Read the map.
Pick a faction.
Faction name must appear in your name.
Name format
>[Name] [+bonuses][total denarii][+income][-maintenance cost]
OP will play (because I never get to play this map) and he will pick some very small weak faction.
200 BC Risk Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
What are starting treasuries?
0 (dont remember the map giving base treasury)
base income of +1
Ok, I'm ready to go.
Why/what are those boxes filled, not the religion boxes
what? some factions start the game as empires, republics etc
ill be the Cimbri
So Rome is a Germanic republic but their religion is Hellenistic.
Also is this a continued game?
Claiming Macedon
germanic republic?
and yes their religion is hellenistic in origin
The republic box(I think) is filled red, the Germanic color.
Also, claiming celtiberians
red is rome's color... look at rome on the map and then in the table
>Haliax not here
>another retard game started on /pol
>all the other dumbfags are there
may have to call it soon guys
even when cleon picks a faction thats only 4
That is also the color for Rome.
What are they doing on pol now?
Why do pollacks never play anything more complex?
Look at the shit they're playing on /pol/ right now
It's literally just map blobbing. Nothing else to make the game interesting at all.
their genes are so superior they cant even read
>for the record im going to join that game and fuck with these fags
I might just join you. Fucking with /pol/fags seems pretty fun
for the record this is me over there
I'll help you.
What's the plan?
lets all post our names here and then secretly ally talk to each other here... lets own them
like dont even announce we are allies
The Jews are participating in Operation FuckThe/Pol/Tards. What can we do to help?
This is by the way
Niggerfucker reporting in.
so istanbul just expand
im going up through the caucuses and israel go west through africa
we will have a front to their east that way
I'm the Hellenic society
That map...
Gotcha. Israel is underwater for some retarded reason on this map, so I have to start in Egypt, but that doesn't really change anything
Go through Yugoslavia, I'll head up through Romania.
Also wtf are those gets... 1, 3, 7.. dafuq?!!?
YES a fucking secret 4 way alliance
i love it
Strategy 1
Wait and see who starts fighting who first
We then pick a side in that fight here and the closest of us 4 will attack the one we want dead
What would trigger polacks the most to see?
That would not offend us...
Anything positive about Jews, reminding them that Germany never won a war, reminding them that Germans were the downfall of Rome, etc. etc
sadly the same things that often trigger me
interracial mixing
but we can also all convert to islam later when we take control
ya.. That's what i figured.
We could all start shilling for Shillary.
How do /b/fags un-ironically defend fapping to that shit and say it isn't gay?
We could also speak in something other than english
Pretend to be spics.
>thinking these are the types of /pol/fags that get triggered
These are a different breed.
>no legend key
>200 BC Risk
topkek, checkmate atheists
some of it's ebin ironic shitposting and some of it is repressed homolust.
shillarying ... thats good. but lets establish a front first guys
also we could all start posting
repeatedly over and over til the thread gets to 350
and what is the bonus?
Christianity does predate Christ you know
are you retarded?
I can do that, but the game has to start first.
>thinking Christ was one man in one time
do you not know what Christ is?
am lurking... can you just let the plebs play their game
i simply cant man... have you not seen that map?
its deplorable and they would rather play that shit than an actual game with strategy and rules and well explained bonuses... i mean they are absolute retards and they are ruining the game of risk on Veeky Forums
>i shall exact my revenge by crushing this game and any new players who try and join the *already* dying risk community
Are you talking shit and implying what the Bible says is untrue?
im actually starting to think that people who want to kill risk are hosting these awful games
im saying what the bible says is a third ftruth a third "we romans need to keep power" and a third jewish mindfuck of europe
This guy sucks ass as an OP
We should wait to shittalk him till we get goin.
lol i was just saying that to someone elsewhere
dont forget we will betray rome later too
Do you think we could work on 3000BC while this game is going?
well i could but im catching up on Narcos too and doing some IRL work on the side.
Some relaxing music
Tomorrow work for finishing up the map?
Oh really, :^(
I'm not into the backstabbing thing, not Jewish
You're not backstabbing, you're enlightening. These ignorant polacks need to be taught the error of their ways.
By being sodomized repeatedly.
yes mosdef
we four are the only alliance that matters
everyone else must die
Music or the map?
>your nation literally looks like a shit
bro... baghdad is the only city in the entire middle east. i was heading for rostov and crimea
Consider this. If you ally with them, then technically you are betraying us by refusing to break an alliance with them, and instead breaking it with us.
I can probably give it to you. Let's see what this OP is doing.
We could also fuck up the thread by posting fake mupdates....
what i was thinking once we strongk
Well, you know that saying
"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" that's what in doing
I like this plan.
Also, FUCK this map. There are, like, 5 bonus cities in the whole of africa and the middle east
mup 8, and noone has fought yet...
Even the most horrendously balanced maps I've made at least have something happen.
Cleon, head for Belgrade, Rome should be target one
>blames his shittiness on capchas
mup 8 and its been like 2 hours
I don't know how you would get these guys to understand any advanced map that is not OP holding their hands.
We're starting to crumble it from the inside, I think
>wendish's trips
He may be a problem. The rest of you are in the middle of butt fuck nowhere
Cleon head for Belgrade, the Jews should also soon be in position to attack Rome.
Start shit talking the map and pushing for better maps. We may be able to get people to head to a game hosted by one of us.
Guys strike fast, the idiots could be persuaded to do a good map.
We have a chance to trick the /pol/fags into playing a decent map
we can't miss this chance
Get a good GoB map up bro
We might actually get a good game going.
I think we may have bullied the faggot OP to the point of no return
Not what I had intended, but it looks like we'll get to play a decent map
That may be good.
If OPs that host shit maps stop hosting...
Means less competition and more players come to the good maps.
we did it guys!
That we did.
I feel a little bad for being such a cunt to the guy, as it's clear now that he's a newfag like me, but it was worth it for the greater good.
Who's this guy?
am i b&?