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>How to Jumpchain
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Should have been 1078 or 1079.
Hmmm, I'm not feeling it. Explain more?
>More of a perk
You mean more of an item?
And yeah, soulboost goes to the tournament fighter perk line.
Maybe. Sounds reasonable.
I was going to make it a generic one up, but that felt too simple. Instead I made it gimmicky, and I think I made it worthless. How about 'if an attack isnt meant to kill you, but is going to/will anyways, you are reset to full hp/whatever.'
...No, still sucks. Ideas?
Nothing wrong with a one up man.
>The One Where We Get It Right I Swear to God
Yes, this will be the thread where everyone is Excellent to One Another, the people who nothing but complain take the day off, and we bring about the Crystal Spires and Togas Bill & Ted Future!
*Fingers Crossed*
I guess.
party on.
If only. But we all know that last bit's never gonna happen.
Yeah i meant item, as soon as i corrected myself thread archived
Eh, at this point it doesn't matter, since I didn't have any companions in import. I will here soon, since I'm doing my PMD jump build right now (trying to figure out the best 'mon to start as, and unfortunately, it's likely going to be Charizard, since
Maybe some pronounced damage soak? Like nothing can just one shot you, or something. I don't know. Otherwise just a one up would be fine.
Yeah, I know. That said, it doesnt exactly work as an item, at least not the way it is. Maybe if i changed it to work on anything, not just eight inch tall robots?
>Pottermore added a bunch of shit about some North American wizarding school.
>Even has their own wand materials and such.
>House names are crazy stupid shit like Horned Serpent, Thunderbird, Wampus, and Pukwudgie instead of mundane animals.
Well combat data is combat data so it would be fine I think.
So what about the names? Hogwarts isn't any different. Though I do have to wonder if someone ever crashed a thunderbird into the thunderbird dorm.
Alright. I may need a new 400, but at least I didnt have to trash the perk as a whole. Just change the flavor text and it will work as an item.
Meanwhile, I need to brainstorm for a new 400.
What would the logic behind a damage soak be?
That's fucktarded, and I say this as a fan. What the fuck is a wampus? What the shit is a pukwudgie? This is bad, and they should FEEL bad.
There are plenty of fucking animals endemic to North America that they could have used also WHY THE FUCK ARE HOUSES A THING IN AMERICA! WE ARE NOT BRITAIN. WE FOUGHT A GODDAMN WAR OVER IT. FUCK.
If you'll excuse me I'll be over here raging.
>Lion, Snake, Badger, Raven
>Same as all of that mystical shit
>I was going to make it a generic one up, but that felt too simple. Instead I made it gimmicky, and I think I made it worthless. How about 'if an attack isnt meant to kill you, but is going to/will anyways, you are reset to full hp/whatever.'
As a guy above me said, Nothing wrong with a 1-Up, but if you want to do something like that, maybe a perk so you if you would suffer damage/an attack that a sentient person is responsible for, then you can only be hurt as much at that person wanted to hurt you specifically. (Everyone has perfectly effective punch pulling abilities where you are concerned, and you are immune to being collateral damage)
So if you are hurt, you KNOW it was not an accident; someone had to wane to hurt YOU at least exactly as much as you were hurt.
Reminder that American Wizards are somehow even more racist than the Brits.
You want to know why? There's a big trend in the fanfiction community to make Wizarding America this perfect awesome place so much better than backwards Britain. As you might imagine, thousands upon thousands of fanfics telling Rowling that her setting sucks and her characters are awful people and blah blah blah has annoyed her. So now she's writing American wizarding schools to be just AWFUL, so that "Harry leaves Britain to go to a better and more 'enlightened' American wizarding school" stories can never be made again. It won't work, though.
I'll believe that when I see it actually written up, because that sounds like the biggest crock of shit ever.
She does it because she's British, and she has a subconscious (or potentially conscious) hankering for the days of the Pax Brittania, where Brittania ruled the waves, never be slaves, etc, because now they have to register their butterknives with the government before teatime.
