Post some evil campaigns and how they went.
Evil campaigns
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An epic level evil campaign I was in had great characters, all of them were cool and worked well together. But the setting...Didn't hold up. We started off in a city with three districts (good district, neutral district, and an evil district) where neutral creatures acted as a police force. The folks on the good side continually tried spying on us and pulling all kinds of cloak and dagger stuff, knocked over a building, killed the BBGG paladin guy that had been taunting us and had a hard on for killing goblin children ( ease they are "evil" I guess). So we bounce out of there with our numerous followers, carve a new home out of the side of a mountain and kill/revive a dragon as a zombie protector of our mountain city. Which was all cool, but then we started going around to the surrounding towns...
Bumping for interest
It sounds like there's more to this story
The higheight reel includes:
A town full of sorcerers, each with a ring of three wishes. They dint know what the rings were and had no system of government. We dropped a bunch of platinum on em and they just rolled over and welcomed us as their new leaders
A pirate city with a council of captains. We thought this would be cool and we could try to do some political stuff, but we really just showed up, offered them some of the wealth from good city and they joined up without much fuss.
An elven skyship that had been wandering the skies for centuries. Running from something. These guys were always "foresaw that we were coming" but not that we were getting murderous bored trying to figure out who their leaders were so that we could take over.
The game ended when we decided that we committed a sacrificial blood ritual allowing our dark master to enter our world and cause chaos
Evil D&D campaign that we allowed to spiral out of control. Everyone chose an undead to turn into. The wizard became a lich (obviously), the cleric became a mummy, the paladin of tyranny became a death knight, and the barbarian became a vampire. They eventually swore service to Nerull, the god of death, and began a black march across the world creating as many undead in their wake as they could, fighting off champions of light and justice periodically.
Eventually after destroying some capital city or another the DM declared that sufficient death had occurred to attract the attention of the Elder Evil, Atropus, and they had to stop a brigade of angels and clerics who were mounting a final defense to stop the dead moon from crashing into the planet. They won and the world died and they were taken to be champions in Nerull's realm forevermore.
Pretty simplistic but fun. The barbarian collected a harem of vampire spawn, the cleric and paladin were just happy to help their dark gods, and the wizard made progress towards becoming a demilich down the line for the epilogue.
Fake and gay. Wish I had my time back.
Our one was less an evil campaign and more a group of dicks roaming about.
We were all in it for the cash, and agreed to do a bit of token charity for appearances sake, but eventually we all made a pact to have at least one act of Grand dickishness to each of our names.
The wizard was performing unholy magical experiments on vegetables, and had about 5 patsies go down for them over time.
The assassin formed up a school in his spare time, and the work of his charges meant he was eventually responsible for several cities burning down.
The fighter hammed up his exploits and became a famed hero, then used it to form a protection racket for all the evil creatures the party was supposed to be hunting
The cleric decided to see what would happen if he stole a red dragon egg and taught and/or mindraped the hatchling to worship Bahamut.
Turns out Tiamat gets a bit tetchy over that sort of thing.
Needs "Make Middle Earth Great Again".
>I don't like your story
>Calling something "fake" like it's a bad thing on a board that revolves around pretend
I don't know where you are from but can you go back?
No evil campaign yet but I've started to enjoy playing evil characters in non-evil parties.
Are you a backstabbing piece of shit?
Do you go via the dickstab route, the friendly guy who happens to be a slaver or some such on the side, or just the token asshole route?
I did the 'friendly guy who happens to be a slaver' thing once. Only he was a former slave who ended up becoming a slaver himself.
Go back to /pol/ with your OP image, or at least photoshop it better.
I once played an epic level evil campaign that was totally sandboxed except for the enemies we made along the way popping back up.
Party was:
>Colossal CE Barbarian from the Northern fens. Didn't believe in currency and took whatever he wanted. Cannibal and headhunter. Wanted to invade the civilized part of the world and sacrifice people to dark gods. Pic related. Me
>CE Fiend Warlock who was essentially just Mola Ram. Was trying to pull the entirety of material plane into the settings equivalent of Hell/create Hell on Earth. Ripped out a lot of hearts.
>NE Blackguard and general Brigand. Formerly a paladin, but mainly just got off on hurting people/the perks of the job. Was kicked out of the church after it turned out his orphanage was a child slavery ring and he was a pedophile.
>LE Artificer/Necromancer. Wanted to create the perfect being and wipe out all the impure people in the world. Harvested organs and limbs from everyone we killed. Had a harem of sexy undead ladies.
