Revenge of the nerds you are not. Just tell them you're looking for a casual game if they ask you to play. Simples.
David Morales
Post cool conversions and models.
Cameron Watson
How do you guys feel about using 30k Legion Models but using 40k Marine rules? Is it terribly un-fluffy to run an Iron Hands army in 40k where they are all in stuff like MkIII or MkIV armour? I love the Iron Hands Legion models, but I don't really care for the Heresy Period of the fluff.
Jeremiah Wood
It's fine, just as long as everyone's not carrying around Volkite weaponry. Armor marks shouldn't really matter
Jose Perez
For every good looking Ork looted moble there's a thousand bad ones unfortunately.
Juan Garcia
>Love summoning as daemons but every games ends with a crushing victory on my end Just want to have an endless horde thats fair...
Brayden Ortiz
Why not run the 30k rules? They do a much better job of representing Iron Hands. And it nerfs the list a bit, making it easier to go against chaos and orks.
Caleb Robinson
>Ship jumps in the warp >Warp time fucks it >30k marines come out in 40k >They have spent 1 year their time for 10k years outside
There. Same reason Chaos has older tech. Warp time fucks.
Cooper Allen
>Armor marks shouldn't really matter If you're being fluffy they should.
Luis Williams
Ill post some of my own terrible conversions
Camden White
But yeah this here
Henry Watson
Model I made for a friend awhile back, because he wanted a 'kustom mega choppa' from the space 0din dex.
Justin Wood
Jordan Thompson
Bro, if you're playifg Iron Hands then just say they're using Relic armor. Heck, fluff-wise a lot of the richer chapters still use MkIII and IV.
William Stewart
Easton Stewart
I haven't looked at the 30k Rules themselves much, but I may. I'm just trying to make sure the fluff of my army of MkIII Power Armour Iron Hands coming in to throw down with Tyranids and Necrons isn't going to be majorly fluff breaking.
This may be the solution I go with.
Ian Powell
Matthew Moore
Didn't the Iron Hands get most of their Heresy Era stuff shot to hell during the Drop Site Massacre?
Aiden Bell
Was that a Hess truck originally?
Ayden Roberts
And a bomb i made for an apoc game
Noah Smith
I play Raptors. Fluffy armour marks for me is mixing and matching literally everything with no respect as to what goes where and with what. Because neither me or my chapter gives a fuck about tradition or the codex.
> Chapter insignia on the wrong side? > MkVIII torso modified to accept MKVI helmet? > MkIII armour with corvus helmets? > Corvus helmets on literally everyone? > Carving shit on the armour > Removing the aquila on MkVII to accept a fucking MOLE PACK. > Attaching MOLE Packs to every conceivable surface > Giving absolutely zero fucks about squad organization. > All sergeants are unmarked, because snipers.
Jaxon Nguyen
Well, that's Raptors. So it jives.
Hunter Bell
Yeah, but shit like this happens - to some people, 'casual' means 'waac'. And they must be dealt with.
Charles Wilson
>Removing the aquila on MkVII to accept a fucking MOLE PACK. >> Attaching MOLE Packs to every conceivable surface How can one chapter be so /operational/? How can Minotaurs compete?
Noah Foster
Oh, and my warboss
Adam Rodriguez
But brother, how else do we Operate Operationally in Operational Zones?
Dominic Bennett
Blasta bommer
Charles Powell
Nah. They just got most of their dudes dead. And their dad.
Sebastian Price
Noice tanka.
Camden Foster
And a battlewagon landing craft
Blake Rodriguez
If most of their dudes died, it follows that the stuff they were wearing would stay on the battlefield, right?
Ethan Ross
Raptors user, I no longer have any respect for you. I now hate you with the fury of a burning star. Go and die for your grand heresy of mixing armor.
Jaxson Jenkins
>Crisis Suits are WAAC
Brayden Scott
Nah, a dude can die, but armor is easily replaceable/recoverable.
Plus later on they decided to go full tech-heresy and use the stuff Ferrus warned them to NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE and brought a bunc of dudes back as cyber-zombies.
Jose Baker
>summoning >fair Pick one.
