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Just as a generalised reminder, you can submit questions to be answered on the next episode of Panzerfunk at the following link. The more questions we get the more we can answer.

Huh, not only is the Estonian-SS list still up on the website, they updated it this august:

Get it while you can!

just had my first battle as Japs today. fighting EW ruskies.

basically i had to hold two crossings for 6 turns.

started off trying to pick off or pin hordes of infantry with expensive jap arty before they could get close. no effect on the right hand side but the left eventually got they got forced to take a moral check. they ended up replacing losses every time. that rule is brutal. his tanks could pin my infantry and my AT guns were early casualties or bounce off his armour. this allowed him to get into an assault which was bloody for both sides but in the end he could take more losses than me. nikuhaku on tanks was glorious though.

anyway ended up a draw because i lost one bridge but he couldn't take the other in time.

Japanese arty and AT didn't do much for me considering the costs. should i buy engineers/more nikuhaku?

The better question is why were you defending? You should have been running screaming at him in the darkness.

homebrew mission. otherwise i would hsve prefered night attack

if its early war Ruskies it could be probably more of a Khalkhin Gol style battle - Japs on the defense and in danger of being overrun. Japs always seemed to be on the defensive against the Russians during WW2

For you budding Iron Maidens: a guide to painting DPM


Scans for Iron Maiden when?
Also the lack of foxes makes me sad

A brief look at bicycle troops in WW2, with a specific focus on the Hungarians.


>Shit what road are we in
>Max the nazi's got a hostage
>Quiet Stan I'm trying to navigate

Noice, but can I just paint em' drab green? I can't be arsed with all that.

You can paint them whatever colour you want but it sort of misses the point doesn't it?


It's not even out yet.

If and when I can get my hands on the preview copy at my FLGS, I might be able to start a scan.

Might as well just be playing with Green Army Men at that point.

503rd heavy tank battalion

1x Tiger 1 225
2x Tiger 1 430
2x Tiger 1 430
2x SdKfz 10/5 60
full panzergrenadier platoon w. trucks 185

How do I make this good?

Well I'd do all the detail and paint the Chieftains camouflaged but painting 120 15mm men like that isn't my idea of fun.

What point total are you aiming for?

Because 5 tigers with minimal support isn't exactly the best list.

Does anyone have any good tips for painting German Camo without an airbrush? I tried doing it by dry brushing it very lightly as shown.

I dont understand why it went sideways. I apologize for that.

That's not too bad. You'll want to give that a gentle wash, then gently highlight the whole thing with middlestone (plus, optionally edging in something lighter like iraqi sand), but in terms of the "soft" edges, that's okay. In the field it was commonly painted on using a rag on the end of a stick. Rough is fine.

Imma dump some pics from my latest game that I processed through some simple filters. Tell me if it's too awful.


I generally went for hard-edged camo before I got my airbrush, painting soft-edged with a brush is hard work

>Tell me if it's too awful.
Yes. Pls stop.

503. In Normandy?

Take a KT HQ and a single KT, then a platoon of 2-3 Tiger Ie. The KTs can babysit the smaller tiggers and kill stuff the smaller tiggers don't like giving the small tiggers more room to operate as intended.


> SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier Platoon
> SS-Freiwilligen-Füsilier Platoon

>Replace up to one Rifle/MG team per squad with a
Panzerfaust Rifle/MG team for +10 points per team

>SS-Pioneer Platoon

>Replace up to one Pioneer Rifle team per squad with
a Pioneer Panzerfaust Rifle team for +10 points per

That is new...and a sensible option, which is very odd from BF. They also added fortifications I see: makes sense for the Narva Line. I didn't notice any other changes.

As usual, the historically-favoured Fusilier Batt can only get one Panzerschreck while the Grens can get two, just because a BF employee's friend said they should...but it took me 6 months and numerous sources cited to get the Hetzers included...typical.

At first glance, I thought this was an oil painting..

>WWII miniatures
>T-72 in OP

Who are you faggots?

> He doesn't know about Team Yankee...

We cover all Battlefront games which include games about World War 1, World War 2, Vietnam, the 6 Day Arab-Israeli War, and now a fictional Cold War Goes Hot scenario set in the mid 1980s.

ayy lmao

Get with the times NERD

Because while Team Yankee is Scrotum-Botheringly popular, Flames of War is still at it's core a WW2 game.

