Yes, there's literally a pact that turns you into a voluptuous panther-person who submits sexually to only male authority figures.
It's awful, like the fuck were they actually thinking.
Thomas Garcia
What are some good backgrounds for a Zweihander Sentinel with Elemental Flux.
William Sullivan
No, it's the "degenerate fetish-fuel magical realm that also includes a kitsune" edition, which is not better by any means.
William Ramirez
Kayden Jackson
I don't see what's degenerate about about the Lovecraft one in particular but why a fucking kitsune? What the fuck do kitsune have to do with anything non-Japanese, let alone Lovecraft?
Jonathan Garcia
Also the ritual for binding it involves you getting sexed.
I mean, the Mother of Monsters' ritual also involves you getting sexed and jacks up the size of your sexual organs, but it doesn't turn you into a furry, so it's instantly far less objectionable.
Hell, it doesn't even require you to be female, that one, so it's Mpreg!
Hudson Gonzalez
Because Augunas's fetish is anthro foxes and he refuses to let it go. He's totally not a furry though.
Daniel Young
>What the fuck do kitsune have to do with anything non-Japanese, let alone Lovecraft?
The guy who wrote the book is a notorious furry who loves loves LOVES Kitsune.
Jason Peterson
Didn't you hear? Kitsune are the source of all the mythos stories, despite it not making a fucking lick of sense.
Aaron Campbell
And one that's all about being an old lady that rapes little boys, and one that's all about the scat, and one...
It just went ON and ON and ON....
People crossed the magical realm, but at its very ends, they were warned by things far worse than the whizzard; >No, anonymous friends. Do not go past this point, for there lies only depravity >What depravity could you possibly speak of, magical realm >and there, beyond the cliffs of what the fuck, beneath the bowels of FATAL, lay this book.
Hunter Collins
>I mean, the Mother of Monsters' ritual also involves you getting sexed and jacks up the size of your sexual organs, but it doesn't turn you into a furry, so it's instantly far less objectionable.
Wait a second, Lamashtu's ritual can give my character a horse-dick?
Brayden Jenkins
That's like when folks such as Rick Santorum tell you they know just how disgusting gay sex is because they think about it more than anyone, and that's how they know they're straight!
Carson Bell
From the sounds of it, literally.
Lucas Rodriguez
>arcane kitsune Ear and tail fur are always in delightfully clean, conditioned, soft, untangled, and freshly scented condition. Thank you, Prestidigitation!
>non-arcane kitsune Ear and tail fur get unkempt, matted, smelly, sweat-drenched, sticky, tangled, and dirty with just a few hours of adventuring.
Why would you ever settle for a non-arcane kitsune?
The ritual for binding the one that turns you into a tittymonster furry doesn't involve sex.
Mason Richardson
Not the ritual itself, but once you've actually done the ritual, the like. Manifestation or whatever it's called.
Matthew Walker
JESUS FUCK you're right
Jack Sullivan
Hold up, is this from official Paizo material or is this from that new book that's getting posted in the threads? Because I thought the only rituals available to Lamashtu involved butchering people or willingly fucking a monster with the express purpose of getting impregnated.
None of that involved getting a floppy donkey dick.
Logan Powell
Is there anything wrong with this at all?
Kevin Ward
Hey /pfg/. I wanted to convert the unusual races from the 3.x books Mythic Races and Races of Evernor. Any advice?
Lucas Jones
This is a 3pp thing of pact magic that Augunas worked on.
It's not actually Lamashtu, just the spirit called 'The Mother of Monsters'
And while bound to her, your sex organs increase in size as the physical sign.
Kevin Reed
Oliver Diaz
Ah, I misremembered her name. Ah well.
There's also Fey Baraddu, whose personality influence is basically turning you sex-crazed, forced to sexually pursue anyone you find even REMOTELY attractive.
Grayson Hughes
Theoretically no, I can see cat-centaur polymorph thing being written by a non-furry, but the fact is it was.
Luke Barnes
This feat is pretty weak for a level 8 feat...
But it look fun as hell...
Juan Peterson
The fuck is with that third totem bonus?
Ryder Kelly
>Your sexual organs are drastically enhanced in length, size and girth. >You must create children at every opportunity
I need this, getting corrupted into a horny human with a monster dick is my thing.
Asher Nelson
It's just constant Unseen Servant. Doesn't seem amazing considering how little you can do with that spell
Angel Wood
that's not even the worst thing in that book
Lucas Ortiz
I think it's for Divine caster who doesn't have Unseen Servant naturally.
Arcane Caster would probably just use Heighten Mount > Alter Summon Monster for a better 16 hour long servant.
Adrian Ward
>how little Well, SURE, if you've got gullible partymembers.
But not all of us are that lucky, and this feat lets us invisibly hold dead horse heads next to the king's face when he wakes up, put high explosives into position and light the fuses, set up locked-room murder mysteries... all those things YOU get to just go "hey bill, wouldn't be awesome if you.."
