>Beginning February 28th, 2017, Fantasy Flight Games will no longer offer for sale any games in conjunction with Games Workshop, including Talisman and all games taking place in the Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 universes.
I should probably buy Chaos in the Old World then.
Ryder Perez
Yeah, I went out and got Warhammer Quest today. Is Forbidden Stars any good?
Grayson Myers
oh no what about those rumors FF was going to do the next 40K edition?
Isaac Miller
Where are my Nigmos?
Nathaniel Watson
Wow, isn't licensing like this basically the only area GW is experiencing any growth in?
They really do seem determined to shoot themselves in the foot.
Blake Cruz
Well, looks like I'm never getting that Rogue Trader 2e then
Cameron Morris
I read something about GW forming a new division to develop board games.
Maybe they are pulling all their licences to work on things internally. Given GW's typical release schedule though it'd be a game every 5 years written by matt ward.
Levi Parker
and here I was hoping they'd buy FF
Oliver Martin
Most of it is video games though. FFG wanted to make their own mini games and GW didn't like that so they pulled out. Why support your competition? Warhammer is a valuable franchise, now more than ever.
Austin Martinez
Honestly, how is Conquest?
I was hyped about it before it released, but I never actually had a friend to play with back then
I still don't but this news makes me want to own it now at least.
also they added tyranids and necrons finally, so hopefully that's SOMETHING neat at least.
Christopher Myers
GW has been shitting out board games like mad recently though. Silver Tower, Space Hulk, Assassinorium etc Problem is they are all priced like GW games, so about twice as expensive as your standard boardgame with that amount of stuff in it.
Gavin Ross
I just grabbed Fury of Dracula because of this, since I remember how the prices of 2nd edition skyrocketed after it went out of print.
I ordered a copy of Forbidden Stars, haven't played it yet. It has a good score on boardgamegeek and the guys at SU&SD seem to like it a lot, so it's probably a safe bet if you like space opera games.
FF is owned by Asmodee, who in turn own a bunch of other board game studios. I don't think GW could afford FF/Asmodee.
Austin Cox
On the flip side - FFG just released a 'Miniatures' game which sort of means they're now fishing in GW's pond for the limited number of $$$ available there. It surely doesn't sit well with GW management since they're getting hit from elsewhere already on their 'main' market.
>I don't think GW could afford FF/Asmodee.
Not a chance.
Kayden Smith
Forbidden Stars is very good.
Grayson Hughes
The Specialist Games division already exists and was responsible for Betrayal at Calth, they probably do the next HH game too. They're also going to release Bloodbowl this year and Adeptus Titanicus is in the works.
The main studio has also been busy lately with Execution Force, Overkill, Silver Tower, Gorechosen, Renegade, Storm Cloud Attack, and bringing back Lost Patrol.
Really it seems like the only thing FFG offered was card games and RPGs, the latter of which GW could decide to try their hand at again.
On the flipside, all of those models can be used in both 40k and AoS and in some cases have been of value.
Thomas Evans
You forgot board games that are fun to play and not just shovelware for more models.
Parker Myers
well i guess that was the last nail for the missing Only War expansion.
Connor Watson
rumor is it that the license had been on hold since Asmodee acquired FFG or possibly even before due to the success of X-Wing and Imperial Assault. FFG announcing a fantasy miniatures game to compete with AoS was probably just them getting a head start.
Christopher Reyes
Other way around is more likely, Asmodee is backed by some financial bigwig's in Europe and they just bought up every board game studio & IP of note. Seems like they are aiming to compete directly with Hasbro & Parker Bros, or just raise their own value to sellout to one of them for maximum jewness.
Oliver Williams
>Wow, isn't licensing like this basically the only area GW is experiencing any growth in? because of video games, yes
John Wilson
It was matter of time only.
Nathan Ross
>On the flipside, all of those models can be used in both 40k and AoS And too bad GW board games don't have heavy and super-heavy models.