William Richardson
Kekest of keks. Also paint is nigger, and cannot into smart-fill for a stupid red surface.
Samuel Miller
That's good looking. All of your stuff looks good.
Cameron Martinez
They weren't easily recoverable from that battle, thats for sure.
Daniel King
Limit yourself in Psychic dice?
Jose Parker
Houserule a summoning points pool from your list total.
So your main is 1700, with 300 points worth of summoning to use for that or something.
Ryan Jenkins
Only the skills of an Iron Father you say? Really all we did was just take an apothecary's carnifex and chop open a gate in the MkVIII's gorget. That wasn't so hard! And now the corvus helmet fits!
Jaxon Perry
Joshua Young
you have no idea how much fun it is to sperg out like this.
Mason Peterson
Summoning isn't even overpowered unless you're playing against shitty opponents. Daemons are so fragile that you need to keep summoning new units just to survive the absurd levels of shooting other armies can put out. If you want to impose a handicap on yourself, don't bring additional units to summon, just keep bringing back stuff your opponent kills.
Robert Hill
Oh shit nigga, the Chinork.
How did you make it? I don't wanna pay forge world prices but I want to base my list around Vietnam era air assault infantry orks.
Jonathan Ortiz
Me and a couple friends have decided to get into 40k so we can play against each other and I am proving to be bad at building an army. One is making a Tau army while the other is doing Necron. I was considering Tyranids but it sounds like they are mediocre so now I don't know what to use. Was also considering Nurgle themed CSM army or Blood Angels. I am looking to have an army that can do work but would rather avoid something completely cheesey since we are just playing for fun. Anyone have anything similar that can tell me if I am looking in the right direction or have some sort of recommendation?
Hudson Wood
Could you stop fucking up the thread like a faggot? No one cares about your stupid autistic whining. Just be quiet and go back to jerking off to wikipedia pages.
Isaac Rodriguez
Finished this about a month ago.
Christopher Gonzalez
Except that shit happens, armour breaks, forgeworld's stop producing for your chapter for a variety of reasons, or you're out operating operationally for a long period of time with no access to resupply. The only ammo you have comes from whatever the fuck you brought, so you're forced to make every shot count, and rely only on your knife for whatever kills you think you can make without a shot, just to save ammo. You have no grenades, and the last sentry you knifed had a buddy watching him. Now you're out a shoulderpad and a helmet.
The techmarine assigned to your operator group only has spares of MkIII shoulderpads taken from the iron warriors you've been fighting, and a few MkVII helmets leftover. He chops open your MkVIII gorget and hands you a corvus helmet, then bolts an iron shoulderpad onto your armour.
You took the cultist's grenades at least, so you can take out another tank.
Welcome to the Raptors, have fun smearing mud on your armour and welding the fire selector to SINGLE SHOT despite carrying 500 bullets on you. Your sperging amuses me endlessly. I can't stop laughing.
Hunter Butler
Space Marines, Iron Hands Chapter Tactics
Terminator Captain-130 Relic blade Captain-140 Power Axe, Power Sword, Artificer armor
Tactical Squad-165 10 marines, Combi-plasma, Plasma gun, The Imperial Space Marine
Tactical squad-85 5 marines, power sword
Dreadnought-120 Assault cannon, flamer fist
Ironclad dreadnought-145 heavy flamer
Ironclad Dreadnought-145 Heavy flamer
+++Librarian Conclave-220 3 librarians 1 ML 2 librarian
Might go into a 40k tournament with this list at my FLGS. Listed under "bad idea but fucking awesome"
Chase Nguyen
Those BRRRRTS are so cute. :3
Benjamin Smith
Loyalists can't use traitor stuff no matter what. I'm doing a similiar army concept but doing it Chaos Tzeench. It'll be fun.
Isaac Martinez
>you have no idea how much fun it is to sperg out like this. But we do know how much it shits up the thread. Acting like a frogposter is never a good thing. Please stop.
