Gorechosen edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
Old thread:
New White Dwarf scan is up, but my hardcopy not arrived yet. :(
Gorechosen edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
Old thread:
New White Dwarf scan is up, but my hardcopy not arrived yet. :(
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Are there .pdf's for the specific armies out there?
Looking for Bloodbound, Stormcast, Sylvaneth and Seraphon specifically.
Whoever was the user in the old thread looking for Dorghar's head bits from Archaon, unless it's the Nurgle one you're after (it's mine) I might be able to help you out.
>First for Nurgle is best god
The hard-copy hasn't arrived for most of us US-bros. It's really pissing me off.
I was supposed to get mine a week early, and it's looking to be 2 weeks after everyone else was supposed to get theirs. Gamestores got their copies before we did. GW really fucked this one up.
Curious nonplayer here, just a quick question: I heard that AOS fixed some of its problems, but can you still just spam all your weapons/abilities or did they fix that? E.g. using both ranged and melee weapons in melee, endless summoning, magicspam, etc
Like what? It seems as though you've never bothered reading anything or trying it out yourself. What are you afraid of?
The General's handbook fixed a lot of issues, namely that now 1's always fail for hits wounds and saves, and how summoning has a decent limit put on it, and some of the spell stacking has been fixed. Also just adding points in general changed the game for the better (things like formations costing points is awesome). Also it suggest measuring from bases as a way to play. So the GHB has become essentially the 'rulebook' to buy for people interested in playing, and it's a cheap book at that. Not bad.
Using ranged weapon in melee was not changed, but those were really not a problem. Many can't grasp that it's a non-issue, but in practice the idea just seems worse than it is. Players have come to just accept it's part of the game and don't shirk at it as much anymore, like the random turn order.
Hey Bro, that was me and guess what head I needed... Nurgle! Dayum shame, thanks for the offer!
AOS event livestream is running right now on faceybook via Warhammer TV bros!
>while everyone in europe is at work
So it is said that Slaanesh is missing and the 2 biggest theories are that he/she/it is being held captive or is going the way of Malal and has just fucked off on his/her/it's own little journey
Now Slaanesh's faithful have broken themselves up into Seekers, Pretenders, and Invaders, should these new groups stay as they are, what are some cool characters and lod-types you'd like to see rise up? Personally I'd love to see N'Kari finally get some love, or the old Zaraknyel model get some fantasy stats
and everyone in the us is asleep.
seriously, it's 2am where i am.
I want Shahleah from the Godless short story to be the Seeker's champion.
I wouldn't mind at all to have a female Lord of Chaos to lead our armies.
On a Saturday? No they're not
Nurgle Daemon (and others I guess???) Battletome when?
A female leader would be interesting
I think Dechala would be fun to see come back and dance her way up the Pretenders ranks
I totally agree.
Dechala would be awesome to have too.
Are you watching the GW Live Streaming from Twitch TV?
twitch dot tv/warhammercommunitytv
No, i am at work.
With a new goddamn model please
I think that Slanesh will be back with the re-release of the Aelves. He is too conected to fluff to just be retconned. Meybe he even will be helping Order to try to regain his position of power
Shits great really impressed so far
I know right?
Chat is funny, the battle is epic, commentators are good and even our Lord and Saviour Duncan came to say hi.
I love it.
>6 shades on all the Orc teeth
Also based Duncan Live.
anyone got source on clan skryre warscroll/battalion please?
They don't know they're live right now, it's hilarious.
Haven't got mine either. It's shitty but they said on Facebook that their extending affected subscriptions an extra month, so at least it's something.
Currently starting Chaos Dwarfs vs Stormcast on the stream.
When playing matched games are substitute warscrolls allowed?
For instance can I run goblins in my chaos dwarf army without losing the legion of azgorh or alliegance since goblins are the substitute for hobgoblin cutthroat s?
I am now, just got back in from work
use your brain idiot if youre proxyin them as the unit then ofcourse they have that units keywords ffs think for yourself
It looks like hobgoblins don't exist anymore. They don't have their own warscroll or points.
Well if you mix goblins (which are destruction) with the legion (which is chaos) you can't choose a grand alliance allegiance because your entire army is not a grand alliance. You also can't call the goblins chaos goblins, it doesn't work that way. This is for matched play at least.
If you're just doing narrative for fun battles and your opponent is cool with it, then have at it.
