Post early medieval art.
Post early medieval art
Can I get some Celts?
Zis is relevant to mah interests.
>Early Medieval
>Posts La Tene Celtic guy from approximately 500 BC-100 AD
I like this so much more than plate mail.
This is one of my favorite styles of npc. In my current d&d campaign the Men of the North dress like this and a creeping south. The young nobles set out with a party and build forts and long houses in places they wish to control while proving they can pay the kings taxes therefore gaining his favor and protection. The Duke of the land and his Inquisition hate them and are gathering factions to fight against the threat.
>early medieval
>posts obvious post-medieval perspective pictures
Retro fantasy art thread?
>sword tip in the dirt making it dull
If a brief poke into a centimeter of soil has a lasting impact on the quality of your sword, your sword is shit.
If a brief dip in the water has a lasting impact on the quality of your gun, your gun is shit.
Still doesn't mean you should do it because it means completely unnecessary maintenance.
These are Vandals in North Africa. Literally a horde of pale, Germanic peoples just showing up in North Africa. After a decade, they literally poured in by the tens of thousands after establishing themselves as rulers of the region after Rome.
They were okay pirates and got wrecked by Rashidun cavalry armies later on, but they are an interesting kingdom because they were an entirely foreign power that actually moved its population to the new region rather than staying elsewhere and ruling from afar.
After all, they could have stayed in Iberia like the Visigoths and Suebi tribes. Lots of Celt-Iberian qt3.14s leftover without Latins around to take them.
Although the image is very... biased, the user did a good job giving a heartfelt story on them
How early we talking OP, give me a date range? And what area of the world? Europe is not the only placed people lived after all