My friend is complaining why theres no rpgs about drama and regulat personal relationships an conflicts. No fantastical setting just normal people daily conflicts.
My friend is complaining why theres no rpgs about drama and regulat personal relationships an conflicts...
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>Golden Sky Stories
>Car Lesbians
Because who the fuck wants to play a game where they just pretend to get in arguments with their parents or can't pay the bills on time?
People who actually want to play Normal Everyday Life Simulator might as well be aliens to me, for all I understand them.
Golden Sky Stories actually works really well for this.
Because Drama is interesting I guess? Many Veeky Forums is just relationships
But you play as spirit animals not people
>Many Veeky Forums is just relationships
And I have a hard time even enjoying that.
I don't know, call me a philistine or something but it's really hard to for me to enjoy "mundane" storytelling. I can enjoy real world stories, provided they're given a backdrop and problems more interesting than just normal high school students or rich socialites gossiping to each other.
Thats gayshit even then your still supernaturals.
>No fantastical setting just normal people daily conflicts.
You want Delta Green, then.
I got "mundane" in my real life. More than enough "mundane"
Well drama and regular personal relationships are pretty much fueled by the characters.
Why make a system for what humans do naturally?
>Spirit animals aren't people
What. You racist.
Chuubo's Fantastical Wish Granting Engine
Golden Sky Stories
FATE, if you slice it right
GURPS too, if you slice it right
I played a GURPS game where everyone was an enlightenment era aristocrat, no magical powers or anything out of the ordinary at all. A lot of it was just managing business and hanging out in coffee shops, and was closer to the Sims than D&D.
Isn't there like a Maid tabletop that's exactly that?
but with maids i guess.
Maid RPG.
Which is strangely a good game for some reason. Or maybe that's just a meme?
That game is really really crazy though. Going just by the standard tables, you can generate anything from ninja to wizard maids. If you cut out that stuff it works as a comedic romance deal, where the players all fight over love from the master. I would consider it less in the realm of normal people and more in the realm of some gag anime.
It's pretty rad. Run a single session of it. The game itself is rules light and moves very quickly, but benefits from the random tables that give you lots of options.
Read through it. It's a pretty fun concept.
The difference between a meme and the truth is how much research you do.
World of Darkness if you do it that way
This video is required watching material for people who want to make more realistic settings
Try Primetime Adventures. I've not gotten to run it, but if I was going to do a Mexican Soap Opera game, I'd use PTA, without a doubt.
If you want something with a potential for some supernatural bits in it, say to convince a reluctant member of your group, maybe try It Was a Mutual Decision. It's a modern setting game that's all about two people who broke up, but there's a veeery small chance that somebody's a wererat, if the dice add up right. Probably not, though, unless your players really aim for it.
There are, though...
>What is Drama System?
It's literally in the title of the game.
oh lordy
Hillfolk (aka DramaSystem) is the most criminally underrated Veeky Forums thing I can think of.
If you're actually looking to run a game like this OP, do yourself a favor and check it out. Even if you don't end up using it, the book is well worth a read for its advice on dramatic storytelling alone.
Give your friend a copy of GURPS.
Add in a note for your friend to have fun making a system to simulate interpersonal relationships.
Is the problem that there are no /systems/ that cover it? Because, and hear me out here, FATE Core, nigger.
Anything that does more to social interaction than FATE Core is actively impeding social interaction. You're looking for a muzzle at this point.
After I started playing RPGs I released that for me solving things with words was a power fantasy and that RPGs have too much senseless violence.
I always try to give my players the option to solve something via dialogue, it works half of the time.
It's really fun to have games with very little combat and killing. You get a lot of creative solutions.
Danger Zone Steve looks so wasted
There is a pony RPG that is 100% this. Ran a really cool episodic mystery/slice of life campaign with it.
I like Fate and use it a lot, but "mundane" isn't really its forte. I guess if you had all the players wanting it that way and they never used Aspects in any way but mundane ways.
I kinda like to murder though
I just run my WoD and D&D games like this.
I did similar with the Savage Worlds splat. Had the characters solve a mystery involving poisoned well water, a zebra selling antidote, and a loan shark making profit.
Ran it for my sister's friends. They loved it.
The idea that you can't have drama and regular interpersonal conflict the moment you have something fantastical is kind of retarded, if you'll forgive the language.
Like, read Chuubo's Marvelous Wish Granting Engine. Yes, there are ghosts and talking rats and the occassional norse elf, because it's basically about interpersonal relationships in a world out of a fairytale, but this is literally a game where your character's "Quest" arc is far more likely to be be "being a single parent" than "gotta save the world".
Chuubos, Golden Sky Stories, Monsterhearts, Cortex Drama systems, I'm probably forgetting some but those are just the ones I own.
>and a loan shark making profit.
Please tell me it was a literal shark
>My friend is complaining why theres no rpgs about drama and regulat personal relationships an conflicts.
I'm guessing your friend doesn't know there are RPGs besides D&D and Pathfinder?
Lyceenes. It's about female high school students being mean to each other.
There are some more action-oriented supplements, but the core book is exactly what you're looking for.
My first thought after reading the third one was gan grape.