>just watched that episode of samurai jack with the bounty hunters
>watched ninja scroll recently
Is it ever socially acceptable to play a samurai?
[I know Jubei is a ninja and not a samurai]
>just watched that episode of samurai jack with the bounty hunters
>watched ninja scroll recently
Is it ever socially acceptable to play a samurai?
[I know Jubei is a ninja and not a samurai]
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>Is it ever socially acceptable to play a samurai?
If there are samurai in your game's setting then yes.
If your DM hasn't considered it, ask if it's okay.
It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure he actually IS a samurai.
He's blatantly based on Futaro Yamada's portrayal of Yagyu Jubei, just as the entire film is heavily inspired by Yamada's works as a whole.
As long as you're not cancerous about it, fuck yeah.
Samurai are just another badass martial tradition, it's no worse than playing a viking, knight, or spartan.
As long as the character fits the setting and tone, go right ahead.
>not playing an all samurai game
>not being slaughtered to a man by a force that outnumbers you 60:1, all because "muh honor, muh bushido"
Y'all niggas need Shiroyama.
Sure. Samurai are just as varied as anything else, from the honourable warrior to the back stabbing asshole (ie most samurai lords in real history)
Well, most successful ones.
The ones who really did do the whole honor thing tended to die young.
How is a samurai any different from a fighter that happens to be from Japan and likes a single sword type?
They attract butthurt from autistic neckbeards who associate them with other fedora wearing autistic neckbeards.
Samurai are just warriors with a different label.
>Is it ever socially acceptable to play a samurai?
Fuck socially acceptable. Play what you want to play and fuck the haters.
Shitty people will show up no matter what. No sense in associating them with something that is fucking badass despite their shit.
>Is it ever socially acceptable to play a samurai?
Sure, if you acknowledge that they are just another warrior tradition of a different flavor and you don't go all weeb on everyone claiming that they could fly or slice through solid steel or any of that bullshit.
The reason people dislike samurai and the weebs that play them is that they insist against all reason that their preferred flavor of warrior deserves special treatment . They demand to be the special center of attention instead of just wanting to play the game with their preferred flavor.
Fuck off weeb, you'd get kicked right out of my group for shitting it up with your samucuck fantasies.
They have the special ability to enrage angry neckbeard losers that feel super special if they can bitch about animu.
Because how the fuck dare anyone draw inspiration from media that is not personally approved by you user. Only your own hand picked bullshit fantasy is super special enough to be recreated in a game. Not someone else's.
>Is it ever socially acceptable to play a samurai?
It's unacceptable to play anyone only if you're a faggot about it.
If you're cool about it, yeah. If you're being a total weeb who insists that your samurai is a special snowflake simply by virtue of being a samurai, then fuck off.
>Is the campaign set in a world where samurai are established to exist?
>Do you understand that katanas are not inherently better than other swords?
>Do you agree to not play your character as an edgy unfeeling badass?
If you answered "yes" to all of these questions, then yes.
> not play your character as an edgy unfeeling badass
You're asking too much of me.
Was Ninja Scroll the one were some guy got stabbed in the guts and then he uses his intestines to kill them?
>samurai jack
I need to watch that again before the new one comes out. Shit was so cash, especially when they did interesting stuff with the animation.
It's a social class, much like the difference between a well-equipped fighter from Europe and a knight.
Ran that game once, shortly after watching Seven Samurai for the first time. A seven hour session where half the party dropped one by one and only two players were left standing at the end (a rogue and the Wu Jen, both ranged types who hunt out in the back during the battle). Dead players took command of the Meiji government funded bandits they were each given a separate piece of the enemy forces and a secret objective to fight the others for, representing the invaders cohesion breaking up as a result of the still alive players' actions and play alternated from an ad hoc wargame to tactical map skirmishes and RP bits with the villagers.
It was pretty awesome. Remains as the only time I ran a game that long with more than four players where nobody fucked off to play Super Smash halfway through.
That one applies to every character concept, user.
Yes, as long as it doesn't jar with the setting
that was Riki-Oh
Unless it happened in both
There is many ways of doing it and it being accepteble, but I don't think you want to play a samurai.
I assume you want to play the wandering swordsman.
That doesn't need to be a samurai. Heck westerns and samurai films are spiritual brothers as both are often about wandering killing machine who arrives to a place with some trouble, fixes the trouble and then leaves as locals don't like no more killers in their town.
Only if you do it Mifune-style.
You're probably thinking of Ninja Resurrection, which actually is an adaption of a totally unrelated novel written by the guy who's novels loosely inspired Ninja Scroll.
I've always wanted to play a traveling samurai who favored the broadsword or broadsword and shield. Like he was still a samurai, still had mu honaru going on, but when it came to combat he preferred using a broadsword over other weapons. He also liked some metal armor and his armor might be a hybrid mishmash of eastern and western armor.
>Is it ever socially acceptable to play a samurai?
What game?
Wouldn't that just make him a regular knight who happens to be asian?
Kinda what a samurai is, really.
He's effectively a knight, only his equipment and ethnicity is from a specific part of Asia.
Nah, Ninja Scroll's the one where the rock dude wipes an entire ninja squad, rapes the female survivor, and dies in the fight with MC because he raped a chick whose every bodily fluid was fucking turbolethal poison.
Samurai liked metal armour too. Though a mishmash of armour from several different cultures could be cool if it was pulled off well
>no L5R in this thread
Legend of the Five Rings, people. A game about being samurai in the samurai lands.
Some magic and ninja here and there too, but mainly samurai.
I personally wouldn't have problem with it.
I mean, one semi-former PC is a giant barbarian chick running around anima's Asia equivalent in an O-Yoroi, wielding a bastard sword and tower shield, while having a catgirl and "Veeky Forums the dragon" as travelling companions, and being the leader of an army of Ashura Oni.
That sounds awesome, and I'd love to play a one-shot game like that. Damn.
If you've not seen it yet, I'd recommend 13 Assassins. It's insane. The fight choreography is great. It also has probably one of the longest final battles I've seen, at like 45 minutes long.
That said, I want to play a samurai in an upcoming post-apocalyptic RPG. He's going to be part samurai part cowboy, and is to be a treasure hunter. What kind of shit should I deck him out with?