Oliver Howard
For the price of Silver Tower, I could have bought two other dungeon crawlers, both with lots of of cool miniatures. Just being GW doesn't make it more valuable to me.
Julian King
don't forget they would have better rules and be all around more fun games.
Evan Carter
Does any one know how the hell Fury of Dracula is on this list? Isn't dracula public domain at this point? Or is it being cancelled for other reasons at the same time?
Ethan Cruz
Fury of Dracula is a GW boardgame from the 80s. The FFG version is the 3rd edition.
Aiden Evans
Son of a bitch...
Ethan Diaz
>gw's face when they cut off the only people making decent content for their IP:
GW prefers to have minimum possible profit with maximum monopoly. They don't like sharing the profit with others.
Jordan White
Uh, those aren't the numerous video game studios.
Honestly, the only thing of value in my opinion was the various RPG books for 40k and only for the lore. On the other hand even that is dubious since it's not known if the writers bothered to try staying authentic or just went off the rails and did what they thought felt right or made sense to them.
Gabriel Smith
FFG murdered WFRP so good
Christian Smith
RPG's were hit and miss mostly, the board games and card games are the real tragedy here.
Wyatt Roberts
Their fluff was 1000x less embarrassing than any GW fluff in the last 10 years.
Liam Allen
Unfortunate on both fronts. The only GW things I gave half a fuck about were the 40k RPG books, and the same could be said about FF's lineup.
Well, that's not fair, fantasy flight has Star Wars. Too bad Empire/Rebellion era is the only thing that will ever see any fucking support though.
Jace Thompson
>Really it seems like the only thing FFG offered was card games and RPGs Nah FFG also made board game, not shit like >Execution Force, Overkill, Silver Tower, Gorechosen, Renegade, Storm Cloud Attack, and bringing back Lost Patrol.
Elijah Rogers
thinking I bought those products when I put time and money into acquring books and playing 2ed WHRFP books
Alexander Adams
This is because the OT+ era is about all that exists now, officially. And PT stuff probably markets poorly. Except the ships, but they already put the ARC in X-wing
Ethan Morales
I know, I'm just still angry about the whole 'legacy' thing. "Let's shit on the fans who've been world building and making awesome shit for the last 30 years."
It'd probably hurt less if the whole thing with Kylo Ren was even 1% less retarded. Force Awakens wasn't done any favors by being the second thing to cover that plot, and doing it considerably worse.
Cameron Russell
What a bummer. Dark Heresy was the first tabletop game I actually managed to get my friends sit down to play. FFG Warhammer is the best form of Warhammer stuff. How sad.
Colton Evans
>licensing is the oly thing keeping us alive >let's cut it down Hilarious.
Isaiah Rivera
It's hilarious how petty and vindictive GW are.
Nolan Wood
You realize that FFG is set to release their own AoS style wargame right? As stulud as GW is, no company would license to a direct competitor.
Cameron Bailey
It's a ranked mass combat, not AoShit style so it's not a direct competitor unless GW implicitly admits that killing Fantasy was a bad idea.
Xavier Ward
>their own AoS style wargame right? They are doing a rank and file game, not some rules-lite skirmish game.
Henry Hughes
Going to get me and my friends a full set of Talisman before they run out. I'm talking the whole shebang, will be costly, but it is one of my personal favorite games of all times (I wonder why I never got around to buy one in the first place?!?).
Lucas Morris
It's still a fantasy setting wargame, therefore a competitor. Just because they aren't 1:1 the same type of game doesn't change that.
Julian Phillips
You don't understand GW logic then.
Daniel Jackson
Yes, you could easily get a high quality game for just about the same system with another brand, and FF do make great quality products, but they don't produce some of the markets best plastic miniatures.
