>Who cares which classes or races are core at this point edition? spergs
Isaac Reed
Warlocks are core. And the best.
Connor Hill
The ones in the PHB. Sorry, but nearly nobody in these threads beyond maybe one or two people was even BORN yet when the original "core classes" is all there were to pick from and anyone complaining about it is just trying to find something new to whine about that isn't Rangers and Warlocks.
Apparently not enough people on /5eg/ play enough games to discuss the content of them on here.
Gavin Ross
I'm one year older than D&D.
Andrew Gutierrez
I'm trying to think of a neat defensive mechanic that's not a clone of a class feature, spell, or feat and doesn't just add a flat amount of AC. I'm trying to design a magic item to give to a cleric PC that just got to level 11 who has become the de-facto front-liner for my players.
Gabriel Rogers
Congrats, you're one of the two. Though I'm guessing you started playing late 1e at best?
Thomas Cooper
Nolan Perry
Cantrip, deals 1d8 damage, and adds that many temporary hitpoints to a friendly of your choice.
Cameron Butler
Friendly Reminder that Thief was never intended as a core class.
Cooper Lopez
give us more info, you looking for static bonus? a reaction mechanic? what type of cleric? what god do they worship? any relevant campaign stuff we should be aware of?
Angel Sanders
Basic D&D in late 1983(I got the red box for Xmas). We didn't play it correctly and my first DM was my friend's asshole older brother. We died a lot even back then because he didn't want to DM for us but his parents made him or he could host games for his friends in their garage.
I haven't played constantly since then. In and out. I quit completely in my late teens through late 20s because drugs and pussy seemed more important at the time. Got older and stopped thinking with my dick and got interested in playing again but very sporadically....5E pulled me back for real when I read the PHB though.
Joseph Walker
How about letting them Dodge as a bonus action after casting a healing spell, or letting them cast a bonus action spell after Dodging.
Dominic Jackson
>you looking for static bonus? No, it should require the character to do something. >a reaction mechanic? Probably a bonus action. Nothing too huge, because I think her problems could be solved if she'd take advantage of her domain abilities to push enemies around and then would move to a safer position. >what type of cleric? Tempest. >what god do they worship? Sovereign Host. I allow anything but Death domain for worshippers of the Sovereign Host even though Tempest wouldn't traditionally fall under their portfolio. >any relevant campaign stuff we should be aware of? Some intelligent or just really vicious enemies will double tap if you're down and they have more attacks left. I run high-damage low-HP encounters. I gave the character a set of armor that gives her the Tough feat and allows her to heal for proficiency + Wisdom mod when she uses Wrath of the Storm.
Casting a cure in combat is going to be a waste of a turn considering my encounter style. I want fast fights, which means glass-cannon type of enemies relative to the PCs.
Daniel Rogers
Is there any kind of shortened rules thing for players? I'm gonna be DMing for some friends in a few weeks and I know they won't read a long document, but I figured my chances would be higher for something short.
Aaron Long
Newb here. The additional HP gained from leveling up, is it just straight up the hit die roll + constitution modifier?
Jack Bennett
Yes, unless you take the average amount that the book lists instead.
Hill Dwarf (+1 per level) and the Tough feat (+2 per level) adjust the calculation.
Carson Wright
just tell them to read their classes. if they can't even be bothered to do that then there's no hope.
Most of the info they will need is in their classes, or will point to what relevant rules to search for (such as "reaction" or "concentration")
Andrew Myers
Look up the Starter Set rules or the Basic Rules
Matthew Nguyen
I am about 4 years older than OD&D, Started with the 1e Orange Spine editions around '84
Jace Diaz
How about a mechanic that magnetizes an enemy? Examples of how this could play out: +AC vs targets hit by lightning Bonus Action to push/pull enemy hit by lightning Force enemies you hit with lightning to convert half their damage to lightning (can be abused with resistance) etc
Owen Barnes
>+AC vs targets hit by lightning I don't like messing with bounded accuracy. So far she thinks having plate plus a shield should make her invincible, and no matter how good her AC is, the dice sometimes don't work in your favor. >Bonus Action to push/pull enemy hit by lightning Tempest clerics can do that with their level 6 feature without a bonus action. >Force enemies you hit with lightning to convert half their damage to lightning (can be abused with resistance) That's an option but I think if she concentrates on protection from energy all the time, I would play the NPCs as smart enough to go after more threatening targets since she'll be down to weapon + divine strike for damage output most of the time.