Until recently, the American wizarding world had complete segregation from muggles. It's arguable if this is more or less racist. On the one hand, they're holding themselves separate from the rest of humanity. On the other, they never muggle bait or otherwise mistreat them.
School must be in Alabama or something.
Jumpers, tell me about your memorable random encounters or perhaps times when you were the memorable random encounter for someone else. Giant space flea from nowhere? Anartist sharkvator?
No, I'm pretty sure it's a response to the fanfic. That seems like a much more reasonable motivation than some imperialistic fantasy.
So, /jc/, how do I companionize myself?
So far, ive got picking up Grima from FEA, Clonepanion from YJ, and maybe the 4E edition of me from Faerun.
Don't respond to shitposters
Why not both?
What's wrong with them naming themselves after the native magical fauna? It's no weirder than a house named after gryphons.
Plenty of American private and boarding schools have house systems, Crux. I went to one. It's not a British thing, it's a private school thing.
No house is named after gryphons, technically. Not only is the hogwarts house spelled differently, its symbol is a LION not a gryphon.
Fine, griffins, not gryphons. They're two words for the same thing. And Ravenclaw's symbol is an eagle, not a raven, so clearly names only have a loose connection to the house symbol.
That was how the original read without the 'meant to kill you' clause.
> it's a private school thing.
Which would actually fit with most wizard schools.
So only public wizard schools like the Clortho Inner City Wizard School wouldn't have houses.
Namefags can't be shitposters.
Wampuses are a top of cat monster found in the folklore of the American south, believed to be an adaptation from the Cherokee myth of the "ewah", with which it shares many traits. Pukwudgies are magical spirits from Wampanoag mythology, kind of like porcupine-men that can cast spells. Similarly, the Horned Serpent and the Thunderbird are common motifs throughout Native American mythology. In the world of Harry Potter, these are actual magical creatures that exist on the North American continent. Naming the houses after them would be like a European school naming their houses "Dragon, Kraken, Unicorn and Chimera" or something of the same sort.
Doomed Timeline jumper from Sburb.
Maybe Parting Gift from Darkstalkers, but that one's closer to a sibling made from you than a copy of you.
Maybe doing something with the tech in SOMA?
>Complaining about Wampuses
Wumpus master race.
Go to any 'real world' jump like Generic Musician or Comedian and use a pod
Say what you want about Wampus and Pukwudgie, I'm all for house Thunderbird and the political sect of American wizards who push for interventionist polices in the name of Freedom at the speed of sound.
Or that stay in the shadows and avert military and natural disasters
I'll need a Harpy alt form and a queen soundtrack
How do I keep the events of the Revolution movie from happening in the Madoka jump?
You arent in the time period where Madoka even happens, just sorta how the jump was made before time powers became a hip trend
Release a virus upon the Incubators that gives them the ability to feel emotion, at such intensities that no other species in the universe could compare. Let them harvest their own damn souls, given how much they claim that their goal is noble I'm sure they won't mind.
Okay, kill Homu immediately after Madoka becomes a goddess, or give her therapy or conceptually eat the insanity in her brain or something because holy shit she crazy.
Still retarded, for the reason you specify. One magical creature, two mundane creatures, and one aspect to the entire existence of snakes. Or, you know, the names of the founders because names existed like that back then, yeah right.
>So, /jc/, how do I companionize myself?
Is this some plot that ends up with you being your own grandfather?
Sburb has a companion version of yourself.
doing a permanent merge with them might be what you are looking for.
Why would I want to merge with me?
well if you have every had a youtube channel and ever put out content you would technically be a youtuber and could companion yourself in the youtube jump. Though not sure how useful a youtuber version of yourself would be.
Horned serpents look awesome though.
House Thunderbird sounds reasonable, it's obscure but I've at least seen it referenced in scattered materials.
I've at least HEARD of wampuses but less often than I've heard of a krampus.
There are not enough people in the Wampanoag nation to populate anything bigger than the smallest town, so that's probably just an asspull. Also if they're relying on racism they would have given that another name and put the natives down harder, so screw that.
right so I managed to reply to the wrong post somehow.... wow.
