Read the rules.
City in Iceland
Norse Pagan
Link the tribal locations in the pol thread
yeah i crashed this morning and didnt wake until after noon bro
Byzantine Empire
Do I have to read all that shit, or can we just pretend religions don't exist?
be norse pagan or ortho and just read your specific shit you lazy fuck
Great Empire
but i don't wannaaaa
Roman Republic
Mediterranean Pagan
Near Rome
Red or pink
be a catholic, let someone else be Pope, beg for help.
Just like pol there are tgfags that dont want risk here
Holy Empire of Carthage
Dark blue
First, they kicked out the quests. Then now, they try to kick out the boardgames.
Is there nothing these people wont stoop to?
Going to try something out, as people have said that they think Prots only work in England
if new players join I'll give my nation to them. Also give joiners free catchup rolls.
Fill Sweden, lumber then Goteborg
Go for +3 oil. Fill iceland
tribal affiliations posted in the pol thread.
Take Napoli, the northern army marches to Firenze and San Marino
Reinforce Tunis, then move to Constantine
Fills Greece, spills into Anatolia
Fill the Italian peninsula
I wanna join
>Name is "Shlomos"
>Religion is Judaism (obviously)
>I wanna start in Israel and the colour is gold
Maximilian, remember to read your Pope bonuses, you can name yourself Pope.
Want to NAP? I could use some loans...
Along the coast to Algier
Defend from Vikings, then fill Sweden. Spills to Norway.
Finish Greece, spill into Albania and Macedonia
You're in the north right?
It's pretty far away, so only a possible alliance might interest me to defend against potential enemies, otherwise, a NAP might be a good start, I take your offer.
Take over the rest of Israel, spills go to Beirut
Reinforce Roman territories
Take Firenze, sail to Polermo
Read up on what money lenders does. I get a bonus for NAPing with you. Until you decide to break it.
Use sea bonus yo sail to the UK and start taking cities north to south
Also my complaint is that england is op with prots and germany is hard to get filled
TRIPS! Spill to fill italy
I've stopped caring about this map. Mostly switched to working on 3000BC.
You saw the Tribe locations in POL, right?
Didn't read that yet, I get to it now
I am on my way back home. If its not still up ill ask for it and start work on it
Caesar is MIA
Heresy +3
Heretics take Oslo
Fill Norway, spills to Denmark
Reinforce Constantinople and Athens, anything else fills Greece
Do I get the +3 bonus for Jerusalem?
What do I get if I fully control a region?
Cash in the rest of Israel, go straight to Beirut and then take over Damascus.
Conquer all lands held by the archaic Caeser, sail to Malta, then start filling France
Reinforce Algier, then further along the coast to Fez
Wrong bonus
Sail to london and take it. Spill to fill other uk cities
So, Caesar is dead, We still need more players at this point. Hopefully some more guys join.
Why people start right next to each other I do not know.
Take over Damascus and Beirut
Do I get a bonus for fully conquering counties?
Fill Norway
Heresy +3
Heretics take Dazing
Fill Denmark.
Start going up the border while also taking Lyon, Dijon and Strasbourg
Take the Aegean islands, then fill Turkey
Take Fez and Rabat
Protestants have something that works like that, Jews do not. Filling the land is only useful for heading from it, reinforcing it, or denying access.
Which is pretty lame really.
pol thread deleted, outlines here
use bonus to sail to and take Amsterdam
then take belfast and dublin
spill to fill
got it thnx
How do you get E+13 ? I see that you only have 2 +3 cities reinforced, and that would be +10 ?
Constantinople is Holy
You should also be getting a +3
I see, ok.
do you want the entire areas fill or just start them somewhere in the regions outlined? complete prefill or no?
Jew Loans are effective so long as they don't betray you...
Reinforce Rabat, fill southern Spain
Heresy +6
Heretics take Helsinki
Fill Finland
Fill Poland
Why are you not attacking me?
Take Paris and reinforce
Then fill Italy and start reinforcing the borders on both sides
Guess take over Beirut and then go for egypt and its cities.
Fixing bonus
Reinforce western coast of Greece, fill Turkey
Attack Sweden only in unreinforced tiles and cities first, spilling into the reinforced if i have enough.
Release the horde (30)
dont forget the sea tiles for free and focus unreinforced norway cities
see this
bonus fixed
Jew Loans may be OP.
Why has noone else hit them up for loans?
So, each color is a tribe. The outlines show what type they are based upon that. So every color in Indo European territory has the IE tribe ability, alot of the smaller tribes are there to get conquered to help form chiefdoms.
OP nation drops out. I will continue mupdating, but am going to just have my nation sit there.
>Trusting the Jew
Keep filling Turkey
Get Alexandria and that other + 3 city.
Spills go to that oil ressource in the east.
Head up to the northern coast and take Calais. Spill to reinforce Italian borders
Capture Madrid and Lisboa if possible. Rest reinforces Tunisia
i dont borrow money from jews or anyone. i am a viking. i take what i what.
Vikings>Great Empire as many assets as possible starting with Calais then paris etc
horde 36
didn't you read the new sticky? /qst/ is no longer a trial board
bye, bye, now
get out of our board
>Has nothing better to do than this
Mupdate is hear.
Sweden sits around and gets fat.
Hopefully people start killing each other.
so leave all the prefilled tribes as is? correct?
did i not take paris?
Fill Cyprus, take Aleppo, and fill Turkey
Push back the pagans. Push for England
Prefilled tribes have an ethnicity, that grants you a minor boost. players can select a tribe, and they then get the ethnicity ability. Depending on your ethnicity, you get something from building a temple. Had to reach more for temples than for base abilities, but some other guys liked temples a lot.
Think of all the dinky tribes like 200BC they are there to take up space at the start, and get conquered.
Take Andorra, Reinforce all +2 and +3 cities, fill Spain
cool, hist bonus is 18 then Vikings>Great Emperor more shit
Make a conquest for Mecca and Medina
Will they have the ability to name their tribe i assume then?
Count my bonuses correctly pagan mong
you dont have paris OP forgot to fill it for me
Tribes can be named. Cancer names will be banned. Though technically you might as well just name it after the Chief, King or Emperor.
Paris is still Cleons
You had 21 points to spill, and Paris costs 18 to tale while HA is active.
your bonus even without paris is 22
Ok, then it's even more
dude paris isnt reinforced. it is only 6 total to take
cities are n*2
reinforces are n*4
even if reinforced it would only be 12 to take it
It is.
... this makes no sense. if you are doing real time there is no defense, yet you said defend in every one of your rolls. if these are math rolls which allow defense the reinforcements dont take effect until the mup.
either way paris is still max 12 to take...
I'm dumb. It should be 12. HA used to have 50% harder to take reinforced cities.
Corrected mup
I already did some other guys stuff, just waiting on Vikings and Maximilian
rolled here