>official rules attached
>Herald of Ruin version:
Why are fast attack choices core now ?
>official rules attached
>Herald of Ruin version:
Why are fast attack choices core now ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably because some make good core infantry, rather than simply being stuffed into Special which is a bit more limiting.
Given that KT is still played on a standard board, games that don't include a majority of models that can get to the enemy ASAP leaves it pretty bland.
>Given that KT is still played on a standard board
KT should be played on a 4x4 table, not 4x6 which is the standard.
Really discourages taking "proper" core units. Why get a Tactical when you can get a Bike ? If you want a heavy weapon take one in the special slot instead.
Or in case of Sisters pay one more point to get Scout, Ignore Cover for a turn and three special weapons with Dominions.
That and I personally think that the terrain should be dense with only a few firing lanes so it's more about setting up up the firefight and securing lanes the enemy won't use over just running at the enemy units.
So something like how Infinity plays its games?
I should try playing kill team on an infinity table
How is it compared to say infinity? Obviously better fluff and such a huge variety, but do the rules work well, or is it team A will almost always beat team B because team B is orks?
It kind of fixes the shitfest that is regular 40k tabletop and is alot more fun/faster
I can't speak about Infinity due to my low amount experience with it, although from what I read the rules it's more strategic - setting up overwatch, deploying smoke, alternating activation instead of player turns, etc.
However from what I think Kill Team changes the dynamic a bit, with small elite units being actually good and balance being a bit closer to what it should be thanks to the smaller scale - no free goodies, and armies that go for mass shooting aren't AS strong because they don't get enough cheap fodder that drows you under the volume of fire.
So how would one go about making a Death Watch Kill Team?
Would one squad of veterans be basically it?
It's interesting rules wise. some units that you rarely see on the table become amazing in KT. SM Scouts are arguably one of the best unit's to use in KT. I've been running DE Mandrakes to great success. Hell, even Kroot are popping up as really reliable units.
Most games I've played fall into one of two categories: the first is where the person has taken something that might be game breaking if it were a regular game of 40k at 200 pts, like 4 Nurgle Bikers. When you can only charge one fire warrior at a time you're in for a bad time.
The second is when people bring diverse lists of units that can do a few different tasks, they inevitably end up being far more capable of dealing with things thrown their way.
Magic number is between 10 to 20 models, any less and losing even one guy hurts a lot, any more and you're just foot slogging Ork Boyz who will just get picked apart.
IIRC 5 veterans cost 110 so it might be a choice - do you want more guys, some special weapons or a Razorback ?
Some make sense in the context of their teams. Others not so much. Retarded balance is to blame there.
In some cases it adds a lot of variety. In others it adds more point-efficient choices. HoR can have you kitted out with a Centurion hero with Centurion honor guard or a team of nothing but Terminators, and you'll get cut to shreds by the guy who spams autogun cultists because you only need a couple lucky hits to get through that armor and cause a wound.
There's still imbalance, but it's definitely better than "oh you have that Codex? I might as well concede."
Even Vespid get a boost in KT.
Cluttered tables, medium ranges, and a lack of large volumes of models with more than 3+ means they have a purpose as a harassment unit with a lot of mobility.
Also, they have Stealth (Ruins). What's a ruin on a KT table? A Zone Mortalis table? Basically everything.
Well I mostly collect small amounts of 40k models since I always hated the game but kill team looks interesting and I have around the perfect amount of models.
I did get around 10 Veterans but I sort of kitted them out based on coolness factor though and that usually never helps in a game environment
So I got around
2 Shotguns
1 Xenophase Blade (seargent)
1 Frag cannon
1 Infernus heavy bolter
1 Heavy Thunder hammer (This one is a black shield)
1 power mace plus storm shield
2 with boltguns and power swords
and then one with a stalker bolter
I also got a Squad of Scions and a command squad if I could make a scion list out of it
You won't be able to fit in that many, sorry.
Also this might be just my group's thing but fielding only Sternguards, and by extension Deathwatch vets, is seen as being That Guy.
Really?Why? Its literally just 5 models that only move 6'', Jet pack infantry blow that shit out of the water as they'll out of LoS in your turn and jump to shoot you in their turn.
can a have a imperial knight by itself?
This isn't a serious question, is it?
