Veeky Forums Confessional General

Confess your Veeky Forums-related sins. No judging people in this thread, no matter what. Get it off your chest. Even if it's the most common one, "I don't actually play tabletop."

I'll start.

I really love Pathfinder. I've spent so much time and effort learning it and its ins and outs. I think all its problems can be solved with a good GM and social contracts between players. It's fun as fuck.

But I think it doesn't have enough players. I think other RPGs are threatening Pathfinder and stealing players from it. That's why I deliberately disinform people about other RPGs and try to suggest Pathfinder instead. I do it everywhere: Veeky Forums, other RPG boards, Facebook, real life.

I know the basics of other RPGs even if I don't play them and hate them, so I know what half-truths and misleading things to say to turn people off them. And even if I haven't heard of an RPG before, I'm good at spinning up bullshit to scare people off it. Sorry, but I can't afford Pathfinder's player base shrinking.

That's mine. What about yours?

Is this why we get constant retardation whenever someone brings up any of 3.PF's flaws?

that's the most retarded thing I've ever read.

>No judging people in this thread, no matter what.

to behave like him is spiteful and immoral, sure.

But the reasoning and execution stand in such stark contrast of effort, importance and payoff to each other that it must be the work of somebody unable to understand cause and effect to an extent that's more retarded than any mentally challenged person I have thus far encountered, much less read anything by.

Thus it's the most retarded thing I have ever fucking read.

I haven't played a traditional game in almost a full year. All I do is come here and post in worldbuilding and art threads, make D&D characters I'll never get to play, and complain about the setting of games I have literally never played in my entire life.

what worldbuilding do you do?

My own, and the current alt-40k if that counts.

what's your own is what I meant with my question.

I've got over a thousand dollars worth of Sisters of Battle / Inquisition that I haven't painted at all. I want to go to a local Veeky Forums-related club but I don't want to be the guy with a shitload of stuff that only has primer on it.

I'll repost a confession I have made earlier since I still feel guilty about it:
Whenever I make a character, I actively scour the meta of that particular system to make a powerful character. I don't do this because I want to break the game or just curb stomp every encounter, but because I am always afraid of fucking up my part as a member of a party.

I started playing with a group I found on Tumblr and not only are they good roleplayers but they're also fun and engaging with interesting characters and bring great ideas to the table.

They're still SJWs but it's not disruptive at all beyond someone making a trans bard (And even then his player is doing a great job at playing both the good and bad parts of it). Maybe I got some toned down SJWs or something, but it's all going better than expected.

Does this detract from the roleplay aspect?

Do the other players enjoy your roleplaying?

I make up fake stories about fake groups on Veeky Forums so I can pretend I actually have a group to play with.

I make my character crunch first, fluff second. Everyone I know has been happy with my characters, some have even praised me, but I just can't help feeling like a bad person...

My melanin-enhanced friend, judging others is what we do here. No matter what.

As long as this doesn't detract from the fun of the group, you shouldn't feel bad.

I'm abusing the worldbuilding threads to help me make mlp fanfiction.

But you don't actually do that, you're just pretending so you can fit into the "80% of /tg doesn't even play RPGs" zeitgeist.

I do the same thing.

Secretly I'm dying for the day when I get a group who really sucks at the game in question, and my character is undoubtedly the most powerful. I would play that character somewhat ineffectively most of the time to fit in, and bring out the more effective tactics only when necessary to save a party member.

Damn, how did you know?

I play this mega WW2 hex and chit game. 100-150 hours playtime per game.

I've stopped caring about my current game, because my allies are retards. Now I just go through the motions. I don't know whether I should leave my group and find another one (don't really want to, I do like these guys, even if most of them are terrible players), but I also don't want to spend every Tuesday of the next year playing a game that I already know how it will end.

i do the same, but for runequest. and to be honest, it's not a sin but a virtuous duty. dnd and all that other shit has to die.

Can't you just double cross your dumbass allies?
Off the top of my head, Italy switched sides as did Finland.

Or, you know, you could just tell your allies what they should be doing or what they absolutely SHOULDN'T be doing. Inform and advice them like an ally would.

you haven't found toned down SJWs, you have found people that aren't SJWs. SJWs are people then, and only then, if you hate them for their social justice crap. If you're fine with em, you don't call them SJWs, simple as that

I regularly host games nights for my friends, mainly because I'm the collector of the group so I have all the games.

