I'll start...Dex Monk in PF.
Even after the GM upgraded me to Unchained I still suck fucking hard because I can't kill shit.
I'll start...Dex Monk in PF.
Even after the GM upgraded me to Unchained I still suck fucking hard because I can't kill shit.
Protip: If you're going for a DEX build, get Deadly Agility from Path of War. Then you can't STOP killing shit.
Or maybe, just throwing this out there, NOT worry about killing shit. Play for fun and story?
But then it wouldn't be a ROLLplaying game I guess...
fuck off, mate. He clearly has a game that's based around killin' shit if it's what he's worried about not being good at.
>Fun and story
Story is that I had to sit down and watch how the others either killed stuff or were killed by stuff. Literally last combat of that game everybody died and I couldn't prevented because enemies ignored me due how little damage I dealt, I ended fleeing because, at least, I was the fastest.
Was 1pp only so no PoW.
Trying to play a good-aligned paladin while being the only one actually addressing the Neutral Evil PC in the game (in character I mean).
Funnily enough, my paladin also has a dark past and an ambiguous power (Keeper of the Elder Sign homebrew/warlock GOO). And yet, the half-demon half-vampire insisted I was calling out her shit just because of her origins. Yeah, not just because you wear your disregard for others on your sleeve, or chew on your father's (granted evil vampire father's) head as a sign of dominance.
If I would have just stuck with my first CN character, I would at least have been able to have my character not give a fuck and just sit away in a corner and drink.
Getting endurance as a feat in 3.5e. It really is just not worth it. Now my monk is basically down a feat.
Oh, that reminds me, the player I had to deal with would always make the excuse of "roleplay" to justify her shitty actions in combat. And yet, she was the player that always complained when she lost/died (revived constantly because enabler DM), always hoarded the treasure, and metagamed for her own benefit.
I think I might start a That Guy thread if there isn't already one up.
>Asking our resident Tolkien nut to GM a "book appropriate" game of CODA LoTR.
Never. Again. I had no idea what torrents of autism I'd unleash. In his defense, he warned us beforehand that this was a terrible idea, but it's not often that things explode in session zero.
Hey, at least he was aware of it.
Giving that skinny dark-haired half-drunk dude who hangs around the FLGS and steals Magic cards, a chance to join my sci-fi-post-apocalypse game in GURPS.
He started with like a 20 skill in Rifles and he went hunting for women gathering water from a river. He shot them in the leg so that they would fall into the water and drown. I asked him why he did it and he just said he wanted their guns. He didn't actually commit rape but he got so close that I was about to kick him out. Everyone else was like ,WTF, but he also had a ton of points in Stealth so no one even noticed him.
He was trying to tie up one of the crippled women to use as bait to capture the wolf-monsters I was using as an early-campaign threat, and I basically had the wolves not show up because I knew he was just going to camp out in the nearby brush and watch them eat her alive.
Fucking sicko. I never invited him back.
>skinny dark-haired half-drunk dude who hangs around the FLGS and steals Magic cards
I thought this was me for a minute but i'm fat
>steals magic cards
That shoulda been your first clue. if someone is so petty as to steal cards, they probably aren't worth dealing with.
Oh man, Dex monk, such a trap, you think you're the smartest by reducing you mad turning str into dump stat till you realize how fucked you're. Been there user, thought it was 3.5
>no story time
what are you doing?
wanna know whats worse? having to explain why you aren't crippled in a fight because your DM forgot how poisons work, yet still taking that 1 permanent str damage because he used a poison that causes that.
Tell us the story user or at least the cliff notes.
Well, I was watching Babylon 5 with the wife.
But the story time, at least in short mode:
We have this guy in our group, and he's a real Tolkien nut. I don't just mean he likes the books. I like the books. I mean he's published articles about Tolkien and analyzes it the way you would a literature text. In addition, he's like a walking encyclopedia, not just about the books, in general, which is probably why he's the usual GM in our group.
Anyway,our last game dissolved, I don't entirely remember why, but there was a bit of bad blood around, and we're sitting around trying to decide what to play next, and nobody's coming up with a good idea.
>Why don't we do something in Tolkien?
I say, more to get things moving in any direction again. Everyone in the group is at least passingly familiar, and it wouldn't have to strain too many creativity neurons, so I thought it could work out.
Our usual GM/Tolkien nut was the obvious choice to run it, and he was the sole objector, but eventually went along with the rest of us.
About two days later, he's said he read up on the system we'd be playing, and that he "generally likes it, but wants to run a few modifications to it."