>This guy talking with Lord Duncan
Lucky bastard
Infernal Guard Castellan (120)
- General
- Darkforged Great Weapon
- Artefact : Chaos Runeblade
- Command Trait : Lord of War
Daemonsmith (100)
- Darkforged Weapon
- Artefact : Crown of Conquest
Daemonsmith (100)
- Pyre Rune Staff
Infernal Guard Battle Standard (80)
Daemonsmith (100)
- Darkforged Weapon
Infernal Guard Ironsworn x 10 (100)
Infernal Guard Ironsworn x 10 (100)
Infernal Guard Fireglaives x 10 (100)
Infernal Guard Fireglaives x 10 (100)
Grots x 20 (100)
Grots x 20 (100)
Grots x 20 (100)
Grot Wolf Riders x 10 (200)
Iron Daemon (200)
Iron Daemon (200)
Infernal Guard Ironsworn x 10 (100)
Infernal Guard Ironsworn x 10 (100)
Infernal Guard Fireglaives x 10 (100)
Infernal Guard Fireglaives x 10 (100)
Iron Daemon (200)
Iron Daemon (200)
Magma Cannon (140)
Magma Cannon (140)
Deathshrieker (120)
Deathshrieker (120)
Blackshard Warhost (80)
Hashut's Wrath Artillery Train (100)
Total: 2000 pts
Idea is set up two loads of war machines on each machineshe table with a daemonsmith to babysit each half
Third daemonsmith goes to the ironsworn who defend the war machines
One iron deamon hangs with the war machines to carry them away from trouble/kill anything that gets close
Second one screens and harasses
O shit ignore the grots
Theyre there for 2500 pt fun games
Forgot to delete them
Can it be improved anons? Any holes that i've missed?
-- Queen's Hunting Party --
Neferata (General) - 440
Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon: Tomb Blade - 440
Winged Vampire Lord - 140
Necromancer - 120
10x Zombies - 60
10x Zombies - 60
10x Zombies - 60
5x Blood Knights - 260
5x Blood Knights - 260
3x Vargheists - 160
Zombies only really start to shine in units of 30
Id say ditch the lord on dragon and use the point to get yourself more dead people
Other than that looks good
Work on your copypasting skills user
Looks fine, actually like the idea of the grots as good tarpits are needed for defensive armies in big games and the wolf riders give you a decent offensive role which plugs the chaos dwarf holes nicely
I assume the daeminsmith tgat goes with the ironsworn is the one with the crown, id give him a pyrerune staff
Zombies can merge into 1 unit user during the Hero phase
1 blob (and 3 battleline tax) for 180
Where were you?
Is there anyway to reasonably transport prosecutors? I have the citadel carrying box I got for cheap and I can't find a way to fit (6) of them in the foam boxes
Nope. This is why I shortened the wingspans. It made them MUCH more manageable for transport.
Those look great user. Yea , the models are cool but my god they're not practical, even lord celestant on dracoth is a bit of a pain. Thus far I've pulled the squigglys out of the box and lined it with paper so the wings don't catch. It works kinda.
How do people even transport guys like archaon or alarielle?
Dumb question, but do Prosecutors lose their ranged attack when upgraded with a grand weapon? Just wondering whether it would be worth it using units of three.
I'm joining an Age of sigmar campaign soon and they offer us one start collecting box to start the campaign. I already have a lot of fantasy/age of sigmar models, but I wanted to ask, what is the most broken race right now?
That unit would lose the ranged attack I think. So if the prime had a grandhammer and the other two javelins you could throw 2 javelins
I'm still rather new to sigmar however from what I've played against khorne with all their buffs stacked is pretty hard to topple in melee. Idk if I'd classify any army as broken
Models who get the grand weapons lose their ranged, yes. Because the grand weapons replace the throwing hammers.
>Kitbashed my Flying Vampire Lord from 5 kits
>Hopefully doesn't look like shit, but will still to be painted in 3 stages
That was more stressful than i thought
Not to mention i had to use clay instead of Green stiff since i forget it had dried up
Here it is
Obviously not painted
I like it
Thanks m8, i wonder what'll look like painted + based
To make his legs look less awkward, let him stand between two rocks (or gravestones), each feet on one of them.
There isn't a faction that is overpowered, but there are a couple units that are. But for the most part the game is decently balanced if not perfect.
I'll dig around my bit boxes
If i really need to i'll just make some out of clay
So, uh, what's the deal with chaos familiars?
They didn't seem to appear in any of the grand alliance stuff, battlescribe just lists them together with the gaunt summoner form silver tower but they did get point costs in the generals handbook. However, they are overcosted for what they can do as infantry - i'm guessing they are so expensive becaus of their wizard buffing capabilites? Their unit size is also very odd...
So how would one use them in a regular matched game? I own 20 of them...
Holy shit, that is the most metal kitbash I've ever seen. Far too badass to just be a lowly 5 wound vampire lord in my opinion.
Looks like a long lost GWAR member
What bits?
looking pretty spiffy user
You're supposed to put them next to a wizard. They each grant +1 to spell rolls. Using all 8 from the Silver Tower box basically ensures that what ever spell you cast is going to go off, and be nearly impossible to unbind.
>They each grant +1 to spell rolls.
You can add 1 to any casting or unbinding rolls for Chaos Wizards from your army within 6" of any Chaos Familiars
My mistake, I always assumed they were way more powerful. Never actually used them though. I'd probably just take one or two then.
No. A unit grants +1 to spell rolls.
What does everyone's face in that art look like they're all having a brain fart?