Occasionally we get into situations were a vocal minority of the group will demand we all play a certain game, even though it's clear the majority is either disinterested or actively unhappy with the choices.

When this happens, I power-play the game and end it as soon as possible so that we can get the group back to playing a game everyone is happy with. Most egregious example of this was winning a game of Sky Traders in four turns.

Finland was never really allied with Germany, per se. I wouldn't say that they switched sides.

What about Ryti-Ribbentrop agreement?

I know that Pathfinder is a shitty excuse for some asshole's 3.5 houserules masquerading as a real RPG.

Sometimes I deliberately join Pathfinder games and do everything I can to make a character that highlights all of Pathfinder's flaws, particularly trying my best to make as many other players at the table feel as useless as possible.

Usually this doesn't require any more work than writing "wizard" or "druid" on my character sheet.

I'll usually go out of my way to sing Pathfinder's praises the whole time.

I've "accidentally" converted more than one group away from playing any RPGs at all, because no game (or just playing board games) is better than a bad game.

>Can't you just double cross your dumbass allies?

No, not allowed. Besides, I'm playing the USSR, so it's not like this war is going away anyway.

>Or, you know, you could just tell your allies what they should be doing or what they absolutely SHOULDN'T be doing. Inform and advice them like an ally would.

I have been, but most of the time I get a cheerful

"hyup, will do that user" and then either forgetting or doing it so badly that I wish I hadn't asked. And some of the things that they shouldn't have been doing were so amazingly bad that I hand't thought anyone would do something like that before it happened, and by then it was usually too late.

I'm talking things like

>Oh, he's got over 200 naval bombers unopposed in this sea zone. Better send 6 battleships there.

>I know that the Japanese don't actually have anything in the Marianas sea, but they can react there, let me move a big stack of carriers there so he can engage me or not at his discretion.

>I'm going to lose Egypt to the fucking Italians because I'll just leave my forces strung out and unsupporting of each other, and not actually keep the supply lines open either. I'll also let the Italians land in Syria and do nothing while they close off the Suez canal from that side. I need all those ships, you know, so I can throw them all against his naval bombers and get them killed.

Finland needed the German aid to fend off the Soviet invasion, which it would have lost if not for that agreement. It was a strategic move, not a sign of like-mindedness.

like mindedness was never the subject of the argument

I am too good being the GM, I feel I can't enjoy others guys playing the role.

There are some times were I want to play a character, but it ends up being a chore, because the GM is killing the immersion and I know I can do better.

I know it's a sperg thing to do, but even some of my players are starting being interested to play a campaign only if I am the GM.

And when someone starts a campaign, they keep using my ideas. That's not a problem per se, but in the long run it's boring and half the time the guy doesn't understand what's going on.

I just want to have fun, and play with people who knows what they are doing or with a playstyle I like, in order to enjoy myself. Why is it so difficult?

I love 3.5, and I love min/maxing and using overpowered characters. I don't care if the edition dies, I am not like OP.

I love quest threads.

>No judging people in this thread
Where do you think you are?

You are a retard, rat bastard or a troll. If the latter, 7/10, got me to reply.

I once wrote a fapfic about my DnD character getting captured, raped and killed [/spoiler

I miss the time when I played kitchen-sink urban fantasy PbP online games

I tend to sneak magical realm stuff into my campaigns. I just can't help it, though I try to keep it low-key

Fucking 3aboos. I hope you get penile and testicular cancer.

I'm not very good at creating balanced encounters and even when I do, I seem to roll really well.

Therefore, I fudge dice to keep my players alive. This DM screen isn't here to protect me, it's here to protect you!

I feel the same about being a player. I want to be verbose and/or have small slice of life scenes in between a murderhoboing and the next.

My wet dream as a GM is to start a campaign RuPaul/Masterchef/AGT style, where there are 10 or so players, and are given each session different challenges related to RPGs. Each day one is throw off the campaign, until I'm left with the dream team

I killed six player characters at last nights session, my first time ever killing characters in 10 years of running.

