What would happen if modern day gurkha troops were transported into the underdark?
What would happen if modern day gurkha troops were transported into the underdark?
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They would be fucked post haste since none of them would be equipped to deal with the 100% darkness
>Unless someone had night vision in which case their battery life would effectively be their health bar.
Now IF they have night vision goggles and encountered hostiles, they would do pretty well, since guns would basically deafen and stun anything they fired at even if they miss, and would do very substantial damage.
In combat they are essentially rogues, so they could survive for a time, but remember that the intelligent denizens (drow primarily) will use the terrain to their advantage
TLDR ghurkas put on a good show, kill several drow and wind up enslaved by drow to fight as gladiators for amusement of feminazi BDSM enthusiasts
they would die. but the destruction they leave would haunt the underdark for years to come
The more important question is what happens if they're gifted with blindsight but cursed to see everyone else as a target.
Assume every gurkha spawns separately at different points.
postan image
Do you remember that "Spetsnaz in the underdark greentext"?
Think that but with more dead drow.
>At 1.20am, more than 200 Japanese attacked the company position. The brunt of the assault fell on Gurung’s section and, in particular, on his post, which dominated a jungle track leading up to his platoon’s position. Had the enemy been able to overrun it and occupy Gurung’s trench, they would have secured control over the whole of the field before them.
>One grenade fell on the lip of Gurung’s trench. He quickly grabbed it and hurled it back at the enemy. Almost immediately another grenade came over. This one fell directly inside the trench. Again Gurung snatched it up and threw it back.
>A third grenade landed just in front of the trench. Gurung attempted to throw it back, but it exploded in his hand, blowing off his fingers, shattering his right arm and severely wounding him in the face, body and right leg. His two comrades were also badly wounded and lay helpless in the bottom of the trench.
>The enemy, screaming and yelling, now formed up shoulder to shoulder and attempted to rush the position by sheer weight of numbers. Gurung, regardless of his wounds, loaded and fired his rifle with his left hand and kept up a steady rate of fire.
>The attacks came in wave after wave, but the Japanese were beaten back with heavy losses. For four hours Gurung remained alone at his post, calmly waiting for each new onslaught, firing into his attackers at point blank range, determined not to yield an inch of ground. His comrades could hear him shouting: “Come and fight a Gurkha!”
>The following morning, of the 87 enemy dead found in the company’s immediate locality, 31 lay in front of Gurung’s section. The Japanese made repeated attempts to break through, but the 4th/8th held out until May 15, when they were relieved.
>how would a group of men trained to fight real world stuff do against somthing they have never seen before and has the potential for reality bending skills at will
Gee I wonder. What's the situation? Are they briefed that they are going to fantasy land? Or do they just end up there? If they just appear there: my guess is they attempt to scout the enemy for a while, set a hidden camp and try to formulated what they are up against. Except they get caught by giant ass spiders and the need for light and that's that.
Briefed? Nigga if your being briefed for this shit with no magical items, it's a suicide mission. What's the story? Who's asking them to go? Do they supply them with magic? How prepared are they if they know ahead of time and what's the mission?
They'd achieve superhuman feats of violence.
Okay, is there more to this story? Are you telling me 40 dudes wanted to rape a girl and wouldn't stop attacking the dude stabbing anyone trying?
Welcome to India. Enjoy your stay.
They starve or dehydrate. The underdark is essentially a desert, and oases are something that people fight over tooth and nail to defend. Only it's even worse than a desert because the whole thing is a series of twisting tunnels that double back on each other constantly in which it is ridiculously easy to get turned around. At least in a desert if you pick a direction and start walking you're unlikely to somehow double back on yourself.
I don't read all the canonical works on the underdark, so the one in my campaigns may totally spit in the face of canon. But at least when I play, I always see the Underdark as being lit with bio-luminescent mushrooms and rocks and shit.
Poo in the loo
Damnit Paco, it's called the "UnderDARK" not the "Under-slightly dim"
That would imply it's underneath the darkness.
Depends on how meme we talking about, are they mounting cassowaries? The Underdark would not be able to handle such dank memes
Fun fact there are plenty of places in the under-dark that are dimly lit.
Also have you never heard of flashlights or NVGs?
I'd imagine they'd make a little ghurka village and survive.
They would die and be eaten by any number of magical creatures because they would know SHIT about the environment and magical natures. Dead, brain eaten, raped and enslaved, whatever.