What do you mean by highlight?


wait..this one has potential....

how about doing some selective cropping as well?

with larger original files, you can crop down selectively.

fuck, i just tabbed up all my TY purchases over the last 3 months....481 dollars!

>that thompson magazine

For when you need to shoot exactly 4 bullets before reloading

I've just picked up Open Fire and was interested in expanding the Germans.

Is this list actually any good? I hate BoLS so I wouldn't be surprised if it was total shit (also it's 2 years old).


Surprisingly it's a pretty solid list. It could be better, it could be a lot worse. You'd need to buy Half-Tracks is part of the problem, and P2M is now bundled up into a compilation but in broad strokes, yes pretty okay list for a new player.

I tried it on a 1/144 Panzer I. They used hard edges in their pre-war scheme so it's not as difficult... but a tan drybrush (dust) stippled on really helps blend everything in.

I think the point system tricks us into buying a shit tonnif stuff. I know I soent close to $400 on my Aufklärungs. So much resin...

>In Euroland for the week for a conference

Hope you can survive my shitposting in your tine zone.

You play kampfgruppe hummel or 500 abteilung instead

You always want at least one platoon of AT, preferably two. Arty can be substituted very well with tanks. Japanese tanks are an incredibly good bulwark against infantry, provided you have the ability to kill tanks to cover them. They're particularly good in assaults. Japanese really rely on their infantry platoons, so don't undersize them. If they have tanks, max out your nikuhaku. They're stupidly good.

That list looks pretty solid, although I'd take some Pazerschrek with the HQ section. I'd experiment with dropping the StuGs, and picking up a big blob of pioneers, as well. The odd number of platoons can be a problem in reserves games, but you can kampfgruppe out a team from one of the infantry platoons to bring that up to 8, so 'at least half' of your platoons being in reserves still leaves you with 4.

I might also swap the infantry scouts for armoured cars.

The list is basically decent, though. And none of the figures are unlikely to see use in the future. Nebelwerfers and Pak40s, particularly.

What about if they dropped the Panthers, added a StuH and tank escorts to the StuGs, and picked up a pioneer platoon and a pair of 88s?

The point I think is that with the exception of the Panzergrenadier Scout Platoon and the Volks Rocket Artillery Battery everything extra you're shoving into the list is plastic.

So here's my first Panzer Zugwip. Pretty sure I've overdone it on the drybrushing. Also probablet shit photo.

Been a long time since I've do everything anything this small.

so like... how many weeks before my order from battlefront goes from downloaded to sent?

Depends on where you live. If you live in a Commonwealth country, could be within a week. That's how long I usually wait.

It was three months before I got my churchill.

There's a breakthrough assault review of Iron Maiden. Looks like the brits are all IR, so there's now one matchup where night attack isn't solely to hose down the soviets.

when i lived in aus it took 4 months for my italian paras to arrive. i put it down to playing italians and having them stereotypically turn up late. living in nipland now... god only knows when they'll arrive

>every tank with a different camo
You know they are supposed to look all the same?

Where would I go if I wanted to take it to 2000 pts?

I'm not sure it matters. Here in San Francisco we haven't received any British or Soviet TANKS expansions yet... it's been ages. The starter sets and initial German and American expansions sold out very quickly but after those first two shipments, our stores didn't get anything else. It could've taken off.

I'm sorry but it's never coming user.

Not many people tend to play at 2000 points. 1750 is near the upper limits t of the size of games that people tend to play on a regular basis.

Normally it's even down near 1500.

I see. In that case I'll just aim towards that BoLS list for the Germans. That it's 10 points over 1750 really annoys the fug out of me though.

1750 is basically standard here, but tbf I haven't seen more than that for a while.

Yeah, that's unfortunate.

It's called a points **Limit** for a reason.

I've played high point games before (2k, 3, even 4k, usually in 2v2s) but they are exceedingly rare unless organized ahead of time.

Im assuming he means either highlighting the edges of the details (panels, hatches etc) slightly to make them stand out, or drybrushing the dunkelgelb a tad to brighten it back up after a wash.

I used to do both as I used to cover the entire vehicle in earthshade, but now I would recommend against washing the whole thing and use a pin-wash instead. I still use edge highlighting though
>You know they are supposed to look all the same?
Bit dull 2bh lad

Sitting in a talk at my conference today, I remembered that our group has an electrospinner. It's a piece of equipment that allows you to use a large electric potential to "spray" plastic fibers from a dope solution to form a fabric of coat a surface.