Costs us a feat.
Xavier Scott
Sphinxtaurs are love though.
Oliver Phillips
user, you can just make a mask to let you be one all the time. Assuming your GM allows custom items.
Josiah Lewis
Because they're part of the Great Race of Yiff.
Gabriel Allen
You know, it would probably be reasonable to model them after the sphinxes that already exist (gyno/androsphinx, etc.). It wouldn't be totally unreasonable for them to be large, though maybe medium with powerful build would be more appropriate for a PC race.
We're talking about a playable race, right? If not, can we talk about that instead?
Isaiah Baker
I'm right there with you user.
Joseph Price
Also it can lift 60lb of weight. Good for screwing around with Halfling/Gnome/Goblin.
Jeremiah Lopez
Dude. That's a Lamia, not a Sphinx.
Gabriel Peterson
At the very least an Unseen Servant can be used as a tactican nuke by holding a bunch of pressure-plate bombs and then being ordered at a distance "let go".
Nolan Thompson
Here's the furrymaker, by the by. Its manifestation involves you getting sexed whether you want it or not.
He's not a furry, honest.
He's just a degenerate who can't keep his dick out of his works.
Eli Gray
At this point, the conflict between modern uses of lamia and what lamia actually are is plenty excuse to make them whatever the fuck you want.
Yay, freedom! Right?
James Sanders
Robert Scott
>not bipedal sphinx Shit.
Kevin Lee
Put it in the proper grading bin. The trashcan.
Leo Morris
That's just your generic anime catperson then. Perhaps with an egyptian theme.
Not saying the egyptian theme doesn't improve it, but come the fuck on man. At least TRY.
Jaxon Hill
>implying I care how many legs you put on your own homebrew race
Girl, you can have whatever you like.
Elijah Ramirez
I'm not of the opinion centaurs of any kind make good PCs. And sphinxes absolutely need to stay rare.
Tyler Brown
With wings!
But quadrupedal is better. Should they be big for you?
Benjamin Green
Did you mean "A Maftet"? Because That sounds like a Maftet.
Actual sphinxes or bust. Sphinxtaurs are a stupid meme.
Well of course. Any thread starting with >Pathfinder General /pfg/ Is doomed to fail
Noah Stewart
Fuck you, OP.
Isaiah Price
This new book is abhorrent. The world is a worse place for it existing.
Think of any game in which turning into a big titted furry would work, like any game at all where this would be a thing that you could do on a regular basis without it negatively impacting the game.
If you can think of one, you are almost certainly the author of this book.
Samuel Young
Now see, big tittied furry is at least able to be looked past.
I mean your character could have been a big tittied furry beforehand, and it's mostly a visual aspect in a largely nonvisual medium.
I feel like Fey Barbadu or whatever his name is' personality influence is worse. It just turns you sex-crazed. That's action, not visual. Far more disruptive, I'd say.
Nathaniel Allen
Ah, well the one that turns you into a voluptuous panther-girl also makes you want to fuck people. Just as long as they're men in power. You completely ignore women in power.
Noah Hughes
Failed at what? If we intended to get into tirades about muh women and talk overly fondly about furry races then we succeeded. The secret to success is to not attempt anything too difficult.
Asher Thompson
What class/archetype is the astronaut of the pathfinder world? You know, the cool kids of the arcane
Joseph Wood
'Men in Power' is a lot narrower of a scope than 'literally fucking anybody you find even the slightest bit attractive'
Oliver Cooper
Well yeah, but it's still just as bad. You can find any small group and find a person in power among them. That shop over there? The person running it is in a position of authority over their employees.
Connor Jones
Probably Arcanists. They get the best bits of both types of casting, AND swanky magic shit only they can do because they're SOOOO COOL.
Nathaniel Barnes
>catboy conquered every tribe in a 100 mile radius before he was 12 years old
Would you waifu this badass catboy?
Chase James
No, because he makes you into the waifu.
Hence the discussion.
Jonathan Clark
Especially since that implies such affections would be returned. Which is not the case.
Cooper Harris
>conquers every tribe >badass fighter >gets killed by angry moms
'K, sure.
Liam Gonzalez
i just started a pathfinder game and the gm only wants to use the core book so i wasnt allowed to use cavalier i said fuck it and went with paladin because i was dead set on my Don Quixote build and ill be damned if rules get in the way of my fun
so i need help getting my character optimized how usefful is a lance if not on horseback (i have a horse but cant bring it into the crypt we have to explore) dm says i use it at -4 to hit is this true? can i do anything to make it viable off my horse? also i could really use some recommended pally feats
Luis Cruz
Is there a download all option for this shit?
Jason Ramirez
I agree with the latter, but the former I would counter with the fact that most centaur races aren't really built with the intent of being player races in the first place.
I have always enjoyed using them as NPC guides/recurring allies, though. It helps when there's a reasonable stat block to use, though would it be interesting to develop a centaur template?
