Paladin Succubus already accounted for.
Unicorns are also the best NPC clerics.
Paladin Succubus already accounted for.
Unicorns are also the best NPC clerics.
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I think the best paladin is actually like an undead or death knight. Duty-beyond-death kind of thing.
Tarrasque wizard.
Slime bard. Giggity.
Giant/ogre rogue.
Warforged/undead druid/shaman.
mindflayer/drow paladin.
Goblin/troll thrallherd.
Dragon monk.
>Dragon monk.
That's fucking terrifying.
Gelatinous cube monk
Flumph bard.
They can sing with telepathy.
Dunno if they can do music with telepathy, but that'd be awesome.
Depending on the edition a Dragon Monk wouldn't be that scary because of the way unarmed strikes interact with natural weapons.
Mimic shopkeep
Mimic rogue is pretty interesting.
Look up Rusty and Co
I've read it, though I'm not up to date. Great Mindflayers.
Yeah I haven't thought about it for like a year until you reminded me.
Your demon waifu a shit.
Not all that imaginative though. You'd think that mimics get sneak attack/stealth bonuses from their races naturally, no?
You have insulted my waifu's honour, knave! I challenge you to a duel!
Dragon Bard.
She a cute.
There's feats to help alleviate that in Pathfinder, but even just adding to the dragons saves/ac makes them go from hard-to-hit to downright infuriating.
Monks have bad HP and not being allowed to wear armor makes them fragile, but those aren't really a problem for a dragon.
In fact, now that I think about it, a dragon would be pretty awesome at every class other than rogue and ranger.
These would be terrifying as assassins.
Gnoll Ranger
Beholder Mage.
Thri-kreen Psychic Warrior?
I would be incredibly worried if Dragons could be rogues. You'd never hear them coming until it was too late.
On the other hand, they'd probably be less adept at hide checks. Still better off than a rogue titan though, I suppose.
>Not being a black dragon
>Not using your mastery of magic to take a human form and become all but undetectable as your rob stupid mortals of all their most valuable pieces for your Horde
>Not enjoying the petty racial in-fighting that results
>Not enjoying long protracted naps due to retarded adventurers never waking you up as no one in the area is aware of your presence
You just don't know about Dragon Rogues because they're the only ones that do Rogue right. do you feel about Anduin Lothar, user?
they can take human form
and perhaps in dragon form, their stealth would be more like the stealth of a stealth plane
Beholder Swashbuckler.
Or, Swashbeholder.
>The Tarrasque looks up from his book
>And so does his simulacrum
>Both of them enter into a rage
>What do you do?
Not always. In 5e at least only the metallics naturally change shape.
I really want to design a mimic shopkeep who talks about how great the Far Realm is.
>Be adventurer
>Wake up in an inn during downtime
>Open the windows, look outside
>Clear, blue skies
>Say to yourself "what a lovely day!"
>Suddenly, out of fucking nowhere, a gigantic ball of scales, fire and pure anger crashes from the sky, destroys the entire inn and disappears before anyone can even fully fathom what just happened
>Government representatives claim it was a downed weather balloon
Minotaur Paladin_
>Minotaur who looks like a bipedal cow rather than a (muscular) human girl with some cow features
Which means she has breasts, as in humanoid breasts. Is there anyone on this planet even remotely aroused by this bullshit (no pun intended)?
Dragon Courtier best combo, fight me.
By which I mean, engage me in refined, genteel conversation.
I would.
>Unicorns are also the best NPC clerics
Stealing that next time my party tries to go without a healer.
>someone uses speak with animals
>"Thank you for saving our acquaintance's life. Surely, a selfless being like yourself has a name?"
>"Of course, it's Rarity
>the party throws throws their snacks at me
Also give me a satyr/fawn fighter any day.
user let me tell you about "Furries"
What would a harpy be good at?
Ranger. I think one of the 3.5e splatbooks had a stupidly powerful bow that required the use of both legs, so you had to go prone to use it. Harpies don't have that problem by virtue of being able to fly. That and, being flying creatures, they can move large distances without leaving any trace, allowing them to quickly track their targets. Being able to quickly and silently reach high/secluded places also helps with stealth.
>singing bird people
'Scuse me, superior winged archer coming through.
Modron Ranger.
Please elaborate.
Succubi are better suited as Sorceresses and Bards, maybe Rogues. Sure they have some DR and claws, but they're not built to be frontline fighters. I get the whole "demon who fights for good" thing, but it's such an inefficient use of their abilities beyond having godly saving throws and Lay on Hands.
