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Character Art Thread
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I am looking for art depicting lepers, mummies, tomb colonists or just anyone with bandages covering their face.
Does this count?
Anybody got some female Tinkerers/Artificers?
thinking renaissance-tier Guns and Clockwork familiars in a fantasy setting.
Preferably not gnome-sized.
Looking for elf wizard males. Sun elves.
Had a picture of a real life dude who looked like a badass monk in a wartorn street. Anyone able to help me out?
like dis?
Yeah, but I would prefer golden/blonde hair.
Someone got some good female Druids? Preferable with an animal motive
Looking for a male gypsy/scarzni necromancer/witch doctor
requesting more Worm That Walks, dumping a few images
I wanna fug her
Looking for some Orc/Goblins. Dumping what I have.
Much appreciated.
Fantasy character with a beer belly (that's not a dwarf). There's something you don't everyday.
I'm looking for riflemen! People that look professional, or perhaps even belong in a military unit somewhere.
Someone needs to fix that poor dwarf's head. It's sinking into his chest!
This is why friends don't take friends to cheap back alley clerics.
Anyone got some modern vampires?
I wonder how you would prepare butterflies for consumption?
Alright, so a friend and I are getting ready to run a Fallout-esque game for pathfinder. What I need is a picture for an npc who is the mayor of one of our towns. His name is Ms. Krush. He is a orc who wears a blonde wig, a corset, a low cut blouse that shows off his chest hair, and a dress of some kind that falls about mid-thigh with fish-net stockings and heels. He controls a rose colored phantom that resembles a very buff, balding orc wearing a V-shaped one piece made of chainmail with a heart-shaped codpiece and despite being a phantom, is always glistening with sweat. Also the phantom is always doing some kind of Mr. Universe-like poses with kissy faces.
Very carefully.
Open mouth, insert butterfly I'd imagine.
Well this guy is perfect as a Triadic knight from 3.5
Requesting pics, pics of paladins.
Sword and board would be most appreciated.
I need Minotaurs.
And if it's not too oddly specific, dudes that are like minotaurs but with like Antelope heads?
Is that Darius?
Anyone have priests or monks(that is the religious kind not the king full kind) in un ornate clothing?
you could probably suspend it in a sugar solution and allow crystals to form around it
you should probably post that in the drawthread, along with visual references
Figure I'll post these, not mine, some other kind user compiled this list of armored folks.
Good day Veeky Forums I am in need of a female drow monk for an upcoming game, in return I shall dump some of my modest character images.