Take whatever weird fucked up fetish you have in your magical realm and turn that into a new and fun playable race.
Flesh it out as much as you can
Take whatever weird fucked up fetish you have in your magical realm and turn that into a new and fun playable race.
Flesh it out as much as you can
Other urls found in this thread:
bumping for interest
This thread is not going to go well.
Literally just Driders
I don't know it's necessary; humans are already depicted as sort of low-key xenophiles some of the time, and otherwise there's just the desire for a variety of other intelligent species that aren't all always-evil rip-your-guts-out-as-soon-as-look-at-you types.
Uh...my only fetish is small-breasted girls (high B cup max) wearing jeans or other pants but no shirts or bras. I just find it sexy for some reason.
I'm not sure how that could be turned into a playable race. There's not much to go on.
It had my sympathy because Oban but the actual topic is dumb.
>Uh...my only fetish is small-breasted girls
>public sex is one and only real fetish
well, fuck. i mean, i guess it could be like...hm.
Okay. Forest-dwellers that draw their energy thru their skin, akin to MGSV's Quiet. The society is based on nudity, to the point at which clothing is irrelevant. Status is obtained through not clothing or tattoos, but hairstyles.
Houses, in said colony, do not exist. There is no need to be removed from the forest, as they are friends of the animals (and, as such, all vegetarian). this does not mean, however, that they are pacifist in anyway; they war with each other extremely frequently. Armor never having been invented, they use primarily caveman-tier weaponry as nothing more is needed.
"Girls" as in the colloquial way of referring to females of any age. I meant adult women.
When a singer says "baby" you do think he's literally referring to a 1-year-old?
user, you don't understand the challenge you have given me.
Not because it's hard to make any one of my fetishes a race. No. Because I jack off to SUCH A WIDE VARIETY OF THINGS that any result is going to be a mish mash of contradictory and outright impossible ideas.
Like, vore, tf, straight, impregnation, infertility, monstergirls, normal girls, ANIME girls, sexy robots, unsexy robots, powerful women, submissive women, powerful men, submissive men, powerful robots, bats, anal, sharkmouths, sea life, dystopias, cyberpunk, utopias, appropriate character dynamics, swimsuits, and god, I don't even KNOW the name for THAT stuff over there.
>Status is obtained through not clothing or tattoos, but hairstyles.
I like where this is going.
. . . . Damn it. I'm a regular human fighter.
I'm pretty vanilla. And I'm okay with that.
Easy there, Slaanesh.
I just...
This is a really hard challenge.
Then complete the challenge you fag.
Well, that tears it.
It would have to be some kind of race that splits off into entire geneologies of creatures. Like some kind of protoplasm.
It wouldn't be fun to play NOW, but in 50 billion years after fetivolution has occurred and created numerous races, hoo boy.
Seeing how I like impregnation, and aliens, I guess a race of hypersexual ayy lmaos who want to fuck everything?
Nigga this is stupid.
You shouldn't mix your fapping material with your gaming material.
It ain't right.
It is against gawd.
Nah, it's better to get the blueprints ready and shit, you know?
It's not the only really hard thing in this thread.
>I like impregnation, and aliens
But that magical realm race already exists, user
Hmm... Impregnation, thick thighs, goth girls, bestiality, and monsters fucking humanoid girls...
Sounds like we've got one hell of a sexually dimorphic race on our hands here.
I am so grumpy we don't have a solid sim-ant style alien game.
I think you've hit the point where you don't actually have fetishis anymore, you're just over stimulated and have lost the ability to discriminate.
That's rape and aliens.
I like lovey dovey, hand holding baby making.
Rape isn't that hot for me.
Yes yes. You like Beastmen. With mascara.
You're thinking of Asari.
Well, at least there's still some things I don't like. So I have that scrap left.
Asari are just rubber forehead humans, and don't even reproduce sexually anyways.
I bet you listen to "everything but rap and country" too.
Thankfully, I have music I like and listen to, and music I tolerate enough to enjoy it is around as categories.
So my "likes" are almost universally very specific things like videogame or movie soundtrack pieces and individual artists.
Though I don't really like a lot of rap. I can't get into the beat of many of them, and the ones I can get into the beat of turn out to be rapping over some other artist's song, which is insulting to me somehow.