Now Ill put this as a side note, as retard-user as Id like to call him, is bound to show up with his "nuhu" argument. Posting a picture of a well dated GW metal model, probably 25 years old and comparing it to a brand new corvus belli new infinity model. The problems by doing this is several;
1. I specifically mentioned metal. 2. Its an old sculpt with one of the top dogs of todays market. 3. Its Hero scale compared to realistic scale, which in turn is like comparing airplanes to cars with the same reasoning ("nuhu, my airplane is much better than your car!"). 5. they believe personal opinion regarding esthetics is the same as the quality of the model.
Now that I have made it easy for you retard-user, you don't have to go through yet another silly thread posting picture upon picture with brand new infinity models and small companies that have made 1 successful plastic kit, to a 25 year old metal slugger, or the worst looking model (of your own agenda, having no regards for quality) you can find on the GW main site.
No need to thank me.
David Russell
GW doesn't produce the best models anymore as well. They mostly put out mid-range quality at very high price. And in terms of fantasy minis, they even are pretty sub par.
Even their multi part kits are less modular than what they used to be.
Evan Lewis
nobody does except GW
Chase Young
Video game licensing, which is still going strong.
Of I've seen so far of the aforementioned game it looks sub par in terms of models and lore.
Caleb Rogers
>it looks sub par in terms of models and lore A serious competitor to AoS then.
Lincoln Rogers
I thought it was "run the company down to milk for as much money as you can for the CEO before he quits"?
Dylan Cook
I didn't claim they did the "best" miniatures, I said they produced "some" of the best plastic miniatures, in terms of quality I have yet to find a competitor that produces better multi part plastic kits in the broad assortment that GW does. And you will always have some old models that gets dated when you produce so much as GW does, things will drag behind, and there are bound to be some alternative brand that picks this up and makes money on that specifics alone. We can take the GW zombies for instance, looks ugly as fuck, old as fuck and Mantic games that produce some of the markets best multi part plastic zombies there is for a reasonable price as well! And we will also always have the personal opinion regarding esthetics, some people like GW´s esthetics, some don't, its as simple as that. Some (a great many) hates GW´s models purely because they are GW. I even showed pics of the Silver Tower to a friend of mine who is a huge Warmahordes fanboy, he thought it looked awesome, until he found out it was produced by GW, then all of a sudden, the models where shit the game looked cheap as fuck and so on.
Anyway, my point being. GW produce great quality miniatures in a relatively small market. Thus they are pretty good at what they do. If you look at FF´s models, they look fine, if you haven't had any experience with miniature wargames in the past. But they are years upon years behind even the most basic miniature modeling companies out there, and even further away when comparing them to GW. Thus, The silver Tower is a Hobby experience, descent journeys in the dark, is not.
Jaxson Reyes
Grayson Baker
>Star Trek is number 5
This has to be bullshit, I have never even seen an LGS that sold that or heard of anybody who played it.
Matthew Lopez
>in terms of quality I have yet to find a competitor that produces better multi part plastic kits in the broad assortment that GW does. Mominiaturas does it way better nowadays. Their kits are impressive.
Leo Green
GW is actively sabotaging its own model line.
The 2000-2010 era had far better plastic kits than they do currently. So I don't understand why you would criticise the dated models, they show GW in a better light than it deserves.
David Rodriguez
Wut r sum gud expension4Descent? Shadows of Nerekhall is the best additional campaign so I've got that one, but any of the small boxes adding a lot? All of the extra campaigns, except SoN, are so goddamn short compared to the vanilla campaign, no?
William Collins
Good that people get a chance to buy the stuff they want atleast, instead of just pulling the rug.
Jacob Wright
>far better plastic kits
Apart from Catachans and Berzerkers imho
Justin Gomez
First of, many of their miniatures are not plastic, but resin. And the quality, I'm not talking esthetics because I can agree they look superb and is indeed in my taste (I own some of them myself, especially a lot of the terrain features), but the quality isn't even near GW latest plastic. Not by a long shot.
Confirmed for not having bought any recent plastic kits. But thanks for letting us know.
