Name a character concept that isn't improved by making the character a qt girl rather than a grizzled man.
Name a character concept that isn't improved by making the character a qt girl rather than a grizzled man
Former convict and rapist turned paladin
Kitsune foxboy.
Fae catboy.
A 'lancer', if you know what I mean.
I think the qt angle is far more interesting in that case though. Just look at it: why did the qt girl turn to rape, instead of simply seducing the other party?
>he's never seen qt prisoners roulette
girls can have dicks too user
Ancient wizard going senile, forgetting old friends, flames and family. Occasionally remembering and weeping in both rage and sorrow as he realises what he has lost and cannot regain.
Now looking for one last adventure that will let him be known for his valor and brighter moments and not his slow descent into the dark.
None, an all-lesbian party is superior. Boy characters are an archaism from the time of offline gaming.
The luckless ex gangster who has all manner of horrible things befall him, normally leaving numerous scars and horrible looking injuries.
A cute Christmas Cake witch with the same concept would be better.
any character concept that implies worldly experience
>but tee hee it's better if they're a girl because you wouldn't think a qt loli grill would be old and experienced!
nah, that shit is long played out
Ugly lonely loner no one cares about; because if the society does believe that men should take more of a burden, then no one will ask how they feel.
Peppy unarmed combat bard.
>he doesn't want an adorable granny in the party
A cute Christmas Cake witch with the same concept would be better.
Sleazy, relentless womanizer?
Any character played by any of my players. It's always made worse by them trying to play girls.
>implying any of these Philistines have seen Casablanca
Grizzled men work best for things like worn veterans, hard-boiled gangsters, and other people who are supposed to have a few years under their belt, plenty of experience, and be gruff and tough about it.
I like qt girls as much as the next guy, but a veteran female warrior has a lot of different connotations compared to a grizzled male warrior, and that might not be jiving well with what a player wants for their character concept.
Basically people who say you should forget about gender when making a character are faggots - just because you can make an idea work for either gender, doesn't mean that the idea will be the exact same if you switch the genders one way or another.
Awful character concept (girls are not for boys), but here's a qt improvement.
Lesbians are like 'Han Solo' types. They used to be great then people shoehorn them in everything, now they are boring.
If everyone's Han Solo, no one is Han Solo.
If everyone's a lesbian, the one straight girl will be hotter.
this comes from someone who genuinely loved and still loves lesbians. But like subway sandwiches when I was a kid...Too much of a good thing makes it a bad thing.
Grizzled veteran ladies work fine as well.
>If everyone's a lesbian, the one straight girl will be hotter.
Oh god don't remind me, this happens way too often in the Pathfinder campaigns I join.
Hell, it's not even necessarily lesbians, it's that weird bisexual bullshit "have your cake and eat it too" approach where the girl likes boys, but they can also like girls if they're cute enough (and in the context of the campaign, there will always be a cute girl.)
Made me take a second look when I played a campaign where a female character explicitly expressed they were only interested in guys.
Why the enmity against heterosexuality?
>Girl PC has an NPC husbando in backstory
>just as I'm getting his personality and motivations fleshed out she cucks him with a female PC or the new qt female NPC
Every time. I've stopped even making love interests proper people. Back when I was a NeverGM I didn't understand why GMs make love interests and family have horrible things happen to them to remove them from play, now I do.
>Not a early thirties Ara Ara~ veteran lady instead
user, please.
>Why the enmity against heterosexuality?
Most female character players are men, having your character shack up with a boy is gay.
However, lesbians are totally hot because the media tells us that shit's hot, so hooking your girl up with a girl is amazing.
There's also the undertones that heterosexuality is the "boring normal" while everything else is vibrant and interesting, which is shown by how the "pride flag" for heterosexuality is literally a boring shade of gray.
A real and brief story. I'm very familiar with this lesbian/bissexual pandemic behavior. And I often make female characters that were like that, too. And then the DM presented this knightly girl on the game and I really put effort into befriending and courting her everytime the party did a job for her order, which was often since the game was based on the same city and the lands around it.
After a while i felt confident I won her and asked the DM if she'd accept going out for a drink at the tavern and see how things for from there (since we wouldnt play the date given time constraints and all). DM says that she's more than willing to go drinking, but she ends the knight with a fellow knight from her order, a guy. (just another NPC not even named).
I was all like "What?...I thought she was into me!" And DM was like "She's straight. She things you're a very good friend but she doesn't date girls."
I got so puzzled like that was a novelty concept for like, two minutes before I realized I made perfect sense. And since them that knight was my favorite NPC. She became my girl's best bro.
Now to avoid falling on the pit trap of bissexuality (because of versaility), whenever i ran on campaigns that have real chance of romance (i dont force that shit if the groups not into it), I roll 3d6 to determine sexuality and stick with it.