The Blind. A race of eyeless crafters with very an excellent sense of touch who routinely construct magical glasses that allow them restricted sight. The glasses are frail, and each has a specific focus: Violence, nobility, love, animals, you name it. Some glasses may have bans, specific things that it will absolutely never see, like the blessed, anything from the elemental plane of fire, unhealthy food, the list goes on too.
It's fairly standard for any person of the Blind to carry half a dozen glasses with them at any moment, and to switch glasses many times in a single day. They also tend to know how to care for their artifacts, and a rather large proportion of them know how to fabricate trinkets (like those very glasses) from start to finish, given time and tools. The least adept of the Blind will dedicate a substantial proportion of their income to buying new pairs, and the rare proud Blind will forego the glasses entirely and rely on familiars, a cohort or magical senses. A Blind with no glasses on their nose or hanging at their belt is typically cocky, and more often than not has the magical might to back it up.
Actual artificers are more common among the Blind than in any other race, and the wonders they work will tend to revolve around making glasses that can see extra things, glasses that pierce through lies, glasses that "zoom" to help ranged combat, glasses of detect evil,...
But all of these glasses share a common flaw: They are very fragile. Just wearing them will eventually break them down. So the Blind, all of the Blind, cannot just have their glasses and stop thinking about it. Acquiring or constructing new glasses is the background work of most of their lifetimes, and full philosophies are born from this idea of living in the now, using what will turn to dust and then building anew.
(Yes I have a glasses fetish)
>mfw it's domination and mock-rape
Dunno... Dark Eldar?
As in, rape during which you are mocked, or "play rape"?
Because in case of Deldar, I can see them doing the former, but not much the later, because they do mean business when they want to hurt and dominate you.
Personally I most prefer rap from the 80s and very early 90s, before it got notably angry. Run DMC, Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jazz, and so on. I do like me some Beastie Boys and Cypress Hill as well.
My favorite rap song is "Ant Rap", though, but that's probably because I'm just an Adam Ant fan in general.
I've never heard a Tupac or Big E. song I liked, nor anything that sounds like them.
Tiny sized, with huge penalties to strength and bonuses to dex.
Very low walking speed, but can fly. Can't fly with medium or heavy armor equipped.
Weapons made for their size do very little damage.
Some fey stuff yadda yadda.
And done!
Man. I'm just not feeling it at all.
You tried, though, so thank you.
So it's just a race of T H I C C Halflings then? Or just vanilla Dwarves would work too.
How the fuck could I do that?
Oh wait... Hags
Adam Ant can be hard to get into, but his band was actually pretty important musically as it typified the transition from 70s punk into 80s post-punk and new wave.
The rap song I posted wasn't his usual style but it actually has lyrics dealing with a lot of the reason for that transition:
>So tired of anarchists looking at me
>Don't need their credibility
>"Destroy!" they say, "defy! condemn!"
>As long as you don't destroy them
>With 20 years of drugs and drink
>I thought the time had come to think
>About standing up and saying that
>It's tragedy and such old hat
>Sid Vicious, cheer the fuck up. Life isn't bad.
>wanting Hags
Well... Hags are close anyways. I like pretty vanilla breeding, so maybe more like gender-swapped hags that cuck other village men into raising their spawn.
I guess a changeling-like thing works too where a faerie flats impregnates the woman and then the couple raises the kid with the man thinking nothing is wrong but the woman knowing it isn't his.
>young women in love with their own fathers
>relationship both cute and lewd
>mothers nowhere to be seen
I'd rather stick to humans, maybe just a new paladin order or a new barbarian clan
No nobody here is into m-preg?
No, but now I'm idly curious whether seahorse people are a thing in some setting or another.
Literally just snakes.
that's only okay if your fetish is concave chest dimples and something clearly not loli, or else
>Monster girl fetish, insect-morph in particular.
The Chik'tak Hive.
Humanoïd creature, shorter than the classical human. Divided in three genders. Four small eyes resting on a chitin flat face madibles and small pointy teeth for the soldier breed, honey-making glands and mandible for drones.
Narrow frames. Neck, thorax, belly and abdomen would be made of a taunt leathery skin-like membrane. Two main arms, two smaller "manipulator arms" and two slender legs covered by chitin.
Gender are differenciated by their role in reproduction : "Females" prodcues small orb-like eggs, "Males" produce the usual seed and "Incubators" have massive abdomens that host both eggs and seed.
