>Quest threads >Please post all quest threads on /qst/ > >Quest threads that are posted on Veeky Forums will be removed.
I am indifferent to this and neither support nor oppose this measure. I have no strong opinions, and am ok with this, but would not mind the alternative.
Is it still shit? Why do I feel like the Cherokee?
Colton Sullivan
/tgg/ when?
I like slow generals and I like more eclectic topics but they don't coexist on the same board well.
Leo Green
Because we ARE the Cherokee now, Except we didn't even get a single bloody warning til this happened.
Blake Stewart
First they came for the writefags, and I did not speak out, because I was not a writefag. Then they came for the smutfags, and I did not speak out, because I was not a smutfag. Then they came for the questfags, and I did not speak out, because I was not a questfag. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me... t. user
Lucas Morgan
I too have no strong feelings one way or another.
Tell my friends I said hello.
Elijah Martinez
Chase Baker
>First they came for the writefags But writefag threads are still made, there was one that hit post limit a couple of days ago. >Then they came for the smutfags Well, they are cancer and don't really care for traditional games. >Then they came for the questfags See above.
Chase Johnson
The generals happened because of the quests. It will slowly shift back now. Maybe. I don't know.
Luke Davis
None of those are traditional games
>play-by-post is Veeky Forums No it isn't. Neither is any kind of playing online. Operative word is 'traditional'.
Ignorance is no excuse for outrage. /qst/ has been here for months now.
Zachary Sanders
Enjoy those tasty traditional see this what do threads, you deserve them.
But in all seriousness, we needed a forum game board for the longest time and Veeky Forums was always just a temporary solution.
Grayson Brooks
>red boards and /mlp/ can still have quests Huh.
Parker Rogers
No for it becoming a full board. The mod just did it. And to be honest nothing on Veeky Forums is Veeky Forums. During the Olympics I didn't see one Olympic thread on Veeky Forums.
Michael Edwards
Que the anti-quest fags crowing about their victorious relegation of quests to an isolation board to die.
Adam Evans
They won't die if you don't be whiny about it and actually participate in each others quests.
Aaron Ortiz
>using /mlp/ as a benchmark for normal Are you high?
Angel Collins
It will die due to lack of new players. /qst/ is a low traffic board.
Gabriel Garcia
Then invite your friends over to your quest.
Luke Cook
You are deliberately missing the point. Quests are drop in, drop out anonymous, anyone can play. The whole appeal is that its a game run between strangers.
Dylan Sanders
>no traffic board Ftfy
Jace Martin
Yeah switching from here to a unanonymous imageboard is a lot to ask. You're aware /qst/ has forced tripcodes, right? Like /b/ used to.
Andrew Hall
If the concept can't pick up players on its own then that's unfortunate, but that only proves that it's unsustainable.
Mason Harris
>>play-by-post is Veeky Forums >No it isn't. Neither is any kind of playing online. If that is the case, explain this
Gavin Thomas
>/qst/ is a low traffic board Don't really understand why though... Veeky Forums browsing, see link to /qst/, click, look around, maybe see something or not - there should be more people reading those quests.
Cameron Harris
It was perfectly sustainable. I ran a quest on Veeky Forums for two years that had at a igh around sixty players and never dipped below twenty. /qst/ boards struggle to get five consistent lurkers, least of all players.
Connor James
So now its a full own board? If you compare threads, on Veeky Forums there are more active contributors. On /qst/ are less anons. Its ok than you dont have to bump so much, but quests are rather short lived, even if the thread is still on page 10.
It feels its good to have a own board for it. Threads stay long but anons that would play, dont play because they are on Veeky Forums and dont know when a certain /qst/ is started or started again.
I would wish there was a /qst/-thread like this on Veeky Forums to announce if a certain kind of /qst/ is on. As a sticky
Isaac Myers
It May turn out ok in the end but right now the currently running quests will suffer. /qst/ is a neat idea but in practice all I've seen there are very crude quests like evo games and traped in a room what do.
Brayden Thompson
Tripcodes that only exist in one thread. Have you even read /qst/'s rules?
Jackson Rodriguez
Well, quests lost, obviously. But that doesn't mean we are winning.
Wyatt Carter
So when it could pickup players on it's own in once place, and is then told to move somewhere else away from it's source of players and can't pickup anymore players, it's its fault for being unsustainable
Luis Thompson
Even if y'all don't like quests, this is straight up bad moderation poorly executed, just bad policy in general.
James Hall
Yeah, man. Not our fault those stupid indians can't handle moving around. We needed that land anyways. For casinos.