BUT...I'm a guy that doesnt mind playing a gay men or whatever, and I like randomness on character creation. I enjoy the challenge of trying to make it work. I don't judge those that prefer to make everything from choice...But I know if I'd be left to my own devices alone, I'd end up going "bi girl" everytime. And so is like....70% of the people I play with.
>early 30s
>Not a mid-40s war cleric with short white hair, meat in all the right places and a clerical tattoo from her younger years on her left ass-cheek.
>Player makes love interest in background or date NPCs longterm
>Cucks them the first sign of interest by a PC character, and often by NPCs too.
Every. Damn. Time.
Actually bi or "straight enough for society but only goes with girls onscreen?"
I'm pretty sure that's your penis talking.
Think about whatever female you're thinking of. If the praises you give them boil down to "She's cute!" or "She's doing exactly the same shit the males do, but she's a female, so she's tougher!", that's when you know you have a severe case of waifu corruption on your characters.
I feel so sorry for you guys. NTRfags really are the worst.
A disciple of Priapus that smites the deity's enemies with his giant phallus.
I have a shameful story about that, it's something of a That GM incident on my part too. Would it be derailing this thread if I posted it?
NTR is the people getting cucked and enjoying it. Those that cuck others are just bad people, generally speaking.
>I roll 3d6 to determine sexuality and stick with it.
What's your ratios? Because if I remember percentages right, 1 should be asexual, 2-12 should be straight, 13-14 should be bisexual and 15-16 should be gay.
Is it the story about the Paladin, Ladyknight and THAT GM? Regardless, post that shit user.
The latter. Even those that by definition are "bi but prefer guys", when it comes down to it, never 'dig' the guys NPCs and PCs and always 'click' with the girls.
I've seem straight girls who play that kind of character too.
really, full gay guy that's not a parody of a extremely feminine gay, but like...Fully manly barbarian who likes to give dickings to dudes, is the most underplayed thing.
A person who is male and has a penis is my character concept.
You disgust me.
>A person who is female and has a penis
>Not a better character concept.
C'mon, user.
>mfw the DM tried to make my character's female love interest bisexual
>mfw it devolved into everyone shitting on the DM's fetish, him freaking out because he was in the hot-seat, and every trace of what happened that session being erased from the canon
Why are people so shocked and surprised at the concept of straight people nowadays? They're 95% of the population yet DMs and players alike get this shocked look on their face when you point out a character isn't into you because they're heterosexual.
Every single one.
QT girls are fucking snowflake cancer 99% of the time.
>on 3d6
minimum in 3d6 is 3. I go with
3 - Assexual (reroll for rare exception)
4 - Assexual
5 - Pansexual
6 - Bi
7 - Bi
8 - gay
9- straight
10 - straight
11 - straight
12 - straight
13 - gay
14 - bi
15 - bi
16 - pan
17 - Assex
18 - assex (reroll for rare exception)
It's harder for guys to like guys, even when playing as girls, but it's easy for them to like girls. And lesbian stuff has been considered hot, or at least somewhat romanticized, for decades now.
If you think about the player's perspective, you can see how it'd be harder for a male player to appreciate a male warrior than a female cleric, especially if some other shmuck got himself a qt waifu without even trying.
I don't think when I post, user.
Is there a reason a character's just as likely to be asexual as they are to be straight as they are to be bisexual?
>it devolved into everyone shitting on the DM's fetish, him freaking out because he was in the hot-seat
Patrician group, I'm proud of you guys. Some times a bad GM just needs to be put in his place, so he can learn from mistakes made.
>24% of the population is straight
>48% of the population is even interested in procreation at all
How has this setting not died out already?
It's 3d6, probability strongly favors the entries in the middle of the list.
Look at a 3d6 probablity curve and then ask me again user.
It's probably not a reflection of the whole population, but the options for a character that the player is good with playing.
Ayyo, I'm not defending this cuck random rolling for sexuality. But he's probably just doing it this way so that he'll get varied results.
Boy are you guys bad at math...
No, I was the GM and there was no ladyknight.
It was over IRC, a few years back. One of the PCs was a cute, somewhat valleygirlish Red Mage (we were using FFd6) from a border town belonging to Kingdom A that had once had peaceful relations with Kingdom B but was slowly being drawn into war as a result of Kingdom B's expansionist new emperor. In her backstory, she had a boyfriend. His name was Tomas and he was a member of the town guard. The border town was known for its magic academy, which trained all sorts of magical classes, and thanks to the academy it had stayed fairly neutral up until now because a lot of the students came from Kingdom B. The PCs, (some of whom were from Kingdom A, some of whom were foreigners, and one of whom was an outcast noble from Kingdom B) had decided to side with Kingdom A because it was defending against Kingdom B and their armor wasn't as spiky, which is the clearest possible metric of good versus evil. Red Mage talked about Tomas all the time, how he wanted to be a great swordsman, how he stuttered but was still cute, and made a point of talking about sending letters home to him every few sessions. I had a pretty good idea of who Tomas was and was planning to introduce him at some point, when I introduced a new faction in Kingdom A.