Just plain fucked.
>Monster with a DR of +3/- arrives
>Literally not taking any damage from bullets
>Literally immune to grenade shrapnel
>They have to start using their rockets/grenades for direct hits to injure it
They would do better than the level low level murderhobos from the surface, for sure.
>a rifle bullet does less than 3 damage
>implying it doesn't do at least 2d6 piercing
At least they wouldn't have to crouch down in the short tunnels
>reasons why any edition with DR is utter shit
The details are inconsistent, but around 30-40 guys robbed a train. The Gurkha, Bishnu Shrestha, killed or seriously injured 3 (this number seems to be the most consistent) and injured a bunch until getting a bunch of veins and arteries in his left arm cut.
At this point, either the rest ran away out of fear or to avoid the police.
It depends on how high level they are.
Navigating will be no problem, killing and eating something would be no problem, I'm sure their Gurkha knives are +4 or even higher. They will be become a staple of the Underdark, so much so that in Baldurs Gate II, there will be a patch allowing you to enter a Gurkha Enclave and do a few quests there, just like the Beholders, Ithlithid and the Koa-Toa
What would happen if modern day US marines who're Iraq vets were transported into Athas?
I mean before they start killing each other in infights over the remaining supply of energy drinks?
Why are you trying to shoe horn your military in to this? Stop turning the thread to your own fan-wank.
I'm not american and I don't see the problem.
Iraq vets are funny to wonder about because of relatability in some of them.
I'd personally want to see a number of latin american, southeast asian and eastern euro special police units being transported to an underhive, and armed appropriately.
I'd assume some kind of gay orgy.
They're gurkas so epic level fighters the lot of them
>and eastern euro special police units
They'd die pretty quickly as they got zero information on the place, no survival training and they aren't geared up to operate outside of driving distance of their homes either.
Gurkha is a prestige class for those in Nepal and Fiji.
Useless, you can't beat a native of the Underark down with clubs and expect them to cowtow to you and your superior numbers.
You have to inspire fearlessness, bravery, wreckless disregard for your own personal well-being, all of which the Gurkhas display.
Alright let's change the scenario: they know where they are going, know the nature of the place, have a goal laid out and they have ample time to prepare. How do they then handle the dangers of the underdark?
>Ambushed in a Gurkha trap and brutally butchered by a force the fraction of their size, height and weight.
>they pull off an ambush with armoured vehicles, bright lights, flash nades, gas and whatnot
They're pretty likely to succeed.
Fucking dune coons
Eh vehicles seems a bit unsporting. Let's say the portal or teleportaion or whatever doesn't allow that size/weight.
Well picture the situaþion. 40 guýs concentrated around 1 girl. Than this guy comes at them from behind. Before the guys in the middle, with their pants down notice what is going on, the gurka already did a lot of damage.he probablý also stabbed a bunch that didn't pull their pants quick enough
Typical Indian is a cowardly, shit-smeared, opportunist with no concept of loyalty.
They have a rape culture, a culture that accepts and does not care about the raping of women.
lol it was 40 people total robbing a train, not 40 people in a gangbang
There's no w in reckless
You're right on the rest though, pic related, Lachhiman Gurung VC
From wiki, the event that he won his Cross, 1945 in Burma:
>Lachhiman Gurung was manning the most forward post of his platoon which bore the brunt of an attack by at least 200 of the Japanese enemy. Twice he hurled back grenades which had fallen on his trench, but the third exploded in his right hand, blowing off his fingers, shattering his arm and severely wounding him in the face, body and right leg. His two comrades were also badly wounded but the rifleman, now alone and disregarding his wounds, loaded and fired his rifle with his left hand for four hours, calmly waiting for each attack which he met with fire at point blank range...Of the 87 enemy dead counted in the immediate vicinity of the Company locality, 31 lay in front of this Rifleman's section, the key to the whole position. Had the enemy succeeded in over-running and occupying Rifleman Lachhiman Gurung's trench, the whole of the reverse slope position would have been completely dominated and turned.
The entire USMC is one missed "no homo" away from being gayer than a San Fransisco pride parade
There is if you don't get wrecked
By the time they've run out of tripmines and grenades they've learned how the drow and co fight so they'll be allright. Im more nervous about mindflayers tho. The gurkhas could get a "the thing" situation going pretty fast.
English, motherfucker, do you write it?