Smites are CHA dependent. Sadly in most editions smites are worthless.
> Die.
> Kars is the BBEG of your next campaign.
They'd make great dex-based paladins in 5e. With strength as their dump stat and their ludicrous Cha bonus, they're able to really maximize the best parts of the Paladin Class while helping counteract some of the weaknesses of being a succubi (primarily their inability to deal major damage, which the Paladin excels at in 5e).
But, you make a point with them being better as Sor/Brds, if for no better reason than that they lost a lot of their utility abilities in 5e.
Rolled 15 (1d20)
Genuflect to catch it off-guard
I remember one user some months ago said he or another one of this players had a paladin/cleric concept that was pretty awesome, IMO.
It was a setting where the existence of deities is dependent on having worshipers, and this character was the last one of his deity. So, he willingly turned into a lich so that he could become immortal, in order to make sure she wouldn't cease to exist. He became what he hated to ensure she lived on.
>Succubi are better suited as Sorceresses
They're also cuter as them.
seems like it would be easier to convince some people to join your religion
Fucking hell, why is Cestree so perfect? Why is a literal sex demon allowed to be so cute and pure?
Dinosaurs with natural Initiator levels the way dragons get natural sorcerer levels.
Telekinetic warrior ghosts.
Samurai Saber Cats who operate out of an Italian restaurant.
Puppeteer Psion.
Urskan Warlord.
Vampire Commoner.
Treant Ninja
Vargouille Master of Masks
Pixie Fairy Swashbucklers/Gunslingers.
Owlbear Druids.
>Samurai Saber Cats who operate out of an Italian restaurant.
Oh no you fucking didn't.
I was expecting a Boros Reckoner
>Treant Ninja
Weed-Pruner Poplar?
I know it's not actually Italian food but if I said it outright it wouldn't have worked.
Air elemental assassins (invisible stalkers with death attacks).
I once threw a clan of poisondusk Lizardfolk who'd done a bargain batch bulk discount deal warlock pacts. That worked pretty well.
Ratfolk Alchemists.
I don't actually understand that. I was thinking more dwarf racial adversary aside from giants.
You have superior expectations than me.
Koala Human
It's three koalas pretending to be a person. They have an overcoat and are all brothers. The bottom koala knows how to drive, the middle one has high agility, and the oldest brother, the headman, is a master of deception.
Modron Barbarian
Modron Rogue
Modron anything, really.
Always the succubus, the fiend that can most easily look human. Where're my paladin Balors or Ultraloths?
Because she lacks slutness.
At this points she is just horned girl from different plane.
>Pentadrone and monodrone acknowledging each other.
This really tickles my autism.
It's fine, each of them thinks they're looking at some of the mindless workings of Mechanus. The Pent' thinks it's looking at a simple machine that's not doing what it should and the Mon' thinks it is seeing an incomprehensible manifestation of Law.
They don't have tits, so you'll never, ever see one be sympathetic or redeemed.
When was the last time you saw a Vrock paladin?
Warcraft apparently has a Nathrazim Paladin, though not quite the same I know.
If that dreadlord doesn't end up keikaku'ing the whole thing, i'm gonna call bullshit
Man, a chain devil paladin would be pretty rad.
'Scuse me, unequaled winged archer coming through
Chain devil anything would be pretty rad.
Though I'm guessing they wouldn't be so good at sneaking.
Mimics in 4e come from the Far Realm.
A Mimic who is a shopkeep is talkative and friendly, but still somewhat tied to the Far Realm.
Have not figured out a naming scheme, but it would be funny to have the shopkeep have someone else run the store while it takes a trip home.
>*rattle rattle rattle*
What the fuck was that?
That's why Tauren and Draenei cant be rogues in WoW. The clop clopping of hooves would be a bit of an issue.
>All those ranks in hide/stealth
>Used to steal stuff
>used to make mortals fight eachother for my entertainment
>Used to find a good sleeping spot to avoid being woken
>used to hide my hoard
Why WOULDN'T most dragons have a level or two in rogue?
I genuinely like tiefling paladins. Now before the groans at the edginess of that start, give me a second to explain. I like them because they don't have to maintain appearances. Whereas the human leader will have to inspire others and lead people toward the right actions, the species who is always looked at with suspicion can simply wordlessly perform the action they think is right and leave without justifying shit. I'm talking about the 100% convicted to the cause and willing to overcome anything to achieve their goals kind of warrior of light. No moral arguments, no convincing the party, just doing as they will and walking away with no concern with what the others think of them. Of course, this can easily be done badly. In other words, I want him as the old guy in Gran Torino.