Favourite place in the HG universe to live? UMF seems nice enough, though like most places in DP9 universes it has it's downsides.
Nathan Edwards
I probably would like Valeria the most, but the winter city Pioneer sounds like the best city to live in.
Logan Bennett
Peace River.
Also almost done building my South stuff. Just the King Cobra and an Iguana to go.
Aiden Phillips
/m/ here.
It might seem this way to me, but why are many people so asspained about Heavy Gear being rooted in anime, and dipping into it repeatedly?
Benjamin Lee
Cause Autism or just old fags being old fags.
Juan Kelly
A size comparison of the new Southern plastics.
Left to right: Iguana, Jager, Black Mamba, Spitting Cobra and King Cobra.
The missile launchers on the Mambas were all a bitch to fit on, but the Cobras went together pretty smooth.
Samuel Martinez
Most "old fag" HG fans are well aware of and embrace the animu roots of Heavy Gear. I don't know what you're talking about.
Honestly I have no idea where this idea where this idea that anyone is asspained about it is coming from.
Eli Edwards
Probably some asshole at some point foaming at the mouth and screaming "weeaboo"
Saw it a lot when Infinity was starting to gain popularity as well.
Never seen it in a HG thread, though.
Leo Kelly
A couple of threads back it was bitching about how anime the gear striders where and slightly frothing about it.
Christopher Phillips
Before or After?
Never heard any Heavy Gear fans complain about it's anime roots. Heavy gear is anime as fuck. The grittier, old school side of anime but still anime.
Wyatt Ward
>A couple of threads back it was bitching about how anime the gear striders where and slightly frothing about it. I dislike gear striders cause they go against what was set-up in the older books that the gear was about as big as a humanoid walker could get and be useful in battle. I liked that when you got bigger they stopped being so humanoid.
Gear Striders strike me as going more for the 40k centerpiece model thing than anime.
Wyatt Garcia
Yeah, I get some people disliking Gear Striders. I've said several times I think it silly every faction has them now, but I do recall one guy comparing them to Gundams or somesuch.
After. Don't wanna die in a massive explosion.
Luis Myers
No one bitched about how "anime" the Gearstriders were. You're making shit up.
People had issues and didn't like how they represented a shift in tone of the setting, but that has jack shit to do with "being anime."
Kevin Ward
>I've said several times I think it silly every faction has them now I like that Peace River has the Cat. As I understand they have fairly limited personnel numbers so they would always be trying to push what one gear pilot can contribute.
Cat always seemed lightly armed compared to the weapon festooned super-gears like the Kodiak and KCobra. Not that you would use all the weapons on those things anyway.
Luis Long
I was referring to the guy who was saying it was basically becoming gundams. Been at least a week or so since then so was vague remembering about it.
Ryan Clark
Cat doesn't need a shit ton of weapons. All it needs are the railgun and that huge fuck-off sword.
The King Cobra rocks an impressive array of weapons, but that parricle accelerator is the centerpiece.
Though the Catapracht is woefully outgunned by other Gear Striders, but that railgun still gives it more than enough punch.
I do plan to build my second King Cobra as a Hooded Cobra, though.
Thomas Ramirez
Complaining about adding Gundam aesthetic mecha when all other mecha follow a VOTOMs aesthetic =\= complaining about being anime.
Brayden Moore
>I do plan to build my second King Cobra as a Hooded Cobra, though. Man of taste. I built one of those as well. Though it did require cannibalising a Python, which hurt cause that's my second favourite gear. Which is odd cause I'm basically a CNCS player.
Charles Anderson
Bit of cross pollination between the game lines.
Nathaniel Sanchez
Well thankfully for us, the new King Cobra sprues in the starter set come with the parts to build a Hooded.
I'm so stoked for JC to come back.
Nolan Williams
Just did the math on the South models I built; 136 points.
Now to match the North as closely as possible, build those, get everything painted and start doing some demos.
Evan Torres
Sounds good, hopefully we will see some more converts to the HG universe.
Xavier Green
That's the hope. I mean; who doesn't like fightan robot goodness? And at a proper scale to boot!
Cooper Hughes
>I'm so stoked for JC to come back. So am I.
Connor Clark
maybe we should change it to dp9 general next time around
Evan Barnes
We did that last time, but HG is better know. I'd say leave title as is, just allow any DP9 stuff.