Sends an e-mail with a long list of him essentially redoing the entire magic system from the ground up. In the process, he's completely gutted two classes, (And there are only like 7 or 8 to begin with) and recommends that nobody picks them, because spells are now tied to stuff that you do unless you're doing "Sauronic Magic"which as the Good Guys, we are not.
All right. It wasn't too bad, and it's not like magic is that generally useful in this game anyway. We're getting together for our session zero, and he's outlaying the broad outline of the campaign, we'll be agents of the Blue Wizards somewhere out east, and we're going to try to stir up a lot of trouble for the baddies, prevent them from mustering as many men as he otherwise could have.
Then he starts with all of his "realism" (or accuracy to Tolkien) stuff.
No Hobbits without a lot of work to justify how they'd get all the way out East of Dorwinion where most of the campaign is taking place. You will also be at a severe handicap because most of the cultures in the area put an emphasis on horses and riding, and Hobbits can't ride horses.
Similar problems for Dwarves, albeit less of an issue about getting out there but the riding difficulties will cause Dwarves problems too.
And then, the Elves. Because we had asked him to be "True to the books" (A dumb as hell idea) he starts laying out his theories as to the respective roles of Elves and Men and how they're incarnated in the music of the Ainur. The short of it was, to him, the Elves can't be at the forefront or the critical juncture for defeating Sauron or any of his agents. So he's warning anyone who will make an Elven character that they WILL fail at a vital moment if it's something directly relating to opposing the Bad Guys. They'll be enormously powerful for "ancially" matters, and maybe very helpful to have on the balance for that, but when it comes down to the big endgame stuff, yeah, you're going to be fiated into failure and he wanted everyone to know that before the game started.
That last one went over very badly, as he's pretty much (but not directly demanding it) forcing us all to play human fightery types in order to stay true to his vision of the books.
And you couldn't argue with him. I Mean, in theory you could have, but this guy knows the setting so much better than the rest of us, that nobody present could raise an objection to it without being snowed in references to the History of Middle-Earth, replete with him showing it to you on the copy he keeps on his phone and why you're wrong.
In the end, we just gave the whole thing up as a bad job.
I have no advice at this time. (Beyond the obligatory "reroll a wizard, win the game" crap.)
They were some pretty expensive cards though. The dude had a copy of the key to one of the cases from when he used to work there.
Its still really scummy.
All I can say is, at least he was aware of his autism and warned you that it was a terrible idea.
That puts him above the bulk of most THAT GMs that frequent this board at least.
Low tier classes are still competent at killing things famalam, they just have bad out of combat utility compared to the big boys.
Its probably our build that sucked balls if you fuck up.
had a guy whine cause his character lost a duel but claimed him winning would have been a better story and how he felt cheated.
I wouldn't even call him That GM. He just wanted to run the game as close to the source material as possible, and did warn people that doing so imposes big limitations on what you can and can't do. He'd probably be a veyr good GM if you were specifically wanting to play a game set in the Middle Earth, with everything as close to the source material as possible.
eah, it's hard to hate someone for being autistic about something when they tell you that they know they'll get autistic about it and it's a bad idea
>first time playing any kind of table top roleplaying game
>intense fight really early on is looking super close to tpk
>enemy has no hp left and init is right after me
>know that if I don't kill him we will lose someone
>fire risky shot as its all I can do
>fail horribly
>hit and kill party member
>next turn enemy kills another party member
>just me left
>hit him this time
>not sure what to do now so game just ends
Other two party members got real mad because they were children/apprentices of old characters they had in the past and I got them killed. I wasn't aware ranged attacks could hit someone else if they missed and I didn't play table top for 4 years after this.
>competent at killing things
Maybe if you don't go Dex monk
>Thread called innocent mistakes that made ruined your experience
>"Maybe you made a mistake with your build"
You aren't the brightest, are you?
Agile AoMF?
I'm not OP, and I only talk from my experience and from my friends, but magic item market isn't usually a thing in our games. So unless you have luck with the rolls or you have a magic item crafter in the team you're fucked.
If OP is complaining maybe is because he didn't have access to one. I even don't remember if it's 1pp to be honest.
Arcane casters that don't take craft wondrous item to extend their support in downtime is the cancer of every party.
You don't go into deeandee 3.PF and not make a character that is effective at fighting/killing shit.
90% of the PHB is based around what you can do during combat, the errata is based around spells that can be used during combat, and the supplements add, you guessed it, mechanical benefits that ultimately factor into your combat expertise.
Making a shitty character for the purposes of roleplay is like flattening your own tires before a race for a "handicap."
There are plenty of systems out there where the emphasis is on inter-party interactions and roleplay, 3.PF is not one of those systems.