I introduced Kingdom A's Church of the Ivory Bough (worshipping a giant totally-not-Yggdrasil tree and the holy relic it had given mankind) as a way of letting the PCs know that Kingdom B had fallen under the influence of a Great Old One entity that had given B's ruler his power. The default Church questgiver was a tsundere little elf White Mage with an awful temper and a drinking problem.
Red Mage's player fell head over heels for NPC Cleric. She pursued her with songs, poems, deeds, and made extravagant attempts to woo her with flowers (which Cleric was allergic to) and chocolates (which Cleric liked). I was sort of taken aback, but asked what she was going to do about Tomas.
Hug your group for me user, please.
Tell us more.
I'm a butt man myself!
Doesn't say this is representative of the population of the setting. Maybe adventurers are more often weirdos.
Rolled 4, 3, 6 = 13 (3d6)
Let's see what my Male Cavalier of the Order of the Shield is gonna be!
The gist of what happened was the DM tried to do a quick 1v1 scene between my character and his fiance while we were in a session, only to walk in on her making out with a woman she invited to the bedroom for a threesome. I got a little heated and pointed out the character was written as straight, the DM said something to the effect of "just because she's only been with men doesn't mean she's not also into women" and an argument erupted.
Instead of continuing the argument through private channels, I decided to post logs of what we were talking about in the general chat so the other players can give input. They saw everything, and then the banter began. The DM tried defending himself, at first, but after a while he got all quiet and let the conversation flow over him (which ranged from everything to his choice of scene and the implications of what he wanted me to roleplay out to how "straight doesn't mean 'I just don't know I'm bisexual yet.'")
Predictably he had to quit the session there, but after talking it over the next day he "realized" how his choice in scenery was done, and come next session my character simply found the time to spend the evening with his woman rather than turn it into some pseudo-ERP with added chicks.
Strange how I was so turned off by the concept of an MFF threesome when those are supposed to be a man's wet dream.
Going full on oglaf barbarian is really fun. Whats manlier; nailing some waifish female or plowing a big hairy guy in the ass? Its kinda like prison mentality of dominance.
>Wrote an old mercenary with a Kitsune wife
>The party's Kitsune rogue tried to seduce her in a very creepy, heavy-handed way
>She ripped his fucking balls off
I loved that DM.
Protective father-type. Also what said. Dude players who can play girl characters well are few and far between.
She flippantly told me she was going to write him a Dear John (or Dear Tomas) letter, tell him all about her adventures, and that she'd fallen in love with someone else.
Feeling a little bad, I finally had Cleric succumb to her advances and start sleeping with her. They had what was in hindsight a rather cute wife-and-wife relationship...but Tomas just kept nagging at me. All those letters, all that talk about how they'd grown up together and been dating for years, it felt weird to just write him out.
At any rate, the magical academy was targeted by Kingdom B and destroyed, along with most of the town. Most of the named NPCs escaped to another town, but not Tomas. Red Mage didn't seem to particularly care.
The party beat the latest of the mini-BBEGs from B, the one responsible for the town's destruction, and were focusing on rallying support from other nations for a joint attack on B to take out the EVIL GENERAL and the EVIL EMPEROR before moving on to the GREAT OLD ONE, when I introduced a new antagonist. A mysterious, silent knight in red armor who was guarding the EVIL GENERAL (who was herself a mage that had been trained at that academy but got kicked out for reviving forbidden ancient magic).
I won't beat around the bush, Red Knight was Tomas, who'd become disillusioned with Kingdom A and blamed the Church for stealing the love of his life. He had a grudge and he knew the party and its weaknesses well from all those letters. Red Mage didn't even figure it out until, during an arc-ending battle with the EVIL GENERAL with Cleric trying to disrupt her summoning ritual, Red Knight joined the battle...and rather than engage the PCs, he cut Cleric down, severed her head, removed his helmet, spat on the body, smiled silently at Red Mage, and used a consumable item to teleport away with it. EVIL GENERAL died, and Red Knight went on to become EVIL RED GENERAL.
Red Mage flipped out when I explicitly told her it was Tomas and she guessed what his motivations were. After that, a lot of her extraneous roleplaying stopped and she honestly paid less and less attention to the game, which is part of why I now think it was a That GM move.