The pure quality (again, I know I'm being a bit repetitive here), not the esthetics of your personal preference, is way better now than ever. Looking at some of the latest AoS models, whether you like the new cartoony look or not, blows just about any older models from GW out of the water in terms of quality. They fit like LEGO, has instructions manuals that could out do IKEA, the details are great, and its all in all just great models. If you don't like the look of them, I cant help with that, but in terms of quality I literally cried when going back to finish my Cryx list for 3ed Warmahordes....
Leo Martin
Dark Elves were the biggest hit for me. The old dark elf warriors kit in terms of posability and variety shits on the godawful new copy+paste monopose ones so badly it's sad.
Christopher Price
yeah, I doubt they're going to reprint anything that's currently sold out. Sucks for anyone who wants that stuff. Or pdf's.
Colton Moore
>and its all in all just great models. The design sucks balls pretty hard tho.
The sigmarines suck, the megablocks-tier dragon things suck, the dwarves suck, a lot of the chaos stuff suck...
The only things that dont suck is the giant beetle and the tzeengors.
Matthew Richardson
>I hate GW because I hate GW. No real reason behind it.
Well, welcome to the popular opinion of Veeky Forums. Apart form your obvious hate for most things GW, all you posted was a series of personal opinions.
You don't like the design/esthetics You think the Stormcasts looks ugly You think the big dragons sucks (in rules or esthetics I wonder?) You think the dwarfs sucks (again, rules or models?) You think most Chaos sucks as well (... ) And finally, You think something looks ok.
See the trend here? A red line so to speak. Nothing you mentioned focus on anything in my original post , apart from clarifying you have no idea on how to distinguish personal preference of the esthetics of a miniature, and the pure production quality of a miniature (and you nailed that one pretty good).
Daniel Phillips
FFG has star wars and iirc also GoT, two of the most popular IPs in existence, I don't think they give a fuck, honestly GW should have been begging them for continued support
man your reading comprehension is shit
Michael Moore
Why are people like you incapable of understanding that people hate GW because of what they do not BECAUSE they are 'GW'. Are people just not allowed to have an opinion when a company they loved turns to shit?
You cannot just stop all criticism of GW by pretending people hate it for no reason whatsoever.
Carson Edwards
But when people attack GW as a company that means they are also attacking me and questioning my judgement as someone who supports them and so I must dismiss their complaints without taking them in or I'll feel bad.
Hudson Walker
The sad thing is that this is exactly what it feels like.
These idiots just come in and dismiss any and all legitimate criticism of their policies, models, art, prices, rules and everything else with 'hurr you just hate GW for no reason'.
Alexander Cruz
Looks like it's into the realm of fan versions and people retrofitting the aptitude system into it.
Jordan Martinez
Ok, so lets give you a shot here. What does GW do, apart from miniatures and miniature wargames?
To me, as a customer, I see no reason to complain about it. Because if I don't like it, I simply don't need to buy the products they are offering. I am a gamer, I play games, and thus GW is one of the many brands I chose to purchase from.
Now, explain to me why GW is the villain in this story, and try not to make it a letter of personal opinions like your last post.
Alexander Foster
>Because if I don't like it, I simply don't need to buy the products they are offering Correct and that is what lots of people doing, as evidenced by GW's consistent drop in sales.
Lucas Lopez
And a drop in sales (which you didn't prove in any way other than bluntly stating your own opinion as of now) makes a company evil?
By that definition a lot of businesses are evil at times. Judging form your posts alone I get what you're on about. You hate GW for the AoS and end times incident,when they decided to cut WHFB. Well, from what I have heard, the reason behind was as simple as this - They didn't make money on it - And thats as good reason as anything to scrap a game in my opinion. If you own a business you need to make money on the product you are offering, otherwise its just charity.
Brandon Hill
You're welcome to read GW's financial reports for yourself. They're all up there. You'll notice two things, GW's sales are down while revenue from licensing (such as video games and boardgames from FFG) is up, which is part of what makes this entire situation funny since no longer working with FFG is almost certainly worse for GW than it is for FFG.
