How is food handled at your gaming table? What is tolerated and how do you divvy up the costs among the players, or is the GM's responsibility to provide the goods?
Feel free to share stories, good and bad, about food at gaming tables.
>great GM I used to play L5R back in the day >it was around winter time >he served us this amazing vanilla-cinnamon milk beverage >he said it was something Unicorn clan brought over from strange lands, for immersion's sake
We usually divvy up the cost between us - somebody is the mule for the food and they are paid equally.
Snacks and drinks are also brought in on our own budget. Chips aren't tolerated, so it's usually cheap biscuits.
Mason Rivera
There's two people who GM in my group me and sticky dicky (Named because he covered his dick in hot cheese after someone pantsed him) I was a former chef so I made Burgers,Pizza,Cakes,Treats,and more and payed for it all Sticky Dicky came in 2 of our female group members milkshakes and just gave us expired chips but he was the better GM so we dealt with it after talking to him)
William Martin
Anyone who wants to bring snacks brings them. They get shared with everyone at the table. If somebody regularly doesn't bring snacks, nobody cares.
It's worked well with all the groups I've been in.
Brayden Lewis
>white drink UUUHHHHH
Jack Rogers
>One person brings snacks for the current session >People bring their own drinks >We all go out and buy dinner together
Mason Green
>Sticky Dicky came in 2 of our female group members milkshakes What the fuck.
Josiah Jones
We got rid of him for god last year when he started trying to do it with all of us wherein we then responded by kicking his ass and having me read up on my shit to GM better
David Fisher
you should've gotten rid of him immediately
Jayden Cook
Benjamin Jackson
is this really that weird? i do the same thing every time i'm gming at my house
Joseph Thompson
One of the female players brought cookies once or twice. The problem is half of the palyers have ADHD so we did everything except playing. So no more cookies.
Isaiah Green
In my group > I DM > I provide the place > I prepare the game
and my group... > The girls > bring food
it's really easy :)
Cooper Moore
Forever DM here Wife likes to make layered dip, we buy (or make) tortilla chips, but normally there is only food for the breaks or before/end game.
No food or drink on the table during game time, but I have a few short folding tables that sit between the chairs so people can still have drinks in during the game. I hand make a lot of my props cause I'm bored and poor, and don't want any fucking spillage
I always provide clean, cold hydration for any guest at my home though.
Luke Carter
We rotate that duty with GMing. I know it's a lot to put running a game AND providing dinner on someone but we've done it for so long that no one else wants to change. Their view is it would be 'unfair' since they'd be paying 'out of turn', sooner than they would have or someone would get to skip a turn. I know, I know, I hate it. Mostly because the others provide meals akin to student meals- hot dogs and fries, pasta in canned soup, and so on.
James Sullivan
I GM, my wife cooks, the players bring the groceries. It has worked for four years and we see no reason to change that, though the occassional new player might be overwhelmed or balk at having to pitch in.
>A Fullerton man has been found guilty of ejaculating into his female co-workers water bottle.
>Michael Lallana, 32, was found guilty Thursday afternoon of assault and battery. Jurors also found true the allegation that he did it for sexual gratification.
Alexander Mitchell
>assault and battery
Luis Davis
This is completely Veeky Forums related, you twat.
Aiden Moore
I'm the GM. Everyone brings some snacks, biscuits and the like to the table. My GF sometimes bakes something for us, and we always have a dinner half way through- some cooked goodies if it's ours or the other couple's turn, or some takeout if it's the two single guys turn. Works pretty well. Also I provide water tea and coffee. Sodas and other shit like that you have to bring your own.
Works like a charm.
Charles Parker
Can I make a thread about what the best indoor air conditioning units are to ensure that my players are comfortable?
Jonathan Moore
We usually buy our own food beforehand or order it if the session starts earlier. I'll sometimes bring brownies (or snickerdoodles one time) and any snacks brought will be shared out to a certain degree. If it's someone's birthday or whatever there might be cake.
Sebastian Williams
Go right ahead.
Brayden Perry
We go to buy drinks and snacks together. As we always do long sessions (six to ten hours), we also do a lunch/dinner break. If the DM likes to cook, he'll cook a simple meal for the group (spaghetti, grilled chicken, lasagna, etc.). If the DM doesn't like to cook, we go to a fast-food or kebab.
Jace Gray
Everyone at my club buys KFC like what the fuck. Stinks tge place RIGHT UP!
Dylan Walker
If the group met up for a session or two then I'd, as GM, probably cook something like ox tail soup or menudo and make snacks like tea with assorted fruits and vegetables
Oliver Turner
I am a chef and love to cook, so I made dinner and usually a snack or two. The players each put like 10 bucks in and everyone chips in for drinks. I typically cook something that relates to where they are in the game world. I've made beef and Guinness stew with colcanon and brown bread, Turkish kofta made with lamb with homemade hummus, chicken curry with aloo Gobi and cilantro mint chutney, coq au vin with garlic mashed potatoes, etc. next session I'm making sushi for everyone.
Isaiah Johnson
If you're playing a game set in a cold place and you want to discuss the best air conditioners for immersing your players sure.
Gavin Garcia
I'm the only one in my group who knows how to cook so I have a standing offer that any time I host a game the group can chip in with cash or ingredients and I'll whip something up for the game. They get to eat, I get to do something I like while spending minimal money. It's a good deal.
Owen Cook
Kevin Lewis
Thanks for making another thread that hits my L5R filter. Got me all excited for nothing. Faggot.
Cooper Taylor
I'm not big on food around my table, mainly because it leads to eventual accidents. I still remember the Cola deluge in '96.