Im not happy with the out come, but they did everything they could to get killed the entire session.

My campaign world is actually full of my magical realm shit but its not too standout-ish and my players have absolutely no idea.

Actually, Mark, we are.

Two weeks ago I slipped That Guy some laxatives in his ice cream (ice cream sundae sunday is a bit of a tradition with my gaming group) because I'm too beta to actual confront his aspie dickishness, then found out later he crapped himself on the drive home.

Sorry Keith. Not sorry at all.

I'm not Mark

This isn't a big confession, but I stopped bothering to world-build in games I host because my players, while good friends and decent roleplayers, hardly ever seem to really pay much attention to their surroundings. I just use established settings like Iron Kingdoms now, since making my own is just a waste of effort for anything that isn't for those novels I keep telling myself I'll write some day.

I liked 4e dnd

I've done this before.

It's less fun than you'd hope after the first 5 times.

I always disregard the heavy special rule in 40k, its just way too annoying to play with.

That's retarded and petty and you are an absolute cunt and I can judge you for that all I want. This is probably one of the only confessions here that I can't not judge. This is the kind of shit not even a benevolent all loving god could forgive his children, you ARE going to burn in hell and be forced to GM FATAL for Adolf Hitler and a bunch of psychopathic pedophile serial killers, all the while you have to strample on a stationary bike that ramms a barbed wire coiled bronze lead horse dildo into your own ass while a demon squeezes out lemons over your eyes that have been pulled out of your head and left dangling on the strand of nerves still connecting it to your brain.

I confess to be currently working on an Chronicles of darkness game, based on SCP, that will later be a christian/theological circlejerk; even though most of my players are pagan/new-age/etc. I'm not doing it to spite their faith, I just wish they where less judgmental about mine.

I have infinitely more fun playing a murderhobo than an actual fleshed out character.

I am a forever DM for 9 years now. I run easily over 6000 game hours, for well about twenty people. I'm an awful player and it makes me sad. Everytime I try to play a game I do awful, like shitty person with shitty attitudes. But I'm a great DM. I think i forgot how it is not to be in the control seat. To the point It's been 2 years since I gave up being a player entirely, much to my sadness.

The main and near only reason I remain on the hobby is because of the romance aspect of characters/story, is the only part that has not became dull and predictable. PC to NPC romance and lewds are what keeps me going and if a game was strictly without those things, I'd just not want to run.

Can someone screencap the faggot of an OP for me? I want to remember this moment. The raw, caustic rage in raised in me.

I want to roleplay, but I haven't in years. All of my roleplaying friends are gone. Even my current friend, who is into roleplay, doesn't have the time, and doesn't want to be around me anyway.

I often consider an hero.

And the psychopathic pedophile serial killers all have a 6th sense for dodging your plot hooks and ignoring anything that you as GM think is interesting. They don't care about consequences and will make new characters 10 times per session even if you don't kill their old ones; otherwise they spend most of their time shoving objects up NPC's assholes, which they never get tired of.

Hitler doesn't really care about combat or plot or sodomy or whatever, he just wants his character to be kawaii and get into cute situations. The other PCs ruin anything he interacts with.

A bit late to ask, I suppose, but what game?

Doesn't sound terrible, just sounds like you would have a new kind of fun if you would let go of that and build a character for coolness-factor.

Doing fluff-first-mechanics-second, thats a ton of fun. Building mechanics-first, but focusing on a power or mechanic that you think is really cool and building around that, also lots of fun. You don't get to do either of those things if you build your character like it's PvP.

Same. Can't play in other people's games, can only GM. They fuck my immersion something wild. I'm not even that great of a GM.

I have a lot more fun with GMing a Diablo loot'n'shoot game with powergamers than a proper NPC involved adventure.

I only run my shitty homebrew system. I've corrupted most players and stole them away from 3.5, the only D&D played around here. My homebrew has homebrews that borrow its mechanic. It is extremely small (as in I've about 10-15 people playing it), but I'm proud as fuck about it. Wish I could write a good book.


Sounds dope.

I also have a lot of trouble enjoying other people's games though I've gotten better about it. It took me a while to realize that the serious games which game designers blog about are rare, and that silly, immature, probably-getting-the-rules-wrong-and-don't-care type games with a lot of improv are actually the norm.

