>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck. mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/commander-edh
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
>4 player game >value frog deck >pull lord of extinction >literally a 70/70 >mono red deck top decks duplicant and kills me with my own creature fuck you cameron I reposted this because I know you're here
Ethan Collins
I haven't played with my "competitive" playgroup in a while because of work. It is less of a playgroup as it is more I go to my LGS and play in the free commander tournament since it is a ten minute walk.
The Nin deck is also something I just made, no idea what the full potential is.
Jacob Cooper
I wish he wasn't so slow
Brandon Gomez
why not just play kaalia?
Luke Wilson
Anyone got any good Sydri lists that don't cost an arm and a leg?
My current set up. Replace Feldon with Shirei.
Joshua Jenkins
He is slow, but I still have fun with him. He seems to do better in larger games where he can lay low for a little bit if he needs to, but then wreck shit real quick once he gets the pieces he needs.
Cause I like tutoring and I like Zirilan.
Mason Rivera
What are some cards with hideous art that you play anyway?
Elijah Flores
>mfw rain of filth >mfw cabal ritual >mfw I kill the entire table
Christopher Ward
Anyone have suggestions for my Queen Marchesa? It leans a bit towards etb goodstuff because I threw in a few of my favourite cards. It could stand to be more focused maybe on stax/pillowfort or even simple mardu beats. PS I've lost my copies of Anguished and Crackling Doom somewhere deckstats.net/decks/44877/565235-marchesa-queen-of-thots
Kede-rekt Leviathan. It's a swimming lump of shit but I just can't say no. Otherwise most stuff I play is pleasing to look at
Alexander Parker
My brother put together a Marchesa pillowfort and it's annoyingly good. He stalls forever, prevents damage, and builds his hand advantage with monarch.
Hudson Stewart
>That mana curve
fix that
Henry Nelson
Jace Wright
I run this dark ritual just because the art is awful, particularly compared to the earlier printings.
Luis Foster
Because one guy playing mono-B shouldn't be able to shit on your deck that hard.
Gavin Smith
you're not serious right
Daniel Foster
The funny part is, this is the best art version of this card.
the others doesn't compare to this one, especially relating to the card's name.
Isaac Jenkins
Anyone here live in LA and play at their LGS? I'm thinking about hitting up one of the bigger ones in the city near me for the first time for their EDH Mondays and I wanted to see if anyone has been there and knows how the crowd usually is.
Lucas Davis
Come on user, at least the other one's flavor text is on point.
Elijah Cox
Jackson Turner
I haven't lost to Kaalia yet with my Kokusho deck, so I'm at least a little serious.
Luis Roberts
But the one I posted has the flavor text on point, from a likeable commander.
Lucas Sanchez
Best art hands down but i find it hard to believe you play it in any deck, even if it was a fallen empires tribal only edh
Gavin Bennett
It's a janky card I include on my Endrek deck.
Carson Hill
>Ebon Praetor So that thing made Elesh Norn?
Oliver Thomas
>fellow Chainer bro My double nigga.
Ayden Evans
He is such a fun commander. I like it being so that he's also below the radar that not many people know him, let alone use him.
His favorite pet is Kokusho.
Juan Perez
sup /soc/
Michael Taylor
Yeah, he's pretty great. Criminally underrated as a monoblack commander, but I kind of like it that way. It also helps that I was really getting into Magic around the time Torment came out. My first deck was a Pestilence deck, and I soon moved onto MBC for Odyssey Block Constructed. Been loving Chainer and Cabal Coffers ever since. /blog
Also, I prefer Gary, but I run a lot of enchantments to support the devotion subtheme.
Dominic Moore
What are the best sac outlets for Chainer? Besides Phyrexian and Ashnod Altars.
Josiah Perry
Carrion Feeder?
Luke Cox
I run Infernal Tribute, Attrition, Mind Slash, Dimir House Guard (such a goddamn house in Chainer), and Altar of Dementia. I was unimpressed with the mana altars, honestly, but I run a metric fuckton of mana doublers.
Grayson Phillips
we play with more people at the LGS, but these are the closest to me
Joseph Edwards
>Infernal Tribute
I'm not the only cool kid anymore that uses it in EDH.
my nigga
Gabriel Thomas
Touchè >Dat synergy
Nicholas Wright
IMO it's the weakest of the sac outlets, but there have been games where I was running out of gas and being able to turn extraneous land drops into cards was the difference between winning and losing. The art is pretty great, too.