Parker Ross
You're missing out on foot traffic, though. It's one thing to have a sign to your shop in a prime location, another thing to have the shop itself in a prime location. Every quest I've ever been involved in I came across just scrolling through the board.
Anthony Rodriguez
Yeah, a complete 180 on how they've been ruling things.
Hudson Morgan
I already said it was like /b/ used to be, which was tripcodes to a specific thread. It remains that switching to an unanonymous imageboard is a lot to ask.
Matthew Russell
If anything quests would be the European settlers and the Natives are telling them to fuck off.
If you want to go for the native american analogy you're not going to win.
Jose Wood
>First they came for the writefags, and I did not speak out, because I was not a writefag. they came for the writefags? >Then they came for the smutfags, and I did not speak out, because I was not a smutfag. #blueboard >Then they came for the questfags, and I did not speak out, because I was not a questfag. you are though, aren't you?
Adrian Fisher
The only good thing about the trips is that HOPEFULLY it will cut down on the samefagging. Don't know for sure haven't really followed any qst threads.
Jackson Lopez
Yes, i helped a Evo-quest by advertising on several draw/draw request threads, even Veeky Forums nomansland and on a evolution thread on /an/.
First its was just OP and me, than they drippled in now we are at a 4th thread with average 25 anons boards.Veeky Forums.org/qst/thread/536274/evogame-part-4-life-finds-a-way I feel if /qst/ dripples, it may result in more advertisment of threads or even that some try to start quests on Veeky Forums
Justin Morgan
I'm very grateful for this commitment to action.
Thank you mods.
Also seriously much kek @ these hilarious overreactions:
Joseph Butler
Wow, that is really dependant on new media then. Really a completely modern take on collaborative story telling.
Not very.... traditional at all!
Carson Ward
Evan Smith
>they came for the writefags? I've seen stories/writefaggotry get pruned. People used to post original fiction on Veeky Forums from time to time, but its been discouraged the last couple years.
Hudson Kelly
Boy, I can't wait for all the creativity and OC and all the other great things will return to Veeky Forums now! Quests WERE drowning out those, right? That's what people said, so there must be some great novel threads around already! >39 general threads >would you a ____ >why are elves sluts Finally we have the glorious old Veeky Forums back like it was before quests!
Nathaniel Evans
Thomas Reed
>#blueboard #textisalwaysSFW
Charles Young
But the Europeans did win?
Xavier Adams
Point me to the elf slut thread.
Justin Fisher
Nah mate, he's dead Here you go
Robert Stewart
It doesn't get rid of IP samefagging.
Kevin Morgan
>younger then >all caps >doesn't know there are still writethreads
well I could wager a guess
Isaac Clark
By that standard, perhaps you want to make quests in /v/?
It's kind of weird if the argument is that Veeky Forums has an ideal post rate, because that's not really fair and opens up the idea that anyone who wants to post anything, while getting exposure to a lot of people and not falling away too quickly like it does on the faster boards, should do so.
All in all though, I do think that some quests should be permitted to stay on Veeky Forums, like Legoquest.
Eli Gray
Thanks, I will do what I can to get them deleted, so this board can be free off quest-fags and smut-fags alike.
Charles Fisher
there is one writethread. One
Dominic Green
The 'write-threads' these days are just 'what are you working on' threads. Folks used to post actual fiction onto Veeky Forums
Logan Collins
>there is one writethread. One good for people who want to participate in it? How many do there need to be?
Justin Moore
Most are shit and there'll never be any new traffic.
An active board is necessary for quests to thrive since it kills off the weak ones and only the good ones survive. /qst/ is a dumping ground for trash. Even Anonkun is a better alternative.
Jaxon Baker
fa/tg/uys didn't used to be this subservient.
Mod dick must taste good.
Levi Wilson
I know.
Just hoping he's not, too.
Ryder Thompson
I'm fine with certain quests. Like best DEUS VAULT Crusader.
But Naruto quests? Those can fuck off forever. Same will all the other anime weeb shit.
Nolan Gomez
So now that a new Nazimod has risen, what should we do? Elf slave threads now?
Adam Robinson
>they came for the writefags? The infamous nazimod purge couple years ago, we lost some good drawfags and writefags there. And many mediocre ones, but those are diamond dozen. Also I needed third group to make the paraphrasing work and didn't have any better idea.
Zachary Roberts
Oh look, nazimod is back to purge Veeky Forums of everything creative and interesting so we can have more 40k and elf slave wat do tier threads.
Thank god for that.
Andrew Campbell
And yet this thread still stands:
Jacob Hernandez
Don't forget generals.