That's a dumb thing to say. Most people don't want to play a game based on a mythology that they actually believe in, I think it takes a certain amount of bravery to do so, and I think that his game will be richer because it's based on things he spends a lot of time thinking about.

Or it could be vapid, uninteresting morality play, but that's a danger in any game, I don't think that borrowing from the abrahamic mythos makes it less likely to be interesting,

Are you me? And why are you me?

I-I wish I could have a GM that loved romance and lewd stuff without being weird.


Cheers, mate. Thank you.

>no judging, no matter what
Considered yourself judged, you selfish fuck. Lying about other games just to drag plAyers into your shitty system is like a tabletop deadly sin. You're going to hell, user. Jump off a cliff and save yourself the anticipation. Here's my confession
I know this is bait :^).

What I am concerned about is the number of people who could not tell.

I powergame Pathfinder characters.

And I enjoy it.

I'm still angry with one of mm players for all but forcing us to stop our Bleach game. The Quincy killed a reaper accidentally, and instead of using it for character growth, she cried for three hours and we stopped the game. I still go over my notes sometimes and lament.

I have violent thoughts about two of my players. They can't roleplay their way out of a plastic bag, make really idiotic choices, and don't understand the basics of what makes a decent character. I want to strangle them while shouting, "READ A BOOK DAMNIT!"

I don't want to GM anymore. It's exhausting. It's way too much work than I want to do right now. But my players love the worlds I build and the npcs i create. How can i deny them fun?

I am the player that will never GM. Through ineptitude, laziness or fear, I will never be confident enough in a system to run a game.

I'm also a published author... So maybe that's for the best.

>this badly trolled by a falseflag

Sometimes, I worry about some people.

Interesting to see there are others out there. Tell me anons, what is it that suffers your immersion? For me its bad calls. GMs who don't know how basic physics or economics work, or anything about how society functions.

That second spoiler - why are you not going "why don't we try something else instead", because holy shit.

The DMG doesn't really warn you but strong emotional reactions come with the territory and are really a sort of circumstantial victory imo. What you saw was character growth happening to a player instead of a character. Also you should totally continue that game and the quincy's player can just sit it out if she wants.

I tell all of my players 5e is just 4e with slightly more options to keep them playing 3.5

I'm neither of the anons you responded to, and I don't think my case is as extreme as theirs. I have however noticed that I now find the descriptions that most GMs give to be bland and stuttering.

Plot twist: it's been two years since that game. Also, the player is my girlfriend.

While I appreciate the sentiment, I am resigned to the fact that this Bleach game, much like our other games set in pre- established worlds, are doomed to fail. I don't even try anymore.

Because he's just trolling.
I don't understand why you would take any of that seriously.

I'm currently playing a character whose MO in combat is "endanger literally everyone else on the battlefield, but hurt the enemy while doing so". I'm probably going to continue with that MO, because so far it seems to be effective.

I'm playing another character in another game who I'm pretty sure is about to go into a midlife crisis, and I have absolutely no idea about how to roleplay a character who's going through a midlife crisis.

>I'm also a published author... So maybe that's for the best.
I kinda have the same view, although without the "published" part. I realized I don't want to use the ideas I really like on TTRPGs, so I just use diet versions of PCs, and save the full versions for myself in the future.

Veeky Forums has always been a place where people intentionally seek out dissenting opinions. They find the people who disagree with them and they talk about it and they all get to be as rude and pissy as they want.

"Don't get trolled" is cancer. It was cancer 8 years ago and it's still cancer.

Okay then, wallow in self-pity an defeatism, that's fine too.

1) My players are shit at building characters, so I often over-power my DMPCs so they don't die right away. They never read the books nor do they take time to build good characters, so it's not surprising they die when I throw an appropriate level encounter at them.

2) I build homebrew systems since I think almost all gaming systems suck ass and have too many damn rules involved. (Looking at you, GURPs.) Most of the time my players just accept shit, ask questions where it is necessary, and let it go.

3) I have only run two campaigns to it's conclusion, though I've been DMing for three years. By break-down, campaigns end in the following ways:
55% Due to sudden party death-match, where they all kill each-other due to conflicting ideas/morals.
25% Due to lack of interest OR interest in another project I'm running.
15% Due to one player doing something dramatically stupid and getting the rest killed
10% Due to all players doing something stupid and dying
5% Combat related deaths.