William Thompson
Oh you mean that? I have already red that, and from my understanding, statements like
>"After a disappointing December we carried out a thorough review of our operational plans and, thanks to a great team effort, we bounced back with four out of five months of profitable sales growth."
Is not the sign of a sinking ship, quite the opposite. And yes, as you say, some parts are up and some parts down when it comes to generating money, but overall the company made profit.
I still just don't see why this is relevant to me not liking a company? To me they do stuff now that they haven't done in years. They give free rules, they give free miniatures, they have a high standard to their plastic range and so on. All things, I as a customer like. But if they don't sell as much as I hoped for, they are a evil company? I just cant get around your reasoning of this debate. Just admit it, you hate GW just as much as the next guy, because someone on the internet told you to.
Luke Baker
You're not here to be convinced in good faith. I was merely stating a fact that people are consistently moving away from GW to other areas because they do not like what GW are doing as a business.
Robert Rogers
But that can be the results of hundreds, maybe thousands of reasons. One of which is things like Kick starter for instance. Now anybody can take a great idea and translate it in to a working game, because its crowd funded. See, things like that didn't exist when I started about 20 years back. It was GW or historical. The market was small compared to now, and that takes to mention, its not a particularly big market now ether.
You have many more producers involved than it used to be. And being a hobby, its expensive. Most people don't have the money to participate in more than one, maybe two games. I see myself lucky to have a descent education and thus a good monthly income, so that I can spend money on several games, but I also understand that this isn't the norm for most people.
And most people are simple creatures that usually stick to one thing and defends it with their lives. You go PlayStation or X-box, and you stick by it! You drive a Volvo, any other car is shit in your opinion. And you play Warmahordes, the upcoming underdog that shows the big guys (GW in this case) what a real game looks like. And so on, and so on..
Sebastian Garcia
It is senseless to try to explain those people the purpose and goals of a company. They seem to think, that the company that is responsible for producing their toys owes them anything or has to listen to what they want. And they don`t realize, that feelings are only usefull in business, when they can be used to make more profit. Eveyone of these idiots thinks he has the ultimate solution for leading GW to golden coasts of prosperity and eternal happiness. Just like every pleb thinks he`s the only person that can lead his favourite sportsteam to the championship and everybody else is stupid. I guess it is a good indicator to tell, who is just a few years into the hobby and cries about everything, and who knows some shit and accepts change like the weather.
Zachary Mitchell
You realise you are talking to at least three different people right?
And why do apologists keep acting like GW was sensible over WHFB. WHFB declined because of GW, how is it the fault of the people who loved the game and its setting? Would you prefer they blindly keep buying a game that is getting both less fun and more expensive?
Nobody forced GW to make WHFB less appealing, they chose to do it in the idiotic belief it would make them more money.
Bentley Perez
Why don't you stop being a condescending prick. You would have to literally be mentally ill to think people dislike GW because 'someone on the internet told them to'. GW earned their reputation by their own actions.
>few years
Are you trolling? Most of the people complaining about GW are the ones who literally grew up on their games back when they actually bothered. Or is 10+ years 'a few' to you?
Chase Garcia
Aaaaaaand.....here we have the next guy that knows exactly what should be done. I always wonder why GW doesn`t hire all of you and turn into the most successfull company ever. You are all so damn smart and know what is the best, whoms fault it was, what should have been done instead and what needs to be done.
Nah, I think 10+ years and still crying like a bitch is damn pathetic. Do you cry about the weather? Because that`s something you can`t change too, you know? For the last time: GW can do whatever they want with their stuff. It`s theirs. If you like it or not. And if you hate it so much, then fuck off and stop complaining like a whiny bitch. Nobody forces you to stay, right?
Levi Martin
Nobody forces anyone to complain, just like nobody forces you to ride in on your white horse with your shiny armour to defend the innocent fair maiden GW.