Adrian Smith
Here's One
Logan Smith
heres another
Cooper Parker
Last one....I have more but I'm lazy.
James Harris
I'm new to DMing but I've currently got a party that wants to long rest following every encounter. How do you guys know when you should interrupt these rests and how would you handle this sort of behavior?
Dylan Rivera
Per the rules they can't gain any benefit from more than one long rest per day.
Thomas Gonzalez
Where are they taking them? Are your encounters in a safe town, after which they just wait around all day then go to sleep?
Dylan Harris
What if when she pushes someone with a spell/feature they can't move within 5ft of her until her next turn. If she's having trouble with people getting through her AC then maybe something that gives her temporary HP would be the way to go.
Colton Young
Long Rests are REALLY long. That's 8 hours of doing nothing basically. If they're on ANY kind of timetable at all then a full Long Rest shouldn't be taken lightly.
Leo Mitchell
Alright. Reading rules for their classes sounds like a good idea, so I'll try that. Hopefully they'll at least do that.
I'll look through it, thanks.
Thanks mane. Looks pretty nice, might try em out.
Christopher James
Either wilderness or in dungeons. Last night they literally rested in a dead end corridor of a dungeon with no lights. They specifically stated they were extinguishing their light before starting.
Michael Hernandez
Have em get attacked by shit. That's like someone setting up camp in a closet in your house. You'd be upset, right?
Caleb Howard
Well first off, they can't just sleep whenever they want. You can only have one long rest per day. Secondly, you should be using random encounters. When they are in a dungeon, shit doesn't just stay in one room; it moves about. Same with the wilderness. Theres owlbears and shit out there
James Long
That's the plan. I'm just worried about TPKing them so early. Especially with them being new. At the same time, I'm not sure they'll understand WHY they're being attacked since I've made them do fights during their rets before and they didn't seem to care.
I think I'll step the danger level in the roaming encounters up some. Thanks for the help guys. Also thanks for letting me know about this
Jack Murphy
Alright guys, I somehow led my party into time travel.
How badly did I fuck up on a scale of 1 to "Janeway"?
Like, I don't even know how to rectify what they do in the past with what will happen when they go back to the future (yes I at least have a way for them to do that).
Short rests I let my adventurers get away with. But long rests in places like this are easily solved: have them be attacked. If it's a dangerous place then if they camp for 8 hours something bad will likely take notice.
My adventurers tried to camp in a side room of an old dwarven cavern long abandoned. They had already seen signs of something not right but camped anyhow (fought a troll at entrance). Guess who got a shit load of goblins in their face that night?
Anthony Rodriguez
To have the "why" you have to make it atmospheric. For example, one of them is awoken, or the watch I assume they set, hears something sniffing approaching. Turns out they were tracked there, having stayed in one spot so long, by some beast/group. Make sure the encounter makes sense for the location and make them understand that and it shouldn't be a problem.
Daniel Perry
I can see allowing a couple short rests, but more than that seems kinda shady. It'd be hard to not notice Froggy the Goblin and his pals Eight-toes and Panhead not appearing for afternoon cannibalism, and once you went looking, it'd be easy to find the source of the problem.
Jaxson Garcia
The only problem is that they built a party of three full casters and so after they blow their wad they end up with nothing they can do. I'm worried I'll wipe them if I hit them with real threats. But at the same time I want them to learn to manage resources instead of nuke every dire weasel they see.