5) I actively sabotage sessions I have no interest in DMing. If they make me do a stupid setting, I'll gladly shoot it to shit and not feel bad. No, I don't want to do fucking robot mechs, stop asking.

6) I just reuse the same BBEG in my D&D campaigns since my heroes have yet to figure out who it is. I've ran close to 30 campaigns for D&D.

My players insist I DM and think I am quality. They always run to me and have been loyal for three years. Others say I'm a good one, average rating of 7/10.

Hmm... as a forever GM I am more inclined to go on at length about political or anthropological nuances of a local culture, but my setting isn't terribly saturated with striking cinematic visuals.

For instance, I might note that you're in a desert. Specifically a Xeric shrubland with no cacti. It extends for a vast region of land as deserts often do. Its inhospitable and empty. There are occasional marble ruins of a civilization that lived here ages ago, but they are weathered with time and picked clean of anything useful or informative. You're here to protect an oil field from kobold harassment while a construction team works on it, and they haven't gotten far, what with the kobolds being crafty saboteurs.

Is this sufficient or insufficient detail?

I don't understand what point you're trying to make.

The only place you were originally supposed to be a cockbag was in /b/. There's leniency and an extended benefit of the doubt on the other boards, but trolls have been getting banned since day one, and encouraging trolls by reacting to them just so you can act morally superior (while often spouting even worse material than what the troll provided) is just being a dumbfuck for no good reason.

"Don't get trolled" is common sense. If you are coming to Veeky Forums just to willingly get upset, you might be better off seeking psychiatric help. If you can't afford that, just stick to the shitposting boards, where you'll find plenty to get upset about without bothering the people who want to actually discuss things.

I got roped into playing ponyfinder... and im actually enjoying it

Simulationist scum reporting in.

As a GM I put a lot of work into creation the illusion of an impartial world that the player can explore. I create complex situations before the session and then I commit to acting as a referee while my players interact with those situations.

It seems like most GMs just don't do that, they make it up as they go, and for me it's very transparent. What I'm doing is basically bantering with the GM to create a fun story, and that's fun, and I've learned to appreciate it more than I used to, but it's hard to care about the world around my character because I know there's basically nothing there.

you sound like you have a dick in your mouth. orignal penis has all the right to propagate pathfinder, albeit he would be better off endorsing runequest. /drops the dice

but they could kiss. the ass.

You are convinced that OP is a troll. I know that there are people who would say that just to troll, but I also know that there are people who would say that and mean it. The difference is immaterial to me and I consider that a healthy attitude.

"Never respond to posts which you dislike, always assume they're just making up opinions to make you made", I consider this to be a very unhealthy attitude, and I have watched this attitude degrade the level of public discourse on Veeky Forums (and, later, on the internet in general) for many years now.

I'm not talking about namefags with toxic attitudes, and neither are you, you are talking about someone who (clearly and politely) admitted to doing something shitty. And, in doing so, OP gave me an opportunity to express an opinion which I sort of always feel like experessing anyway, which is that roleplayers all benefit from the health of the roleplaying community, and that being a partisan about your particular game is stupid. Maybe OP doesn't even play Pathfinder, but why would I give a shit? What's the difference? I got what I wanted out of him.

I love MTG. It's one of my favorite games, and I am a big fan.

But I got banned from the subreddit.

See, what happened is I posted copy pasta (the attack helicopter one) on a shower thought about sigarda helping humans give hexproof, and as you're a human it works with you. See, my thought was that "oh, an attack helicopter isn't a human, so that'll work and everybody will laugh," and lo and behold, I got banned. Now, I can accept a ban. What I can't accept is that this chump (ain't going to say his name, because he knows who I am and that's all that matters) said was that I'm PERMANATELY banned from me posting the copy pasta. I've rechecked the rules after this little episode, and NOWHERE does it say that copy pasta will get you a permanent ban, even if it's your first offense on Reddit. He also said that I wasn't someone that was wanted in the community because of this, when (up until like two weeks ago, and this happened during eldrich moon spoilers) the mtg subreddit was my HIGHEST karma rating. HIGHEST, and this guy said I wasn't wanted.

