Ban Generals

There are 42 'general' threads on Veeky Forums right now (the extra 21 are from repeats in the descriptions). 42/150 is 28%. Clearly general threads are overwhelming the board and displacing true Veeky Forums content.

Thus I humbly propose that General threads be banned, and possibly that a board be made for them, named /gnl/. Given their pervasiveness, it's obvious they have enough of a support base to survive independently from the proper Veeky Forums community.

And before you claim that I'm an idiot and that general threads would never survive on their own board, I'd like to say that I posted in a general thread back in 2009 once, so I clearly have a full understanding of the modern general community.

Let's make this happen, Veeky Forums!

Weve kicked things off the board for less.

t. Bootyblasted quester

Stay mad, Questfag

I'm aware. Given that quests never made up more than 8% of threads in the catalog but were given their own board, I thought that generals, making up 28%, should obviously be granted a board of their own.

>Not purging Veeky Forums of undesirables
Get out of here questfags

That is way too many, there is room for separate threads.

This is now Savage Worlds of My Little Pony General.

How well does the Daunt mechanic work? Does it work well as-written or does it need a bit of GM oversight to keep things from being imbalanced?

Makes sense. We need more room for discussin.

How do we get generalfags to leave?

>quests never made up more than 8% of threads in the catalog

Bullshit, it wasn't uncommon to see upwards of 20 of them.

Elf slave wat do

Considering a lot of these Generals right now are very new threads, and ones I've never seen before (elf, peasant, etc) I think they were all made by OP just to make this thread more justifiable.

>comparing general threads for Veeky Forums topics to quests which are not related in the slightest

What a thoroughly stupid person you are.

Both untrue and significally fewer than generals.
Good show, generalfags.

Generals are way more board related than Quests though, dumbass. It's not the same comparison

>My discussion of waifus is Veeky Forums related

It's false-flagging 101.

Seen that exact shit when /qst/ began, and the same shit from anti-questers way back when quests started becoming common. And the same shit from people buttmad about any /v/ setting being on Veeky Forums, like the Elder Scrolls or Veeky Forums's SS13 server.

>sekrit clubs
>good for an image board
Get the fuck out questgeneralfag

I'm not defending generals, but that statistic is something that does not exist outside of your imagination.

No. While some generals are undeniably clusterfucks, other generals are alright, and by making a new board dedicated to generals, you're going to encourage rampant identity fagging without an established community at the board's inception, which will turn it into a steaming turd.

There's nothing wrong with generals, would you prefer 10,000 threads asking "why isn't sol ring banned in commander?" and "X person in Y setting, stat me.".

Now now user, that would be silly. Who ever heard of making bad examples of a thing to skew statistics?

>While some generals are undeniably clusterfucks, other generals are alright
You mean like quest?

If you questfags wouldn't have created those [fantasy races] general threads, there would be less of them. And they are still more Veeky Forums related than quests. If you don't believe me, ask the mods.

Right, because having 28 MtG threads instead of about 10 is a wonderful idea. Now let's expand that to 3.PF, board games, multiple flavors of Warhamner, and how many threads do you think we'll be left with?

As cancerous as generals tend to be, I'd rather have those topics contained and ignored than further shitting all over the place.

>Im not a generalfag, i just want more generals!
Go back to your waifus, generalfag

>haven't been to Veeky Forums in a while
>see the sticky
>mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord

This thread is delicious.

Stat me

I think that GW content is taking up too much of this board and should be moved to /gw/. FFG should go there too since they're basically the same company.

Mtg could go to /mtg/, I'm sick of seeing multiple threads for that too.

I'm not a fan of Warmachine or Hordes so that should just be banned outright

D&D's big enough for it's own board, anyone who mentions it here's just wasting the time of real gamers

Personal anecdotes aren't really Veeky Forums either, I'd say any personal opinions or stories should move to /ane/.

>this guy
False equivalency. Quests had little to do with Veeky Forums other than occasionally using concepts. Generals, on the other hand, are almost always related.