I told them at the end of the session last night that I'm done pulling punches and that they're gonna have real challenges from now on.
Xavier Ortiz
Well yea, if they are getting excessive and doing them in really weird places I definitely do something.
But generally if it's a dangerous area but there shouldn't be anything that would pop up in about 30 mins, they can get away with it. For example, back to the abandoned dwarven cavern, assuming no one was seen and none of the denizens of that area were murdered recently, probably no one would know they are there right away.
Cantrips should be able to get them through most easier to medium encounters. Even casters also have weapons. Balance the encounters for their level. Also if one's a warlock then that caster has eldritch blast and their load is far from ever blown.
Andrew Peterson
In general the game is set up for 2 short rests and 1 long rest per day. I recommend any resting during the "working hours" of the locals should be interrupted unless the party really needs the rest. I'm only "punitive" with long rest encounters when they don't bother to post a watch or something.
I'm DMing Curse of Strahd right now and my party likes resting in the wilderness. They will eventually learn (and stop raining 20s on me), and in towns normally things are on a tighter timeline.
Dungeons also help the issue, they've been used since he beginning of TTRPGs for a reason.
Jacob Wood
Yeah, just remember that if that con modifier changes it also affects what the modifier was for every previous level, so at level 8 if you increase your con from +3 to +4 you gain +7 extra HP.
Henry Brooks
Thanks a lot for that info!
Liam Williams
I recently started a homebrew campaign over the summer but haven't had much chance to play it, we have only done three sessions so far. I want to run SKT now because I don't have time to write adventures.
The party are level 4, so I could make them level 5 and start at chapter 2 of the book. Thing is, I like the first chapter a lot (and low level adventures in general), so I'd rather have then start fresh at level 1. I'm pretty sure the players are annoyed by the character creation process though.
The other problem is changing campaign settings. I'm not too into the idea of the PCs just being retconned into the Forgotten Realms.
Jaxson Young
>The other problem is changing campaign settings. I'm not too into the idea of the PCs just being retconned into the Forgotten Realms.
Then make up similar locations for your own setting and use them.
Asher Sullivan
Choose target ally. For up to one minute, the next time that ally is targeted directly with an attack or harmful spell, you may swap your positions with that ally and take the attack in their stead.
Ian Garcia
How would you deal with an employee who wanted to sleep for eight hours after every meeting?
Connor Lee
On a roll of a 17 or higher on the die something happens that interrupts the rest, usually wandering monsters. In any event, they can only benefit from a long rest once per day anyway (they have to wait 16+ hours to benefit again from it) and if they keep trying to abuse, just make a DM call and either say they can't or just throw something dangerous at them.
Kayden Adams
How do you identify magic items? Are AoOs a thing as a standard course of things? Can damage interrupt spells?
Nathaniel Miller
>How do you identify magic items?
By casting Identify or, if you can attune to them, take a short rest to attune to them which should tell you everything you need to know unless the DM rules otherwise
>can damage interrupt spells? It'll force the creature to pass a concentration check if they're concentrating on a spell iirc. If they fail it, the spell drops.
Jacob Brown
>How do you identify magic items? identify spells or a short rest >Are AoOs a thing as a standard course of things? yes >Can damage interrupt spells? they can potentially break concentration spells
Colton Rodriguez
Just played my first session of a new campaign. My character is a dragonborn paladin/warlock, dressed in a suit and tie, with a 1911 in a shoulder holster. Anyone want to hear the story?
Wyatt Hall
You identify them by using them or casting the "identify" spell on them.
AoOs are a thing (tied into your reaction but it's a bit more limited than previous editions).
You have to take a feat (Mage Slayer) to do that.