Benjamin Adams
>WHFB declined because of GW
This statement is true, but it has sub categories that needs explaining. GW owns WHFB as a brand, and it is their to do with what they like. Just as I own my house, I can chose to repaint it if this is my will.
Now that we have established the ground rules, lets take a closer look. Warhammer fanbase demanded more as years progressed, this was partly due to factors mentioned in this post . People simply had more options than they used to, and if they didn't like option A, they went with option B instead. Over the years, the game had grown in to a massive blob of teams, lore and rules. Regarding the teams, many didn't sell, and if you own a product that don't sell, you are at a loss of money for each product that doesn't fly of the shelf. They tried different approaches to this during the years I was in the WHFB hobby, they tried "starter deals" they tried to make people play bigger matches, and they tried to decrease models base price to make people play larger armies. When I started, a 20 man regiment of chaos warriors was by some standards considered a "death star", because of how large it was. in the end times, you threw guys like that away as cannon fodder. But the main issue here was that the base cost of the game had become so high, nobody started it. With the fresh start of AoS, you can now buy 1 box with a friend and start playing. Rules included, you don't even have to buy a £60 rule book and an army book. Its simple, so that just about anyone can pick this game up without any earlier experience what so ever, and still have a good time.
And most importantly, a new player burns more money during his first years, than a veteran like me with 20 years in the sack, does over a much longer time-span. This is the key on why GW has re-vamped their product, and to me that seems like a pretty good reason. I'm no CEO that knows how to run a business, but I know they need to make money.
Jace Brown
So you are just going to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend WHFB stopped being a top 5 selling wargame because of magical gremlins sabotaging it? GW raising prices AND raising model count to try and make more money had nothing to do with it? Is that really what you think?
Nobody gives a shit how many times you say it, what you don't understand is that people also have a right to criticise GW when they fuck up. And people who loved the games and the setting will feel strongly about it being ruined. Screaming that they are just sheep over and over again won't stop them having their own opinions, it just makes you look stupid.
Jacob Gonzalez
>Idiotic belief that it would make them more money >Idiotic belief- make money >Idiotic - money
Ill let this last sentence speak for itself.
Joshua Bennett
Damn, you`re a real genius, right? You can complain as much as you like, but wouldn`t it be much smarter to simply move on somewhere else? Like, when I`m standing in the rain and I don`t like it, then what does complaining gain me? You can stay there and complain as much as you want and as loud as you can, you will still get wet. Wouldn`t it be smarter to search for a shelter? Do you barely understand my point? But please go on. Nobody stops you from crying. And when other people in this example be like "I don`t care about the rain, I still like this place", then you don`t need to convince them about how stupid they are and that they`re whiteknighting the rain, fool...
Ryan Edwards
If they don't don't want want is essentially free money, they can feel free to put an end to their PDFs. It just means people will get them with alternative methods that don't involve any kind of payment, if you catch my drift.
Chase Hill
I never said anything about the reasons for shutting down anything. Nice strawman. I say, that they can do whatever the fuck they want and that your crying changes nothing. That`s it. And your answer is to cry even louder about ths simple truth. Now who looks stupid, bitch?
Jace Long
The base cost rising is entirely due to the choices GW made, how can you claim otherwise? Its a simple fact, they decided that making the game cost more to play would make them more money and they were wrong. There was no need to throw 30 years of game down the toilet and replace it with one of the worst wargames released this decade. Funny how people who will defend GW's bad policies to the death always seem to like AoS though.
Jackson Edwards
Are you incapable of reading? They decided making the game more expensive would make them more money, they were proved wrong. That is why it was idiotic.
You implied it was anything but obvious and that its wrong to point out why WHFB failed.
It would be nice to have a thread without people blindly defending anything GW does and rolling out the same tired old insults for anybody who dares to have an opinion.
Carson Hall
well, they do. Tere's an entire game dedicated to imperial knights.
