Space Ships Thread
What does Veeky Forums think of Full Thrust?
Are there superior generalized Space Ship games out there that would serve to stat certain fleets?
Did someone say Spess?
cause I can do space
This might be really specific, but does anyone have any modular spaceships? Like, I'll take even just ones that look like it's designed for you to take a part out and swap in another
Thx in advance
So... many... CORRIDORS!
Let's take one of the most iconic space ships in fiction, remove all of the unique design elements, and turn it into an overly greebled mess!
Just because it says star destroyer doesn't mean it is supposed to be star wars, fool.
It's still kind of a shitty ship design, otherwise. Still pretty overdesigned, cluttered, and overly complicated.
Trying out the Full Thrust Shipyard ship builder. I wish Kinetic Guns made more sense or had as many options on the builder as they do in the books, then I might be able to do the Kinetic Cannon Turrets justice on the Hiigaran Battlecruiser. I'll probably just cheat anyway and give the K-2 turrets two extra arcs for free; not like the builder or rules are balanced as is.
Dang, I love that kind of space ship.
Only ship with style in this thread.
Will there ever be a better space rts than Homeworld?
I'm absolutely in love with the ship designs from Homeworld. The entire game is just so... aesthetic.
I've got to get around to buying that one of these days. It came out a bit before my time, but I've heard nothing but good things about it.
>It came out a bit before my time
There's a recent remaster of it
Yes, I know, but there doesn't seem to be one for the third game- the more horror-angled one. Which sucks, because the only game store around where I live went bust like five years ago.
>the third game- the more horror-angled one
That was just dlc on the first game's engine. I couldn't even get it to work on a newer pc...
Playing Legend of Dragoon. Havn't seen referenes of that in ages.
Bruh. That's the Daisy from Infinite space. I LOVE that game man.
Turrets on top of turrets. I love that shit. Also, how do I green text?
>With Meme arrows
>Will there ever be a better space rts than Homeworld?
I will shill for this in each and every space thread I find in each and every board i stalk. I'm not even sorry.
On a more Homeworld related note, apparently there are very satisfied with the sales of both Remastered collection and Children of Kharak so i would be surprised they're not working on HW3 currently.
>The most scientifically accurate space warfare simulator ever made.
Well this sounds horribly boring.
Depends what you're looking for. I'm quite hyped.
Plot is pretty cool, combat was fucking bad. Also making the spaceships 3d was a mistake.
>You will never have a Nexus 2 with the solar system only.
Mang, I still remember my fucking stiletto.
This one was also in an old book called Our Universe, that I spent so much of my childhood with that it utterly fell apart at the seams into individual pages while I was in grade school.
My father usually grounded us when he broke things, but he never said a word about that one, he knew how it had gotten to that point.
When I got into highschool, he gave me a brand new copy, far newer version than before of course.
It fell apart at the seams by my son's hands.
That 'conceptual' artstyle they had decades ago is wonderful stuff for the imagination. So much atmosphere to it...
and one more.
These are what I gots for now.
Yeah, I remember how much I loved the first missions with the realistic looking starships.
And the disappointment when I found the generic fancy shiny aerodynamic spaceplane I'd be spending the rest of the game in ;_;
It was a standalone game, you didn't need 1 to play it. As I remember, they've lost the source code or something for it and that's why there hasn't been a remaster or just a GOG style re-release of it patched to work on modern machines. Or so I've heard, which sucks because I want more homeworld.
It looks cool except for two things:
>ow the edge that name
>this will attract all the hate-filled spergs from /kspg/ desperately try to let everyone know just how much surface knowledge they know about engineering, science, space history, etc
then again, it's single player, right?
Yup, I couldn't go one with the new ships, the old ones were a lot cooler. Than Babylon 5 was Airing with they omega class and starfury made me love the early game campaign even more.
>Babylon 5
Hell yeah.
>Nexus mods.
I didn't even know it was possible.
Everything's been modded in everything.
No exceptions.
i loved both types of gameplay
the story and combat was 20/10 in my book
i do wish that we got a few more missions in the stilleto, fluffing a bit earth
So what's a good and easy Space RPG?
What kind of space RPG? Hard SF? Soft?
It is indeed single player. If you want to give a look under the hood it goes a fair bit beyond surface knowledge, but yeah i guess Dunning-Kruger will be in full effect over it. Also, give the man a break about the name, it perfectly fits the background of the game and i'd say a single developper doing all this deserves some leeway.
That's a tough one. For so many games it's a badly done afterthought.... Even Edge of the Empire scales terribly and is better served (especially the piloting stat) by switching to the X-Wing Miniatures game when space combat occurs.
I've been doing okay with Fragged Empire, it's a bit simple though, but it's decently fun if you give some extra starting influence (the 'have and maintain ships' stat) so the party can have something other than a box with engines that'll get from surface to moon.
Jovian Chronicles is also quite nice.
Sequel pic to that.
The ship design is distinctive but uniform. Geometric shapes both delicate and industrial align together to create simplistic, almost architectural, designs at a distance, while revealing interesting geometry and detail up close, often asymmetrical designs to make them more intriguing.
The Hiigaran look more like a contemporary Navy, with ship styles vagues inspired by naval ships, while the Vaygr ships are seemingly inspired by the fish within, their vertical docking bays literally spawning ships, and their shark-like designs underscoring their predatory intent.
Name aside...
I think I came.
