How do you as a DM handle rape?
How do you as a DM handle rape?
kek, I love those dumb hentai quotes
I bring the player in the backyard, have to other players force him kneel and put a bullet through his brain. This way I can be sure nobody is edgier than me.
I prefer to avoid it, personally.
Depends entirely on WHY it's being handled.
Probably obliquely unless there's a need for more direct head-on mention or discussion of it.
With both hands. Forcefully.
Off screen and implied somewhat.
Early and often
Well, my players are in a very swashbuckler-ey, sword and sorcery world. And 2 of them are history majors. We keep the pirates as real (and rapey) as we can, without seriously offending the ladies at the table. I dont like go into extreme details, but rape definitely occurs. Except players raping players. That got the boot early on.
>tfw in a game we literally faced a Hentai tentacle wall
>tfw the two female rogues of our group both got raped
Keks were had.
Depends on the game and setting. Sometimes we play games and have settings where it fits in and it's okay, and sometimes we have settings that aren't meant to be grim and just fun.
The only time I avoid that stuff is if kids are playing and even then it can be off screen and implied. I have never run into a person who really got mad over it or bothered, and I've played with a girl who got molested a bunch as a kid.
Just don't go "lol n liek u got fucked in teh butt XD" level stupid and treat it like an adult and most won't be that offended. And make sure it fits the game and general tone of the game.
I don't. I know that its a unavoidable fact that rape will happen in most settings but I feel that its the line you cross when you can't think of a better way to set a dark tone. Seems lazy to me.
>and I've played with a girl who got molested a bunch as a kid
Did she like it?
No, retard. But she also wasn't full on tumblrette where it triggered her. It fit the tone of the game and we didn't have a pervert writing up an essay on every minute detail and going into magical realm territory about it either. It's amazing how you can handle mature themes without needing X cards and creeping everyone out as you describe the goblin's cock in poetic language and jerk off under the table.
Only had it happen once because the player really pushed for it, and she was the one getting raped, and wanted it.
Well, she the player, the character didn't want it. At least not at first.
Tell us more, user
It happened in one of my previous games. A PC was strapped to a table, and I briefly explained that he was screaming while being sodomized, returning to another point as there really isn't a point in describing these things in detail.
Tell the player that I have very few rules at my table, but rape is one of the few I do not tolerate.
Basically she wanted to become the romantic partner of a villain, so wanted him to rape her, and force her character into that sort of situation because otherwise she didn't think it would be in character for hers to go through with something like that. After all she went through to get to that point, I was still going to have him not force her to do anything, but she was like "If he doesn't rape her, it doesn't make sense, it's not realistic."
So I threw her a bone. She liked it and got what she wanted.
I'm sure you "tolerate" murder though, huh
How do you as an OP handle being scum?
Rape is worse than murder.
I make vague allusions to it sometimes by certain NPCs I want to make seem morally reprehensible.
Thankfully I've never had a PC attempt it.
girl player, girl character?
>you slice off the orc's head with blood gushing out and eat some of the raw meat as you slay every enemy in your way and destroy entire lives and villages
>sex without content? you monster!
I don't. There's no real reason to. Rape doesn't add to the narrative in any meaningful way that can't be accomplished by something else. If I just want the characters to suffer, which in and of itself is a problematic viewpoint, I can just describe how the bad guy went to work on them with power tools or something. If I'm using it as shorthand for 'this guy is evil', I could have him burn down an orphanage whilst kicking puppies. A story is never better because it has rape in it.
because any sort of killing is murder, just like any type of sex is rape.
Yes, both.
Actually, come to think of it, does statutory rape count? Different game, different girl.
I would argue that 'murder' is an essential part of progression and a conflict resolver. By your logic the Mario games could involve rape because Mario murders Gumbas all the time. While I agree with you that both are horrible crimes 'murder' is definitely a more acceptable crime to portray in entertainment/art/role play situations.
Fade to black. Anyone with a brain at the table can decipher "they usually pillage and burn, and take the women for reasons you'd assume.". If they cant, they are too yound, too stupid, or trying to purposely disrupt things and have no place at my table.
