Please keep all dwarf related conversations to the dwarf general thread. This includes half-dwarfs and dwarf-like races such as Squats and others. Including all Dwarven lore from properties as diverse as Warhammer, Warhhamer 40k and Warcraft.
Better question - what should I do with all my Mantic rifledorfs and my Avatars of War berserkers dorfs now that Warhammer has been geeked ? Bought them just before they annonced Age of Sigmar, and haven't built or painted any of them since.
Also, mfw I live in bumfuck nowhere, and no one plays anything over here.
Jason Baker
>that feel when a shitty elf is in your party
Logan Jackson
My "Dwarves" are genderless. They reproduce via self-induced parthenogenesis and are all genetically identical, male-looking, stereotypical dwarves.
Oh, and they're genetically hard-coded to be communists.
Jaxson Young
Reminder that this thread will never be as good as the elf thread.
Juan Ortiz
My dwarves literally pop out of the rock in the deep places in the earth. This is because they are, in fact, aspects of the planet, trying to find out about itself by living vicariously through the dwarves.
Except that one mountain in the middle of nowhere. That's the planet's insane subconscious. Don't deal with the dwarves there. They caused three apocalypses.
Brody White
I like to think dwarf women fashion their hair in a manner that covers their face and mimics a beard thus perpetuating the myth.
Leo Hughes
no, you now tell me of the insane subconscious.
And then you tell me about the consciousness of the planet.
And all the eldritch horror that stems from it.
Do it now.
Dylan Hernandez
You should not be allowed to hold conversations, brutes.
Dominic Collins
My dwarf women have sideburns.
Xavier Robinson
Okay so like, basically the world is flat and 'mostly infinite' and shit like that right? The planet's alive but doesn't know a thing about itself, being mostly infinite in size, so in mountain ranges, deep valleys and other massive ups and down in elevations, dwarves pop out of the earth in order to, more or less, tell the planet what it is. They're actually one of the most populous species, due to the whole 'popping out of the earth randomly' thing.
There is, however, one mountain in the 'middle' of the explored world, surrounding on all sides by flat plains. A lonely mountain wherein all things are evil. It didn't use to be this way. Once it was the heart of a mighty dwarven empire. But, as dwarves oft do, they dug too deep. Past the planet's consciousness into the place where all manner of dream and nightmare dwell. The things down there came up, destroying the dwarven empire and fucked up the world(Apocalypse #1). It fucked it up SO bad that the local 'gods' took those flat plains surrounding it and pounded the shit out of them turning into a vast ocean to try and stem the tide of the mad beings (Apocalypse #2). It didn't work forever; the cthonic beings of the planet's deep dreams just got more fishy and crossed it that way (Apocalypse #3 Currently Ongoing).
So yeah, the Dwarves of the Central Mountain caused three apocalypses. They aren't trusted anywhere.
Charles Moore
Ayden Martinez
And ya shouldn't be allowed to hold an axe, beardless milksop.
Jose Rogers
Michael Roberts
>No beards Fucking dropped
Daniel Edwards
Dwarves created the gods, right?
Aaron King
Why else would most of creation be working so well? Dwarven craftmanship, lad. It's only when elves and humans mucked about that we got the evil gods and things stopped going well.
Henry Ross
I approve. ;)
Landon Johnson
Do dwarf women like being called cute?
Connor Johnson
Should I?
Bentley Clark
Call them 'finely crafted with an excellent eye for detail.' It never fails to charm.
Grayson Allen
Everyone likes being called cute. A dwarf girl will just act like she doesn't like it.
Christian Clark
An average human male can exert around 90 kg (200 pounds) or 1000 Newtons of force in a static push.A boxer can deliver 5,000 newtons of force with a single punch but their hand travels really fast.
Now, the classic fantasy dwarf is usually described as stronger and heavier than the average human, but how much stronger would a Warhammer slayer dwarf be? Or, say, the less physically impressive but still formidable tolkien dwarf?
Luis Parker
Sure, if only for the fluff at the end of the book. The stories are passable, but nothing spectacular.
Liam Clark
Here's a bit of a funny story about a dwarf fighter I played (dnd 5e)
>fighting a group of kobolds >One party member suggests that we keep one alive for interrogation, so we knock him unconcious >My dwarf, having one of the strongest people in the party, was tasked with carrying the kobold. >Attacked by another group of Kobolds (I could bitch all day about this particular GM, but that's another story for a "That Guy" thread. >At some point, my dwarf loses his warhammer, and its once again my turn to attack. >"I hit the kobold with the kobold I'm carrying." >Table erupts into laughter >DM Rolls with it (no pun intended, but I'll take it) >Spend the next hour using the kobold as a greatclub. >Kobold has to make a constitution saving throw to not be destroyed after every hit >Kobold makes the throw every time. >Proudly write down "Scaly Bob the Kobold" in my weapons table. >Later >Kobold finally loses saving throw >Body falls apart in my hands >After a breif mourning period, I punch out another kobold, and write "Scaly Bill the Kobold" in my weapons table.
Nolan Nguyen
Would you marry a dwarf girl?
Henry Turner
I'd do way more than just marry her.
Hudson Evans
>short, but shapely and cute >business-minded, can take care of herself without my intervention, works with her hands >honourable and would never betray me
Only real problem is that I could never afford the bridal gift. You know how those dwarf fathers are.