Adrian Torres
As a Nurgle CSM/Daemon player do I really have any chance against my friend's "Super Friends"List? I could grab a second Heldrake as fliers seem to be his most glaring weakness and does well against his Ravenwing star. He brings the Start Collecting Space Wolves formation (10 Man Grey Hunter unit in a Drop Pod and five TWC with a TWClord, a Ravenwing Strikeforce with two HQs the command squad and a Darkshrouds with a Grav biker squad and finally three White Scar Librarians in a conclave.
My Daemon Prince in the Allied CAD holds its own and draws a fair amount of attention. it seems winning the mission may be my best bet and playing the long game would appease the God of Decay but both of our last two games have been really brutal and mostly wiped me completely out. Still toying with a second daemon Prince but in the CSM list. He used to just play Space Wolves with more troops, HQs and Dreads but since the shop has a tournament coming up he has been playing this new list.
Aiden White
> Loyalists would never use traitor stuff So long as our chaplain verifies that shit isn't daemonically possessed, bolter mags are just bolter mags.
I will say that I would never use a traitor's BOLTER, but I sure as shit would steal the bolts from his mag to keep for myself. My precious scope is very important to me anyway, and I like the feel of my own heavily customized bolter. We're a very practical chapter anyway. I would take my chances if I was operating in the field for over a decade without resupply.
Mason Kelly
>taken from the Iron Warriors you've been fighting EXCOMMUNICATE TRAITORIS
>He chops open your MkVIII gorget and hands you a corvus helmet, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>then bolts an iron shoulderpad onto your armour. Just fluff it as bonding studs/extra shoulderpad armor instead of actual MKIII and it's all cool man.
>You took the cultist's grenades DOUBLE EXCOMMUNICATE TRAITORIS
Anthony Lee
>As a CSM player, can I hold my own against top-tier Imperial builds? No. 40k is hilariously imbalanced.
Liam Morris
Doesn't matter what a chaplain says, traitor equipment is completely off limits without question.
You're the reason why everyone thinks 40k players are scum. kys
Thomas Harris
I did the exact same thing but with a leman russ.
Chase Barnes
It will be really hard for you. I'd suggest getting a couple renegade knights and stomping him to death.
Juan Richardson
Good luck sending inquisitors to my ass when I'm in the ghoul stars hunting down renegades and XENOS UNKNOWN. I have yet to meet an inquisitor that would be willing to travel 50,000 lightyears through the warp just to search a toxic jungle infested hell-hole for some random operator that's probably been crawling through the mud for a year just to get into the PERFECT sniping position on an enemy base. All because he took a pair of frag grenades from a traitor sentry, which he then used to kill six more traitors.
Ethan Reed
>So long as our chaplain verifies that shit isn't daemonically possessed, bolter mags are just bolter mags.
Nah mate, ALL traitor gear is always off-limits 100% of the time. If a Chaplain of all things is saying it's cool, then he's already been Corrupted and the =][= and/or GK will be showing up soon to purge your chapter.
It's like the Relictors all over again, Excommunicate Traitoris after deciding to use Daemon Weapons and convincing everyone it's all cool.
Isaiah Nguyen
Nah mate, the =][= would purge the whole chapter to be sure. Not just a single dude. Chaos/Traitor gear is a big no-no even for the chapters that think rules are for losers.
Also, that sounds like something the =][= actually would do.
Gabriel Murphy
No one really uses Lord of Wars where I play besides guys like Dante and Imotekh.
In general could a second Demon Prince be a nice addition or are they only really worth taking from the Daemon Codex.
I tried running Daemons as my main with allied CSM before but I prefer my Space Marines more.
How are Great Unclean Ones? I'd rather that or a second Prince than another Heldrake.
Jace Gutierrez
Well just look at the space wolves! They're also starch loyalists that do not give a fuck about rules, and probably use the codex astartes as toilet paper for all we know. The inquisition doesn't give a fuck about them.
And yes, rules are inconveniences that should be abandoned the moment they impede the mission.
Evan Foster
>The inquisition doesn't give a fuck about them. >He doesn't know that they and the Grey Knights have tried multiple times to kill all of them Plus the Space Wolves don't use Daemon/Chaos/Traitor gear either. Which makes them still better than what you said earlier.