Society would be caste like : One Queen and her entourage incubator hanndmaiden. Soldiers of all genders having the strenght of the usual humanoid creature and an army of halfling-sized drones that would dig out the earth.
Would use honey as food and eggs as money. Would gladly steal other races eggs for the exotic factor. Would abduct people to work as drones or soldier on smaller sized hive.
Would make weapons of discarded chitin, stinger-launcher crossbows, armor made of metal + honey combo.
Would be highly curious of other civilizations as they would sounds utterly alien to them.
No telepathic hive mind or mind power, just an insane loyalty sense towards the hive.
Chik'tak adventurers would be soldiers promised to be elevated to queen or prince consort if te accomplish something great / Disgruntled soldier of a previous generation that have been cycled out and banished / curious handmaidens that wants to understand "mammal culture".
Some Hives would be slaver-like, some underground desert hive would be a commercial crossroad and melting pot, some hives would turn to necromancy to avoid dying out.
Would that be interesting ? What else should be fleshed out ?
Mind control / Hypnosis: The Race.
Well, races with natural telepathy aren't especially rare, so it can be done reasonably.
Honestly they already exist. Vampires, Succubi, and Drow.
Obviously evil women who use sex as a weapon turns me on.
Would you believe that there is NO Rule 34 art of the four Andorian sexes anywhere on the Internet? All I want is a fourway between chaan, thaan, shen, and zhen.
My fetish is fat chicks. No one likes fat people.
(Except fuckers like me, I guess)
Your dad is never gonna bang you, get over it
Even though my main gig is sizeplay and TF I made this and I'm sure it's plenty of peoples' first choice.
Big Dom with small Sub.
Just use the natives from the Avatar movie and interspecies relationships.
They already exist, and I have already made a much better society and place for them in my campaign setting. They are loosely based off the Rabari people of northern India with elements incorporated from Kazakh and other cultures.
Duties of home and business are shared, with the women being in charge due to size and ability to dominate over the males. Machismo is discouraged and frowned upon, with women preferring gentle and kind men who defer to the stronger sex. all of this is literally taken from actual spotted hyena social structure and mate preference
Both sexes generally, at least within the gnoll lands, wear loose clothing which features multicolored and intricate patterns, along with jewelry made from gems and metals they have mined or traded for.
Hunting is plays a large part within their culture. A coming of age ritual sees groups of young gnolls, 4-5, heading out to hunt for a week unsupervised.
Gnolls sell their abilities as hunters and warriors to mercenary groups who protect the trade route that travels through their southern lands.
When it comes to food, their dishes are Turkic in style.
Religion wise, they worship the gnoll pantheon which is headed by She-is-Fiercer, the matriarch of all gnolls.
>all these people who mix up turn-ons and fetishes
Every time
Succubi are like vampires, but must fucc instead of succ?
What's the difference ? English is not my mother's tongue so I don't know the differece between turn-on, fetish and kink.
are you a leg man?
Turn-ons are just things you're attracted to but can take or leave them.
Fetishes make or break sex. Sex without your fetish is either boring, difficult, or impossible.
Kink is slang for non-standard turn-ons.
Luchador race.
Boom, easy.
What if I take off one of their masks?
No meme answers though
actual player race in this game
Their faces are near identical, so they differentiate themselves through their masks. Their first mask is made for them by their parents, then they learn to make their own masks as children, and they then make a new mask to signify adulthood. A Luchian may have the same mask from adulthood until death, or they may go through many masks, depending on the directions their lives go. Removing a Luchian's mask is seen as a great insult, but destroying the mask is akin to destroying the Luchian's identity.
Some Luchians will take the masks of their defeated foes and turn them into a trophy mask, but this behavior is considered disgusting by the honorable folk of Luchian communities.
They lose a ton of status as it is a massive mark of failure. This, in turn, means that mask matches are only called if one of the race feels like one has been irreparably shamed by the one they challenge.
Heavily altered in the western localizations.
But still fits. Their theme (aside from being lolicon bait) is that they're like forest sprites or hobbits. So just go with that.
>Magical gender bendy shenanigans
An uncommon parasite found around magical cities turns it's hosts into female forms so they can lay the parasite's eggs. The longer they remain transformed, the more their memories shifts to think they have always been female. Represented in game by shuffling skill points and ability scores (or your system's equivalent) over time. Could be an interesting exploration of gender roles and nature/nurture, but more likely a fapbait story arc about a muscley barbarian turning into a slut.
