Mount Thread

What is your preferred mount Veeky Forums?

yer mum

I have a weakness for dinosaur mounts, but in a more traditional fantasy setting I tend to go for terror-birds and not-chocobos. My pet setting also has wyvern-riders, but I don't tend to allow those for players.

There is nothing like running down one of the lesser races or our weakling cousins from the back of a hard-taught cold one. Of course, you must sometimes spur them lest they stop to feed.

i think an ostrich would be sufficiently cool

birds, crabs, and wolves


I'm ashamed to say I came here to post this.

So instead I'll actually contribute. I like wyvern and drake mounts, but I have a particular soft spot for griffins and hippogriffs. There's no justification for it in-universe and by all rights they should be shitty mounts. But they're fucking cool so they're in and that's all that matters.
Griffins are faster, more aggressive and harder to tame. Hippogriffs are somewhat easier, and generally stronger if occasionally prone to startling easy. Upsides and downsides from the horse portion of the mount.

But I maintain that horses are damn fine mounts. They may be dull, or too mundane for many in fantasy, but they're a classic. The true knight's noble steed. Horses are cool, dammit. Take pride in the fact your character has a warhorse, name it and take care of it and love the stupid skittish bastard.

I made a halfling for the express purpose of str-based, double lanced beastmaster with a vulture mount-pet.
As you can imagine, it was incredible for the entire two rounds of combat before I took 9001d6 falling damage because the vulture had a grand total of ~12 hp and 12~13 AC
I do like bird mounts though, and, by extension, raptor mounts since they have effectively the same posture

>I will never roleplay an undead paladin who spends his unlife raising and training living mounts

>spend all my gold buyng feed for my pets, fancy reins, and blankets

damn. ok, yer mum, in my aeron chair

The noble Slurk is my mount of choice.

bear cavalry, in power armor.

Googled Slurk rider, wasn't disappointed.

>saber-toothed frog

That is pretty amazing.

Probably some kind of Boar, I like things with tusks and/or horns with a sliiiight preference for horns.

Here's a cool mount idea.

Er for tusks over horns*

Anything as long as its pulling a chariot instead of me riding it. Favorite of all time is flying chariots. Nothing is more fitting to someone who wants to scream "I am important" then riding around in a flying chariot.

What exactly is a cold one, anyway?

How about a chariot drawn by magically lobotomized humans?

Bipedal tapir-men optional.

More boars.

Giant ferret or bust.

Guess that's bust then.

polish those horns boy, polish them good

It's just the common name for raptors in the setting, because of their cold blood.

Is it a ferret for ants?


>i think an ostrich would be sufficiently cool
Same. It's the main reason I rolled blood elf over night elf in wow. I just wish Bliz hadn't chickened out about the name and stuck to cockatrice. Nothing like riding a monster bird that will fuck your shit up.


Bear cavalry is best cavalry.


>Not living in a world where dinosaurs are used as cavalry
Why live?

I have a love for goats.



There is nothing human or attractive about that creature, visually speaking, but I still kind of want to fuck it.

Giant dogs.

Giant turtles would make a lot of sense for naval combat. Large clutches of eggs, damage resistant, long lived, fully submersible, a stable platform to shoot arrows from or fight boarders on, they swim damn quick, and they're mean as fuck with an armor piercing beak.

It's the eyelashes. It's always the eyelashes.

A Great Sabrecat.

motherfucking Baumren's a bro




Imagine how fucking invincible you would be atop this son of a bitch


>Nearly 50 replies
>Besides the "ur mum" at the start not one person has said "the barmaid" or something similar
Veeky Forums I'm proud

Gryphons. It used to be dragons but at some point catbirds dethroned them as my favorite fantasy creature. Unicorns also worth mentioning.

Don't you mean griffons?

I got no beef with spelling differences but I personally prefer "gryphon" because it hits my brain better.

Reminds me of my 3.5 knight character I made.

Went with a halfling so he could ride his mount in dungeons, and made the mount a polar bear because I thought it was fucking awesome. Well, the game I joined was level 15, and since pet health doesn't scale it became immediately apparent that the mount would never survive past the first round of combat.

Ended up just binding the poor thing's spirit to a locket so I could call forth my spectral bear mount whenever I needed.


Goddamn... Turtles are fucking evil.

You have been on the internet for too long... actually, just long enough.

somebody needs to take out the

Asian horses.
Riding lizards (bonus points for being able to go upside down or vertical)


Animal-fucking degenerates.



Anyone have a sadpanda link?

My weakness will always be for hippogryphs and griffons.


A dragon. I mean: Dragons are just the best thing in fantasy ever IMO

I would rather most of these creatures mount me tbqh with you.

Are those fucking cheetah rabbits?

