I have come to conquer the board of Veeky Forums!
Which of you lot dare to stand against me?
I have come to conquer the board of Veeky Forums!
Which of you lot dare to stand against me?
My lord?
I will face thee, evildoer! Steel your nerves, lest you fall before my blade!
this is awkward
You fool! How can we defeat this villain if we surrender? Grab a a pitchfork and fight!
The FUCK is makin' all that racket!?
y-you better stop right there mister
Well if it isn't my old pal.
Come get a drink.
Come at me, little conqueror boy.
What? Not you too, Charles.
Well, shit. I'll fight the whole damn board if need be!
What are your social and economic policies?
Only a neckbeard would come to Veeky Forums now, and choose Veeky Forums... Tasty pick, bonehead!
If you had brain-one in that huge melon on top of your neck, you'd be living the sweet life out in /3DCG/'s beautiful, Uncanny Valley.
Plunder, rape and set fire.
Aw shit it says here the book you werent meant to arrive till midday
Quests go to /qst/ faggot
What's it like being so socially inept that you can't even join a community on Veeky Forums?
Are you scared that the thread mine is going to be mined out and suddenly we'll have to thread ration, and your niche game that is neat but not actually much fun for non-autists will be down the thread that we used up here?
You guys are going to end up with the perfect forum to wank about numbers, except you won't actually talk to each other.
You're rollplayers.
Uh, is this a bad time? I can come back later.
pssh its always a good time here
What the fuck is that?
Some kind of half dwarf, half orc?
Who goes there? Are you the pizza boy?
Obligatory "came to the wrong neighborhood" line.
Could we get some privacy here, DAMNIT?
Go find another meadow, this one has its voyeur already.
>PanO and Nomad shits
No, no, you arrived just in time for your examination.
We have to check the hair on your neck and... other things.
...psshhh...nothing personnel, kid...
Oh we're saving the best until last.
y-you guys keep the board
im going home
We were here first!
Dude trust me you're better off without it.
Wait don't leave. I'll be your opponent.
Oh well, be sure to pass by /k/ in the way back. You have to bring your own deer though.
It is a typical Rifts character.
And stay out!
Ha ha ha! I, Sir Agravaine, the White Knight of all that is Just and Right, has yet again cast another ruffian into exile!
Inkeeper! Take this gold, and give everyone a round on me, to my glorious victory over the forces of evil!
Cmon bro were friendly
Crips and Bloods
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