Ryan Russell
Ok, I'm new to the game, and I suddenly realized I had to GM if I wanted to even play once. So I actually gathered up some people to play, but as I improvised the story of the first session, now I'm in a position where I need a BBGE,because I have now only like 3 midbosses. Things went like this:
>some people pressured me into being a DM >I accept; how difficult could it be? >"by the way, learn the whole thing this week; we want to play the sunday" >fuggggg >I actually memorized it, but getting the rules and everything into my brain made me forget about the story and how to glue the party together >day arrives, people start doing their characters >no time to plan; just roll with the first enemies I find in the manual >I land on the pit fiend's page; there's other devils there but I pick that one first >"user, we're ready!" >quickly bullshit some reason for it to be in the world >"ok, you all joined a secret cult because you wanted to belong into something, as you were all outcasts (they picked up 2 drows, one half-orc and one tiefling)" >"you didn't knew this particular cult was about infernal pacts or some shit like that, so you got stunned when you got just in time to see a human sacrifice happening" >"they succeeded to summon a... uh... Pit Fiend, but you didn't stayed to even witness that; the mere sacrifice turned you all down off of this shit" >in their way out, they had to battle some of the cultists that weren't focused on the ritual
Connor Murphy
fuck it, i'll post anyway
>be me, Clavarin Pallock, founder of the Oakblades, defender of the forest >perish in battle >be entombed, given great honors >a sacred sword is buried beside me >decades pass >wake up to find a god or some shit offering me immortality >in exchange, I have to fight in a war >accept, since immortality sounds cool >god disappears >arise, take the sword >go grab some adventuring gear >a week passes >suddenly transported to a plain white void >god dude is there, along with a group of strangers
Dylan Martin
>when they were almost out of the place, they find the Pit Fiend in front of them, looking for someone or something >they decide to look for an alternate exit, so they go back and they find every cultist has been murdered >"it was probably the fiend", they think, as I indicate there's a locked door nearby >they decide to loot the corpses to find a key, and they find it, along with some weird trinkets >at that point, the Pit Fiend comes to the room, sees them and they quickly go to the door >the key wasn't even the one of that door >they think they have to fight the Pit Fiend (lol) >the fiend notices the tiefling with one of the trinkets and tells her if "she was the one who summoned him" >she rolls with it and says yes >the fiend tells her that, as a gift for letting him into this plane, he will spare their lives, and he'll also give them one of his treasured weapons >he then fucks off and leaves a black sword on the ground >if they ever use it and kill 13 creatures with it, it will unleash another devil that is imprisoned into the very same weapon; but they don't know it and think it's just a +1 sword or something >this new devil will not pay attention to the party and will fuck off inmediately to assist the Pit Fiend in whatever he's doing at the moment; I still don't know what I should do with them, really
Now I need a big-ass Hellish nigga that could command the fiends into letting him into this plane or something, but my knowledge of D&D monsters is incredibly limited. Wat do?
Zachary White
How does Veeky Forums feel about multiclassing? Is there a beat level to do it? What are the best clases to multiclass into?
I'd prefer serious answers if I can get them :D
David White
Friendly reminder that if you unironically play Champion Fighter you are an idiot.
Christopher White
Anyone have "Treasure of the Broken Hoard?"
David Carter
Anybody know if DND 5th ed has been translated to Spanish? I wanna get into DND or tabletop something but I live in Mexico and don't have many friends who are fluent in burger runes nor the patience to translate the rulebooks for them.
Jacob Collins
You playing STK?
Austin Rodriguez
How do you play something ironically?
Aaron Miller
>a human druid, who we’ll call Forestbro >a halfling rogue with a staff twice her height, who we’ll call Halfling >a cleric, who we’ll call Medic >a warlock, who we’ll call Bob >a sorceror, who we’ll call Weeb >and a ten year old girl wizard in a straitjacket, who we’ll call Waifu >god dude is there; his name’s Gao >he tells us we’re going to go defend a realm that lacks magic of its own >we’re to stop an incursion into this realm, since it can’t defend itself >this will be very dangerous >accept anyway >immediately transported into a small modern living room, just across the street from Central Park >on the couch are three people >they introduce themselves as the gods of this realm >they tell us that a demonic realm is attempting to merge with this one, and we need to save it However… >death may be permanent >our weapons, equipment, and appearance will draw attention >under no circumstances can the people of this realm learn of the existence of magic. This real is only stable because of the Masquerade, a veil over everything magical. Tearing the veil will fuck shit up
Lucas Lopez
he means "having fun"
Isaiah Howard
Never. Ever.