To top it all off, now every time someone makes a joke about "sexually identifying" as something, it gets people laughing! Heck, even in my English class with an unconfirmed user from /b/ said "I sexually Identify as a washing machine," NO ONE CALLED HIM OUT. Not the Mormon teacher, not the lesbian, NO ONE. So, does this mean I got perma-banned for doing something NOT states in the rules, is that what happened?

I'm still mad at this. I might not have been as mad back then, but ooooooooooh boy this crap has been brewing for a looooong time.

Thanks, for at least reading this.

TL;DR you can't describe pain in one sentence. Now go and freaking read the whole thing, cuck.

Now, I am convinced you are a troll, because it's hard for you to be defending your personal brand of shitposting otherwise, as well as shitposting as a whole.

OP is obviously a troll. If you can't see that, it's either-

A) You are OP, trying to keep the charade going for a little longer
B) You are being willfully blind just so you can mouth off, saying something either incredibly stupid or just something everyone already knows

>"Never respond to posts which you dislike, always assume they're just making up opinions to make you made"

This? Strawmanning, the classic tool of a troll.

The simple rule is "Never respond to obvious trolls. Don't give them the benefit of the doubt. Just ignore them, or report them, but don't bother wasting your time engaging with them."

You broke that rule, as I am doing now, because I'm stupid enough to think that at the very least, even if I can't persuade you to stop, I can at least encourage other people to just leave trolls alone.

Well, your players decide the taste; my current bunch are light-hearted newbies so the rule of cool is quite in effect, and it's not hard.
They were angry that an enemy wizard counterspelled them once. The audacity of that enemy wizard, gosh.

Slowly ramping up the difficulty as they level up, and they seem cool with it.

>Deliberately sabotaging games because you don't like the system when you can just not join

Jesus, man, I might despise 5e but at least I don't do this shit. Just let us play what we're comfortable with/having fun with, and just play what you're comfortable with/having fun with.

Then again, I mostly despise it because I hate the player base.

My fetish of Male Human x Female Furry has been getting in the way of my worldbuilding. I keep wanting to put a cap on the amount of beast races I want to put and I keep wanting to dig up more.
>I'll just throw in kitsune and tanuki for some nice racial conflict.
>Okay, kobolds are pretty cool and I bet I can put a unique twist on them.
>Okay so this twist requires ratfolk too.
>WoW has made me enjoy british wolf people so I can add that too.
>Dragonlance had those cool Greco-Roman minotaurs. If I tone down the evil part I could have some cool-ass minotaurs.
>Also humans and minotaurs can breed together but only male human and female minotaur. It's rare but this combination gives birth to satyr-like people seen as gifted by the minotaur gods.
And I'm thinking about adding more too. Kill me please.

I'm alright with that, clearly the oil field is what I care about anyway, not the vast swaths of shitty dunes. I will ask about the oil field though, and if it's capped, so I know whether or not my trademark FIREBALL RAIN is safe or not

I'm fine with the level of detail. For me, it's not so much how much detail but more that the GM sounds like he's as interested in the world as he wants the players to be. If the GM sounds bored and uninterested then I'm gonna have a tough time getting invested in the world.

Also, most GMs people in general stutter alot, and that really kills it for me.

Damn dude, my feels. For once on this whole board I feel bad for someone.

That's what you get for using Reddit.
(Says the guy who spends his whole day checking tg for new threads)

>Now, I am convinced you are a troll

Gee, what a surprise. Anything you don't agree with is a troll and anyone who says otherwise is also a troll.

But you are also perpetuating a very silly opinion where "quality of posts" is concerned, and I am going to call you on it, because that I what I do when I see an opinion on Veeky Forums and think that it is wrong.

"OP your actions are bad because X, Y and Z" - This is a quality post, which discusses traditional gaming. If there were more people (trolling or otherwise) willing to espouse OP's opinion then posts such as this could lead to an actual conversation.

"You're all stupid for getting trolled" - This is a shitpost. It means that something offended you and you dont' want to talk about it but people are talking about it anyway and that makes you made. Posts such as this cannot possibly contribute anything to any conversation.