Joshua Bennett
fair enough, the mega link I provided also has the books for the other DP9 games as well. So no need to edit that.
Thomas Collins
Kayden Anderson
Fear the mighty grizzly
Ryder Cook
>Fear the Grizzly >Not the superior Crusader IV >laughingGRELS.jpeg
Anthony Fisher
My only experience with Heavy Gear is the incredibly hammy yet still quite enjoyable animated tv series. How much of the background is that missing?
Josiah Nelson
It's missing a lot. It was supposed to eventually go into the war, but it never made it far enough to get there.
I can't recall if that show was pre or post CEF invasion, but either way it barely skimmed the surface of Heavy Gear.
Noah Scott
Shame it never really got very far into it. LoveLoveLoved the mechs though. Big bulky smashy mechs like that are my favourites.
Wyatt Johnson
Maybe it has to do with that Heavy Gear Assault vidya that's in development hell
>>>AAA Feng Zhu style concept art >>>strip out the weeb roots of Heavy Gear
Elijah Gutierrez
>I can't recall if that show was pre or post CEF invasion, but either way it barely skimmed the surface of Heavy Gear.
It was meant to be set before the Interpolar War. Each team would get drafted (or volunteer*) to fight for their side, until the Peace River incident, and then I suppose they were going to join together as a united Black Talon team. I'm only sure about the first part.
*Essentially the same thing in several leagues.
Nathaniel Powell
Post CEF cause one of the gear pilots for the shadow dragons is a GREL
Grayson Bennett
That's what I thought, but itxs been forever since I watched more than the first two or three episodes.
Jayden Rodriguez
i think its just a general displeasure with the poor artwork.
dont get me wrong the artwork in general could use improving but the design of the gears themselves are magical looking.
John Ramirez
There were sizeable earth and GREL contingents left from the first big Earth invasion, the War of Alliance. That's how you get communities like Port Arthur and why hover tanks started becoming more widespread.
The nuking of Peace River was the reinitiation of hostilities with earth.
Oliver Adams
Some of the artwork is good, some of it is ass, especially the people artwork, I am not a fan of those at all.
Connor Torres
I might be a bit fuzzy, but was it Earth that nuked Peace River?
Lucas Smith
Most sources point to the fact that the Scruffy Man was an Earth agent.
Kevin Gomez
I hope DP9 will take the chance to expand on some of the fluff in the future. Really go jn depth with those types of things.
I think a novel all about the detruction of Peace River could be a great story, or even a story about the investigation to find out who did it. Thriller mystery story with a little mecha action on the side.
Ethan Sanchez
So where even is a good start for Heavy Gear if you have never got into the series past the computer games?
Nathaniel Miller
Do you want to play the miniature game, or do you want to know the setting?
Ethan Russell
Both. I've been really digging the mini designs I've seen and the setting seems to be solid from what I've read from the thread.
Ethan Davis
Download the new rulebook, and then grab the rpg books for more fluff.
The new Blitz book has fluff, but if you want a lot of more in depth stuff the rpg books are a good source.
Lucas Ward
Ghislain's mechanical stuff is amazing. I don't mind the people art either. They were going to get him back to do the cover of the new book but he had family issues come up.
Jaxon Bell
So the RedBull. Looking at the weapons loadout it doesn't have the missiles listed. Just the field guns, the rotary cannon and its feet.
Oversight, or does it no longer come with the iconic missile turret on the ass?
Ryder Lee
>Vulnerable to Haywire Laughing GRELS.jpg is oddly appropriate
Nicholas Roberts
i like Ghislain's people. they all sport retro-futuristic gear. its a look that people dont do much now. like old cyberpunk.
Camden Cruz
I think it is more I am not a fan of how their faces turn out I think
Daniel Morales
They could've snagged themselves a bargain deal if they decided to hire Masamune Shirow, who's kind of been hurting for project prospects for several years now. Just have to rein in his cheesecake, dunno.
>mfw Yasuhiko character redesigns for Heavy Gear >going full circle with muh animu roots
Dominic Lewis
Someone needs to make that.
Parker Cook
I didn't find out about Heavy Gear until just recently and week after the Kickstarter was closed. Anyone have any idea when the new plastics will be available for wide release?
Josiah Morales
They're still working full-time on shipping the Kickstarter orders. I'd assume it'll take a few weeks.