Nigga, just tell them what their abilities do, and translate the names of the monsters with whatever bullshit you find more appropiate (like "beholder" as espectador, el ojote, el mirón, etc). It works for me. At the end of the day, it's all just reduced to dices and numbers, independently from names.
Luke Young
Well, what are you playing then?
Brody Fisher
Yeah, I'm scared about my new group, too. If I can get them to play, it will be their first TTRPG. I'll try to see if I can entice them into the roleplaying side a couple levels in and then wing it from there.
Joshua Martinez
you don't have to put yourself in that mindset that you need to have a certain number of mini bosses and final boss but i could see the pit fiend coming back, making demands and being an enemy, or the rest of the cult
Jayden Phillips
Don't ask him, he doesn't know. He never responds to questions; he comes onto the thread, posts his troll message, leaves, and then you idiots bite down like it was a Hershey's bar.
William Ramirez
As I improvised everything, I failed to see the bigger picture, and I'm honestly worried about the future of the campaign. The cult and the devil will come back later, that's for sure. But I still don't know how to make them fit into a bigger threat or something.
Cameron Brooks
>they hand each of us a ring and a wallet >the ring will divert attention from us in very minor ways, in addition to providing us access to the most common knowledge of this realm and allowing us to speak all its languages >the wallet will take the form of any type of identification, drawing its form from the mind of whoever we present it to >in addition, we each get a duffel bag with a change of clothes and 250,000USD >we begin doffing armor, changing clothes >gods enchant my halberd so I can shrink it at will >set Holy Avenger as my pact weapon >Gao informs us that he would like to ease us into this world, but there’s a situation developing and we need to be wheels up in thirty >whole party is desperately confused at the concept of air travel and the clothing, weaponry and customs of this new world >we ask the year >2016
Nathaniel Bennett
A pit fiend is threat big enough. You should worry about what they have to fece until they are powerful enough to face it.
Their redeeming deeds, from demonic cultists to saviors of the kingdom, should be a good enough story.
William Ramirez
Bear Totem Warrior Barbarian
Ian Bell
i wouldn't suggest planning that far ahead, they might not even use the sword or care about the pit fiend at all, remember you aren't writing a novel
Jacob Ward
I guess you're right and I'm trying to get too much planned. It's gonna be enough of a threat for a good amount of sessions, I believe. I should just take what we have now and add little things to it every now and then. That will help me to not railroad, too.
Thanks for the advice, homies.
Jaxson Green
>Gao hurries us all into a limo outside >hands each of us a smartphone >instantly exposed to more knowledge than we could possibly comprehend >sit there completely bewildered >attempt to figure out why so many are mourning the death of a gorilla >arrive at the airport >board private jet >give Gao a list of supplies to acquire >mix between functional gear and items we’re curious about >handguns >knives >traveler’s checks >laptops >Halfling orders injectable sedatives >Weeb orders a maid outfit >I order a suit and tie >Gao promises to have everything but the weapons waiting when we land
Wyatt Reed
Badass, one of my favorites. How's the game going anyway? Your GM any decent?
Jackson Morris
Six years older than D&D, quit over 3e, never tempted by the awful 4e, 5e drew me back into GMing.
I really feel this game doesn't need a plethora of classes (or races really). As a DM i can design a race if I want more of them. Everything else is just splatbook encouragement for worthless munchkins.
Brayden White
What's this from and where do I find the rest of it?
I find that most character ideas I would have considered multiclassing for in previous editions are more or less covered this time around due to the variety offered from paths, and for the rest I'm usually willing to settle so that I don't miss out on ASI/feats.