In other news I finally cut Army of the Damned from my list. I included it as an alternate win condition that didn't rely on graveyards or absurd amounts of mana, but here lately I've never been happy to see it.
Chase Young
>Cards you play that nobody else does
This nigga is a powerhouse in my sultai deck because everyone is UG so you always hit the treasure trove
Nolan Ward
I mainly use it to re-use Spine of Ish Sah as one of my few enchantment destroyers, or in rare occasions my Phyrexian Arena or even Necropotence.
Liam Hughes
As a commander (work in progress)
I'm actually Yeah. I've never seen tymaret hit the field apart from me, and I remember him being spoiled and being incredibly excited to try a weird experimental deck revolving around continually restarting the game over and over, sending him to the yard each time he dies.
It won't be competitive, but it'll be fun to try out!
Charles Rogers
Does Withering Boon count, even though that cat's out of the bag at this point?
Good point. I replaced Spine with Scour from Existence when BfZ dropped, because hot damn is instant speed Vindicate amazing when the mana cost is inconsequential.
The +3 black devotion is a nice side effect, too.
I run Scour, Oblivion Stone, Nevinyrral's Disk, and All is Dust to help deal with enchantments and artifacts, though being able to reanimate Acidic Slime or Reclamation Sage to deal with them is delicious.
So much fuck Rest in Peace, though. I can mostly play around it but when it's dropped and I'm in the middle of setting up my finisher it's pretty unfun. That and Winter Orb are very difficult for my deck to counter.
Daniel Jackson
Black and artifact infect cards on him then sacrifice all the tokens >Hail to the King
Hunter Thompson
Michael Hill
I run both. Scour and Spine. Though I need more sac outlets, and Sadistic Hypnotist is climbing in price too, when I got him he was only at 50 cents.
And I actually run Withering Boon in my ultra janky Orzhov fat Teysa Voltron deck. The only time I played that card, it saved my life and won me the game.
My friend was about to counter my wincon with a creature to stop it, then he tried to copy my Withering Boon with Reverberate, but then I pointed it out that its only a "counter creature spell". Sweet Victory.
Wyatt Reed
Gavin Russell
Withering Boon (and Warping Wail) are so good. Being able to counter stuff outside of blue is always so unexpected and can lead to complete blow outs.
>Sadistic Hypnotist is $3 what
I played him before I added in Mind Slash and it was a tough cut. Pinpoint discard is just better in my combo/control meta. Being reanimatable is definitely a plus, though.
What are your thoughts on Sadistic Sacrament as a preemptive combo hoser?
Nolan Wood
The more I see of Kaladesh vehicles, the more I think thicc Depala will have enough to be at least casually playable. Each one has higher power than cmc, and most have a strong effect, or an alternate use. I hope they devote as many rare slots to dwarves too. Maybe it'll seem pushed and stupid to everyone else, but I'll rejoice alone.
Julian Martin
How does removal not shit on zirilan just as hard as it shits on kaalia??
Thomas Evans
worth playing? Suggestions? I'm trying to design him but i'm looking for a point to start from
Leo Nelson
oops forgot pic
Julian Hill
What the fuck are you even asking?
Its just a French vanilla beater with antique charm
It's not powerful and it doesn't provide any deck building direction whatsoever
Is it worth building? how are we supposed to answer that for you?
How should you build it? Again, how are we supposed to answer that for you? It's a fuckin vanilla beater, play literally whatever the fuck you want with it
Adrian Ortiz
Only worth playing for the OG status. Ask your friends if they want to play some EDH, and when they pull out narset/derevi/oloro (anybody that isn't an original elder dragon) make a sneering, disgusted face. Remind them you offered to play ELDER DRAGON HIGHLANDER
but yeah, build a solid Esper deck that doesn't necessarily need chromium, and when you're so far in the lead it doesn't really matter, go ahead and cast him to beat your opponents to death with for shits n giggles
Aaron Foster
Why do combofags get so angry when they get teamed up on? >opponent playing strong deck that will win easily if left unchecked >I can't handle it alone so I team up with some other decks to keep the combo player off killing us all and ending the game Do they want people to just roll over for them? And then they get mad when people don't want to ally with them. Yeah, sorry, I don't want to make an ally who will kill everyone, myself included at once. That's the cost of playing combo. You can't engage in politics.