I dunno, mods said quests were related for 8+years, but shitposters refused to believe.

>questfags literally get their own entire board to make whatever quest they want
>free from people who hate quests
>free from people who question whether it's Veeky Forums related
>given new tools to make running quests better and easier

>continue to complain and false flag and make spiteful threads




>Thus I humbly propose that General threads be banned, and possibly that a board be made for them, named /gnl/.
Sure. I agree with this notion wholeheartedly.
We would name the board /tgg/.
And what's left would remain on Veeky Forums.

And Veeky Forums would be to /tgg/ what /v/ is to Veeky Forums - a cancerous place where traditional games aren't actually discussed, instead overwhelmed by "elf slave wat do?" and other cancerous threads - basically, a containment board.

I support the creation of /tgg/ completely and absolutely.

Please quote the post where I said that generals should stay, or defended them in any way whatsoever. For reference, my other posts in this thread were

Generals have more to do with waifus and monstergirls than Veeky Forums.

So should Guild threads be banned too? They are roleplaying and don't even use dice!
But if generals get their own board you can have autosage after 5 days and forced IDs so people can't pretend they have more people on their side of an argument!

How salty can one person get?

And now they said it isn't okay anymore. If your government establishes a new law that prohibits a thing, do you continue to do the thing because you could do it the years before?

>They're false flagging!
Funny how it is always the other guy falseflagging

>Killing the main source of OC on Veeky Forums

good job mods! this will really help the quality.

There was a successful motion not long ago, which resulted in the creation of a separate board, the Traditional Generals, Veeky Forums for short. Is this your fucking first day here or something?

And wtf are you even doing in the generals board? Mooods!

You mean a board where we could acually discuss tabletop gaming? Shit yes.

As someone who's loved reading quests, I'm glad they don't have to share a board with /elfslavewatdo/ anymore

Are you literally mad that one person cannot pretend to be many people in order to get their way in a quest?


The part where you lied about general count, of course.
Dumb generalfags

Some may, most don't, and that's more of a problem with the posters on Veeky Forums than a general, in general.

user, you're working yourself up with nonsense and strawmen, while entirely missing the point.

Are you literally not mad that an image board is forcing IDs?

You mean like how the /tv/ people wanted a celeb board and posted multiple generic images of generic white women who starred in some movie, screenshotted it, and said "THIS IS WHY WE NEED /celeb/" multiple times per week?

Also, I can vouch for Peasant General being a thing, but also very uncommon so yes, the false-flagging is happening. There are people SO AUTISTIC and SO OUT OF CONTROL they do this because they're told "Use this board you were given, faggot".

Wow, this thread totally proves that questfags are not just worthless shitposters who want to fill Veeky Forums with crap. Good job OP.

Nope, they're useful tool for certain kinds of threads, like Quests, where the identity of the OP or contributors is important

Apparently, the correct response is to break the law for a decade straight until you get your way.
I mean, it worked.

>running games isn't Veeky Forums
I will never understand this no matter how you phrase it.


Being on /qst/ is being on Christmas Island and with only shipwrecks to boost your population. Quests do not a board make, they are an activity not a community. Almost no one takes part in more than 1-2 quest over as many years, there's no core demographic so you can't simulate the pick-up and play experience on an isolated board with no exterior traffic.

>what is a tripcode

That actually sounds like a good idea.

I unironically love the Mods on this board.

They got rid of ERP, and are getting rid of Quests.

/wsg/ was okay, because often enough it contained all the fetish threads that remain the only real problem on this board.

Once we find a way to get rid of fetish threads, this will be a golden board.

>Generalfags blame others for their own shit threads
You sound just like the questfags. Probably are one.

>liking mods

Nobody was breaking the law before the new law. Some people were just complaining until the government started to listen to those people.

Why are there so many fucking morons on this website who have a problem with generals?

How is it better to have every single Flames of War idea, discussion or question in its own thread instead of in one place? To use just one example. I would assume they are all trolling if this nonsense was not bandied about so often.

