>atheist irl
>plays a paladin
Uhm, no?
>atheist irl
>plays a paladin
Uhm, no?
Other urls found in this thread:
People are atheists because god doesn't exist. If gods do exist, like they do in your typical fantasy setting, why would there be atheists?
>easily triggered christfag
>DMing a good game
Uhm, no
>Cannot use magic irl
>Plays a wizard
Uhm, no?
Why do anti-vaxxers exist?
>Human irl
>plays a golem
Uhm, no?
This thread is bait
Not even good bait
It's easier than people are willing to admit to convince people of things that aren't true.
>fat basement dwelling faggots irl
>plays an adventurer
Uhm, no?
>Makes shitty bait thread
>Expect someone will take this seriously
Uhm, no?
>human irl
>plays an elf
Uhm, no?
>lawful neutral irl
>plays chaotic evil
Uhm, no?
>all these replies
>obvious baiter irl
>plays a rusemaster
Uhm, no?
>/pol/ irl
>posts on Veeky Forums
Uhm, no?
>Fat virgin irl
> 16 Dex and Cha
Uhm, no?
Isn't it wonderful? Now that Tumblr and SJW retards stopped being relevant, /pol/ has become the easily triggered punchline of the internet.
What a time to be alive.
>everything that offends me is a right wing conspiracy
How do you guys even manage to leave your house to get tendies
I've seen a good amount of shit level bait threads, but this is gotta be the absolute worst.
Get a life.
Up yours. I'm an athiest (though I was a Christian up until about 15), but my first character ever was a pretty damn devout cleric, and I had a blast playing him, so fuck off with telling me what I'm not allowed to play, it's none of your damn business.
It's easier than spotting vegans.
Counter argument: this picture
Nobody wants to admit that their kids are autistic because they waited until they were 40 before having any.
This is the most fedora tipping shit I've ever seen.
Down syndrome is related to age, not autism, if I remember correctly.
Uhm, you're not the GM and have no say in what people outside of your group are allowed to play?
>Fat spaghettimancer office worker IRL
>Plays a skilled warrior with chiseled abs who gets all the bitches
Uhm, no?
>6ft irl
>plays a dwarf
Uhm, no?
>Has a disgusting fetish
>Doesn't bring it to the table
Uhm, no?
>left handed irl
>plays a righty
Uhm, no?
If i remember correctly the age of the father is relevant in the conception of autistic children, i remember reading up on it after i found out i had it.
I envy Paladin and Cleric in fantasy setting.
They are so sure of the existence of their God.
I really like to play Paladin/Holy Avenger going full Honor and Pride.
>american irl
>plays citizen of waterdeep
Uhm, no?
Obnoxious levels of nihilism strike me as more of a fedora thing.
At least he actually wants to, y'know, be cool to people.
Pretty much this.
Whenever I play a paladin, he worships a fake god most of the time that does not exist and uses him as an excuse to purge
Agreed, I don't see anything fedora-esque about it. Beta Ray Bill isn't being elitist or falsely intellectual, he's just explaining why he wants to be a good person.
/pol/ worked their hardest to get that position.
I am happy for them to get finally shat on like they always wanted. Good to see someones dream come true.
This is literally just Nietzsche 101 you dumb fucking philistine
But it's a game of pretend. You could as well ask why would a human play an elf.
In my experience it's the atheists and non religious people that enjoy playing devout characters the most. Either going full DEUS VULT and having a blast or just being a true believer seems to be pretty common. After all, the characters have evidence that their gods exist and will intervene on their behalf in obvious ways, so why not go all the way?
The OP is talking about how the character of the person playing a paladin and how it's hypocritical of an atheist to play a paladin. The whole argument is asinine as everyone has the freedom to play whatever class they want.
An atheist Paladin however is impossible. The moment the Paladin doesn't believe where his divine powers fucking come from, he's fallen. He's now no different than a fighter.
