Arms and Armour Thread; I need Axe Porn Edition, help me with historical axes, preferably great two handed silly axes.
Arms and Armour Thread
for some reason i couldn't post any replies, what the hell
axes you say?
>drawings not to scale
Really, that's the main issue with these books.
agreed, but still a pretty good series
Bronze Age = Best Age
Also agreed
>agreed, but still a pretty good series
Kinda. It hasn't been upgraded, contains material that's factually wrong and it's an entry-level text that doesn't even source its illustrations, so the reader doesn't even have any way (other than dumb luck) to ever find what the original objects may look like.
>age of globalized warriors
Yeah, it's the most D&D of all ages.
half those weapons names couldn't be sourced even if they wanted to because of the uncategorized fuckstorm that was weapon production.
Also most of "factually wrong material" i've seen people complaining is just one of many expeculations about something
renaissance age > bronze age
How about instead, I kill you?
you can try
its only me or is getting hot here?
I'll fuck you up nigga. All I need is my burlap speedo and my body paint.
What!? Can't hear you with all this metal in my body
thats a big guy
You want metal all over a body? I'll show you metal all over a body!
>half those weapons names couldn't be sourced even if they wanted to because of the uncategorized fuckstorm that was weapon production.
I mean sourced as in naming the institution that was holding the actual object at the time of writing or the book that contained the illustration they used as their source.
>mfw some greek shit think he's badass
>ate their spinach
>Didn't eat their spinach
How authentic is this?
Nitch you've only got one horse. I've got two horses, a guy to drive them while I stab fuckers with my big ass spear, and a fucking lion on my head.
>peasant barbute
sorry, i can't hear you from my glorious double snaked corinthian helm. Oh wait, i can hear you because my superior design won't cover my ears.
Only tight plates are out of place, they could make them but the Hoplon is supposed to cover your thighs anyway, so why would you waste money and the effort to carry it?
Decently as far as I know. It would be an extremely rare sight though. He's wearing the Lamborghini of his day.
look george this fools thinks his brooms in the head will do any good
>Lamborghini of his day
well, they had chariots even more expensive than a suit that complete
Well yeah, but a full panoply is going to cost an outrageous amount of money. Like, the entire livelihood of a hundred people type of outrageous amount of money. There's a reason the majority of bronze age infantry went into battle almost completely armorless. Bronze was pretty expensive even in it's heyday.
>When the rain of steel comes, your shield must be ready, brother.
I wish i was in my old pc, one user one time posted a pdf, one article about the price of bread on 323BCE Athens and the price of a bronze kilogram. You could feed something around 80 people for almost 20 years with 22kg of bronze, the wheight of one Caetra Panoply.
you talking shit 'bout the best type armor?
Tell me about the Dendra, why does he wear the mask?
mirin dat forearm
well, i got some too
that cuirass is hot af
shield's pretty nice too
Is that leather? Would be amazing in bronze.
making that out of bronze would be a bitch. I prefer the leather version, lets you get different colors
To be fair, his horse is going to be a lot larger and stronger than the two carrying that chariot around.
leather is a better material for engraving.
Oh, i've seen this one but didn't that dude got trampled?
Still only one horse
no idea, I found it here a while ago.
Hope he's okay
A knight would have two horses, one for work and one for funsies.