Meant to replay to
The Incubators are post-biological meta-entities. They won't be affected by a standard virus. Or a nonstandard virus.
It's almost as if not every school has to follow the same naming conventions. I don't see how naming after magical creatures instead of the founders (and it is the founders, as with the exception of Slytherin the names don't match the house symbols) is in any way stupid. The creators of Ilvermony School For Witchcraft and Wizardry didn't feel the need to leave their names on it, there's nothing wrong with that.
You have no idea how many things and places in America have names taken from the natives, do you? Like, the state of Massachusetts, where Illvermony is located, is named after the Massachusett tribe. And the Wampanoag tribe lived pretty close. It's entirely possible that they learned the name from the natives and didn't feel the need to change it, because even super-racist settlers (which these weren't, American wizards are racist against muggles, not conventional ethnic groups) tend to take names wholecloth.
Lets come up with better ones then
So Thunderbird is in
We need more pro freedom ones
Something related to a Warthog - house Gullin from the Norse Gullinbursti
Something related to a Colt - Unicorn maybe. This needs to be a thing though. Think America and you also think Colt and Mustang. Maybe Arion.
And something related to a bear. The bear can be the evil one because it's a Russian symbol of power too.
I meant "virus" as in "infectious agent", not "self-replicating DNA or RNA strand". I'm sure you'd have to tailor it to their form of existence. But it will be worth the effort. The Incubators are one of the most disgusting species in all of Jumpchain, if they can be made even the slightest bit less awful, it will be worth it.
Stop defending bad writing.
Quick, what's the happiest Psychic-type?
Im just going to keep linking these to the previous one.
Anyways, Tournament Fighter perk line.
Tournament Fighter
100 - The Very Basics
Everyone has to start somewhere, so let's start at the beginning. At the very bottom of the ladder of things to know in relation to Custom Robo battles is… Triva? While you don’t know everything there is to know, you can make some decent guesses at your opponents gear and fighting style. These guesses get more and more accurate as you learn more information - for example, they guy wearing boxing gloves probably uses close range combat, though you will need to actually see his gear to know for sure.
200 - Youth And Skill
Simply put, you are a prodigy. You have raw natural talent that can rival those who have been using Custom Robo for years…. Specifically, the hobbyists. Still, that's a massive head start on the competition, and it can only grow from there, and fastest with adversity. Expect to be in the top ten of Custom Robo battlers by the end of your stay here. Assuming you actually fight, that is.
400 - Overflow And Transfer
Certain Commanders - and by ‘certain’, I mean ‘ridiculously rare individuals’ - have an extreme abundance of Mental Energy. Where a normal Commander would be able to continuously battle for maybe a few hours, you can go for the entire day. Even beyond that, the second half of the ability is the power to harvest Mental Energy from nearby Commanders, so even if you do run out, you can recharge fairly easily.
I know very well. But that doesn't excuse some random woman in England from googling things, going 'oh, this sounds exotic enough!', and slapping it on things. That is NOT how this should work.
House Illvermony was founded by a fucking muggle and a goblin and Wampus is a stupid name.
It's not bad writing, though. It's completely believable writing. You're just pitching a fit because "wah, the mean old British lady is giving our American school silly-sounding names". Ignoring completely that one of the houses of the premier British school is "Hufflepuff". Motherfucking Hufflepuff. She gave our school the names of mighty magical beings associated with life and death and lightning and the sea. I think we came out of this with the better hand.
600 - Soulboost
The Soulboost is a highly advanced technique, supposedly created through ‘a perfect balance of mind, body, and soul.’ However, in an actual Custom Robo battle, these factors tend to boil down to combos, quickly defeating your opponent, and not taking damage. Combined, they allow you to simply become a better Commander by knowing your Robo better. That said, what the Soulboost technique actually does is fairly simple. For fifteen seconds, the defense and offense of you Robo is doubled. And also your Robo glows gold. Not very fancy, but it makes for a good super move.
I know flat power boosters are disaproved of, but thats literally what soulboost does.
The one you cuddle with.