>running games isn't Veeky Forums
It began as Veeky Forums, as most things on Veeky Forums do, but then it quickly devolves into non-Veeky Forums, and people fight back about why it was Veeky Forums by trying to make it Veeky Forums, followed by people fighting back against the people fighting back, trying to make it not Veeky Forums.

In the end, you're left with something that is sort of Veeky Forums, which, by definition, is not Veeky Forums; Thesis, Antithesis and, Synthesis you dolt.

Kill yourself modcuck

Generals are a large part of the threads on Veeky Forums at the moment, and they frequently end up being less about the topic and more just a chatroom for bullshit.

Suck some more mod cock. Remember to not leave out the balls.

>running games
Quests are not like running an RPG. They are like choose your own adventure book.

you're using the word game wrong

> a board where we could actually discuss tabletop gaming
That's exactly what I'm talking about.
No more shitty fantasy racism threads, no more filename threads, no more stupid greentext one-liner threads.
/tgg/ would be a glorious place.

So, this is a good place to discuss it.
Anyone else worried that the policy of Veeky Forums can now be changed if you break the rules to shitpost for long enough?

It seems like any autust with a grudge and the ability to ban evade cam get his way as long as he is dedicated.

Nope, I'm a "Get your meme off the main board and onto your containment thread, waifu-fucker"-fag

Cry all you want, your voice will go unheard.

To the mod that keeps deleting these threads. It's not going to solve anything. You need to let people vent for about a week or so before things calm down a bit, and the Veeky Forums ecosystem returns to stasis.

Wow that sure is a whole load of words that mean nothing Mr Mod.

I'm tempted to make a new thread for every question I have until this thread 404s just to prove how stupid OP's idea is

They were explicitly getting repeated bans for their shitposting against quests for a period of eight years.

It seems like that is the way to go about it. Break the rules, get banned, do it again.

Sticky this thread Mods, let us get it all out here. Let this be the battlefield where the Questers realize they've already lost. More threads will inevitably pop up anyway. Leave this one here til everyone gets tired of arguing about it and getting their Quest threads moved.

>Nobody asked for a new board besides the few Anti-quests fags
>Those who hated it were ignored or reported
>We never invaded OTHER threads about it but got invaded
>Be thankful for these things you never asked! It was hard work!

But on a more serious note Generals aren't Traditional Games. Quests aren't were 'groups' of people partaking in a 'quest or adventure' like you'd do on a table top or hell even Roll20.

I agree. They should get there own board. Clearly they are sufficient in numbers.

>They are like choose your own adventure book.
Oh CYOA books those things that have NOTHING to do with traditional gaming of course!!

You fucking moron.

I'm honestly impressed that this thread's managed to survive this long.

Maybe NeoNazimod has less power than his senpai.

>being this pretentious

>I have no counter argument, so appeal to authority
Just because it was redundant and pedantic, doesn't mean it isn't true. If it was Veeky Forums related, it would be Veeky Forums related, and no one would argue about it.

ITT: Questfags false-flag to try and make their delusions come true

You only believe there are like 3 people against Quests because you spend all your time in Quest threads

You are posting obvious lies, why?

Can you imagine how stupid it would be if every single post chain in /hwg/ became its own thread? Hell before /awg/ existed most of the games it covers were barely discussed because they could not sustain their own threads.

Yet telling quest to go to /qst/ still got your post deleted.

They don't.

No. This is the wrong answer. We need to condence all of the boards back into just being /a/ and /b/. We have to reverse our slide into becoming Reddit for Western otaku.

Actually, if he cries for eight years straight he will get his way.

This is the new precident

Sorry user, antiquestfags proved that if you break the rules over and over, the mods will cave.

First they came for the drawings.

And I said fuck that shit I'm out of here.

I do think it's funny people believe the move has anything at all with Veeky Forums and isn't an attempt to forcefully grow the Veeky Forums community so that Hiroshimoot can monetize your data easier.

I have conflicting feelings about the move. First and foremost is apathy. Oh no, I have to have two screens open. The fucking horror.