That comic is also fucking retarded
>there's nothing in the cosmos
>forgets that Asgard exists
>forgets that a God, Odin, gave him Stormbreaker, a hammer that almost the same as mjolnir
>his best bro is Thor, the fucking god of thunder
>"and IF not empty"
That phrase is what angers me, he knows damn well Asgard is fucking there.
Fucking Marvel.
I don't get horse Thor. What the fuck is he and why does he dress like that?
He knows damn well that Asgard isn't heaven. They're just a bunch of vaguely Nordic aliens.
Not even close to the actual divinities in the Marvel universe. Stuff like Death or the Living Tribunal.
Also, atheist/non-aligned paladin is totally possible. Paladins of ideals/concepts have existed for years.
He's an alien from another dimension that beat the shit out of Thor and was a better person than him too, so Odin gave him his own hammer.
That hasn't been a thing for some time though - paladin in DnD is not required to have faith in a deity, just conviction to Lawful Good™.
>An atheist Paladin however is impossible.
Not really. Paladins having belief in a cause were already a thing in 1E, and are officially core in 5e.
AD&D, in both editions, even had atheist clerics (2e had the Ahtar and a specialty cleric, 1E UA had something similar)
Odin is pretty close to what mortals would find to be a god, as he can warp reality. (Odinforce is a plot device)
But Odin is not divine, and even if he was, Horse Thor would find the idea of anyone worshipping him, or anything like him, obscene.
Beta Ray Bill pushed Thor's shit in when he met him. "The dad of that cool guy I beat up" isn't someone you consider a capital-G God, even if some humans 1500 years ago did.
This. You totally can have a Paladin of Justice or Hope or whatever who doesn't follow a god.
Worshipping Marvel's Asgardians makes about as much sense as worshipping Celestials or Galactus
Asgardians are canonically non-divine in the Marvel universe.
>irl Christian up to 15
>plays atheist
Uhm, no?
It's not that clear-cut. Odin is definitely a Skyfather, like the heads of the other Earth Pantheons. That said, given Bill's perspective it makes sense for him not to consider Odin divine.
clearly because Vaccines don't exist
The concept of divinity is abitrary.
anything bigger than those around it will be worshiped.
>(inb4 muh Achtual Gods faggotry )
Hook. Line. Sinker.
Good job OP, loving the tipper tears at this. OP was not a faggot this day
I mean, there is the One Above All, Living Tribunal, and universal constants like Death and Time personified. The Asgardians are just a particularly advanced/magical alien race.
There have been studies finding a connection. This one's two years old and Swedish, but it doesn't have any obvious problems.
One study's really never enough to be sure, especially in medicine.
>Found the OP
You want game, Man of Shitposts? Yes, I know these things you do. I learn how to find many secrets in old country. You will not play with atheist? This is fair. We will make games in other ways. When I was in old country, in Bosnia, my friends and I...we do things to women. Terrible things, make them ugly women who will never be loved. Your friends, redhead girl and science girl...they will beg me to stop, as my men and I rain alternating blows of ejaculating and fists upon them. And when they are broken, Man of Shitposts, when they are nothing more than shells...you will know that you have a game.
For this month.
>why would there be atheists?
Because the majority of folks have never seen firsthand a demonstration of the existence of the gods.
And if they have, then your setting is fucking boring. What's the point of having "religion" in a setting if it's a 100% rationale conclusion that makes no demand of faith on the part of its followers?
Gotta love these spicy /pol/ memes. So glad they keep posting them here so we can appreciate their humor and bait instead of normal threads with tg related humor. Tell me another one about tendies!
>What's the point of having "religion" in a setting if it's a 100% rationale conclusion that makes no demand of faith on the part of its followers?
What's the point in following a sports team when you know exactly who the best team/players are at any given moment?
Because of fans.
Way I've always seen it is that gods are kinda like political parties. Most people affiliate with one or the other because they're powerful/support their interests but usually leave it as a small part of their life. A handful of people are hardline fanatics that devote their lives to supporting their particular patron. And then there are also those who choose to not affiliate with any because they don't agree with any, even if it's to their disadvantage because they control most things.
Because the state shouldn't force you to give your child a shot.
