Old one reached it's image limit.
New filename thread?
For fucks sake, will someone in that fucking nation hold himself to some standards?
Four of them are English and the one in the top right is Canadian. What are you trying to say here?
The guy in the center is skinny as fuck, and the guy in the bottom right is obviously in a fat suit.
>her web
>jewish drow
what on earth is the context of that?
I don't know, but /d/ has some funny fucking YLYL threads.
Don't know. Got it from /d/.
spot on
What game is this?
Y'know with a small change to the second panel you could go from something that pisses off 4channers to something they spam proudly to trigger Tumblr.
Here is my 9001 hours in paint edit
Hello, I am no fun allowed.
Boku no Pico.
never fails
>the left is a girl, and the right is a male
Of course.
References. Good story there user.
I only just realised how ass-ugly those textures are.
To be fair, whoever took that screenshot must have been running the game on a """"computer"""" beneath even toaster-tier.
To be fair I just want those fucking kids off my property entirely.
>How to get your house TP'd and egged
Fuck you my toaster gets me 20fps with those settings.
Hell, I'm in Chicago. They would burn your fucking house down.
holy shit, even attempting to understand that mess is making my head hurt
What child dresses as a soldier for Halloween? Is that a thing nowadays?
>my toaster gets me 20fps with those settings
I'm with this guy. I don't need photo-realistic graphics, I need something that runs smoothly on the laptop I bought 3 years ago, has an acceptable story, and great gameplay.
That's actually pretty funny
Dominions 4, it's pretty good if turn based strategy is your jam.
>I need something that runs smoothly on the laptop I bought 3 years ago, has an acceptable story, and great gameplay.
Play FEAR.
I already played through the first one several times already. Not a fan of the sequels, but the first was fantastic. It did so many things perfectly, it makes me wonder why more games aren't like it.
Still holds up today IMO. Might go reinstall it again.
I live in that town
FEAR 2 was pretty good. Much better than FEAR 3.
What in the fuck am I even looking at?
More like Lawful Neutral with evil tendencies
This is pretty much Pravin Lal in all of my SMAX games.
That is some horrendous short game, aim twice or more before you putt. Wait, there's no fucking hip movement, all fucking shoulder and core. Shit technique all around.
>choose your character class
>character creation
That's just lazy
>What child dresses as a soldier for Halloween? Is that a thing nowadays?
Some special cases still wants to be MUH-REEEEENS when they grow up
khu khu khue khuehehehe