Isaiah Smith
The tyramet player looks fun. I'm slowly falling in love with prison and stax
Eli Adams
I've wanted a reason to play this thing since it came out but I've never known where it'd fit. I'm thinking it would actually work really well on Marchesa. Thoughts?
Elijah Ramirez
Throw him in the trash and make oloro pillowfort with that new artifact that kills a player when you hit 50 life
Jonathan Johnson
>playing suboptimal decks and then disguising your shitterness with MUH POLITICS
Owen Powell
So, what, EDH should be a non-interactive race to whoever gets their ultimate combo off first then?
James Martinez
I've always hated that this doesn't redirect combat damage to the player
Because of that I can't imagine ever playing it, too situational for 4 mana
Caleb Roberts
I really wouldn't bother. The OG Elder dragons cost too much mana outside of hard ramp decks, and rampage 2 doesn't bring anything to the table, especially in Esper.
I run pic related. Even in a heavy ramp deck it's hard to get him onto the field, and after a couple removals there's no point in trying outside of super long games.
For other OG Elder Dragons I'd consider Bolas because his hand-killing ability is good if it connects, but there are other commanders i'd rather run in Grixis. The rest simply aren't worth 8 mana plus 3 per turn.
James Watson
Way to prove his point, Senor Salty.
Jason Anderson
I run it with her. It's one of those cards I've played since I could buy one but just haven't drawn it. It seems really sweet, like illusionists gambit with explosions
Ayden Lee
>caring about having the 100% optimized deck instead of having a fun time I believe you're looking for the modern general, friendo.
Jace Adams
That is exactly what edh is, hell magic in general besides standard that is forced to interact
Joseph Turner
The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Henry Adams
The most fun edh decks to play have a little combo and a lot of interaction, in my opinion
I think you want your deck to be able to disrupt your opponents early on or you're going to hate playing against fast all in combos
But I think you also want to be able to quickly close out the game from a position of advantage or too many games will slip away from you, also it's fun to have big explosive turns
Josiah Gray
I think it's cause zirilian is one more mana to cast than Kaalia and also 52 bucks cheaper
When you cast Kaalia and she gets removed, the player will generally always just try to ramp into her again and go for the same strategy. When it fails again, it's not worth casting her, as you can just hard cast the beaters by that point. Kaalia also cheats creatures from hand, where zirilian is from deck I believe (only for a turn though)
Zirilian makes the most of firebreathing effects, encourages jank old dragons, and even not worrying about the commander being fucked immediately. Its nice if he survives, but not necessary.
At the end of the day, They are completely different commanders. Sure they both can cheat dragons on the field and have red in the deck, but that's it
I'm the tymaret player! And yeah, me too. Stax is very fun to pilot.
Luis Moore
Everybody is trying to win, everybody is trying to make you lose
Combo players just don't want you to give wins to other people out of fear of losing to combo
Whether they are right or your table is right for ganging up on them is something that can only be answered for the specific situation and game in question
Ayden Nelson
Joseph Richardson
Well I would never play zirilan nor kaalia because I don't like decks that rely so heavily on the commander
I was just saying that one guy bragging about his mono b deck removing kaalia all day is retarded for thinking that's a weakness of kaalia relative to zirilan
Cooper Davis
Sure, everyone is trying to make me lose, but a non-combo ally is going to try to make me lose maybe 5 turns down the line. A combo ally still might make me lose next turn.
Julian Sanders
I think we can all agree that a weakness of every deck that has synergy with its commander suffers to heavy and repeated removal.
Jackson Ortiz
It all comes down to specifics
My friend has a UW control deck with ephara that doesn't have a quick infinite combo win, but the game is essentially over many turns before he actually kills everybody, because once he has a certain amount of cards in hand and mana in play, he can't be beat
Maybe the combo player isn't really the biggest threat to you, sometimes that person playing the attrition deck may already have you nearly beat without having anything too crazy on board
That said, I think the most important thing here is that you can't make allies unless you have something to offer your ally. An all-in combo deck has nothing to offer the team, little removal, few counterspells, no combat damage, so of course their opponents have no reason to ally with them. Even if somebody else was the bigger threat, the combo player is no help as part of the alliance anyway
Liam Gutierrez
Which legendary creature has the best art?
Forget color(s), mechanics, cmc, etc
By art alone
Luke Wright
Well, my favourite Theros god
Nathaniel Sullivan
This card won't end up being expensive, right? Considering it for my Sisay build.
