Veeky Forums General thread

Fuck it, let's talk about anything Veeky Forums related and see where that takes us.

What are the best alternative mechanic to hit points?

Fuck mods and fuck Veeky Forums.

Oldfags, tell us tales of old. Before Virt was a thing, that old.

M&M's toughness saves.

I've gotten my mom into some pretty great Veeky Forums, but we're getting a little tired of our current rotation.

Anyone have any suggestions for games that are in the same vein of:

Love Letter
Zombicide (classic)
The Lord of the Rings LCG
X-Wing miniatures

She's not crazy about wargames but I want to see if I can change that

Anyone else out there get their folks in on the gaming? I'd be curious to know.

People shitposting about 4e vs. 3.5e.
Monstergirl roll threads.
Jim Profit.
Threads about Freya and Inkeyes.

You gain some you lose some.


My dad was the one that originally got me into traditional gaming, originally through games like Baldur's Gate but then actual table top. He still plays with some buddies of his from work. We've both tried to get my mum into it, but she usually just gets distracted.

Does anyone play Microscope? I've played it with my mates a few times but we usually go off on tangents and forget the rules.

no generals
40K, 40K everywhere
elfgirl slave wat do
steady supply of new, hilarious memes

>many drawfriends
>porn spambots
basically pic related sums it up

Well I will tell you a little Veeky Forums history

The "PROMOTIONS!" meme actually originated from a lewd thread right here on our very board, which for those that were around then might not be surprised to hear; but interestingly enough the blackguy wasn't the original image associated with it.

I wish I still kept it after all these years, but it was actually a white guy hold a box with his belonging cleared out

>the more you know

The original story was about getting fired for browsing NSFW shit, and in latter post someone came to tell that he got promoted.
That's my recollection of it anyway.

Dwarven liberator wat do?

i remember waking up one fine morning and everything was puddi puddi

that's awesome, thanks for sharing

As a matter of fact, it was my Mom that is responsible for introducing me to boardgaming, and at a very young age too. We started with the classics from her youth, but then when she noticed a spark within me, she bought STRATEGO and we both learned how to play together. That was my first entry into strategy games, and now I'm absolutely hooked.

Very first game I ever played though was pic related, and boy do I miss it.

Incidentally, my Dad isn't crazy about boardgaming. He would play on family bg night, but didn't continue after me and Mom started getting hardcore.

Pools from cypher system.

That sounds great.

yes, that's right

the first image was of a man in a cream colored shirt with a defeated look on his face, lugging around a filing box with papers and coffee mug poking out.

I should know, because I was the guy who was reprimanded for browsing that day
Little known fact, the boss was my Mom.

I miss all the drawfriends...

I was one of the old lot

/qst/ needs to die.

You mean the containment board needs to die, or questfags need to die?

Yeah it's a low traffic board.

There's no reason for it to be around.

The board.


No surprise at all.

This meme needs to get SIDS.

I like XS but this image is dumb as fuck. Please stop posting it.


then we disagree

Why exactly do you want to be on Veeky Forums and not there? If someone specifically wants a quest, they know precisely where to find you.

Now when someone wants to talk about a game or have lore discussion, they don't have to scroll past a wall of threads that don't at all pertain to their interest.

please explain, I don't Em und Em

> it's a low traffic board because everyone posts quests to Veeky Forums, stealing the traffic it would have.

Look, the mod definitely is in the wrong here for springing it on us out of nowhere. A week's notice would have been nice. Still, I think /qst/ itself is a good concept that needed to happen. I mean, I'm pretty sure we Don't need three different Bleach quests on the first page at all times, no matter how good each quest may be.