Basically it generates a shit ton of static electricity. I am going to try to use this to flock some grass onto some infantry bases. If it works like I have seen online the grass will stand up straighter and hopefully look more full.

I'll post pics next week when I get home from Potatoland.

Here is the image of the unit we have. I am going to stick my bases upside down on the plate at the top of my machine. I will lay the flock where the plastick dope syringe usually goes.

I find it weird that they updated it on the website, especially since it's apparently included in Flames of War Digital now. I figured they were letting the free briefings wither on the vine.

> InB4 c3k tears a rift in our space-time and destroys the universe.



i'd always been kinda "meh" about team yankee. the book was good but not enough to make me learn a new rule set. then i see these sexy sexy challengers and milans. push me over the edge and tell me why i should neglect my real life some more? how is TY compared to fow?

Fast and brutal. Things die insanely quickly. The rule set is actually simpler than FOW, and feels more streamlined.

Team Yankee is more streamlined and faster-playing than standard Flames of War.

Things pack a real punch. Any penetrating hit is almost guaranteed to be a kill.

Anyone able to post the Bulge British airlanding list? Looking at making my airlanding troops soon and I want to make sure there isn't some weird option in the bulge compilation that makes me want to rethink my planning.

why net list?

come up with 1735 -1750 pts worth of something you think is cool?

you do think certain units are cool, right?

wait, i have a realization.

it has the same sense of initiative and pacing a good game of Chess or Axis and Allies does.
it plays closer to a classic strategy game that a modern competitive one.

it is no where as stat dependant as warhammer

Except for where tanks are involved (against other tanks).

The card based stats makes for a much more streamlined game, especially playing games with multiple people. You can habd out cards for what units people are commanding and you don't have to flip through the book.

I think the game will only continue to get more interesting as more forces get added. There are only a couple of things I disagree with: namely the chieftain front armor and how ineffective IFV's are at taking out infantry in buildings/dug in infantry.

I just realized when the French finally get their TY book they'll only have the AMX 30 for their MBT.

I don't know how to feel about this.

Don't worry, they'll probably give it Gundanium front armor like the Chieftain.

Not sure. the AMX was pretty well known for being of the Leo1 speed-is-armour design school, whereas the Challenger was a fairly unique go at a armour-and-firepower-over-speed pocket heavy.

I'm thinking it'll really just be a Stabiliser-less Leo1 with a bonus co-ax Autocannon.

My bad I read "Sacrificed protection for increased mobility" as "sacrificed mobility for increased protection". You are likely right then. Most of the tanks I am running are Leo 1s. As soon as I actually play with them, I'll post my experience with them.

The 20mm will help a bit against light vehicles so maybe it will cost the same as a Leo 1.

Not far off the 20 round box desu.

I'm okay with it as long as we get Plutons as well.

when will they release another warpac member though? Poland and Czech had their own domestically designed stuff too right?

A little bit. Not much.

They had a lot of domestically *produced* shit, but much of it was to Soviet designs.

Limited mostly to upgrade packs for existing T-series tanks.

Some Czechnology. But mostly licensed Russian things.

It's got 80mm LOS armour on the glacis, so...

The Czechs really liked to rename everything starting with "O"

In the road to rome book the allied companies have fortifictions listed as units but I cant find a slot for them in any army lists. How do I take fortifications?

For example, british Rifle Companies (I am certain others can as well, those were just the first one that came to mind) can take Field Fortifications. Begin by looking at that.

I looked at all the companies. No reference is made to it. Why is there an entry for it, or is there just an assumed slot for field fortifications in an infantry company.

How much do you want to bet that French will be the only "hit as trained" western force?

That or reluctant/hit as veteran.

Look at British Rifle Company on page 40. Under Brigade Support Platoons, for your first Machine-gun Platoon, you also have the option for "Field Fortifications" (assuming you're using the british 78th Division). This also points you to page 99. This page then shows you what's included in "Field Fortifications" (2 HMG Nests and 4 Minefields), how much it'll cost you (250 points) and any additonal options.


(This post changed my life.)

Also available for US Rifle (3rd ID) or US 92nd Cavalry (dismounted)

Guys, should we just put out a laughing tanker meme for posts like this?