elf slave, wat do
The Second Cumming
Reminder that this is quest-fags being fags.
But this is Veeky Forums related though.
sagebomb, that's wat
Oh no
>be questfag
>have choice
>try to reasonably argue a case to have a decision reversed
>or shit the bed and have a sympathy dissolving chimpout
>choose the latter
fucking speds
>go to any booru
>type in "elf"
Shoot, steal artifacts and rubles. Shoot again if it's still moving.
thanks. I will remember you long after you are exiled to the dark land of /qst/, user.
>third choice, an user that is pretending to be retarded to deliberately kick up a shit storm
I just woke up. What's going on with the questfags?
Man, I've got no stake in this shit show, but I just got myself into a false-flag mental loop about the possible authorship of this post.
No one could really be so butthurt either way to do this kind of thing? Could they?
Mods abruptly put their foot down and deleted all the active quests on the board.
Shit flinging from both sides ensued in short order. Everyone is assmad or smug as fuck or both.
Check a new sticky.
/qst/ switched from trial/optional to permanent/enforced earlier today.
> I've got no stake in this shit show
>Posts in a thread about thing he doesnt like that he doesnt like it but that someone ELSE is butthurt instead
Uhh...I have bad news user.
Well, she's already collared and her posture is correct so I assume she's been trained. So obviously I purchase her and put her to work.
Trade her to a mod in order to let quest threads back on Veeky Forums
Ah, I see now. My filter hid the new sticky.
/qst/ has been a trial board for months now. It's long overdue to be made official.
Deleting all the active quest threads on Veeky Forums without warning might've been a little harsh, but still.
>try to reasonably argue a case to have a decision reversed
They didn't even give a shit with the myriad of workable improvements for the board we've been banished to, and now this.
What makes you think that decision could be reversed?
Let's go out with a bang, at least.
Except /qst/ was a huge failure and should have been deleted.
It was a failure because the questfags wouldn't move over there in the first place, hiding behind the flimsy excuse of "it's just a trial board" and hoping it would be deleted.