The game ended up devolving into torture porn on multiple occasions and was capped off with a climactic battle between good and evil. We tore down a giant cathedral, led an army of barbarian tribespeople, brigands, devil worshippers, and demons to sack the worlds biggest city, killed a gold dragon plus half a dozen angels, and opened a giant hellgate. The blackguard ended up succombing to his wounds after dealing the mortal blow to the angel but he got resurrected as a super Frankenstein death knight which he then considered the ultimate being. The Warlock ascended to archdemonhood and ruled over a big part of the hellscape that was the central continent of the setting. The barbarian became warlord of all the Northern tribes and rampaged around the known world before becoming a god himself.
It was a good time, even if it slipped into dangerous edge territory sometimes, but it was mostly just for laughs.
I think it is fake, yeah, but it's a good demonstration of some principles of evil characters too. By which I mean how to do/use evil, not the actual characters in that post's principles.
>get evil guys to become neutral or even good, get them to start caring about somebody
>then kill that somebody
Man, would love to know how they reacted.
Not an evil campaign, but I had a fantastic evil character once in one of my games.
>Run a very weird 5e setting based on my vague ideas of what OSR means
>Which in my mind basically meant Tolkein, but with lovecraft and prehistoric life. Set it in early history when the Elves were still on the move and mankind had barely crawled out of the dark.
>Someone decides to play as Zekerai, an elderly and well-respected hobbit of some mild renown, known for his shrewdness and good sense.
He was extremely manipulative, insatiably greedy, knew and exploited all the 'rules' of hobbit society, and had a network of illegal activities he regularly partook in and had people do for him. Basically imagine the Godfather, only less powerful and established. If the game had gone on, he likely would have become a major crime boss.
Funniest part? He put on a goblin wizard's Amulet of Chaotic Evil, which promptly had no effect on him [as an item that shifts your alignment to your current alignment obviously wouldn't]
Played in a lighthearted one shot that ended up being an evil game due to that fact that the closest anyone was to Lawful good was true neutral. Because the one shot was only two hours long we didn't get much done, but our day of burning down the village and killing orphans took a turn for the worst when a rival necromancer reanimated all of the orphans and had them merge together in robot form to fight us.
That's why you should Never forget that thems Asians can do that.
Just put an "evil" campaign on hiatus with my group. The quotation marks are because we started out all agreeing on an evil campaign, but through one character retiring and getting replaced, one character willingly shifting their worldview, and another joining in late, we turned into a "neutral or worse" party with my character being the only truly evil bastard in the bunch. We'll probably start it back up in a year or so after everyone has forgotten that my character has the finger of the prime vampire that we "killed" (he'll be back on his own in a few millenia) and has spent the current downtime gathering information on items to bring him back, as well as ways to use the vampire's lich buddy to achieve immortality.
>Playing undead for a campaign
This sounds very nice.
Played one for a bit. Weren't full edge evil, mostly the "amassing power and wealth for completely selfish reasons" style of evil.
We still did good deeds, but they were typically a happy coincidence or something we got paid for rather than something we set out to do intentionally, with the exception of my Bard who had his public image to maintain.
Only real evil thing that happened was our Rogue demanding the owner of a popular bar in a large town sell his bar to him for peanuts. The owner laughed in his face and spit in his drink, saying it's on the house. The Rogue responds by murdering the owner in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses. Myself and the party Witch hunter were there. The WH joined in the slaughtering of witnesses, but I acted horrified and escaped...not coming back till the witnesses were dead. Again, for my public image.
Our party then got drunk and went to murder the mayor.
Our party diplomat, who couldn't make it and was hand-waved away as talking to the mayor was in for a surprise next session. I ended up bowing out of the mayor fight, only jumping in when it looked like there was a clear winner, which ended when the mayor(who turned out to have levels in Barbarian) threw a coffee table at the Rogue's face and nearly killed him. The players realized their PCs would have no justifiable reason to stay with the party and left, with the players rolling new characters.
Other than that, we did typical murderhobo stuff, with my rockstar Bard stopping every town to bone some new chick before stopping back to Not!Greenland to bone his half-giant waifu.
Make ARDA Great Again.
Its a BBGG when you're playing an Evil campaign.
Rohan, Gondor, the Shire, and Mirkwood are all equally if not more Trump-tier
Sounds like my Gurochan game, and speaking of;
>nWoD Slasher game with gurochan buddies
>we're all stuck into a shitty "off-record" prison in Nevada and want to escape
>first problem is arming ourselves so we don't immediately get murdered when the cells open
>Genius breaks one lens of his glasses, makes glass powder.
>Avenger pulls steel spring out of mattress, wears it around hand like brass knuckle.
>Brute and psychic Charmer in a cell together. They go off alone for a few minutes, return missing fingers. Armed with sharpened bones.
It was pretty fun, honestly. Like a regular evil campaign with everyone betraying and torturing each other, except everyone was enjoying the shit out of being betrayed and mutilated.