Yeah, and just generally surreal and absurd in a way that is troubling considering the job they actually have and what a significant percentage of firepower that exists in the world they possess.
I believe more than one comic from that particular series comments on that trait, as embodied by the apparent obsession with dicks by Marines, both in terms of drawing a lot of dick graffiti, and in other ways.
It's what happens when you attract moto fuckers.
>be such a badass
>country says you're still not badass enough
>only decide to give you the second highest military honor for bravery
Fucking hell, what did the dude who won the highest honor have to do to get it?
See That's the sort of shit you have to pull to get a Victoria Cross
>I'm sure their Gurkha knives are +4 or even higher
Their kukris aren't magical, they would be considered masterwork at best.
>Not treasured items
>Not handed down through family
>Not steeped in ritual
>Refusal to draw unless it will draw blood
>Used to harvest ears and earn payment
Deaf, butthurt Malasian detected.
Still not magical.
I haven't played in a long while but I don't remember non-magical items having enhancement bonuses, except for maybe a +1 to damage.
>they would be considered masterwork at best.
The dude who's currently supplying the british regiments is considered to produce the worst Kukri available on the market.
I'm not surprised in the slightest.
Even so, they could be considered masterwork when compared to medieval weapons.
That's also a load of bullshit, it's a working knife. 2nd and 3rd qualities are sold to the public, the 1st Qualities go to the Brigade of Ghurkas in the British Army and Singapore. Autistic neckbeard knife collectors are low are quite low in the grand sceme.
Also there are only a finite number of Victoria Crosses available (IIRC they're made from the metal of guns captured during the Crimean War) so nowadays you have to do some truly crazy shit to get awarded one. I'm pretty sure most of them awarded today are posthumous as well.
Just throwing it out there. The ORIGINAL kukri makers, the ones you hear praise sung about, made their kukri's from rusty leaf springs from scrapped cars.
The current maker refuses to say where he gets his materials from or what they even are but they are unanimously THE worst kukri's ever given.
The original-tier kukri's MIGHT be masterworks as they've been tested and are extremely shitty and only have the obscene thickness and natural spring quality of the material to thank for the durability they have but still wreck house with their design and use.
Assuming new-tier....is there an Anti-Masterwork template?
Funny thing is they used to give out the VC like candy, all of the early medals were granted for "killed a Turk and said a cool one-liner" and whatever.
Nowadays they hem and haw over things like "does that bomber pilot who managed to land the burning scrap that remained of his own plane in the water and narrowly avoid the orphanage for the blind, and save his whole crew deserve one? he was kiiinda saving his own skin, too"
They should just enact a serial number and hand-me-down legacy system.
"You've been given VC Medal #274, it was given to so and so who got it for cutting off hitlers only remaining testicle after so and so the previous owner before him did half the job with 80 nazi bayonets in his gut so and so 2 was given this mission on the previously previous owners dying request who earned his medal posthumously after saving 80 burning orphanages all while ensuring ol'nelly got across the street safely. Now you can add your legend of carving a toothpicks from a mans own corpse only to use said toothpicks to kill said man. Congratulations."
That'd be neat, but the medals keep getting snatched up by private collectors.
Time for the Gurkha Reclamation Campaign. गुर्खा रेच्लामेशन चम्पैग्न.
Just kick down doors and stsrt collecting medals and ears.
Quite a few are museums, especially regimental ones
Yeah, they've certainly gotten harder to earn - only 15 have been awarded since WW2
And yeah, they often get awarded posthumously - there are only 6 regular VC holders alive (and a couple more Australian VCs), and one is from WW2
There is bioluminescent light down there, but it is rare and in concentrated locations, not spread all over the entire world-spanning labyrinth.
Depends. How many of them are like Trombley?
Bandits attacked a train with knives and swords and shit. Gurkha man was apparently not going to do anything until one of them tried to rape a girl nearby so then he decided to kill that guy and fight everyone else.
The GIGN could probably fuck shit up.
They make them out of broken down cars. Still good though.
Most of if not all would die horribly. I'm assuming you mean a squad or a platoon.
This basically
The victoria cross is above, it normaly involves killing singlehandly dozens of enemys to save wounded comrades. Like that guy who ran out of cover and draw gunfire on him so his wounded comrades can be saved.
They run out of Ammo
While they are good at melee against modern earth enemies (with no melee skills) they suck against "people" that only know melee and are armored and armed accordingly. Also magic.
They are dead.