>Your NPC waifu tells you that killing is meaningless given the unbreakable wheel of dharma, and that should you kill you will only be consigning a being to new existence in samsara in an eternal balance - unless they are truly enlightened, in which case the death is no death at all. She also asks you to light some incense at the shrine on your way out.
Your NPC waifu tells you that killing is meaningless given the unbreakable wheel of dharma...
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I ask her to bend over so I can cram my enlightened dick into her furry butt.
I don't understand and I can't deal with this.
I... go beat up her drug dealer?
So what will my NPC waifu tell me in tomorrows thread?
How will you beat up the universe?
We're fighting to make sure the entire balance of the universe doesn't go to whack and eventually damning us all to eternal, painful oblivion.
Why did I even marry you?
With determination!
She's got a great ass. Also fluffy tail.
That's nice, but I'm an Infernal and I wasn't named "Drunken Dragon Killer" because I like to discuss things calmly with Dragonblooded. Also there are ways to kill ghosts/souls.
I would tell her this is a retarded way to conceptualize the cycle of samsara, and that she doesnt understand reincarnation.
I'd probably kill her for preaching falsehoods and creating duality where there is none. She has dambed more souls than she has saved with this kind of talk.
Also shes a fucking fox, deceiver and liar.
I retort that while killing is functionally pointless in the grand scheme of things, I can't help but still care about short-term repercussions in life because I'm not as pious and sagacious as her.
Also that she's annoyingly persistent about the incense every time.
Soul Eater.
the fun and amusing version of Bleach.
I tell her she did one too many marijuana.
I roll to grapple the universe.
So.... she's high on life?
Chrona from Soul Eater It's not a girl Or a guy Or a herm
I'm almost afraid to ask what she is.
>Le "nothing even really matters bruh, just let go" meme
Go back to South-Chippon and take your relativist bullshit with you.
You seem flustered
Are you still mad about the kidneys?
But my NPC waifu is kinda dim, and thoughts like these probably don't cross her mind at all
Short answer? We don't know.
Their androgyny is a running joke, and they are always spoke about in gender-neutral terms.
In my experience being VERY angry does the trick.
That still seems like a great way to get fuckers out of my way and let me take their stuff.
The Path of the Wheel demands that some die, specifically because death is no death at all. Their reckless attachment to their meaningless existences is what causes them suffering, and is what causes them to cause others' suffering. The act of killing them frees them from their attachments to this illusion of life and gives them the opportunity to try again.
looks like Underwater Ray Romano to me, but I never watched it myself
Well, except in the recent chapters of the manga Chrona was confirmed girl
>that feel when google it and thought that i was being trolled.
No, it is URR. Ty user.
>Waifu detected
I invite her to tea.
Darling? Who thought you that heathen tomfoolery.
Now excuse me dear, there are Saracens on the lawn, I'll be awhile.
Tell her that I never understood all that spiritual junk but already knew that there's nothing to fear in what I do, if only for the wrong reasons. I then put down my thirty second coffee of the day and, still feeling dull in the head, leave.
Spiral Power.
In the show Crona's confirmed guy, so this just adds to the confusion desu.
I never got why the anime was called that.
It sounds similar to the actual name.
Ao no Roku-gō?
I must be pronouncing it incredibly wrong.
We aren't talking about that,
is from utawarerumono.
It's just another Ed from Cowboy Bebop situation
Whoa yeah my bad.
So what you are basically saying is that I can murder all I want and it doesn't have any meaning or consequence?
I'm rather liking this quasi-meme, actually.
>So what you are basically saying is that I can murder all I want and it doesn't have any meaning or consequence?
You're interrupting a being's ability to walk the path of enlightenment by forcing them back to the starting point, which is an extremely dick move analogous to heaping Original Sin onto a random Christian.
I guess consequence free murder was too much to ask
Still, metaphysical consequences are less bad for me than physical ones.
>metaphysical consequences are less bad for me than physical ones.
You're still forced to obey the laws of the land, user.
>my NPC waifu is supposedly some pagan bint
There is literally nothing wrong with marrying a pagan spirit, in fact Hulder from Scandinavian mythology were pagan spirits that yearned to be married in churches and become human!
My PC tells her that her words are as empty as her faith, and on his way out of the shrine he curses yet again the day his merchant parents arranged his marriage to this eastern whore.
I am reminded of Reboot's Hex character.
Herr Mannelig comes to mind.
as the person who posted the "your NPC waifu tells you that murder is great and you should keep doing it" thread I personally apologize for this meme
>My character always makes sure to leave offerings at shrines.
>Prays to relevant dieties before going on adventures.
>Donates significant amounts of gold to temples after getting back from an adventure.
>Not even playing as a Paladin or Cleric.
>No divine aid in times of darkness
>No qt holy waifu
>Not sure GM has even noticed
So what you're telling me is to go out, find the most enlightened people in the world, and kill them all? Got it.
Yes Bastion, kill them.
You must kill them all.
I don't like all the flip-flopping my NPC waifu is doing.
Placing a being into a new place within samsara may well alleviate the suffering of the world, if its current place causes suffering.
roll Wizard
I've always seen Chrona translated as a he.
>that talk again
Does she really need a new litter of kits every year?
English lacks gender-neutral pronouns for humans, so it's really just the translator's opinion or interpretation. Only person I can see calling him an "it" is Medusa.
>mfw i deal nonlethal damage
Please explain what am I looking at.
It's called a gluteal fold. Search that on the boorus you'll see it generally refers to when the buttocks are visible through the thigh gap.
It's a tumor.
Was she? I seem to recall that was just a shitty translation.
>gluteal fold
But why are there TWO folds in there? Usually it's just one and it makes sense. Here I have hard time imagining what's going on with the body.
In the original Japanese he's always been referred to in gender neutral terms. The english dub refers to him as a he for simplicity's sake. So it's really just opinion.
I interpret him as male but intersexed, fite me 1v1 irl on ranked league of legends
The upper "fold" is her labia. Haven't you seen a chick go commando in a kimono before?
>killing is meaningless
Doesn't mean it's not fun, though.
Face it - violence is fun.
No, not the torture kind where the strong bullies the weak. The kind where you're fighting for your life as an equal.
Gladiator fights and all that. It's fun.
dude, that's your adrenaline talking
And? Other fun activities are just your endorphines talking.
Doesn't mean it's not fun.
The act of killing itself may have no meaning, but its effects on the world around us can. Just because we may disagree doesn't mean either of us is wholly wrong.
Everything you experience is a combination of electrical and chemical interactions, that's kind of how biology works.
I don't have a waifu.
Problem solved
this user is correct, first bump is pussy, second bump is ass
Looks like at least 20 lbs of both pussy and ass.
Are you implying a man is such only when he's a slave of his brain chemistry?
This sounds dangerously heretical to me.
I prefer bullying the weak. Which is everyone who isn't me.
Of course there's no intrinsic value in the universe. Existence is what you make of it, faggot.
>bullying the weak
Where's the fun, if the outcome is known beforehand and is completely in your control?
The point is to put everything you have on the line.
The ultimate gamble.
Unless you do everything in your might to win, it's not fun.
And bullying is all about not doing everything you can to win - it's about toying with your opponent.
tl;dr bullying the weak is shit, and so is your taste
Watching cocksure confidence turn to pants-wetting fear as they realize they don't stand a chance is the best.