Well, I guess this ends up being something from the felarya setting....
I'll do you one better
Here's the vore homebrew I made.
I am, but it's lower on the totem pole.
I am, but it's kind of a sub-fetish. I'm just bisexual with pregnancy fetish. Also sadism, rape, and occasionally gore.
So really just xenomorphs, but getting actual pregnant.
Watch out for them barber death squads
>Normal Girls
>Powerful Women/men, Powerful women/men
>Appropriate character dynamics.
Fuckin' hell mate. I've desensitized myself to a lot of stuff, but nothing as degenerate as this shit.
Those are the worst kind of niggers
Not really going to work as a race, but I did write a class that originally started as me trying to make a serious playable class somehow based on my magical realm (that was a pretty fun thread). The final version had most of the magicalness removed, and was surprisingly well received. Personally, I found the un-sanitised version better, though, not for fetish reasons but for being mechanically more interesting (although part of the reason for that is me switching game systems during writing).
On a related note, I also recently found out somebody is making an RPG practically entirely around my magical realm, and on a brief glance it seems mechanically pretty OK.
If you have a fetish where this is possible, you are a normie pleb.
I'm quite proud to say that I took part in Veeky Forumss old "Sexy Jewish Minotaur" initiative and that I believe it produced a fairly acceptable race concept until NiceDaemonette shat everything up.
Technically, it also isn't a fetish unless it's centered around an object. Like, if your fetish is submissiveness, it isn't really a fetish.
They were literally just the Apis from Changing Breeds, except with tits on em. The only original thing about them was the supposed "Hebrew mythology" inspiration, and even that was bullshit.
>high heels
How do I make this a race?
Natural high heels that grow out of their feet?
Legs are structured in such a way that walking with the heels on the ground is extremely uncomfortable, so footwear aims to lift the heel as high as possible?
i think the answer you're looking for is succubi, user
I remember an ecchi manga which eventually revealed that the futanari protagonist's "father" was member of a race of hermaphrodites who otherwise look like human women. The interesting thing was that instead of instantly going the full fetish route, it's actually played for laughs and the "father" explains their race in quite realistic, non-sexualized terms, with the hermaphroditism only mattering insomuch they found it curious that humans have evolved to have separate sexes (they explain that on their planet, evolution never progressed down that route).
The protagonist's only response to all of this is something like "Wait, my father is a WOMAN?"
A fetish is an attraction to an object or body part that isn't the genitals.
Kink is pretty vague, but I tend to describe it as an attraction to an act, rather than an object (i.e. being attracted to spanking is a kink, but being attracted to whips is a fetish)
Warforged Thrallherds and I'm pretty much done.
Some satyr/nymph/etc race which used to have hooved feet but pissed off a god and he cursed them by taking away their hooves while leaving the same leg structure, so they had to invent high-heeled shoes to keep walking comfortably
Or just satyrs, for that matter. Hoofed fit basically look like high heels.
Yea they do, but I presumed user wanted literal straightforward highheel shoes, no substitutes.
ITT, how to get kicked out of a group by being a dumbfuck.
>high grapple build
>drowning rules
>literally any race is viable for this
Not sure how to improve on it desu senpai
>When a singer says "baby" you do think he's literally referring to a 1-year-old?
I've got a thing for romance plots that progress mainly through subtext and people accepting each others' flaws rather than just ignoring them so i guess that explains a few things about my elves
>my fetishes are /ss/ and thick voluptuous women
So I guess a race where the males are always youthful and small and most likely hung like horses while the females are greatly bigger and jutting out to every direction with their curves. Of course I personally dislike races that look exactly like humans so I would most likely alter their skintone or give them weird ears or something more drastic, but still keeping it within the fetish territory without going all monster girl.
You need more constitution than they do for starters
My fetish is pregnancy, so I'm not sure how you'd make a race around that. Although I do admit that I included thing about elves having long pregnancies (which seems to show up in multiple settings, including warhammer/40k, some DnD settings, and even Tolkien's legendarium) in my setting because it's related to ym fetish. Also it fit in with some other things about elven culture in the setting. Not that the players would likely to notice that, as it's just one minor detail about different races' cultures and biology among many others.