Well the new rules do have a mission where its a KT vs a superheavy, so you could houserule it and just use a knight there and just play that mission though you'll be immobile throughout the entire game.
So how would I cut them down to 5 models
You're outlining the situation where you're opponent is being a bigger "that guy" than you. SG/DWV are considered OP for their special ammo/ their ability to take on nearly anything that they are faced with in KT at 24".
So, I picked up the new Kill Team box, and now I'm stuck with some Tau firewarriors that I never expected to have. Couple of questions
>1: Kroot look really handy in kill team. Essentially guardsmen with move through cover, sometime stealth, and a slightly better melee weapon. Even just a team of 10 is a nice source of cheap bodies
>2: It looks like I can take crisis suits in regular kill team. I know for sure I can take them in Heralds of ruin, just wanted to know if vanilla allows them. I can't see why not, just curious. If so, what's some fun stuff to take on them?
>3 Fire warriors look handy as well, especially their little Autocannon turret.
So I'm kind of paralyzed by choices here. I'm an IG player at heart, and ain't used to this fancy pants technowatzits the Tau have. I'm thinking of running 3 crisis suits with some regular fire warriors, maybe a small breacher team as well although their rules don't seem to function as well individually. I can even take 3 crisis suits, 5 fire warriors, and 10 Kroot if I really wanted to go nuts and keep them barebones.
Any advice? Am I looking at this wrong or is this an ok idea? I'm ideally looking at only buying boxes that can pull double duty in HoR and vanilla, that way if either flops I can run the other. I don't plan on running tau past kill team either, so I'm cool with buying just one crisis box for example and magnetizing the fuck out of it. The store also has kroot in stock, hence why I was curious about them.
Thanks guys
The best rule there is for forming a KT is "boys before toys", a lot of people forget that once you lose half of the models you have on the board, you need to take leadership tests each turn not to lose individual models. With 18 models on the board in your current list, if you lose 9, you need to start taking leadership all over the place. A smart opponent will focus on removing 9 kroot (relatively easy) and watch your suits flee. You'd probably be better off with just two suits tooled up to deal with specific threats and then adding 4 hounds to the kroot to be able to quickly hit squishier shooting units that an enemy might bring, like Eldar pathfinders.
I suspect the Pulse Carbine might come into its own in the tight confines of a KT board. Assault means you can charge (if you're suicidal or crazy enough to charge with Tau) and you've got Pinning which can help hold down lower leadership troops. I don't think the breachers do much in this scenario, though, I think their guns might be too sucky even for KT.
Stealth Suits are almost guaranteed a constant 2+ cover save from terrain everywhere.
Pathfinders get the short end of the stick. Unless you want some for their special weapons, they're more costly, have worse armor, and suffer from having their Markerlights nerfed since they only target individual models. But didn't Fire Warriors get some special weapon options? Unless you want Pathfinder specific ones, you might as well just stick to whatever has a 4+ and 3+ Sv or cheap filler like Kroot.
I haven't tocuhed 40k in ages.
How is kill team? I don't have a very big army but I'm sure I can put together a small force for this.
Does it change a lot of the meta?
I've never gotten into Warhammer. I played Necromunda a couple times in the 90s, but that's it. But with Kill Team, it seems like it's at a size where I'd enjoy it. So my question is, in additional to the box, what do I need to be able to run other kill teams? Like I see the "Build your kill team" section and want Eldar. What do I need to buy, to be able to include an Eldar kill team in a game?
From the pdf, all you need is 200 points of troops, elite, or fast attack
So, not much. That's two squads of guardsman and a command squad.
Are there any supplements I'm going to need, though? It's GW, and I assume that if I am looking at something and it appears to be reasonably priced, it's because I won't learn about the four other things I have to buy until after I purchase the first thing. Like, do I need to buy a codex for each, or are the rules scrunched down for just the box I buy? I know I could get .pdfs, but I'd end up buying books I need, so just checking.
Well if you bought the box, I think all you would need is the codex of the race you want to play, since the box says it includes a version of the 40k rulebook that has the regular rules in it.
Huh. Alright, it sounds reasonable. Ordering.
How good would two squads of guard and a command actually be?
Assuming you can see the enemy you want to kill with enough of your Guardsmen? decent. but that's entirely dependent on how the table is set up, and it gets pretty cluttered in KT. You'd be better off with smaller squads of more specialized troops, especially anything with stealth or shrouded.
