Alright Veeky Forums I have an idea
We brainstorm an addition to character creation, which would be nationalities.
These can grant all sorts of bonuses, though they should be related to real world nations.
Alright Veeky Forums I have an idea
I'll start us off:
American : -4 INT, -4 WIS
Always thought about this since there was a Fallout mod that made asians better at energy weapons, blacks dumber but stronger, and whites all round.
>Bonus to naval combat
>Bonus to public order when conquering new land
>On creation roll 1d20, 15+ means home counties accent and +3 charisma
>Warm weather penalty
I think -4 wis, -4 cha would be more appropriate personally.
European: -5 STR, -8 CHA, +2 SMUG
-4 wis
-4 Cha
level Adjustment +1
Restricted to Good Alignments
fuck man idk, I tried
South African
+2 con
-2 int
-2 wis
+4 ZEF
Racial ability: WE WUZ
may make a bluff check at +10
Most canadians I've met are complete autists. Finland-tier. They don't know how to talk to people at all and overreact to the slightest, dumbest things. They're also completely convinced of their own superiority, despite having literally done nothing important, ever.
cue 'le canadians won ww2, they were the most feared soldiers, they were targeted first because germans feared the canadian!' or 'we wuz british, WHITE HOUSE'
You pathetic fucks couldn't even declare independence. You had to fucking ask.
>a fucking leaf
+ 1 multiculturalism
-1 military strategy
+1 multiculturalism
>energy weapons
fuckers can hardly use guns lmao
+2 Con
-2 Cha
may Short Rest anywhere
Sorry to tell you that, but it's an old idea. Hawkmoon already had it.
Some European countries: Germania (INT +1d4, CON +1d4), Greece (INT +1, DEX +1d4, STR -1d3, SIZ -1d3), Turkia (SIZ +1d4, DEX +1d4, CON -1d3 if higher than 10), Granbretan (STR +1d6, INT +1d6, SIZ +1, POW +1d4, CHA -1d8 if highre than 10), Ukraine (STR +1d3, CON +1d6, INT -1, DEX -1d3)
Some American states: Kanada (STR +1d3, CON +1d4), Forda (SIZ +1d3), Xas (CON +1d3, DEX +1d6)
You see american, That kind of rant is why most of Europe likes Canadians at least most of the time they are polite
Well this thread got gay in a real hurry. Fuck this shit, I'm out
American: -2 INT +2 WIS +2 CON
Racial powers: Am I being Detained?
Once per day per level an American adventurer may provoke a lawful-aligned character to attack with lethal intent.
Racial Bonus: All Americans have a +2 to Firearms and Knowledge (Corporations)
(see Chinese)
Actually pretty good, though it could have the subtype of conservative.
That's because you only meet fellow autistic fucks on Veeky Forums.
Yeah, -1 to military strategy. But we have most of the world's uranium and fresh water.
So the Ghandi option is always there.
I'd say you would also want to have -1 industrial production. Our nation is heavily over invested in primary resources. Logging and oil and mining and shit.
But we would also get a bonus to trade because we're the only source for a lot of resources. Like when the nuclear power plant in Ontario or whatever crapped out and radiology just kind of stopped in NA.
Or have Canadians just be the all rounders. We're pretty inhibited against any sort of extremism here. He'll we don't even have a culture, and I'm pretty okay with that. Fuck flags.
>Knowledge (Corporations)
-2 Knowledge (Corporations)
We Americans retain our sanity by living in denial.
Delete the OP pic, it's not funny
Japanese and Canadian
National Advantage: Innocuous
These nationals receive a +2 negotiation/bluff bonus in any situation in which any other member of the party involved in the altercation is aware of their nationality, and they can use their reputation as harmless and civilized peoples to calm or extradite themselves from a potentially violent or otherwise troublesome situation.
For Japanese nationals, however, this bonus is inversed within Asia, or when dealing with Asians of other nationalities. (Cuz they know better.)
>For Japanese nationals, however, this bonus is inversed within Asia, or when dealing with Asians of other nationalities. (Cuz they know better.)
For Canadians, this bonus is inversed in on-line situations, because everyone knows they are shitposters to a degree seconded only by Australians.
(Also, Australians: +4 Shitposting.)
Australians: +4 Shitposting, +1 Survival, +2 Animal Handling, +2 CON vs. Alcohol/Beef, +2 Knife Identification