Christopher Myers
I feel you've got the right of it. People usually just multiclass as an exploit/way to nova on DMs who don't keep up consistent encounters.
There's a good path for nearly everything; once they have a Rogue that can use divine stuff all the bases will be pretty well covered. And for the record, I feel that homebrew Paladin paths are consistently the worst.
Brayden Cook
Do succubi and incubi work via sexual orientation or gender?
I have a lesbian PC to try to seduce.
Liam Flores
>Everything else is just splatbook encouragement for worthless munchkins.
I want to be more gracious and accepting of alternative playstyles, but I can't help but agree with this one. Never seen it anywhere except theorycrafters and people trying to "win" D&D.
Jaxon Campbell
Is it a fat dude playing a lesbian? Because I really feel this is super-likely. Also: ew
Juan Thompson
>Is it a fat dude playing a lesbian? Duh?
Adam Gonzalez
They can shapeshift, so probably orientation. Technically there isn't a difference between succubi and incubi other then what shape it happens to be in at the time you run into it.
Hudson Morales
Heh, I don't really care if people want to use an "official" race of Catgirls with +10 Racial Dex bonus.
What kills me are the prospective players who feel "entitled" to play them whatever my feelings as DM.
Brandon Phillips
ah but user gender is a social construct created by the man and bla bla bla...
grily bits = succubi meat and two vegg = incubi
Mason Barnes
Planning on using a Revenant in a game tomorrow to fuck with the players for murder hobo-ing. He's going to turn people a new city they come across against the players. Any thoughts on what else a vengeful spirit can do? Giving it some class levels to mimic what it was in life.
Jeremiah Brown
Prepare measures specifically against the party, after all they have fought the party before and would know their abilities.
Jonathan Murphy
Do you feel this will actually discourage murdering? If not, maybe put them in a setting where their style of play is more acceptable culturally, maybe something a bit more Fury-Road-ish.
You aren't gonna convince anyone to "play nice" in your genteel setting by harassing them with a monster. And they already know you can "beat them up", you are the all-powerful game-master.
Turn it into "Players vs the Gamemaster" and they may play elsewhere.
Easton Gonzalez
This guy has already lost, I feel.
The only two answers are usually A. Get new players B. Run a setting more in tune to the players style of play.
That's why the DM's Guide suggests you learn what the Players like.
Julian Perry
In short, if this is your Party, run your game like the Rutger Hauer movie.
Benjamin Powell
have any of you tried running 3e campaigns in 5e? i imagine the conversion isn't super difficult, but, to those of you who have had success, could offer any tips or potential snags you've came up with?
Cameron Sanders
we encountered one of these when we inadvertently killed the wrong guy >story if you want he proved to be an issue mostly through virtue of being un-killable and appearing at exactly the wrong moments
at first we're like Ooo a zombie, kill it
next night, same zombie... ok I see how this works. kill it, burn and salt the ashes.
a few days pass, and it's back, wearing a different body, and with a few skeletons...
after killing it the cleric is dispatched to work out what is this, and how to make it bugger off. he learns things, we make a plan...
next time, instead of killing it we tie it to an anchor and drop it in the ocean, problem solved!
next day we're sent to route out vampires, we do, we're just about to sit down for a post fight bandaging when... scratch, scratch, boom! guess who popes out of one of the coffins... the list go's on...
the current plan is to trap it in a another dimension, failing that I'm looking into linchdom, I mean, If I'm dead I'm off the list right?
Christian Flores
multiclassing is pretty unnecessary in 5e, to be honest
I only tend to do it if I want to pick up something from 1st level because I think it would fit. Taking a level of Rogue for instance, just to get Proficiency and actually be good at whatever your job is.
Isaiah Davis
I use a feat that gives Specialization in a Skill and +1 to the stat it's based on; it handles that very neatly.
William Diaz
does anyone have the pdf for the monster a day compendium? thx
Noah Richardson
DMing CoS
There are currently THREE full vampires in our Barovia.