Currently building a fleet for Full Thrust, or any other space ship game whose rules I can steal or modify for a Hiigaran fleet. I've wanted space ship minis for a while, but I've never had a connection any designs until now.
i'd like to add at that
the higs have a mor stadaraized look, witch makes sences sinse is build with mass production in mind, as they got a lot of territory to cover quantity and ease mantenimance are chief or so i belive
the vagyr have an agresive and fish-like desing because they come from nebula/asteriod dense zones, the flowing desing helps them to move easily trough any nebula, also large sensor stations and bridges for a huge vision range, needed in low visivility zones and fine movement or so i belive
>Edge of the Empire scales terribly
How so?
Hiigarans also build higher quality, or so it says in the manual. They've got secondary systems and are built with extra jobs in mind for many units. The Hiigaran carrier is a good example, fitted with bays for all it can produce rather than just one like Vaygr carriers. Of course, that tends to make their ships more expensive. Makes sense for the Vaygr to mass-produce for their overwhelming Crusade while the Hiigarans build for quality because there's still not many of them out there.
They also play more defensively rather than offensively, which also makes sense since the Hiigarans are playing defense against the Vaygr who are the invaders, which is a departure from the symmetricality of the faction matchups in Homeworld 1.
you are right, im just trying to get my lore explanation, higs we know but vagyr? other than they come somewhere from they outer rim we dont get much
They were a piratic race that was mostly limited to sub-light or short FTL travel before they found the Third Hyperspace Core, living off the spoils of what they could steal from those they encountered.
After that, they united under warlord Makaan and started taking over the galaxy with purpose. Makaan's profile pic shows him as nominally human, but concept art of the Vaygr shows them as possibly thin-limbed and frog-like. Could be the Vaygr fell in under an alien leader, or the concept art is simply incorrect. Actually, come to think of it, save for images of Hiigarans, we're not really sure what any of the races really look like. They might all be human offshoots and subraces set apart by millions of years.
Okay, you know the gunnery skill?
You know initiative?
Guess what DOESN'T change though.
Hitting a ship does NOT change with the pilot's skill. Shields are a laughable extra black die, and defense has a hard cap of 4 (whether that's SSD shields giving you 4 or double-angled on an A-Wing's front plus +2 defense from your class tree).
Hit difficulty is determined by size difference (need 2+ to actually change anything), so UNLESS you are an A-Wing AND have the smaller-target ability from the piloting trees, you are NOT harder to hit.
Basically what happens is that after early-game one of two things happens:
>You have short-range or medium-range sensors and the other guy does not, and you are BLIND beyond sensor range, so you fire a missile and he never fucking knows what instantly one-shot his starfighter
>You get to dogfighting range, you win initiative, and so before the other guy can react you fire and kill him thanks to like a triple-hit crit from boons. Your gunnery's gone up and up, and defense has NOT CHANGED ONCE.
Technically if you got initiative you could "gain the advantage" to prevent getting shot at all if the other guy has no turrets, except you'd be an idiot to do that when you can literally JUST WIN NOW.
Especially with missiles: a pair-launch of concussions or a single torpedo can wipe out an entire wing of most fighters flying in formation.
Even when you "survive" because you're "an important character" you're still utterly fucked: A disabled ship (whether it was stress or hull) CAN be returned to minimal functionality, but that is defined as minimum sublight only, no hyperdrive, I can't remember if sensors, no weapons, and some life support.
So chances are you can't call for help (comms are limited to sensor range by the way so a TIE can't communicate with a ship any further than dogfighting distances) or ever make it home if you didn't have a friendly base or craft wherever you got shot. You'll just fucking starve to death.
>can't communicate beyond sensor range
Do the writers not understand how transmissions work? I get not having real-time communication beyond sensor range (but even then, that's a stretch since Star Wars clearly has FTL communication), but having comms just STOP at sensor range is baffling.
They literally went "comms range = sensor range", and explain that beyond sensor range you're blind.
So yeah, it's particularly dumb when you consider Wedge in an A-Wing is NO HARDER to hit than "I have no fucking clue what I'm doing"P0 at the helm of the Executor.
Most comms should keep going. Like those diagrams of radiowaves and how far they've gotten from Earth. Don't know what they're using to transmit, though, so I can't say how far/fast they would travel.
Now getting somebody to respond in a timely fashion would be a pain in the ass.
They lose power after a fashion. Our radio wave transmissions save for the particularly powerful and directionally focused ones have likely dissipated to background static around the Oort Cloud, despite them having been around long enough to years several of the nearest stars.
oh, it's one guy? holy hell, yeah this is incredible work on his/her part, shit
>that detail
After reading Footfall and the Forever War I never want to take part in real space battles fuck physics and the shit you can get away with in space
I'm more worried with the shit you CAN'T get away with.
post more spess
>Well this sounds horribly boring.
This. Very hard sci-fi is just as bad as very soft sci-fi.
Not necessarily. Anything can be executed well, but the extremes often trend towards the more difficult where the more moderate reaches the approachable and easier to do. There's been fantastic hard scifi done, and fantastic soft scifi as well, and a whole lot of fantastic works in the middle as well.
Sticking to the extremes can be difficult, and people that might be great at writing scifi might neglect other elements of the story. Isaac Asimov's characters read more like aesthetic touches to his scifi stories than characters. Larry Niven, by contrast, seems to be writing character-driven scifi where the scifi element is almost background. Neither is really correct and both can be good and interesting.
What was I saying? I'm tired. Anyway, don't write off the extremes just because they're difficult goals to achieve.