Also, its fun how most people don't realize that its probably FF dropping GW-and not the other way around. GW has been seen to actually push selling its own license, would make no sense to push it and to drop it. The point is, FF now has star wars brand. With the new movies SW is booming(just look at x wing sales!)and for FF selling a niche setting like warhammer its more a waste than anything. Also, i'm not a shill for GW-I hated the Kirby reign so much I absically stopped playing for years-but this makes complete sense. I began playing again after years of stop-tied again just before the end times but dropped it in disbelief-and I started again with aos. You get an entire fucking army with 100-150 bucks and the game is genuinely fun. Playing fantasy became more a pain in the ass than anything, almost as bad as 40k.
While infinity and other games like malifaux has probably some of the most beatiful models in the industry-GW makes probably the best miniatures for GAMING. GW miniatures are particulary good because they offer miniatures simple enough to be painted by newcomers, but with enough details to satisfy even the most veteran painter. They offer a lot of room to customization and push a lot on "these are YOUR models". You feel gw models really yours when you paint them, and when massed on the battlefield, they look pretty good and feel at ease for evey action you may be doing-be it moving, charging or attacking. Infinity and malifaux while looking awesome lack this, frozen in a super dynamic monopose that is both their blessing and their curse. Also, try to give an infinity miniature to a newcomer. Its going to look like shit. Gw minis have highs and lows(THE FUCKING FYRESLAYERS), but with a new ceos that actually cares about not shitting everything up because of its inflated ego, the future just looks bright.
Carter Brooks
>implied Strawmanning intensifies...
Damn, I guess you should run GW. You is knowing mucho.
Funny too, how you complain about people with another opinion rolling out insults while you are defending your own other opinion with rolling out insults.
Does this lead anywhere or are you just a self justifying ignorant hypocrite?
Levi Clark
But now your on the "money argument". I can ride this train, sure.
You can hate a company for producing things you cant afford, sure, its a valid reason. But do I hate Volvo for making my car so damn expensive? No, I could have just as easily bought a different brand. Do I hate Logitech for taking out ridiculous prices on a new keyboard? No, again, its my choice as a buyer to get what I want. The option is mine to make so to speak. So why should I hate GW for having a high price? Its a hobby, I have with this statement already confirmed its a luxury, its not a necessity to life. Hobby costs money, no matter the interest, look at RC-Cars, collecting coins, you name it, they all have one thing in common, and that is that they cost money. Todays people have a hard time grasping this, they feel its their right to have a hobby, when in fact its a privilege. But always remember that the cost of a hobby is only as expensive as you, the hobbyist, allows it to be. So never blame a company for your budget.
Evan Lewis
>he defends declining toy companies online for no financial remuneration
Julian Adams
And where is the proof of this. The annual statement only implies AoS didn't make as much money as they had initially hoped for, but they still made a profit of it. And remember, this was beginning of 2016, and the game has grown considerably since the Generals Handbook release.
Problem is, you are pulling shit out of your ass, and makes it sound like hard facts, when in truth its just your opinion. And studies have shown that a new buyer buys more products in a shorter amount of time, than a long time user spends over far longer time. This is no new discovery, and has been the building stone of some of todays big companies.
And I agree, it hurts to loose your favorite game, such as WHFB. Hell, that game gave me some of the best memories of my youth. But its still just a game, its just a hobby, its not a question of life and death.
Isaac Johnson
Well, these are people simple or masochist enough to play AoS/40k.
Blake Adams
Personally I just enjoy the models and lore. Though the game AoS was surprisingly fun (and don't cherry pick and make my "fun" in to "great/good/best" now...). I have also always been a sucker for 40k lore and models, I just like converting I guess, and if you have a good community, just about any game is fun to play.
Sebastian Fisher
i know its sounds strange, but AOs is incredibly fun. 40k however...I ant find it fun even when I win. Its just that bad. I tried to play after a couple of years two days ago and I couldn't enjoy it. Convulted rules,bad rules, and simply broken mechanics. Its terrible how most games are determined on simply who gets the initiative.