Nope. Horses were actually imported to North America, though they took to it disturbingly well since they lacked their natural predators. Warthogs sound good though. Also grizzly bears are best bears (unless they see you, in which case you may have time to pray for a moment or two).
It's a tie between Espeon and Gardevior
Espeon because it evolves from the power of friendship
Gardevior because dual type psychic fairy, and who doesn't like faeries?
Well, there were horses in the Americas. It's just that they were all hunted to extinction before anyone caught on to the idea of domestication.
Keep the Horned Serpent, too. Those things are badass. Symbols of wisdom, madness, and knowledge/power over life and death.
Notably, a lot of ancestral horses and camels were exclusive to the Americas.
But you form ONE LAND BRIDGE and suddenly you end up halfway across the world with no way home and your entire family back home gets killed and eaten.
She picked a creature that lived in that area. Doesn't seem random to me. Now, if there were things like "House Tupilaq" or "House Agloolik", then it would be stupid.
Been trying to think up how to do a ReZero jump, but I can't get around the fact that a main mechanic there is a rez on death...
Maybe make it super high cost but discount for dropin, and give it a cooldown once the jump is over?
Are you calling the Irish "goblins"? Wow, that is super racist.
Let's just go House Tulpa and call it a day.
>Not tying the founding of your wizards school to the war of independence
Do you even 'murica?
Well, they can have 5 houses
'Murica! That's why!
Also 5 goes with a pentagram motif. Which by the way, in a series about witches and warlocks, not a one.
Just create an alternate failure condition for Re users and make it super nerfed post-jump. You're allowed to have settings with weird rez mechanics. Just limit the weirdness to in-jump.
So we're going to Tibet now? What?
No, look it up. It had four founders and one was a goblin.
If we tied the founding of our wizarding school to the war of independence we'd also be teaching that all men were created equal which means Rowling is stupid and racism does not abound everywhere.
oh wait.
The name is too long.
>Why would I want to merge with me?
So you would be your own companion. You DID ask how to turn yourself into a companion.
No, the founders were an Irish witch, her muggle husband, and their two adopted (and human) children. I think you're thinking of something else.
>we'd be teaching that all men were created equal
>literally the most racist shit ever
Fuck you.
It's three syllables, that's the Hogwarts average. But if you don't like that, you could use the name "Uktena", if you'd like. That's the Cherokee name for it.
But how can you have failure mechanics when the perk itself is meant to be used to undo failures...?
What about the tragic history of American slave trade?
'Murica is hypocrisy too you know.
Thunderbird sided with the north on purely principled grounds
They had a different definition of "men" back then, you see.
It's easy to treat someone as chattel when you don't even consider them human. And not one of the men drafting the document thought this was in any way wrong.
Told you he was a shitposter. Just another racist, arrogant fuckhead.
Yay for entire thread derail into HPEU etc...
"All men were created equal" doesn't work in a world where a portion of the populous is demonstrable superior to the rest. Besides, American wizards aren't racist against ethnic groups, they're racist against muggles. They don't care what color your skin is, so long as you can use magic. Hell, Illvermorny's first students, aside from the children of the founders, were natives. From Pottermore:
>By the time Webster turned eleven, the reputation of the family’s little home school had spread. Two more magical boys from the Wampanoag tribe had been joined by a mother and two daughters from the Narragansett, all interested in learning the techniques of wandwork in exchange for sharing their own magical learning
I meant harrypotter.wikia.com
Also, it's really retarded that a school founded by Europeans that now mostly deals with white kids has absolutely no European influence in its school culture.
What did you expect?
He's always seemed so nice and reasonable, though. Sure, he used Wizard Hitler as his avatar, but still...
First time actually checking the thread, just got into this recently.
Welp, now the shitposter is going after Crux now.
Speaking of Harry Potter, what did you do in it? Did you break the Statute of Secrecy? Did you destroy the Wizarding World? Did you have an uneventful ten years?
We've chosen to refocus on what that means as a nation over the course of the last century or so, have we not?
Good point. Hm. Shit. I don't know then.
Between this and the Bride Stories derail, nothing says FUN like Race and Religion
She named one after an evil rapist cat and another after an ugly porcupine goblin.