What if they have flamers?
What's a good list for a scout-based KT? Want an excuse to model some BA scouts.
The rules are in the pdf in the OP if you want, you won't need anything else beside that and your minis.
What should I expect from a Kill Team made of Military Tempestus? I don't know anything about them.
S3 AP3 and whole lot of nothing since they depend on orders from their Command Squad and you can't take one in KT. Or are you talking about HoR ?
Kill-Team, but I suspect the manager will include some RPG elements, maybe from HoR, to the campaing.
How deadly are Tyranids in Kill Team?
if you take them as IG you can. A platoon of stormtroopers counts as 1 elite slot. Works just like an infantry platoon
+++ KT Raven Guard (196pts) +++
++ Space Marines: Codex (2015) (Unbound Army (Faction)) (196pts) ++
+ (No Category) +
Chapter Tactics [Raven Guard]
+ No Battle Role (Troops) (83pts) +
Scout Squad (83pts) [3x Boltgun, Camo Cloaks (10pts), 4x Scouts (44pts)]
Heavy Bolter (13pts) [Hellfire Rounds (5pts)]
Scout Sergeant (16pts) [Boltgun, Chainsword, Melta Bombs (5pts)]
+ No Battle Role (Fast Attack) (113pts) +
Assault Squad (113pts) [Flamer (5pts), Jump Packs (12pts), Plasma Pistol (15pts), 3x Space Marines (42pts)]
Veteran Sergeant (39pts) [Bolt Pistol, Power Sword (15pts)]
Created with BattleScribe (battlescribe.net)
Reposting this from the last thread. I'm new to 40k so I'd appreciate any feedback.
Iike it but all 3 chainswords have plasma pistols?
No just one of them. I can only take two special weapons so i went with one flamer and one plasma pistol.
R8 muh Deldar kill team.
Shadow Shrike hunter pack
8 Scourges all together, 128 points.
-Solarite with Venom Blade and Splinter pistol, 15 points. The leader of the pack.
-1 scourge has a Blaster, and is the Guerrilla Specialist with Infiltrate, 15 points.
-1 scourge has a Dark Lance and is the Weapon Specialist with Eagle-Eye (54 '' fucking range) 20 points
-1 scourge has a Splinter Cannon, and is the Indomitable specialist, with Relentless.
Total, 193 points.
The idea is to sit the Dark Lance fucker in a ruin, or some other position where he can see the whole table, and let him snipe fuckers, while the Blaster dude infiltrates near the enemy, and hopefully eliminates or at least damages something important with the blaster, or at the very least, becomes something that the enemy has to kill to feel secure, giving the rest of my birds of prey an opportunity to advance closer unmolested.
The Splinter cannon dude will give salvo fire on the move due to him having relentless, while the regular dudes simply swoop in for the kill with the Solarite, whose venom blade is a threat to pretty much everyone due to it wounding pretty much everything on 2+.
Scourges being jump infantry, I should also have very decent mobility on everyone besides the Dark Lance dude, who can't really move without losing his ability to shoot on the shooting phase.
What do you guys think?
I honestly don't know what those are. All I remember from playing against DE are transport skimmers filled with troops with poison.
Scourges are jump infantry with shard carbines by default.
you're better off dropping 3 of the general Scourges and picking up 6 Warriors instead for more bodies on the table.
I built a 5 man kill team with each one carrying a different ranged weapon, with some of them carrying a boltgun instead of ccw. Here's mine at 200 pts:
1x DW Sargent w. combi plasma and xenophase sword
1x DW w. shotgun and bolter instead of CCW
1x. DW w. stalker and bolter instead of CCW
1x. DW with infernus HB w. hellfire rounds
1x. DW w. cheese cannon
Haven't tried the full Kill Team rules yet, but I would like to see how this workd.
10-15 scouts. Throw in a rhino, razorback, landspeeder, or attack bike if you want. A mix of bolters, shotguns and close combat. Heavy bolter with relentless, a close combat the wounds on 2+ and maybe increase range of a bolter.
I just realised today that each model is its own unit. So everyone can throw grenades. Got over numbered by a kroot horde Friday night. Should have frag spammed them.
