I need pictures of men-at-arms, dismounted knights, medieval infantry in general
I need pictures of men-at-arms, dismounted knights, medieval infantry in general
I suggest going to Veeky Forums
I suggest that you're a nigger.
Not sure if bandits count for the purpose of this thread.
>going to /his
When /tg does his better?
>When /tg does his better?
that's a good joke user.
/his is pol lite
Yeah, go fuck yourself.
I love talking history and was a huge proponent of Veeky Forums having its own history board, and was fucking ECSTATIC when Veeky Forums opened up, but then it just turned out to be .
If you want a good place to talk history, it ain't Veeky Forums, not by a longshot. And yes, Veeky Forums is FAR superior to it in every aspect.
>Double dubs
Veeky Forums is leftist as fuck.
>Se stöörme!
Satisfying playing as the Goths, especially those cheap men-at-arms and unique units
Just because it's left-wing doesn't mean that it doesn't needlessly inject politics into every topic
Veeky Forums is a bunch of pretenteous lefty high school kids pretending to be superior and different from /pol/ by doing the exact same shit on their containment board.
And thus is balance found on the *chan
Imma dump some, too.
he said MAN at arms not LADY at arms!!
Filename kek
That's about it for me, if it comes to MEN at arms.
Feel free to post WOMEN at arms?
Everyone has the right to bear arms.
Nothing I can give from mobile right now, but I appreciate this topic
dubs in a row!
There has to be something wrong with this crossbow. How does the string get to the topside?
He's holding it upside down
I've got a few, this is a great topic
>Dark Souls concept art
A++ mate
Trying to aim for my more realistic art
Call me crazy but I feel like the blade on that could have been a LOT bigger
Bigger blade makes it harder to handle. When dealing with high end knight's armor you need precision to try and stab the weak points.
That, and is probably accustomed to the depictions of weapons in video games or miniatures, where they're drawn in an exaggerated way to make them easier for the player to see. Consider the sizes of the weapons in a game like XCOM: Enemy Unknown, or the weapons in various Warhammer games.
Dude on the right looks dope as fuck
Anyone have more guys with crossbows?