To our ancient ancestors religion was also 100% rational (in their heads at least). I'm talking about polytheism with its contractual nature, of course.
You make sacrifices to the gods, they keep their eye on you, give you boons or express their displeasure
>OP was a faggot this day
Come on, Veeky Forums. I know you can be better than this. This is the very definition of a low effort bait thread. It doesn't even deserve the low effort replies it has been getting.
Paladins and clerics can get their power from anything, as long as they believe in it hard enough.
The land, their family, even simple ideals. As long as they believe in it, they believe in him
Heres the thing, Asgard aren't really gods to Beta Ray, they are just aliens like he is. They hardly have control over the world around them..
>Because the majority of folks have never seen firsthand a demonstration of the existence of the gods.
I mean that depends on the setting, doesn't it?
In Greyhawk, seeing Fharlanghn wander the roadside is a common sight on every corner of the world.
Personally seeing the gods in Faerun isn't "common" per se, but the Time of Troubles when many gods walked the land is very well recorded.
>Because the state shouldn't force you to give your child a shot.
Actually, it should, because otherwise your child becomes a potential Patient Zero of a lethal infection.
Downs for the mother's age, autism for the father's
>and if not empty, I find the idea of worshipping whatever dwells there obscene
There's nothing fedora-esque about gnosticism or Bakunin, christfag
A lot of witch doctory stuff relies on a weird sort of quasi empiricism irl.
>Gnostics don't worship God
>Gnosticism is separate from Christianity
Shut the fuck you fucking retard
He's actually seen the shit that dwells in Marvel's heavens above and found it lacking. For a good reason too
>Gnostics worship the demiurge
I think you should look in a mirror before calling anyone retard.
They've also seen first hand demontrations of the existence of powerful wizards.
>To our ancient ancestors religion was also 100% rational (in their heads at least)
But that's still fundamentally different from a context in which gods literally, demonstrably exist. Things could (and did) happen to our ancestors that tested the convictions of their faith. That cannot happen in a setting where gods physically walk the earth, throwing bricks through atheists' windows and whatnot.
Then you can take your fucking smallpox somewhere else.
>throwing bricks through atheists' windows
That's only on Discworld
I'll take being an atheist on Discworld over being an atheist on Faerun any day though.
>Paladins and clerics can get their power from anything, as long as they believe in it hard enough.
For clerics it depends on edition. In 3.X yes, in 5E no. 5E clerics must have a divine patron or they are not clerics at all.
Do 5e nature clerics still get proficiency in heavy armor?
They do, as well as a druid cantrip.
Why wouldn't they?
What's so nature-y about trudging around in full plate?
>basement dwellers
>play basement dwellers
It fits.
>the demiurge is God
Again, you are a fucking retard fedora who has literally no idea what he's talking about
Clerics of Nature are not Druids. They do not revel in the wilds and demand that the land be pristine and untouched. They are the footsoldiers of the gods, the hammer and the shield that destroys nature's enemies and protects it from despoilers.
In 2E, Birthright also had rulers who could grant spells
>demand that the land be pristine and untouched.
What kind of gay ass druid wants that?
The thing that is called God is the Demiurge.
The thing that is God is not called God, nor is it called anything. (It can sometimes be referred to as Monad, but it's not a name.) It lacks features and is not really worshiped so much as acknowledged.
That's nice, didn't you have a very important chemtrail discussion to get back to on /x/?
No, it actually should, you fucking retard. That's an idiotic statement on par with saying shit like "there shouldn't be traffic laws", except with potentially far worse consequences.
>literally the first section
>"hurrr it's an atheist religion durrr"
>the whole point totally isn't to transcend material world created by the demiurge and achieve literal oneness with God
Fucking stupid redditor
Your deflection is half-hearted and completely uninteresting.
I'm trying to think of a good analogy. Maybe if we could all go out and buy little nuclear reactors to power all of our stuff? But the state required everyone who buys one to take a class on how to maintain it safely. That's more in the ballpark of how dangerous large amounts of people not vaccinating their children is, yeah?