theres a livestreaming event from games workshop right now on the warhammer tv facebook page
wouldnt have expected this from GW
twitch dot tv/warhammercommunitytv
come watch get comfy
theres a livestreaming event from games workshop right now on the warhammer tv facebook page
wouldnt have expected this from GW
twitch dot tv/warhammercommunitytv
come watch get comfy
Mobilefag here, what's the deal?
go to warhammer tv on facebook and watch the livestream from gw
> our models
>Two big lines of infantry duking it out.
How warhammer has changed...
Has anyone read the new White Dwarf? How's the quality level? Is it like the 2000 issues or the 2010 ones?
Fantasy died for this.
It's like the good old days of White Dwarf.
and nothing of value was lost.
Did they mention anything about what happened with the Fantasy Flight Games deal?
Tune in now for live Duncs.
This is actually pretty great.
yeah really decent fora first effort
with some time and practice on production we could get magic-coverage level quality
Why would they ever mention that during a streamed table top battle?
AoS doesn't look that bad
Am I retarded?
Chapter approved, conversions, battle reports that aren't latest codex wank, interesting fluff and specialist games?
They really try to improve... dont they?
After that 150 pages WD now this.. i'm impressed
No, you just had formed your first opinion of AoS from memes created by bitter and resentful neckbeards on a Indonesian Yak Grooming Chatroom.
Its like how if you listened to /v/, they would have you believe that playing Skyrim would literally give you AIDS, but really its actually just mediocre and with a few mods it can made into a really /comfy/ "I just got home from work, time to unwind" kind of game.
AoS is actually pretty fun. The rules aren't perfect, but as with any new system they just need time to iron out the wrinkles, and GW actively encourages you to make houserules with your friends. Me and my friends have dropped 40k for it, because the simplified rules allow for quicker games, and the free rules in the app beat the ever living hell out of having to buy/lug around/sift through an every expanding shitload of rulebooks which is currently killing 40k.
Once you houserule in against shooting while in combat, the game becomes significantly more balqnced.
There is nothing wrong with liking AoS. I've heard that quite a few people enjoy playing it in a beer & pretzels way.
I say this as someone who don't particularly like AoS, and is still sad about Fantasy dying.
You have a strange concept of value
>Its like how if you listened to /v/, they would have you believe that playing Skyrim would literally give you AIDS, but really its actually just mediocre
You lost your credibility there mate.
This. We are starting to see a lot of new players (especially in light of points) who immediately dismissed it because everyone cried rape when it came out, but after the bitching died down, there is actually a good game there.
>This chill atmosphere at Warhammer World
If only they did a livestream of LVO we could see the contrast
>livestreaming event from games workshop
oh... kinda nice, i would watch this while painting if i didnt have to sleep soon.
>Lord Solar Duncan
You dont have to bring out the big guns GW, i would have watched it regardless.
Here's the thing: I would have loved Age of Sigmar if it was a spinoff, not a replacement, for 8th edition. I don't think they made the most of the End Times rules. Instead we get superficial round bases and a disillusioned grognard fanbase. Also, not a fan of the new dwarf models.
Got to say, really hope that GW comes back with 9th edition in a few years, luring in the TW audience with big battles, rank bonuses and herohammer.
This is what I hope happens, Gw learn from WoC and make a genuine presence in the community
The beginning of its populary just happens to coincide with the generals handbook release.
> Lord Solar
You mean Living Saint.
Not gonna happen. Sorry bro. In fact, if we ever see Mordheim come back, it will likely be based in the mortal realms and not the old world. Deal with it.
>Death vs Ironjaws
>Duncan painting Bretonnians at home.
>Death is best currently...
>Once you houserule in against shooting while in combat
>t. chaos player
The new Bloodbowl release proves you can be wrong. The first teams are just Orks and Humans, not Ironjawz and Stormcasts.
Except bloodbowl is it's own alternate universe to the old world. Not the same thing.
In the bloodbowl universe the factions fight their wars on the game field, instead of on battlefields. So end times wouldn't happen, therefor when bloodbowl is remade it didnt need to be in the mortal realms.
>In the bloodbowl universe the factions fight their wars on the game field, instead of on battlefields. So end times wouldn't happen, therefor when bloodbowl is remade it didnt need to be in the mortal realms.
Actually, the Bloodbowl video game had the Reikland Reavers preventing an End Times-like event by winning the League.
That stream needed more Duncan
He's so perfect. I might actually be in love with him.
Lord of Layers, Prince of Paints.