Dungeons: the Dragoning — The Kaurava Campaign

A word of warning: I will be using homebrew material because it's funner that way. Latest version. If it's not in the various homebrew pdfs (big book was split into parts), then it's in the forum thread.

Indrick Boreale, Force Commander of the Blood Ravens, is simply doing his thing in the captain's quarters of his Spelljammer (the Borealum) when suddenly a scout marine enters his room.

"Commander Boreale," he begins, "My talent searchers have returned this information on a handful of prospecting exalts we can recruit on our campaign to liberate Kaurava. Due to our limited resources, we can only recruit one."

He hands the bald one a bunch of folders, carrying information about various individuals. Who is he going to recruit?

>Iji Kataiser, Human Spark — Minor heroine said to have dispelled a war between Bahamut and Tiamat's forces, thus sparing her Crystal Sphere from being destroyed by collateral damage. May have PTSD.

>Filia, Human Symbiote — Encountered wandering aimlessly during a reconnaissance mission. Currently in quarantine. She promises to be a good girl if we let her out.

>Fujiwara no Mokou, Human Phoenix — Originally uninterested, changed her mind upon mentioning Kaurava. According to her, a personal nemesis is residing in one of the planets.

>Miko Miyazaki, Human Chosen (of Sigmar) — The papers contain very generous recommendations, citing her unwavering devotion to her ideals and her success in faraway, clandestine missions.

>Boreale changes his mind, and opts to wait for a different roster.

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to be a futa

No can do, my man. We're gonna have to earn that dick by being bold and foolish out in the field.

Do you have the links to the lastest version, I'm behind

Miko Miyazaki, we only need the most dedicated and laser-focused heroes to serve the Imperium

Hang on lemme look for it

One vote down, who else wants to see the blazing azure heroine in action?

>Edgy mcknifeFUCK, deamonhost asaimar. Interested in knifing and murder, hates his dad.

>Filia, Human Symbiote — Encountered wandering aimlessly during a reconnaissance mission. Currently in quarantine. She promises to be a good girl if we let her out.

symboites a qt.


This one

Sorry bruh, write-ins aren't open for now

Ooh, we have a contender!

>Filia, Human Symbiote — Encountered wandering aimlessly during a reconnaissance mission. Currently in quarantine. She promises to be a good girl if we let her out.

Forgot to mention it's in the Big Book of Brew folder. Whoops.

That's two for Filia, popular skulgril. Will hold out for one more "super confirmation" vote.

Miko, bringing justice and alignment arguments to the Great Wheel

Rolled 2 (1d2)

Oh wow, we have a tie! Y'know what? I'm just gonna roll dice for this one.

>1 - Filia
>2 - Miko

>then it's in the forum thread
>forum thread
u wat

Forgive me, I am only a dumb man

Welp, there you have it folks!

You are now Miko Miyazaki, righteous Paladin of the Sapphire Guard. You're currently in your room, meditating on the nature of Order and mentally preparing yourself for the trials ahead. A young underclassman enters through the doorway.

"Miss Miyazaki, you have visitors. They require your aid in their righteous conquest."

Very well, then. You are escorted to the meeting room where Lord Shojo is discussing matters with a bunch of Aasimar in power armor, most of which are red bar that one golden individual.

"Ah, Miyazaki, good to see you. These Aasimar-"

Cut to the chase, you tell him, for you lack the time for idle banter. The situation must be very dire if even Aasmar, the Order's finest, require help.

"Very well then."

The old man gestures to the gold-clad Aasimar to speak.

"Exalt, I am Commander Boreale of the Blood Ravens. The forces of Chaos have trespassed an innocent Crystal Sphere and caused an uproar that resulted in a free-for-all between numerous forces. We are to move in and subjugate its inhabitants in the name of Order."

This is worse than you thought! Chaos affecting an entire Crystal Sphere into engaging a war against itself? The forces of Khorne are very prevalent! You immediately agree to the Aasimar's request, knowing full well that justice cannot rest.


You are now in the Blood Raven's capital Spelljammer. The Commander is currently organizing the meeting, leaving you free time.

>Wait by the entrance to the meeting room
>Check the armory for weapons that can help you
>Scout for allies in the barracks

>>Scout for allies in the barracks

You decide to scout for allies in the barracks. Even as an exalt, there are numerous threats you cannot face alone. You humbly ask for directions from a nearby tech-priest and make your way to your destination. Walking around the rooms, there's an abundance of Aasimar space marines all about, ready for war. It warms your heart to see such vigilance in the name of Order.

>Any Aasimar would do
>Look for someone more notable
>Wait, is that a non-Aasimar?

>Wait, is that a non-Aasimar?

Wait, is that a non-Aasimar? In a Spelljammer filled mostly by space marines? You politely brush through the armored crusaders and approach the strange individual who appears to be...

>...something robotic.
>...some magic user.
>...another human.
>...a Vanara?
>...a Tiefling!? (roll 1d10)

Doesn't this technically count as a quest?