Although I'll point out that makes the argument that they're cluttering the board equally retarded.

Then there is a mild irritation at change itself. And that I can't samefag my god damn nuts off in DLQ.

All that shit for upgrading the Boar? Me Barry, it was all fucking me. And I was finally going to samefag the shit out of making Kat sentient when that came up again, I just didn't want to use the unborn soul.

I honestly usually vote about 2 or 3 times. I just happen to change my mind, and it's easier to vote twice than to worry about Voxs issues with greentexting votes.

And there is some malicious joy, Vox will actually have to be organized somewhat now. He can't just constantly have a thread on the board.


You're a really good writer and world builder, if you're reading this. But get a fucking twitter already.

My man, I was at least one person doing this and I am thrilled it can't happen anymore.

Seriously, I've been samefagging since crescendo. "OH I don't want to do a final destination vote, I want to trust my players."

Might as well run all that shit on reddit so we can have accounts and names. I think he just doesn't give enough of a fuck to figure out Veeky Forums.

The only other quest I follow is H&D. It's been 5 fucking years. I would almost say they should just grandfather that in, except there's nothing wrong with /qst/ except that it's change.

I wish you could hear yourself right now

So questfags just have to post "bring quest back" in every thread for a long time and they get what they want?

>Only stick in Quest threads

Mate, I fucking visited Shadowrun and Space Marine threads all the time. Questing was why i visited secondary. Yes there were some threads that got tossed up BITCHING about the quests, or them invading quests themselves but the questers themselves never fucking left there own shit unless it was to talk about quests in /WQT/.

Also, the Mods supported questers for quite awhile sense they deleted the posts stating go to /qst/


People need to stop acting like most users of Veeky Forums have any particular interest in Japanese stuff these days.

>Muh false flags
What are you, a questfag? Thats the bullshit they were spewing

>no one would argue about it.
So we've officially gone full-postmodernism if you can argue it it's true, okay!

Any mention of games not happening around a real table should be banned, Roll20 and other online services a totally devoiced from traditional gaming by the incusion of technology to separate the group. It's so massively different from true tabletop gaming discussion on it really deserves to be moved else where to /g/ or /v/ maybe.

See, the problem though is that /qst/ is slow, probably one of the slowest on Veeky Forums. That's because the amount of posters there are too low to warrant their own board, since now we have a full 10 pages of quests which have the posters we originally did have stretched thin. On Veeky Forums you had a small amount of quests with a larger concentration of posters in each thread. On /qst/ the entire board is quests, and the threads have a very low concentration of posters unless it's either the quest general thread, or it's one of the extremely popular threads that managed to build up a giant fanbase while situated on Veeky Forums.

There aren't enough posters to warrant a /qst/, it's to the point where trying to run there is actually inconvenient, because there's very few people posting in your thread and it takes a week for your thread to finally fall off board after everyone stops posting, which is a pain in the dick for pacing cause while you could separate sessions with different threads on Veeky Forums, your old thread is still alive when it's time for a new session, and that kinda messes with pacing.

Either /qst/ needs to be dropped and the content re-absorbed by Veeky Forums, or a lot more people need to start post in /qst/. It's one of those ideas that's nice on paper, but poor in execution.

I ain't no damn questfag! You're the questfag!

Well, that appears to be what they're doing, so we'll find out.

Actually, we don't need generals anymore, now that quests are gone.

Look! The top 5 threads on the board are general threads! They're overwhelming proper Veeky Forums content! How will other threads thrive if the front page is filled with generals?

I guess it's still false flagging, but when it's this obvious do you even need to point it out? Maybe I'm just in a good mood since quest threads have finally been moved

They have to be really vitriolic about it and make a huge stink for a decade.
Then, yes, quests will be back.

Questing is at the bottom of a long list of things I do on Veeky Forums.
In the past year, I have followed literally two quests. Everything else was in other threads. But that doesn't fit your narrative, so you're going to deny that there's any kind of crossover between people who post in quests and people who don't.