Catachans are fucking cool, they remind me of Predator movie. Post Catachans.
Catachans are fucking cool, they remind me of Predator movie. Post Catachans
As said in another thread:
> Catachan is the kind of planet where Alpha Blanks spawn naturally, and are constantly at war with sentient black holes for some bullshit reason.
> The local birds mating call is literally screaming "RULES OF NATURE" and mimicking the guitar sounds perfectly. The mates that accept drown out all the sounds of the night with "AND THEY RUN WHEN THE SN COMES UP" before laying their eggs which also produce lethal flame starting heat.
> The Tyranids are invading the galaxy because they're running from something far worse. That worse something is coming in response to the Planet itself sending out a mating call.
> It's where the Chaos Gods will go when they die.
> Ynnead, the Eldar God of death, is a species of plant-life native to it.
> Malal is a psychic reflection of Catachan.
The faint sound of "paint it black" is in the air day and night
So are the best Imperial Guard units there? Why fight for a deadly jungle when they could be kicking ass somewhere else? Maybe the Imperium should rotate units through Catachan to toughen them up.
> Catachan hardened Krieg troops.
The Imperium has won. Every war, forever.
Catachan would be a paradise compared to the complete and utter shithole that is Krieg
>Post Catachans.
oh 80's movies
when people thought bodybuilders would make good soldiers
>strength isn't an asset in combat
Don't give me that bullshit that bodybuilders have nonfunctional ''beach muscles'' either, you DYEL faggot.
>FFGs the catachan female is a ripley clone
>not Vasquez
which is why no actual soldiers look like bodybuilders
It's almost like someone who eats 4 time as much as a regular guy, gets tired easily and need a strict schedule of training and rest would be a poor soldier.
It really boggles the mind
>Why fight for a deadly jungle when they could be kicking ass somewhere else?
You misunderstand. The Imperium has an entire colony there, made up of nomads constantly on the move in giant crawlers. They have to keep moving because when you cut down the jungle it grows back more aggressively, and the native life will pause in slaughtering each other to slaughter you instead. So they live out their lives constantly on the move, and the weak do not last long. Nevertheless, they survive and the population is stable.
The Catachan PDF is engaged in a neverending war with the flora and fauna, blazing trails for the "civilian" crawlers and hunting down the most dangerous wildlife. This makes it a perfect recruiting ground for Imperial Guard regiments. The literal main export of Catachan is badasses.
How common are cybernetics of this level in the Imperium? This looks a lot more 'modern' than a lot of the cybernetic stuff that's mechanicus branded.
Wait since when do bodybuilders get tired easily?
Is that actually a thing?
Lots of lifting, little cardio for stamina.
lot's of muscle requires lots of oxygen
More modern than some, less modern than others.
The Imperium doesn't usually display all that much complication in acquiring much of this stuff. If you have access to it at all, you can usually pick your brand of choice. Odds are high that was shoved into him by a techpriest anyways.
Pretty rare, but not that rare. Iron Hand is a colonel, and a particularly famous one from a famous world. So he warrants some high level stuff. T