Dark Eldar Kill Team I've been running:
5 x Mandrakes - 60 points
1 Mandrake - Leader
1 Mandrake - Weapons Specialist [Sharpshooter]
1 Mandrake - Dirty Fighter Specialist - [Executioner]
1 Mandrake - Combat Specialist - [Killer Instinct]
2 x Clawed Fiends - 60 points
8 x Khymerae - 80 points
Mandrakes pop up as close to enemy fire support as they can and hit them with balefire. with 2+ cover saves and FNP, they distract the hell out of the them until the beast pack shows up largely unmolested to devour faces.
Suggestions? I've been thinking of dropping a Clawed Fiend and 3 Khymerae for 5 more Mandrakes, as they shine so well, but I worry I can't deal with assault focused lists at that point.
So theoretically, how screwed would this list be
Infantry platoon (195 points)
>Infantry squad (55 points)
8 guardsmen
1 guardsman w/ Flamer (5 points)
>Infantry squad (55 points)
8 guardsmen
1 guardsman w/ Flamer (5 points)
>Platoon Command squad (85 points)
Platoon Commander w/ power fist (25 points)
Guardsman w/ medi-pack (15 points)
Guardsman w/ plasma gun (15 points)
2 Guardsmen
Would there be an ideal selection of specialists?
You can give them a bolter on top of their special Death watch shit?
Damn that sounds insane
Whats better 45 guardsmen or 45 cultists?
I looked into it, and it turns out according to the space marine codex, yes you can.
Man I am actually tempted to cheese that I dont play 40k that much but I made my models exactly to those specifications
Guardsmen, because they have the power of the emperor on their side
How are Seraphim + Seraphim Superior in Kill Team? (Herald of Ruin version)
I'm looking at going with a very mobile force that way and giving the superior the item that ups the shield of faith on all models in the list to 5+. That way there are Seraphim with a rerollable 5+ in case I come up against AP3
I know it kinda makes sense in the fluff because of how the deathwatch operate. Besides, I'm working on converting the shotgun model to be like a masterkey attachment.
>masterkey on a bolter
Fuck you for giving me this idea when I just finished my last Death Watch model
Masterkeys are used to destroy locks, not shoot people.
isnt a combi-weapon just basically this:
Pretty much
But in 40K a weapon attached to another weapon is either hot fancy tech reserved for only the elite, or the best damn idea that grotsnub ever had
Just DL the rules from the warhammer general, you only need your models.
>change graphics settings
>suddenly motion blur is on
>the game won't let me turn it off
What the fuck
medic won't do anything. Remember, medipacks only work for the UNIT. Every model is its own unit in kill team.
I had a similar idea though
Infantry squad: Autocannon, melta
Infantry squad: Autocannons, melta
Platoon command: Autocannon, melta, Heavy flamer
200 on the nose.
Give one of the autocannons relentless, give a melta preferred enemy, and give another ignore cover. Not sold on the third specialist but that much dakka is damn handy in kill team.
Also, tried this tonight and had a blast
Veteran Squad: Carapace, Heavy Flamer, x2 Plasma gun, Autocannon, bolter for sarge
Chimera: Hull heavy flamer, recovery gear, relic plate.
Autocannon has relentless, 1 plasma has ignore cover, other plasma has preferred enemy. Goddamn ignores cover is amazing on a plasma gun. No one is safe when you have that.
it's something like 199pts. I'm gonna reconfigure it a bit, probably take the bolter off the sarge and the extra bits from the Chimera to give the vets camo gear, not sure what else would really help to be honest.
They have a few units that can be nasty. You will really need to rework the instinctive behavior thing, though. Is that already solved? I haven't been up on my 40k since I jumped out when AdMech showed up.
Are Vespids viable in KillTeam?
I guess it'd be better to get rid of the medi-pack and then bring along two autocannon teams, huh?
not necessarily, I just use autocannons because thats what I have in bulk. Honestly heavy bolters wouldnt be too bad either, or even missile launchers (remember, no 2+ armor saves and most 2w or more models are T4, meaning you can one shot them)
I use autocannons because they can do anything fairly decently and have crazy range. It ensures that if I see something I can hit it, even with all the terrain the game uses, it comes in handy.
But yeah even just a single
relentless heavy weapon team is nice. It gives you mobile fire support that can hang back to cover fire lanes or force a vehicle to hide.