There are blogs on the DP9.com website that update frequently.
Liam Rogers
So what are the essential books to get for the RPG?
I looked at the mega, but there is a lot of choices there.
I've never played any of the games or seen the show, so I'm going in blind and would like to know more about the world.
Lucas Richardson
Here is a not amused one.
Ryder Rodriguez
Depends on the edition you wish to play. Most people tend to stick to 2nd edition, but the OP has the list of books to read in what order.
The 3rd edition PHB needs to be used with the sillohotte core book in the same mega. Linked is the beta of the new HG RPG
Eli Rodriguez
This may work
Dylan Reyes
this is where I got it from
Elijah Diaz
The plastic sets are up for pre-order on the website. Said they would start shopping once the kickstarter backers had their stuff.
Anthony Davis
Considering certain places in the South you won't even have to keep his cheesecake in check that much.
Isaac Adams
Until we get a more complete draft of the new RPG rules from what I've seen the current "best" way to play HG is using SilCore's combat with 2e's skill system, and either's vehicle rules depending on your tastes (I personally prefer the finer details of 2e).
Brayden Smith
>SilCore's combat with 2e's skill system What was different about SilCore's combat compared to 2e?
Camden King
Off the top of my head there was mostly some common-sense streamlining, like "things we probably should have done this way but didn't think of until now" and "doing it this way turns out is way easier and faster" type stuff. Grenades, for example, were one of the better changes.
Alexander Phillips
So that new email about the resin arms to allow you to properly have the miniatures holding the arms across the chest is interesting. I might pick them up if it's not too expensive to ship.
Dominic Smith
Anyone ever played Heavy Gear d6
Cooper Russell
Brandon Parker
Lucas Rogers
Yes. I used to bring it up frequently on Veeky Forums. I wouldn't be surprised you heard it from me.
Once you get passed some of the weird quirks of the D6 system it plays nicely. Also converts very easily into Mini-Six for added headache relief. It's definitely a lot looser and more cinematic than a standard Silhouette HG game, but in a good way.
I actually tied making a Jovian Chronicles conversion using the same rules but it ended up being a bigger pain in the ass than I had hoped it would.
Core wouldn't fit, know if any other conversions were made?
Kevin Cox
Nope. Dude who did the three faction books said he was going to do more but seems to have dropped the project due to lack of interest.
Jason Sanders
>Once you get passed some of the weird quirks of the D6 system it plays nicely. I'm so used to the weird quirks of the Sil system at this point it'd be hard to change.
Aiden Reyes
Benjamin Collins
Wait, what? I don't recall seeing any such e-mail.
Do tell.
Liam Phillips
$2 for six arms.
Isaiah Diaz
Oh shit. I might have to jump on that for my second South starter.
Nolan Watson
Caleb Garcia
I'm a massive fan of this old PS2 game Gungriffon Blaze, and it looks like Heavy Gear might be the answer to my quest for somewhat realistic looking mecha. Which faction do you think captures the look of the Gungriffon stuff best?
Xavier Richardson
Maybe the CEF? Big, blocky, kinda ugly and use a lot of tanks as well
Sebastian Anderson
Yea the frames may be your best bet
Nicholas Perez
Funny how DP9 managed to make new arms for the gears to allow them to do that while the HGArena devs couldn't do it without completely redesigning all the gears.
Nicholas Myers
I get that some stuff may need to be redesigned for the range of movement they need in HG:A. But seriously...
Okay Hunter, Jager and Tiger are okayish. But the Cheetah and Jag are awful.
Jonathan Diaz
The Hunter is the only one that looks even remotely similar.
That whole "different armor on the same skeleton" thing was a fucking retarded idea from the start.
Ryan Cruz
Man those look aweful
Isaac Wright
Seriously. It's like they just didn't care.
Now cue that one idiot who pathetically tries to defend these horrible design decisions every time they come up.
Ethan Butler
Isn't Assault still treading water in some early Alpha state for years now?
Austin Edwards
Last I heard the whole thing is sinking fast after it turned out no one working on the project was getting paid.
Jason Robinson
Regardless of any animation issues they could have at least got the head right. That's where a lot of a gear's personality is. But nope not even that is right.
Also they put the Iguana's shoulder pads on the Jager for some reason.
Looking at their webpage they just released a patch last Friday. So some how it's still alive.