Connor Jackson
Just save the webpage and all the pictures'll be in a folder there.
Adrian Watson
I thought that wasn't too bad a request for a mother of monsters ritual, but then it has sex with you. So it wants to bone you with your children watching. Why such blatant fetish fuel?
Michael Ward
Your DM hates you and is intentionally gimping you because a Paladin threatens his undead encounters.
A lance does not give a -4 off your horse, get a greatsword (or the first available skeleton sword) and go back in just to balk at the DM's next attempt at ruining you.
Camden Wilson
I just don't see centaurs adventuring with other PCs. A reclusive NPC race is all well and good.
PC sphinxes is retarded.
Aiden Smith
Carter Ramirez
It's less "adventuring with" and more "tour guide for this quest".
Connor Nelson
>that ceremony Literally, I can jack off and summon her and I'll still get a massage.
BRB spending way longer than needed summoning her.
Austin Thompson
Three children means you've made more life than you'll take out when you and a partner dies.
Having them watch is meant to desensitize them to freaky sex stuff so when they're old enough to make babies, fucking the wolf-man doesn't seem like that weird of a demand.
Carter King
That's fine.
Joshua Gutierrez
This all just gives me the heebie-jeebies
Jordan Howard
Odd, the thread's labeled /pfg/, but it's a F.A.T.A.L. thread....
Angel Torres
If this guy is male, then why does he turn you into a catgirl and demand that you pursue all other males with romantic interest?
Does he approve of only het cat sex?
Sebastian Scott
Don't forget that you're constantly groped for the duration of the pact!
Andrew Howard
>And one that's all about being an old lady that rapes little boys, and one that's all about the scat
Which ones are these? Post pics.
Nicholas Cruz
Does anybody have a copy of the Occult Adventures playtest with the original version of the Medium, with the Harrow deck-theme? I'm doing a rebuild of the Medium class as a thought exercise and I want to compare it to the original playtest version.
Grayson Davis
>Cavalier >Paladin Don Quixote is a swashbuckler.
Nolan Thompson
Almost every one of these is sexual in nature. Who writes this stuff? Is this what happens when you have no standard lore to draw from? Everything is based of fetishes?
It's like the entire book was written by going down a big ass list of porn tags and writing vestiges for each one.
Cooper Robinson
Kayden Fisher
Pretty much everything said.
The lance shouldn't give -4 unless you aren't proficient with it, and paladins are proficient with all martial weapons. Get a greatsword if the GM pushes the -4 thing unless you're a girl.
As far as feats go, Power Attack is the only one you'll really need, maybe some of the mounted charge feats if your GM is going to stop being an asshat about a paladin in an undead dungeon.
He said core-only so it still doesn't matter
Jack Evans
I would point out a minor thing in his defense: Pact Magic and the whole binding etc thing is based loosely on Goetia, and every 3/4 of the Goetic demons are specifically noted to do things like 'make the woman fall in love or lust with you' so if you're gonna blame anyone, blame old Solomon or 14th century Italian occultists.
John James
If she constantly gropes and massages you, does that include your hands?
That is SO lewd!
Jeremiah Watson
Yeah, but Wizco managed to make a whole book of actually goetic spirits without falling headfirst into f-list bullshit.
Logan Butler
>A lance does not give a -4 off your horse i suspected as much, is there any rules that state that so i can argue for off horse lance work though you may be right, he will probably just house rule it as he mentioned that lances are fragile and will need to make a saving throw or break when used >get a greatsword (or the first available skeleton sword) it's my first pathfinder game care to elaborate on why these 2 are op? >Don Quixote is a swashbuckler im roleplaying a jousting knight who has severe brain damage from a horse kick to the head
Daniel Garcia
>your GM is going to stop being an asshat about a paladin in an undead dungeon.
i think if he cared that much he would have let me role a caviler instead of a paladin the whole game isnt going to be about a crypt it's just the first mission we are undertaking
Justin Morris
>tfw your DM makes you roll Diplo but still determines the outcome by RP
Why do people do this? Why are social skills the one skillset we have to ACTUALLY have before we're allowed to use them in the game?
I'm bringing a padlock next session, and telling the rogue he has to pick it for his next Disable Device check to count.
Christopher Wood
I can't find the old lady one but have some incest instead.
Thomas Jackson
>it's my first pathfinder game care to elaborate on why these 2 are op? Skeletons' swords are actually going to be terrible, but anything that doesn't give you a -4 to hit because of a bad DM is better than your situation.
Greatswords are great because they have the biggest damage die of any easily available martial weapon (2d6), plus a 19-20 crit range and their status as two-handed weapons, which are objectively better than any other type of weapon except a bow because you add 1.5x your Str modifier on damage rolls with them.
Aaron Garcia
Why is it missing random pages? Don't mind the 'this is a R P G' section, but dammit feats are feats!
Mason Bell
Look, you try writing a 100 spirits and not mentioning incest once, it's probably really hard.