The Utahraptor
Reasons Why it's Awesome:
>1: It's the largest known member of the Velociraptor family (already cooler than pleb-tier horses). It stands over 7 feet tall, grows to 23 feet long, and can weigh up to 1,100 pounds. That's the size of a goddamn Polar Bear. Who's gonna argue with a guy riding a Polar Bear-sized wall of badass? Nobody who wants to keep living, that's who!
>2: It has a set of Deinonychus-like claws that are thought to grow up to 9.5 inches in length. It has very big, curved daggers attached to its feet.
>3: It has classy-as-fuck feathers (because you've got to look good while dismembering, disemboweling, and devouring your foes).
>4: Like most members of the Velociraptor family, it's a master of camouflage and ambush hunting. And they may have hunted in packs.
>5: It's a Dinosaur. Bitches love Dinosaurs.
>6: It's all American! Found in, and named for, the Dinosaur State, this glorious son of a bitch is just as American as Uncle Sam!


It and Deinonychus would have been slow as hell though. Utahraptor especially had short legs.

This "hammerhead owl" mount is up there at the moment.


>Dear diary the ass was flat.

Depends on the setting/theme of the game. Just in general, I'd say it goes:

turtles/tortoises > bird-types (chocobos, griffins; etc) > dragons > horse types (horses, pegasi; etc) > other four-hooved things (goats, deer; etc) > everything else

imma second this
salsa would be nice

Does anyone in this thread understand how animal domestication works?

The reason we can ride horses and not zebra is because horses have a familial structure that humans have learned to use to their advantage. The horse, camel, and somewhat elephants had to be bread for generations in order to take humans on their backs, they think we are funny looking horses in charge of their family unit and thus kind of do what we want them to.

Zebra, travel in herds for protection and have a nasty ducking instinct, Ostrich are rather ungainly mounts, Llamas are about the closest thing to ancient american domesticated animals big enough to carry a human but not very quickly.

But hey it's fantasy I ain't gotta explain shit.

Notice we don't ride any predators.

t. Jared Diamond

>But hey it's fantasy I ain't gotta explain shit.
Well, yeah, that's kinda the point of the thread.

Good for you. You scienced the shit out of us all. That'll teach us to have wrongfun.

>Notice we don't ride any predators.
If we can domesticate predators and teach them to do tricks, how would their predator nature prevent riding?

I bet that next you're going to tell me that dragons don't exist.


Time really. and the way the predator is structured physically doesn't bear weight on it's back well.

A dog and a wolf can breed and produce an animal that is fertile. They are in essence the same species, though dogs are very selectively breed for traits humans like, temperament, obedience, as well as the size and shape variations. It would take many generations of breeding an animal that looks at you as food, and has the familial structure and stature to carry your weight and move efficiently.

Basically if it preforms in a circus, it can be tamed. if you ride, raise them on a farm it or it is a pet it has been domesticated.


kind of fucked up senpai desu


Out of most mythological mounts a dragon makes the most seance to be domesticated or at least agreeable for mounts.

#1 they are intelligent, they can be tamed and trained and in many settings they are as intelligent as a human.

#2 They have a family structure, the brood understands who is the top dragon, the patriarch or matriarch of the line. Get them to think that it is this 2 legged funny looking dragon and you have the first step.

#3 They breed quickly, depending on who's lore you're using how fast do lizards breed? this is very important to consider. as you will need to go though many generations of dragon in your own lifetime to selectively breed ones that are domesticated enough to ride.

The higher the intelligence of the animal can help you in this. just the biggest hurdle will be that any predator big enough to ride is likely big enough to see you as a potential lunch.

As a Canadian I feel the patriotic urge to just say that those are very small mooses. A real moose is the size of large van and can step over small cars the way you or I would step over a waist high fence. In my campaign I use them as mounts for a large humanoid race that are basically vrykul from WoW.

Only correct answer

More properly, horseclaw precedes chocobo. It's the same damn thing. They just didn't give proper attribution.

So, did those first two things in the filename get it on to make that or what?

My preferred mount is an elephant, because I can buy one RAW in 5e. And then I can buy plate mail, for the elephant, because it's RAW in 5e. And then I can put all of the casters on top of the elephant fortress and laugh maniacally as every encounter becomes stupid.

>tfw you always liked being the footman who told cavalry to fuck right off, carried a weapon that would off horse and rider in the same swing and walked everywhere because fuck you I've got time

try to ride on this!

>Notice we don't ride any predators.
Bitch please.

Generally it's a cart they ride in pulled by whatever the local horse or ox equivalent are.
My current character has a wagon pulled by a dire wolf that's been 'broken in'.

First option is always a true dragon. Powerful, majestic as fuck, and probably smarter than you unless you're a wizard (and possibly even then). Next on the list are wyverns/drakes, followed by griffins/hippogriffs, then pegasi. Because, quite frankly, flying > not flying.

If we stick to terrestrial mounts, a heavy warhorse with protective barding is a classic. Terrorbirds and therapods are good single-rider mounts, as well, and elephants and big sauropods with houdas are great multi-rider mounts.

She rides herself into battle!

>rides herself
Good choice!


>Don't talk to me or my rider ever again

My legs