ITT: Asshole Game Store Owners

So I just got back from my Friendly Local Game Store. I witnessed a screaming match between the owner and one of his regulars.

Long story short, the owner of this particular store posted an update on our invite only Facebook group that "Effective Immediately, Age of Sigmar may no longer be played on store tables." A lot of people thought he was joking, but I've known this guy for a long time. He's been playing WFB since the late 80's and was pretty miffed by AoS' release so I wouldn't put it past him.

This guy showed up with one of his friends and trying to play AoS anyway. It turned out the owner wasn't joking. He really had just banned the game from the store to make room for his 9th age and KoW players.

The AoS players were told to leave and they objected. Loudly.

How many store owners have you known to be assholes who treat the store like their personal mancave?

Thats like every game store owner im pretty sure. Our local game store owner bans people for playing unhinged/unglued that wasn't bought there. Wish I was trolling :,^)

That guy's going to lose his GW retailer license if he keeps this up.

It shit like this that stops me from collecting/playing again.

No matter how sexy the skitarii/cultmech are... I WANT THEM SO BAD

yeah this happened, because the game store owner really wants to discourage people from playing games. on a scale of, say, 1 to 20, how dumb do you think we are?

Eh, I've seen some badly mismanaged shit.

They don't last long, but shit happens

A lot of game stores are started by people who have far more passion for their hobby than business sense.

You should get out more often. You might learn how many different people there are in the world.

If true call up GW and report on it.

The owner of my LGS is a cunt that rants like a /pol/tard. And not even a particularly good one.

And I hate the SJW bullshit as much as the next sane person.