>implying there will ever be a more aesthetic helmet than the Corinthian
Implying there will ever be a more aesthetic helmet than the Corinthian
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It's pretty aesthetic, that's true.
I prefer the Great Helm
It's an item from the age of aesthetics.
It's hard to say no to a good sallet.
This is sexier than most nude pics.
Did the Teutonic Knights really have a bunch of those strange crests on their helmets or was that just soviet memery
If not then I nominate their hats for best as they look pretty intimidating
Remember when art took skill and a lifetime of training?
That's by a Renaissance sculptor though.
Also, Phrygian is better.
>Implying you can get meaner than this
IIRC, not in actual combat unless you were a king or something.
Why did they were the crests? What was the significance? Looks so unsettling
It's such an iconic design but I've never been a fan.
While I love that helmet, historically they actually looked more like this. The face plate was also pretty rare in general.
To look fly as fuck obviously.
Fucking kek looks like dark souls
To look cool, mostly. They were primarily reserved forfancy-looking ceremonial armor, although there's nothing really stopping you from going into battle wearing a helmet like that. It'll probably get ruined, since those kinds of decorations tend to be very brittle (this is actually intentional, so that if you did go to battle wearing your fancy horned helmet the opponent wouldn't be able to grab hold of the horns and stab you in the face).
Same reason pilots painted shit on their warbirds.
It looks cool as hell and makes the equipment stand out.
Crests are good for recognition. You want your guys too recognize the guy in charge.
I want to marry that statue
True that
It's good for identifying where and who a leader is, and it looks cool - you say it's unsettling, it'd be even more unsettling on some armoured bastard riding at you on a warhorse.
Maybe so unsettling that it puts you off a bit, and really, every little helps when it comes to not getting stabbed
Go ahead m8, don't let your dreams be dreams.
The Norse really knew their aesthetics.
For some reason didn't register the image.
Sculpting is the tightest ship
pic unrelated then? Because the ancient Greeks were NOT able to do that.
>why does he wear the crest?
No one cares, post more marble smut.
They could do neat stuff with bronze though.
>crashing this helm
That's not a gallic helm
I'm always partial to a good armet.
It's cheating if you post Bernini.
Is that supposed to be Hades stealing Persephone?
What do you mean supposed to be?
But yes and Bernini seemed to like doing these mythological rape scenes.
That third picture looks amazingly real, that is impressive sculpting. Also is that dog supposed to be Cerberus? I can only really make out one head.
still does
>Why did they were the crests?
>Looks so unsettling
It looks cool and is meant to unnerve enemies.
love me a closed helm. pic related. it's a closed helm.
>With no survivors!
Is that a weird veiny dildo in the background?
Good art still does
Aren't most bronze statues copies of marble statues?
Bronze is a lot easier to work with than marble
Sometimes, but I don't believe the boxer is.
The other way around, marbles are roman copies of greek bronzes.
See, it's actually rather easy to sculpt with marble when you know what they did.
Alot of people think it was chisel work but most of it was wetwork, slowly polishing it down into the desired shapes. Allows for good precise work and it's not that hard because it's tactile as fuck, but it takes forever.
They still used chisels to get the rough shapes though, I know that much. But man, people working marble must have had some pretty serious muscle from just polishing it down into shape like they did, marble isn't exactly the softest type of stone in the world
was it lined with corinthian leather?
Tell me that leather is Corinthian.
The other burgonets and I heard you were talking shit.
Do you think those aceint Roman message boards had posts talking about a persons favorite marble waifu?
Sure. Same with Mona Lisa's smile.
>that image
Toppest kek.
The Mona Lisa didn't matter to anyone until her theft became big international use during the early 20st century.
>nobody cared who she was till I took the painting
Tell me about the Mona Lisa.
Why does she smile like that?
For you.
I do love me some sallets, I admit.
Lotta loyalty for a hired painter?
Christ, this board can't do anything right.
Helmets without moustaches are always inferior.
I didn't know Veeky Forums lurked here
I know how baneposting works. I just wanted to imply she smiled for you user. It made sense in my head.
Call me a weeb but I adore the elaborate Kabuto with the grimacing war mask.
Samurai are fly as fuck, efficiency be damned.
You are all plebs. All of you.
Nothing beats ugly simplicity. And NOTHING beats the helmet equivalent of a smug anime girl.
I was just quoting a Strong Bad email.
most of the really AESTHETIC helms from japan come from the meiji era when peace was mostly settling over the land
>the helmet equivalent of a smug anime girl.
So Froghelm?
And that'll be the last of many mistake you ever get to make.
>So Froghelm?
Froghelms don't look like smug animes you silly tournament poseur.
>literally just a bowl
What a pleb.
What's funny about the helms with faces on them is imagine AFTER a battle where the helm has taken a few blow to the front and now looks all fucked up and disfigured.
>Are you okay, sir knight?
>What? Yeah, why?
>*helm looks like a person with their nose and cheeks caved in with big obvious dents*
you having a fucking giggle m8
Mah nigga
A pleb with a Sturmgewehr, baby.
Now kiss me, you beautiful fool!
This is when I would post my disgusted face, but the faggot above you has already posted it.
So have this laughing helmet instead.
That looks beatiful and sad. Sculptings are truly my favourite visual art form. They live more then paintings for me, but i'm a scrub when it comes to culture.
They even had myths about marble waifus coming to life
Freedombowl for life, bitch.
Damn, dead and still trying to make selfies. Some people man.
Can I be a helmet too?
>he only has one disgusted helm
You do realize that the US now use what is essentially just a stahlhelm? They couldn't get away with it for a long time because the shape was too evocative.