I'd like to say that there was a tear-filled climactic battle where Tomas told her he did it all for her, but he didn't get the chance. Near the end of the game the PC Paladin and Black Mage took him down with the sword Joyeuse and the Blizzaga spell. Red Mage never even landed a hit on him, and the whole game he never spoke a single word. He'd had two motivations in life, to become a great warrior and to marry the girl he loved, and without one he devoted himself entirely to the other to the point of letting his body and soul be corrupted by the Great Old One.
Other than that, the game went pretty well, but I still wonder if there was just something I could have done differently to give it more impact.
And its cool to surprise the party with it. Keep it really on the downlow until they all take your HUEG barbarian for the alpha male, and then when you get to down, be seem slapping the bottom of a old merc coming out your bedroom in the morning. proceed to keep acting all manly man afterwards.
While It was a bad GM move, the fact she traded a childhood sweetheart by what you described as an anime-tier annoying character sorta gives me the feeling she had it coming. More than the fact it was a girl.
Bet if it was a her, it would've happened.
Rolled 5, 6, 4 = 15 (3d6)
Ah, what the hell...I have this cool ranger guy and we never specific sexuality...I'm going to take a chance with this.
Then you made a lesbian trash PC homie.
You did well, but I'd argue it was a supremely That DM move if you made the Cleric's death an instant or "inevitable" thing.
Your ratios needed fixing...
3 - Assex
4 - Pansex
5 - Bi
6 - Gay
7 - Gay
8 - Gay
9 - Straight
10 - Straight
11 - Straight
12 - Straight
13 - Straight
14 - Gay
15 - Gay
16 - Bi
17 - Pansex
18 - Assex
It's one thing to have two random girls go 'hey could you have sex with both of us at the same time?'
It's another thing for your fiance to be making out with another woman that you presumably had never met, and she had never talked with you about, for a threesome you were just 'assumed' to want. And if there's anything people hate across gender lines, it's when someone assumes something for them.
It doesn't hurt your GM could have done it better. Like, he could've written this fiance as always being bi-curious, and she would've brought a woman into the bedroom because she's afraid that once she's married to you she'll lose her chance to find out how she really feels forever, but doesn't want to betray you so she tries to bring you into the action.
3 - Assex
4 - Pansex
5 - Bi
6 - Gay
7 - Gay
8 - Straight
9 - Straight
10 - Straight
11 - Straight
12 - Straight
13 - Straight
14 - Gay
15 - Gay
16 - Bi
17 - Pansex
18 - Assex
If you were going for mirrored symmetry, that 8 needs to change, user.
They were...Before they became bread and butter...
It's sorta like kinky sex. I ERP a lot and go so used to super kinky sex, with like eating ass, armpit licking and stuff that I really wasn't into before I began those stuff...But one year into it and that shit was hot as nails...That are hot.
And then, i get to roleplay this really sweet, vanilla missionary sex with a girl...And it was hotter than all that shit because the way it was written and the focus on feelings and other sensorial stuff.
Point in case: Everything done to excess is a bit boring.
>adventurers are more likely to be not-straight
And there's the "heterosexuals are boring" meme again...
>And there's the "heterosexuals are boring" meme again...
Well, I mean, they ARE...
That's a meme. They're usually the girls loving on each other while the guy just acts as a mobile dildo/mouth, not "two girls fawn over one cock".
At least in ERP
So was it retconned or what?
Girls don't like boys, girl's like cars and money...
If you want someone that loves dick, date a gay guy. I'm for real on this, senpai.
>And then, i get to roleplay this really sweet, vanilla missionary sex with a girl...And it was hotter than all that shit because the way it was written and the focus on feelings and other sensorial stuff.
Dude, are you me? I know exactly what you're talking about here.
After years of freaky ERP rape and monster-dicks and mind control, I thought it was the hottest thing in the world when I roleplayed a typical heterosexual scene between two older humans who were sharing a tender moment after getting finished with their last big hunt before retirement.
The focus on feelings and senses is the absolute best, which is why I tend to focus on that stuff the most in my writing.
It was "defend herself with magic or stop the ritual from working". She chose to sacrifice herself by interfering with the ritual while being repeatedly stabbed from behind. Take that as you will.
My thought was more that people of unusual sexualities are more likely to be ostracized and take up the life of an overpowered vagabond.
>So was it retconned or what?
The session ended early due to DM dropping an entire bowl of the metaphorical spaghetti, and next week was a hard reset, as though the last session never happened.
>Girls don't like boys, girl's like cars and money
>I have literally never had a conversation with a girl
A slutty gay fuckboi rogue.
>Girls don't like boys, girl's like cars and money...
Girls love dick, user, and dick is typically attached to boys.
Lancer? I hardly know 'er!
Girls who like cars and money very often cheat on the owners of the cars and money for a better dick, dude.
But it's hotter when they're not.
Don't think I would ever call her luckless, per se, and meant as more akin to either dark comedy slapstick or flat out slapstick.