When a pc rapes? Better be a good reason, if they can convince me, it's still fade to black when the door closes or when they pull out rope, ect. If there is no actual reason this would be an expected course of acti9n, then I take care of the problem right then and there. I ask in private what they are expecting from the game and if they feel this is the right kind of game for that. Convince me it's a fluke, we go on. It happends again? It's a call out at the table. We spoke about your gratuitous erp. If you got the impression people want to hear that, your mistaken. Was good meeting you, have a nice day.
Too many people don't speak up, and then complain they arnt heard.
>Rape doesn't add to the narrative in any meaningful way that can't be accomplished by something else
>A story is never better because it has rape in it
Here's your reply.
>How do you as a DM handle rape?
rape = no
From another thread:
>I never got why people put rape on the same pedestal as murder.
The fact that you referred to it as "putting it on a pedestal" makes me think I am wasting my time explaining this, but here it is:
If you crunch the numbers, murder is worse than rape.
But human beings don't work like that.
But I'll try to present it in a way that can be understood.
Murder causes death and possible suffering.
Rape causes suffering.
Both are considered undesirable.
Causing death can sometimes have enough desirable utility that it overcomes the undesirable qualities, in certain scenarios.
Causing suffering does not have such utility.
To put it another way, some people are considered so bad for society, that some feel they need to be killed, to the point that there is a system for it.
Whereas our society does not feet that a person needs to be raped to the point that there is a system for it.
Finally, adding killing and murder to a ttrpg can add intrigue, mystery, death, suffering, vengeance, a villain, resolution to conflict, or finality to a character.
Adding rape to a ttrpg just adds rape when any other form of suffering would do just as well.
jesus christ you dumb little faggot the word has multiple contexts
>does statutory rape count?
wait what?
Rape is pretty good at weeding out female players that don't belong at the table. I remember my friend met a girl at work. He already had a girlfriend so he basically had no reason to talk to this chick except maybe some side poon. Personally I just think he was being a faggot, but she was a bit younger than the rest of us (like 18 or so when I am 25) and she was decently pretty. Right away I could tell she did not belong at our table. She was cheerful, flightly, upbeat, annoyingly happy, and it contrasted violently with the mood. It's like having a comic relief character in a serious movie; it's fine sometimes but when it's there too much it fucking ruins everything.
So I had her character raped in the fourth session. The smile disappeared off of her face immediately and she became clearly uncomfortable. It was an excellent feeling; the natural order was being restored. She became very quiet throughout the description and when it was over she barely spoke the rest of the session, She played a couple more times before quitting entirely. My friend tried to start shit about it but we play in my house and I"m the only GM in that group worth shit so I pretty much have them under my thumb. Also turns out he tried to get in her ass and she rejected him, so that shows what he really wanted in the end.
Rape in RPGs is great. More books should include it. I mean, we are encouraged trans-demisexual plutokin half-orcs in D&D 5e now, so why isn't rape allowed? Keeps gaming pure and free of those who are not truly dedicated to it.
>If we're grinding it down to just strategic utility, rape has the same utility that literally any other form of torture has, but with the added bonus of maybe getting more human life out of it.
Rape includes more than one nuance of torture, which is one reason it is more reviled than more tame torture methods.
Comparing the relative undesirability of various tortures versus rape is more difficult than that of rape versus murder.
>If we're taking it into context as a whole, I'd like to point out that having a dick in your ass is preferable to having a bullet in your skull.
The point of whether or not rape is better or worse than murder is not in question.
Only one offers the possibility of recovery.
The question is one of their relative undesirability, or abhorrence, to people in general, not necessarily to the victims.
>Most people just don't take death as seriously as they should.
I don’t know that that’s true in general.
In the context of a game, yes those playing a game might not be taking death as seriously as they could.
Should is a matter of opinion.
>I don't get why so many people act like it's the end-all-be-all of evil things.
Hyperbole aside, it has been explained once, I will try again.
To use your example of the victim’s perspective, most people would prefer a little torture to death, but would prefer death to inescapable decades of the worst torture imaginable.
So your position is that rape falls on the “better than death” side of this line.