Alarielle doesn't look that bad, since the beetle is sturdy, and Alarielle and her Wings look like they can be magnetised fairly easily.
I can't see a single fucking way how you are supposed to transport Archaon and Nagash though.
looks like Aatrox from LoL, paint him that way.
This is what I've come up with for the prosecutors, they can't go in thecarrying case, but they're safe like this. I'd imagine having to something similar with the other two.
How do you go about using magnets? I seriously considered using superglue for the wings and spears, break them off when they need to be transported
Beautiful, thank you user/anoness
Basically. get some small magnets, drill a hole in the model bits that will be stuck together, and superglue the magnets inside them.
Should be able to pop them on and off at will then. Only model I have magnetised so far is on of my Dwarf cannon crew, so they can be taken off the base. He sticks to his magnets even with the sand I used for basing material under his feet, so even small neodymium magnets have a fair bit of strength in them.
How is skaven in AoS? I have 3000 points that's been taking up space in my closet, i've been thinking about dusting them off. Also How are wolf rats I bought 10 and never used them.
>Mannfred's body and legs from the Mortarch kit
>One of the heads from Dragon Blades kit
>Ghoul King left arm
>40k Scourge wings, had to cut off some of the vials though
Hah didn't even think of that, i'll look into it
>How is skaven in AoS
Powerful, next to op.
Powerful shooting, strong melee, tactical deep strike... seriously and they don't have weak spot(depend on your collection).
the summer that never ends
>and how summoning has a decent limit put on it
If the new rule for summoning is "if you want to summon something, it needs to come out of your points pool" why wouldn't you just field everything at once? What's the point of fielding 1000 points in a 2000 point game when your opponent will just steamroll you with his 2000 points? Especially since summoning comes with the risk of a failed cast and summoned units generally can't attack on the same turn they're summoned?
Because it can be used to get around unit restrictions, or as a mid-battle response.
It's essentially deep striking and you can pick whatever unit is most appropriate for the situation
Because you don't need to decide what you will summon before the battle. It's not deep strike reserves. You can summon whatever is available in your collection. Maxed out on heros already? Summon another. Your summoning pool is a points pool for whatever, not a list.
Deep strike is very good for units that normally have poor mobility.
I play Seraphon and regularly use summoning to pull off fun shenanigans like
>summon astrolith bearer into perfect position, inmediately drop banner where you want it
>summon 3 salamanders and 3 handlers within shooting range of a high value target
>summon more ripperdactyls to take advantage of the blot toads from previous ripperdactyls (great at smashing low armor targets)
>summon bastiladon with ark of sotek 9" away from enemy and near a Stegadon. Stegadon uses skink alpha ability to move bastiladon immediately into 8" range for tide of snakes
Summoning is great. I just wish seraphon had their own allegiance stuff
Rumor is we will be getting a book that has allegiance abilities for all the battletomes pre-GHB.
That rumor also covers the Grungni duardin and tzeentch stuff.
im sorry but it just looks awkward an shit
Livestreaming from WarhammerCommunityTV on Twitch is back.
Is that Rob from SCGT? It's really cool to see geedub getting people from the community to host these things.
>A whole day of sitting in my PJs, building my Death army and listening to GW being Those Guys
What a Sunday
Painting a Fiend of Slaanesh today.
Too bad I have to go to work this evening, but I got time to relax.
What is the best way to run budget Sylvaneth 1k pts army?
a guy a my local store has a very large container - something thats probably designed to transport lots of clothing or something. like a giant tupperware.
Anyway, he has like 20-30 prosecutors, each one has magnets in it's base, and the bottom of said large box is lined with a metal sheet. It's tall enough to accommodate the prosecutors, and the magnets strong enough to where the won't move around unless he really takes some hard turns.
Same idea could be applied to smaller scales, if you have a proper sized container.
>that one WAAC fagatron in both AoS and 40k that keeps trying to join matches at your FLGS even though pretty much everyone told him both politely and in a blunt way that he is in fact a WAAC faggot and nobody wants to have anything to do with him
Why can't people just take signals or, you know, just accept that they aren't pleasant to be around?
Chaos wizards are +1 to cast and unbind, near familiars (and only the ones taken as a unit. the gaunt summoner familiars are special, and part of his model essentially.)
40 pts for 2, up to 8, have to buy them in pairs.
Hello Veeky Forums
I have a doubles tournament up soon, 1000 points, and I'm running Stormcast Eternals. I know there's about 2 other SCE players. They're both running 2 Hammer Dracoths. I know one is running the Celestant Prime. I intend to run Wardens of the Realmgate, but I'm concerned that the list isn't robust enough. Am I getting too paranoid? Or are there some other lists that would be better suited?
nah but wow they let comments on
Kurnoth Hunters
Well seeing how one of the most popular armies is the mostly female Sylvaneth I wouldn't be too shock to see the Aelves and Slaanesh armies to be more mix gender than say The Blood Jobbers
>Dechala would be awesome to have too.
Big snake deamon
Sure why not make it a box were you can build her or Fulgrim