Jackson Richardson
/qst/fags didn't use to be this forgetful
Getting yelled at for years must get on the brain
Jason Gonzalez
>Elf slave threads now? How would this improve anything?
Benjamin Johnson
>qst Best for slow writers though. We will have more Melancholy/Sue threads imo: Post an update once or twice a day...
Austin Ward
>I'm fine with certain quests. >But not all quests. I'm afraid that's not an option. It's all or nothing.
Jack Howard
Well if nobody reports it it's allowed on the board right?
Jaxon Cook
>Don't forget generals.
yep, those are definitely a bad thing. Who wants to talk about any given system? About board games? world building?
No, those are a negative thing!
Jose Lee
But there have been quests on Veeky Forums since 2008, user. Quests have been a thing on Veeky Forums for about 90% of its existence, by my count.
Dominic Jackson
I reported it hours ago.
Jace Sanders
> since it kills off the weak ones
Veeky Forums isn't active enough for that. We've had quests with three people participating in them last for weeks, just bumping each thread for days whenever it got close to being deleted. It only takes one post every three hours to keep a thread alive on Veeky Forums during the day, so about five posts a day really isn't that much trouble for someone to do entirely by themselves.
David Williams
There is nothing wrong with this
There were so many fucking quest threads that it overwhelmed the board, makes sense it should just have its own space.
Jonathan Davis
So you resort to picking apart my spelling. Commenting on how I use all caps to denote that what I wrote should be read as if yelled. And bring up something I didn't even write?
Ian Torres
Why would you run a forum game (which is what quests are) on Veeky Forums over a more normal sort of forum anyway?
Aiden Perez
>advertising [...] threads Marketing. Well... necessary, I guess
Jordan Peterson
>I'm fine with certain quests. Like best DEUS VAULT Crusader.
But that's absolute shit. If anything, it's a great example of a quest that needs to be deleted, not moved to /qst/.
Tyler Reed
>There were so many fucking quest threads that it overwhelmed the board This lie again.
Read an archived quest and find out.
John Hall
Because people are lazy.
Evan Nguyen
absolutley. This discussion is lead from the /qst/side as if they were just these few threads - no, there were dozens of threads, wherin each participated three, four people that shat up the catalogue. People complained about it for years, it's not some kind of kneejerk reaction to ban them.
Josiah Roberts
True. Now, those General threads swamp the board, kill them all off too!
Nathaniel Gonzalez
>there were so many fucking quest thread that it overwhelmed the board
This has literally never been true and you know it. There were never more than a dozen quests at a time, at peak time, and that's nothing.
James Hughes
Nobody knows you're a shit writer when you're anonymous
Jaxson Reyes
>so you resort to pointing at things people under 12 do to imply I'm under 12?
Yeah sorry, I feel ashamed.
Luke Fisher
Remember when that guy literally asked for donations for NSFW content in his quest thread?
Zachary King
There has not been a single time when anyone who said "quests overwhelmed Veeky Forums" actually provided any proof. Quests have never took up more than 15-20% of the board, as far as I know. And no, there being other threads is not a reason for there not being other, "good" threads that you believe were drowned out. Nothing was stopping creative people from making new threads.
Isaac King
>This lie again. what the literal fuck?
>This has literally never been true and you know it. There were never more than a dozen quests at a time, at peak time, and that's nothing.
jesus christ. Bold faced lies or doublethink?
Hudson Reyes
>People complained about it for years A small group of assmad retards is not a group worth pandering to, which is all the anti-quest brigade ever was.
Sebastian Campbell
Ian Gomez
>anonymous Every OP uses a trip though, no? Gets difficult to find OP posts just by the thread ID...
Brody Bell
It annoys me, because this means I'll have to wade through/monitor /qst/ just because there's like 1 quest I'm invested in that happened sporadically on Veeky Forums. Maybe I'll have to actually make a twitter account just to fellow some questfag, and that's sad.
I'm not sure getting rid of the last few quests for good will improve the board any, but hey, maybe I'll be proven wrong.
Jace Nelson
James Lopez
Nice leading question. It's actually the truth.
Samuel Clark
>Bold faced lies or doublethink? The irony of this statement is bittersweet.
Leo Edwards
>There has not been a single time when anyone who said "quests overwhelmed Veeky Forums" actually provided any proof.
except at the time where they overwhelmed Veeky Forums and people literally just screencapped the catalogue, highlighting all the quests?
And 20% isn't fucking negligible.
Liam Sanchez
I'm sure you have proof to your claims. >inb4 W-well, y-y-you'd remember if you browsed teegee!!!!
Ryder Phillips
That group is much larger than you think. Plenty of people were mad.