Cameron Smith
Yes. I would also hammer her ass harder then I hammer steel on an anvil.
Hudson Walker
You could make them both beardy and beardless dwarfettes.
Question: Are dwarves mostly living on/in the hills okay? Question 2: Are dwarves being depicted as kind of sneaky (small size, can carry a lot of loot) race okay? Question 3: Are dwarves going for trench warfare even in medieval fantasy setting okay?
Nicholas Mitchell
To the first question, yes. I personally set them up as a different culture than the mountain dwarves, making them a bit more like semi-nomadic Irishmen.
To the second, that's usually a halfling things. Dwarves could make it work, especially since they like gold, but most of the time they're a bit too...clunky.
Trench warfare might be hard on them because of their size.
Nathaniel Torres
>clunky You mean clusmy or something? Usually they're seen as being with machines and stuff, so lockpicking could work, especially if they have good hearing.
>Trench warfare might be hard on them because of their size. Well, maybe I said it a bit wrong, but I meant more the tunnelling thing, practically digging out bases under enemy and ambushing armies by causing cave-ins or that spider-like stuff, so springing from hidey-hole, catching an neemy soldier, and dragging him underground to snap his neck.
Xavier Howard
Like they'd either have so much metal on them they'd literally clunk, or they'd just be noisy - putting down their feet too hard, letting things jangle, stuff like that. They're not naturals at being quiet like halflings.
It might be hard to make a tunnel you could jump out of and drag someone else back into really easily, but dwarves would likely be natural at sapping. You could use underground tunnel bases like the Vietcong did too.
Joseph Nelson
Go ahead and build them. Worst case, you're got some neat mini's. Best case, proxy them into another game.
Brayden Allen
Egyptian Dwarves: Does this disgust you?
Benjamin Reed
Do they build pyramids underground?
James Rogers
Kinda. Dwarves traditionally have ancestor worship, which kind of works with Egyptians, but Egyptians also had a huge focus on life after death which dwarves don't really have.
Not to mention, if you go just a bit east and north, you find a culture with big beards that's perfect for dwarves.
David Baker
Yeah, I currently am working on a setting with Egyptian Dwarves, but one of my players went full "Nah das gay", but I actually like the idea of that kind of culture. Ended up making them more Mesopotamian.
Brandon Collins
>tfw no one calls you cute
Ian White
For some reason the notion of a female with a beard isn't a real turnoff. Seems almost cute.
I mean, women dressed as Santa with the beard and all aren't repulsive, right? If they were already attractive, anyway.
Ryder Thomas
Right, but how about this? Full beards are already cute in their own way. If you don't quite go all the way with extra hair, it gives less the impression of a dwarven female of more of poor hygiene.
Grayson Gutierrez
Is that a dwarven drunken master?
Benjamin Nelson
I always make my dorfs STRONK, as in their average is somewhere around 300kg.Don't know about Tolkien or Warhammer. Yes hill dwarves should always be a slightly weaker, but more friendly dwarf race
No that is wrong
100% perfect
Adrian Wood
It's cool to mix and match a little. You don't have to be straight one culture or the other, and fantasy is fun for being able to mix and match.
John Sanders
How would it give the impression of poor hygiene? That's like assuming that having short hair on your head means that you couldn't take care of long hair.
You could argue full beards are cute in their own way, but I think having female dwarves have a full beard is something that is to intentionally keep them from any sort of feminine cuteness, just for the sake of being different, when having sideburns is already a marked difference.
I'll figure out her proportions if ye know what I mean
Jose Bennett
Fantastic. I loved playing as the dwarves in that game. Great dwarven feel.
Adam Morgan
>browsing through hat store one day >gf picks up one of those novelty beard beanies and tries it on >runtime error >reboot >learn something about myself Turns out beards can be mega cute
Dominic Myers
I was gonna nab the pic I took (since her face is pretty much covered anyway I figure it's fine), but it's on my old phone and there's no sim card in it anymore!
James Clark
I should expect such a reply from a savage,
Austin Reed
Grayson Hughes
The in-laws would be a pain, but I'd still do it in a heartbeat.
Jaxson Adams
>Irish Traveller Dwarves
Sebastian Campbell
Anons, I'd like to have a city of dwarves living in the mountains in my setting be extremely Canadian, but my newfoundlander analog is already taken.
What would Canadorfs be like?
Leo Cruz
Related to the first question: I would imagine hill dwarves as having more contact with the surface races, with shallow hill dwellings and aboveground structures being not too terribly different, but looked on as strange folk who might not all be quite right in the head by mountain-dwelling dwarves.
Despite being more willing to interact with and move to surface settlements, politically they're not as well regarded as mountain dwarves, as they don't have access to valuable metals or gems to the same degree as their deeper dwelling kin.
Leo Miller
Hockey, beer, friendly, terrible driven carriages
Oliver Roberts
Charles Reed
Unobtrusive, have a lot of myths and tales about them, and can be surprisingly badass from time to time
Joseph Garcia
Only not as one dimensional.
I miss Johnny.
Jeremiah James
What makes dwarves different from other races?
Angel Roberts
Charles Ramirez
take inspiration from quebecistan
I believe dorfs would be the ones to invent fantasy poutine.
Evan Stewart
Ryder Powell
Are there examples/pictures of dwarves that live in hives like ants or something? Would look cool.