Where you fail is limiting your perspective to putting yourself in the position of the victim.
Instead, regard the perpetrator from the perspective of other people.
A murderer seems to act to accomplish a goal, a death and any cruelty is secondary.
A rapist seems to act to make another being suffer and cruelty is inherent.
Now, one could make arguments about the reality of cruelty, suffering, and the truth of death.
But that doesn’t change how the acts are perceived.
Statutory rape = having sex with an underage partner in the eyes of the law (even if both parties gave consent it is technically a form of rape)
Magical loli girl fan detected
He's right. It's how you sounded. On top of the fact that whether he's burning down an orphanage while kicking puppies or raping someone, they both have as much narrative power. It's not like the story becomes better because you picked burning an orphanage vs the rape. It's one of many bad things you could have picked to get the idea across.
Rape doesn't really warrant this taboo that it gets where you can mention slaughter, killing children, animal abuse, and everything else but somehow mere sex without consent is more heinous? Nah. Granted, most people who bring it up a lot tend to be pervs, but used right it's no different than any number of other things you could have picked for a villain to do. It can even be scary a la Alien where Geiger used face rape and being seeded to unsettle male viewers.
Hi virt
Wasn't focused on that much but I remembered a different game where a player took a partner who was underage.
This wasn't the same situation as the one player wanting to be raped by the villain though, it was just a possibly related example, if statutory rape counts.
>romantic partner
so she wanted to go stockholm syndrome, and couldn't think of there to be any way this happened other than rape?
I mean, I feel like she's trying to be a Harley Quinn knockoff, but forgets that while the Joker is extremely abusive to her, it's never implied he raped her.
He messed with her head, she came to love him, they have consensual sex, and he beats the shit out of her because he's a sadistic psychotic asshole. She sticks around because she's fucked up.
different guy, but I'm going to guess she played a character who was under 18, that character has sex.
"any other form of suffering would do just as well"
Couldn't this, if true, be said of any form of suffering?
I don't think it's quite that fungible.
Suffering is more like spices. Maybe we're discussing that one weird spice that most people are allergic to and is looked down on by the cooking community, but we keep a bottle around because we need it for grandmother's meatloaf recipe.
> couldn't think of there to be any way this happened other than rape
I've met (and been) people who while their lives aren't completely horrible, see everything through the most retarded and twisted way possible. Have a member of the party who has several characters who revolve around having stockholm syndrome mental enslavement but it's cool because they are in love or some shit.
Isn't it also statutory rape if one of the people involved is the other person's boss or college instructor or the like, at least in some places? Power imbalances and all that.
I love you kids. So much edgy rage. It's like you're not even trying to be realistic
There is absolutely nothing edgy about what I just said
Sort of yes, she wanted her reserved character to be broken, and then develop from there.
I think the closer comparison off the top of my head is like what happened with the dragon girl in Game of Thrones, where she initially was in a rapey situation with a guy, but an actual proper relationship developed from there.
Wasn't there rape scene in a night lords novel?
You're an autistoc virgin if you don't get why rape is a taboo basically. Of course it can work, but you're not Geiger and from your post I'm sure you have all the tact and subtlety of a shitting gorilla.
No. Only in certain cases still involving age of under 18. Otherwise it's just blackmail.
>Rape doesn't really warrant this taboo that it gets where you can mention slaughter, killing children, animal abuse, and everything else but somehow mere sex without consent is more heinous?
while I agree with this, it is a thing that you can handle by having it off screen or implied, and a thing done by villains. Of course you also don't need to do any of that to have a villain
The comparison of murder and rape is typically stupid, because they imply that because the PCs kill people, they must be murderers. Which is stupid, because not all killing is rape.
If the player goes into disturbed overly detailed descriptions of killing some, that's fucked up edge lord shit. Just like going into disturbed overly detailed descriptions of sex, even if it's consensual, makes you a fucked up edge lord.
No. Places often have rules against it and breaching those boundaries CAN potentially get you fired, but nowhere is that legally viewed as rape. That's fucking retarded.
a character was mentioned to be a rapist and the night lords killed him