuses. We should discuss it in that thread.
Your actions disappoint ... but do not surprise. Know that once I had removed you unless given reason I shall not invade your lands as you did mine
OOC: It happens occasionally when a time frame isn't specified. I've seen Hitler fight George Washington, kek
Remove the Ealdorman from the Celtic Isles
One thing I should clarify, as it might just become relevant; you CAN go down in rank if you lose sufficient territory.
Franz Joseph declares himself Duke of Austria and orders his troops to completely take control of the bohemian region, if not much resistance is given the troops shall march into slovakia
finish Estonia, spill moscow
>The Baltic tribes are under Frederick's control and the east lays barren and leaderless. Perhaps now is a great time to spread our superior culture east into the Rus.
>We have received your gift and Fred very much enjoyed this popped corn... such a foreign crop this corn is... how by chance did you come across it?
Rolled 17372 (1d99999)
Finish Venice, then send the southern troops to the Sicilian capital. And if possible, the isles themselves
Seig Heil and muskets.
Tanks and cannons
jeeps and horses
1 spill? you got venice and the Italian islands
So I got the island duchy and Venice?
Updating title
Also, I'd southern Italy seperate from the Sicilian duchy?
Did you roll?
Rolled 77994 (1d99999)
Æthelwulf hight Ætheling Æthelwulf
The celebration is shortlived. He is quickly forced to ride out against Alasdair. Though all he sought was peace and unity for his people.
Defend against the Celts, then fill Northumbria
Yep. Southern italy is a duchy, and Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily are all in the "Islands" duchy
You do not seek peace nor unity. I offered you both so long as you left ... and you not only remained but persisted.
Are we doing dice right now?
just wondering whether or not I beat Alistair.
You wished to evict my people from the lands they rightfully stole from your people. I do not like thieves. I am simply here to protect them. We could each go our separate ways, but the Saxons shall not leave their homes.
Celtic rebellion or Saxon invasion.... it can only be one of these.... im so fucking triggered right
kek, jk
>lands they rightfully stole from your people
fucking kek
No, we're doing post Id. the next version of the map will use dice.
You beat him, barely. Your roll was only better than his by 3 with bonuses
1 if rolls are done in real-time and he lost his Archduke title before his roll
They're a bunch of Saxon Rape babies.
>AKA The English
Not sure why any non Saxon would want them.
Franz of Austria quickly incorporates much of Bohemia into his domain, and Maximilian blitzed through much of Italy.
To the North, Frederick quietly grows his power, Isolated from the rapidly populating center of Europe.
In Britain, a fierce war for the fate of the isles is being fought, with the Saxons only barely coming out on top in the first clash.
Nice catch, fixed
Rolled 3789 (1d99999)
I lost land there OP. But you said I narrowly won. What do.
Fill Mercia, then take Northumbria.
Offer terms for peace
We shall take the remaining lands in Bohemia and push into slovakia, We shall continue the march into hungary if no resistance is given