Leo King
The Space wolves are constantly watched because they don't follow the codex. Shit will hit the fan when the Black crusade Wulfen are revealed to the inqusition though.
It's likely that the Imperium will self destruct sooner rather than later at this point
Wulfen did before they froze time
Ryan Parker
We don't use chainaxes or bolters, or really anything that could be daemonically posessed for that matter. I still don't see what's the problem with taking someone's ammo, or harvesting scrap from their shit so you can effect repairs in the field.
Lucas Cox
Also forgot to add that since they're a First Founding chapter they do get more than a bit of leeway when it comes to stuff.
>Wulfen did before they froze time Did they? Huh.
Bentley Lee
Impromptu 1250 local tourney, bringing CSM to see how it goes, what think Veeky Forums?
+++ New Roster (1250pts) +++
++ Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) (Chaos CSM Black Crusade Detachment) (560pts) ++
The Lost and the Damned (411pts) ··Rules: A Tide of Traitors, Prophet of the Gods ··Chaos Cultists [Cultist Champion, 15x Cultists] ··Chaos Cultists [Cultist Champion, 15x Cultists] ··Chaos Cultists [Cultist Champion, 15x Cultists] ··Chaos Cultists [Cultist Champion, 15x Cultists] ··Dark Apostle [Bolt Pistol, Gift of mutation, Power Maul, Veterans of the Long War] ····Rules: Champion of Chaos, Demagogue, Independent Character, Veterans of the Long War, Zealot
+ Auxiliary (149pts) + Veterans of the Legions (149pts) ··Noise Marines [4x Noise Marines, Replace Boltgun w/ Blastmaster, 3x Replace Boltgun w/ Sonic Blaster] ···Rules: Fearless, Mark of Slaanesh ·Noise Champion [Bolt Pistol, Power Sword]
++ Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) (Formation Detachment) (315pts) ++
Cyclopia Cabal (315pts) ··Rules: Black Legion, Shroud of Deceit ··Sorcerer [Additional Mastery Level, Power Armour, Spell familiar, Veterans of the Long War] ··Sorcerer [Additional Mastery Level, Power Armour, Spell familiar, Veterans of the Long War] ··Sorcerer [Additional Mastery Level, Power Armour, Spell familiar, Veterans of the Long War] ·Rules: Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Psyker, Veterans of the Long War
++ Chaos Renegade Knights (375pts) ++ Renegade Knight (375pts) [Avenger Gatling Cannon and Heavy Flamer, Heavy Stubber, Reaper Chainsword]
Leo Myers
Daemon Princes are good. I'd run another Daemons one though. The ID sword will be very useful against multi-wound death stars.
GUO are kinda finnicky. They really, really, really want to get Iron Arm and Warp Speed, and they're so slow that Deep Strike is the only option. If you're going to deep strike, however, you're going to want at least two units in reserves with him with Musicians to get him in as early as possible, and you're also going to want some sort of advance guiding unit to ensure that he doesn't mishap.
Could you post the rest of your list and available models? I'm off to work, but I'll be able to give a more comprehensive list analysis/unit recommendations in a few hours.
Evan Turner
Noise Marines without a Rhino are dead meat.
I'd rather have more, smaller squads of cultists due to the respawn rule.
Oliver Campbell
Nurgle daemon princes with wings and the instant death sword gift. Wack hard, the unit will die.
Samuel Hernandez
>harvesting scrap >taking ammo Mate, that's literally the first step to finding out on if it's Heresy.
The answer is yes. Both of those especially, as the ammo would have already become corrupted to be used in a Daemonized Bolter, and the scraps and armor would definitely have been corrupted, and simply filing off the chaos bits to make them look appropriate doesn't mean they're not corrupted.
If anything, that guarantees a visit from the =][=/Red Hunters/Grey Knights/Exorcists.
Nicholas Smith
Wouldn't that mean you couldn't retrieve geneseed from marines shot by chaos forces?
Levi Rodriguez
This is fascinating. I'll have to start doubling the ammo I bring in that case.
Maybe if I strap MOLE packs to my MOLE packs, I can try to bring a thousand bolts with me, or get somewhere around that mark.