>...something robotic.

An unusual sight indeed. It appears to be a feminine humanoid coated in plates of white with black joints, and glowing blue eyes. There is a pair of two elongated plates that serves as part of its "hair". Before you can interact with it, however, a scout marine interrupts your seldom curiosity.

"Ah! Exalt! The meeting is at hand! Boreale seeks your audience."

Right, the meeting! You swiftly follow the Aasimar escort to the meeting room, where Commander Boreale and a couple other high-ranking personnel surround a holographic map.

The bald Force Commander adequately explains the intricacies of the mission. The four planets in the Crystal Sphere of Kaurava each contain their own faction vying to win in this reckles war. The Blood Ravens have already established a forward base in the Lands of Solitude of Kaurava II. It's not enough however, as one base does not have the resources to tackle many others. That's where you come in, for each of the factions seems to have a trump they rely on and your job is to pierce right into the figurative heart of the enemy and cripple them before the Space marines can strike hard.

Boreale, being a gracious host, offers you the choice of their first objective.

>[Kaurava I] Dussala Precinct
>[Kaurava I] Sama District
>[Kaurava II] Stubb's Peaks
>[Kaurava II] Orridune
>Let Boreale decide for you
>Convince Boreale to deploy in Kaurava III
>Convince Boreale to immediately storm Kaurava IV


>[Kaurava II] Stubb's Peaks
Sounds fun
also, deletion inc.

You suggest to Boreale that you strike first at the Orks in Stubb's Peaks of Kaurava II, telling him that the majestic geography is ruined by bloodthirsty savages bent on causing chaos for the hell of it. The bald commander agrees with your sentiment and follows it up with his own insight.

"Not to mention that the can wage their forces towards the Lands of Solitude. We must strike before they rally their offensive."

The intelligence gathered from scouts is aggregated and the results seem surprising. As it turns out, the Orks have constructed a large, mechanical beast-like war machine in the shape of their infamous Squiggoths. Normally they wouldn't have figured out to make something like this but it seems it's due to their new leader.

"Your thoughts, exalt?"


That sounds dangerous, we should strike at that first. The leader is certainly dangerous but the war-machine could prove to be our undoing.

>"Your thoughts, exalt?"
cheese. I think of cheese.

"They may be led by one of their mechanicus, a mekboy for a warchief. Or perhaps one of those orkish psykers."

Your thoughts linger to cheese for a moment, but you hold your tongue for now. There's always time for cheese later.

Boreale compliments you for insight.

"An excellent assessment. It's rather unusual for the Orks to create something like this, but it's certainly not an impossibility. Still, we need a plan of attack to make the most of our first strike. I'm thinking of using our Astartes drop pods for tactical Deep Strikes. What do you think?"

>Aim to land right on top of the war machine
>Use it for a stealthy flanking maneuver
>Suggest rallying units from the base and prepare for a forward assault instead

>Aim to land right on top of the war machine


how has the nazimod missed this?

Rolled 7, 7, 8 + 5 = 27 (3d10 + 5)

It must be a sign that the mods share Miko Miyazaki's way of thinking

Excuse me while I experiment with dice rolls

I have no idea how to interpret that roll nor do I know what I should've done

You tell Boreale and the other Aasimar that you must aim for the objective at once and strike the enemy's strong point. The commander's "Steel Rain" maneuver would prove useful in the assault.


You are inside one of the Astartes drop pods used for Deep Strikes. Unlike Boreale and the others', yours is outfitted extra equipment to help a human survive the forces involved with falling from orbit. The indicator light blinks green and you feel the IMMENSE pressure on you. Fortunately you're both an Exalt and trained in the ways of the Sapphire Guard, it's managable.

An impact signals the end of the freefall. You're a bit dazed but you can shake it off as villainy is afoot. Exiting your drop pod, you see rocky mountains, shrubbery, crude palisades built by dumb Orks and...the war machine.

Unlike the robotic entity earlier inside the Borealum, this mechanical monstrosity is a rusted, janky pile of poor construction and boorish design. It's a very crude representation of their formidable Squiggoths, lumbering forward with the clanking sound of mechanisms and engines. Your drop pod seems to have missed it completely, while the others scrape it or cause a direct impact before bouncing off the dented surface. At least some of its external weaponry is severely damaged, if not completely sheared by the Steel Rain. However your sudden entrance is garnering the eyes of A LOT of greenskins.

>Attempt to climb it immediately
>Find a vantage point and jump onto it
>Fight off the surrounding orks

Okay, last post for the night and presumably the thread. I swear, if this thread remains alive long enough for me to return (9-12 hours), Miko Miyazaki will become my waifu and Veeky Forums's new flavor of the month—or the character representing mods at least.

>Attempt to climb it immediately
If you're still around.

>Fight off the surrounding orks

>>>Find a vantage point and jump onto it