Don't forget you have other options, like melta bombs on Sarge's or even bolters so they can contribute at range.
All the weird little 1-2 pt upgrades start to have a purpose in kill team.
Theyre ap 3 jump infantry right? Unless theyre just stupidly expensive I'm sure you could find a way to make them work. I'm not a Tau player though, not really sure what they do.
That's what Heralds of Ruin recommends, IIRC.
Pretty scary, I ran the list below. Dual handflamers with sniper is pure filth.
Seraphim 90
2 Hand Flamers 20
5 Celestians 70
Heavy Bolter 10
Melta 10
Seraphim leader Combat Specialist - Killer Instinct (wound on 2+)
Handflamer Seraphim Weapon Specialist - Sniper
Heavy Bolter Guerilla Specialist - Preferred Enemy
But what about the mobility?
>was about to correct you that sniper makes it a heavy weapon
>look it up again
>oh sweet baby emprah it doesn't
>and to wound rolls of 6 are AP2
>MFW I have a jump pack lamenter sarge with dual hand flamers
>MFW they will guarantee auto hit twice, wound on 4's, ignore armor on a 6, and can even glance av 10 if I need to
>MFW its the enemy's turn to lament
you are a wonderful person and my group is going to hate you for this
I could probably kill that with my Dark Angels list of 6 bikes.
I think in KT, taking 15 Battle sisters has merit. See
15 sisters is 180 points, you can make some of them Celestians for an extra attack and ld9 and still have a special weapon, or take 2 weapons (4 flamers), maybe take a VSS and a weapon. The specialist options help full the gaps, too. Infiltrating Heavy Flamer, Bolter with Sniper, and Celestian with melee Rending or 2+ poison. They all have frag/krak as well.
Glad to be of assistance... its extra fun with the sisters one as her AoF gives shred for a turn!
Hormagaunts are more powerful as they get to ignore the negatives of Feed by being single model units.
Since this is Kill Team General, what does Veeky Forums think of my first Hormagaunt for my 'Nid Kill Team?
All I see is drybrush.
What model do you take the bolter to put on the sargents?
Scouts id assume
If I remember correctly, as each miniature works like its own unit, you wouldn't be able to use the Splinter Cannon properly. If you kill the enemy model with the first 1-2 shots, the other 5-4 would be wasted.
It might be useful for removing nasty stuff with FNP and invulnerable saves, but other than that... Perhaps a Liquifier could be a better idea?
Very much so. Jump Infantry with AP3 assault weapons and stealth (ruins) in a small table is the perfect recipe for dealing with marines.
Then again, if you face orks or guardsmen, you've wasted points in that AP3.
I have several old metal IG models that came with them, I also have a few I made with the Catachan command box (it comes with them as well)
it really didnt help any, next time I'm going to leave him bare and just have him ride around in the Chimera.
>stealth (ruins)
oh sweet jebus if you played where I do you'd always have it, our tables are mostly ruins.
How do Acts of Faith or similar abilities work in Kill Team since each model is now a unit ?
As far as AoF, each model can use it because each squad can use it once per game. They're all individual squads.
The real question is why about units with psychic brotherhood? The rule is ignored, yet according to GW Zoanthropes are still psykers.
Reminder me which slot are they in ?
What, Zoans? They're elite.
>claws are a different color than the chitinous plates
Would breachers & pathfinders make for a decent killteam, or should I try to throw a piranha in there?
Breachers with that AP3 would be alright
Does it work with with eagle eye specialist?
If so, yes.
Could Horus Heresy armies be used in Kill Team ? A small Vet Tactical Squad with some weapons could probably do some damage.
30k has its own version doesn't it? Something set around the Istvan massacre if I remember right
Victory is Vengeance in Book III.
Point purchases are for individual models
150pts set aside for 1 Hq and sergeant models
200-350pts for grunts depending on campaign performance
2+ saves allowed
Bonus and experience tables for prolonged campaign play
Chance for really brutal fuck ups like ammo running out on 1 or being forced to move like difficult terrain all the time.
It's really very good but needs a bit of tweaking to port to 40k.
oh ok very different then, nevermind.
Talk to your opponent's and see then I guess. Personally I'd be ok with it but then again I don't really know what kind of shenanigans a 30k army could pull in kill team
What would be a good team for Iron Hands?