Jaxson Sullivan
No, that's perfectly fine. It's using chaos stuff because they've already been corrupted from time in the warp/from embracing chaos.
Anthony Ortiz
They're just my tax for the detachment
Daniel Roberts
what the fuck is that stupid looking mess supposed to be?
Jaxon Ross
They're my scouts, wearing helmets from a third party manufacturer, and using scopes/grenade launchers/laser designators from the same group, as in Anvil Industries.
Also using home-made camo cloaks made from aluminium foil.
Jacob Hall
Ryan Garcia
They look terrible. The foil looks awful, they're bland as fuck and the paint job on the glass looks like you slapped some blue paint on it and called it quits.
Seems like you're trying to turn it into Halo and failing badly.
Jace Johnson
Chase Parker
Hudson Stewart
Y'know, Raptors user, you're not such a bad guy. I still hate that you don't know your armor fluff because innapropriately mixed armor triggers my autism, and you not knowing that Traitor gear is always off-limits even if Chapter Master said ot's cool is kinda weird.
But I like that you like Operator Marines. I also like that you've got like what, 7/10 Companies? That's crazy.
But you know what? We can be Operator buddies, man. My Emperor's Warbringers and your Raptors? We'll be unstoppable camouflaged dudes in power armor. With my dudes having +1BS all the time and Tank Huntin' Devastators, and your dudes having Rending if they stand still? Cool.
They don't look too bad. But I'll agree and say they're meh.
Kayden Scott
user, first rule of criticizing other paint jobs is to post your own.
Isaac Morris
Interesting. Ignore these fucks.Carry on, looks good. I can see what you're going for.
Justin Anderson
wow you got the rust in all the right places. That thing is beautiful.
Brayden Rogers
'Tis the Macharius Megadakka! And it's a beautiful thing indeed!
I love it user. Why no Heavy Stubber sponsons though?
Eli Adams
Ayy, you're cool too then. Maybe I am messing with people somewhat by suggesting that I take armour from traitors. Really its just a stock of random bits and pieces taken from everywhere.
I'm trying to mix up my companies, get a good stock of a good bit of everything. I've abandoned the idea entirely of just getting 10 battle companies, and buying whatever the fuck I want and following whatever whims or fancies I think could be useful.
I guess the chapter really works well with how I play. I never use the same list twice, and I never write my lists down ever, I just make the list ON THE SPOT whenever I get to the table, with whatever I think will be good. Lately I've been trying shennanigans where the Chapter Master Lias gives outflank to a shitload of combat squads, and just have scouts supporting on high places to strategically remove things. The Raven Guard decurion is cool, and is amazingly fun to play, so sometimes I have scout squads escort other things onto the board with Wayfinders.
Carson Johnson
argh i thought halo aswell. I can see what user was going for, but it just doesnt fold together nicely. Keep trying man! I 100% appreciate trying something interesting and colorful then something thats just grey.
Landon Sanders
>I never write my list down
Are you fucking retarded? This is outright cheating unless you're using lists without any upgrades. You can claim whatever you want without any way to prove or disprove it.
Caleb Brown
>I never use the same list twice, and I never write my lists down ever, What the fuck is wrong with you?
Nolan Gray
Also, Valentine is finally getting his own Command Squad for the first company. Soon he will be followed around by a Leviathan, a Pair of Contemptors, and a Chaplain Dreadnought.
This to go alongside his own personal honour guard, techmarine enquery.
So now my first company consists of the following: > A deredeo as a captain > Chaplain dreadnought > Mini-honour guard(4 guys), plus a techmarine > 2 Contemptors > Leviathan > 40 Scouts > 10 Sternguard Veterans > 5 Cataphractiis, > 5 Hammernators. > 2 tactical squads, both led by some named veteran sergeants
Except I pull out my phone and will gladly add up absolutely everything, and point out exactly what everything has before the game starts. I then keep everything absolutely wizzywig, so there's nothing to question.
Jeremiah Edwards
Forget Horus and Abbadon. You're the real fucking Arch-heretic, user.
Christopher Nguyen
Im assuming you have a good amount of trust with the people you play with because that sounds like an easy way to cheat.