Andrew Walker
>falling for the "combo players are the biggest threat" meme Yeah okay go ahead and team up with the friendly pillowfort player who would never ever dream of hurting you, you fucking cuck. Honestly players like you are cancerous. Any time someone tries to do something interesting you scream OP and beg the table to team up on them. That's exactly what the pillowfort wants you to do, so congrats on gifting them yet another victory. You gonna let them go home and fuck your gf too?
That's right, you don't have one.
Kevin Phillips
Cameron sounds like a big dick nigga. Enjoy being cucked frogboy
Noah Gray
"this player finds combo threatening sometimes and so he's a pillowfort cuck" >implying pillowfort stax bullshit isn't also something worth teaming up on And I'm not calling combo OP. I know it's a legitimate means of winning. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna just roll over and let them kill everyone. Are you OK? You seem upset that the eighth time in a row you kill with kiki-conscripts on turn 5, people might start targeting you. Show us on the doll where the force of will touched you, user.
Camden Bennett
Jeremiah Howard
>lord of extinction >no haste >no evasion
M8 you're playing gitgud toad, in a colour thats gonna have a blocker and a colour thats gonna have removal.
Hunter Davis
Could be good in a Karlov deck
Jason Jackson
>so much sodium the heart foundation removed their tick of approval
Show us on the doll where the bad oloro touched you
Ethan Smith
I want you to know I agree with your tactics, but I think you're gay at the same time.
Angel Smith
I fought a Borborygmos with a full hand using two instances of spot removal, a Comeuppance and a Reiterate targeting Comeuppance.
I unfortunately lost because he had a Dictate and I had virtually no life, so the last two cards in his hand killed me but man I've never gotten a stack so thick in Mardu.
Levi Gomez
Are you retarded?
Oliver Garcia
Can y'all help me convince my playgroup that Purphoros isn't that annoying of a commander? He was my first really well constructed edh deck, and I've love him ever since. Purph has painted a perma-bullseye on my forehead ever since, and my entire playgroup hates him so much. I just wanna wath the world burn ;_; This one guy especially complains almost daily about him. Thoughts on Purphoros and his power?
Adam Robinson
Why not Scion if you want those tribal dragon good times?
Xavier Young
Purphoros can end games too quickly for some players to enjoy playing against him. I generally don't have a problem with him, but if I run colours that have a hard time dealing with him I'll target him out of necessity.
Andrew Cruz
Five color commanders are boring to me. And I like having the option to exploit artifacts to keep my dragons on the field, where Scion has to play with the graveyard if he wants to do that.
Also I feel like if you're playing dragon tribal and you're not playing mono red you're just doing it wrong. But I do understand his appeal.
Jason Parker
There's no contest, famalam. Liliana, Heretical Healer is my wallpaper at work though
Logan Davis
>tfw want to get into EDH >tfw the mana base alone would probably kill my wallet
I'd love to play Marchesa pillowfort/goodstuff.
I have some creatures lying around, avacyn, angel of hope, elesh norn, new gisela and old gisela, new bruna but no idea if they would even fit in the deck.
Nolan Bennett
Easily the best.
Hunter Ross
Elesh Norn, Avacyn and Skythirix.
Kayden Moore
The problem with purphoros is he really can't play politics and naturally has the highest life total.
Jace Richardson
Purphoros is one of my favourite commanders in the format tied with Trostani and Hazezon Tamar, he was also my first commander and I love him to bits. But even I admit he can be a bit unfair to play against, at least for casuals. Last week I won the first round of my local EDH league by killing the other four players in one turn with Purphoros and Dictate of the twin gods.
Parker Myers
My list is near the top, it's getting there. Same idea of mostly using stuff I have lying around. Karakas I got through a decent trade. Manabases don't have to be expensive, the best mana sources have been printed in supplemental products and there are heaps of duals which see zero play anywhere else This site has rare ones, but the search engines are your friend mtg.trobinson.ca/dualLands.php
Austin Gomez
Oh, I see, thanks. Looks like the only expensive stuff would be the shock duals and the lorwyn duals but that's it. I use most of the stuff I have lying around in other decks sadly, so every time I want to play something new I have to order everything from scratch.
Adrian Davis
Interested in knowing the decklist of ... Trostani Kozilek Brago Bruna Meren and Azusa
I know its a lot but I'm assuming you have them on tapped out.