Check out my setting

Hey guy! My friends and I have been working on a RPG lately, and I'm the guy in charge of the setting. I have recently finished the basic lore and decided to post it here for an international audience to check out.

The setting's very, very broad. I was inspired by lots of sources, from Pliny the Elder's Natural History to Mad Max. The tone could be described as light-hearted, somewhat comical fantasy, somewhat absurd and surreal in places. It has dwarves living inside the guts of a huge petrified monster, orc aristocrats who ride their own peasants dressed as horses, sewer elves, penguin riding gnomes and lots of other stuff like that.It's probably not for everyone, but I like to think that there's a substantial amount of people who could enjoy it.

I attached the world map to my first post and I'll be posting five images that provide little bits of lore for the races and their realms. Every single region you see on the map has some lore connected to it.

Regions, part 1: humans and some panotians.

Disregard it, this is part one. The first one was part two: the rest of the panotians, undead and orcs.


Part 3: dwarves, gnomes and some elves.

Part 4: elves, blemmians and halflings

Part 5: goblins and arimaspians.

And done! If you have a bit of time, please have a look at the map and the lore and tell me your thoughts.

Anyone? Just a few thoughts.

I like the fact that elves have funny technicolor mustaches.

I'm glad that you liked this particular detail. I thought a lot how to make the elves distinct and settled on giving them enormous moustaches.

You're joking right?

Please tell me no one is so autistic that they think a crudely drawn map, made with MS paint, is actually good.

That map is glorious.

holy shit

I like your cute little map OP

I like it, what about lore?

Mate, you're such a sperg. It's a funny little map with a pretty neat art style.
Not everything needs to be super serious super realistic hand-painted high-budget wankery.

It's cartoonish and it suits the tone well.


Thanks to you to!

And thanks to you as well.

This world is a gigantic spaceship of a cosmic god. He tried to use it to kill the other cosmic gods, but they imprisoned him within his ship and left dragons to watch over it. The dragons got bored, took some of the god's crewmen (fomorians, arimaspians and cyclopses) and began playing gods with them. Their playthings eventually rebelled and banished the dragons. They built huge empires and enslaved the elves and the panotians, who were contacted by the surviving dragons and (surprise!) overthrew their masters. The elves tried to play this game for the third time with the dwarves and the gnomes, they failed. Around this time the orcs invaded from god knows where. Then the humans and the blemmians fought for a bit for world domination, the humans won, but then their empire stagnated. And there are also the goblins, who are greedy imperialists.

There's more lore in the images I posted after the map, or you could ask me specific questions, which I will gladly answer.

It's not bad at all! A little too clichéy for my tastes but the Blemmies compensate!

What was it that you found clichey?

Love it!

tell me about your orcs amigo

NEAT. Keep the good work.

Inspired by real medieval marginalia. I can't find the actual picture it was inspired by, but you get the idea: medieval monks gave rabbits a lot of respect.

Yep, it was clear immediately

Nice work

>It has dwarves living inside the guts of a huge petrified monster, orc aristocrats who ride their own peasants dressed as horses, sewer elves, penguin riding gnomes and lots of other stuff like that
In other words, it's lolrandumb xD and is only going to be fun for a few sessions until your players realize they can't predict anything and will constantly have to deal with the cognitive dissonance of their characters presumably being from that world but not knowing anything about it because everything is so whacky and crazy and unpredictable.

There are two kinds of orcs: the southern orcs, who are different kinds of tribesmen (cannibals, cargo cultists, cimmerian wannabes, weather controllers, you get the idea), and the northern orcs, who are as chaotic as they come. You get psychotic clown orcs, retarded paladin orcs who ride winged warthogs, vampire orcs, mad scientist orcs who keep inventing weapons of mass destruction instead of useful household appliances, ninja wannabes who carry huge clanking arsenals and throw shurikens the size of a cartwheel, and more. They are actually my favourite race.

The Gnome Wrecklands sound Borderland as fuck... I like it

Mainly Gnomes, The Kingdom vs The Empire, most of The Elves (except for The awesome mustaches) and The necrocracies

You don't have to use the "guts dwarves", for lack of a better term, for your campaign. Some dwarves are perfectly vanilla, they live in typical subterranean cities and hoard treasure. I used these specific examples to showcase the elements that this setting has and most others don't.

Although, it could be argued that although you're right, this is the situation real medieval travellers like Marco Polo would find themselves in. He sure didn't know anything about China when he ended up there, and he ended up discovering things that he found wacky and absurd. It's even somewhat realistic, now that I think of it!

I don't really like joke settings myself, but players who can't deal with the cognitive dissonance are just shit roleplayers. Any good player will establish a rapport with the GM to confirm their position in the world.

It is indeed a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

What's clichey about the gnomes, high technology?

The Kingdom and the Empire are decidedly vanilla, these are the default regions most players would start in, so they're less crazy than much of the outside world. Still they're not typical cookie cutter fantasy kingdoms. Both are good guys in their own way, the Imperials are lawful, but they have totalitarian leanings, they're inspired by Prussia and the Soviet Union. The Kingdom is a very liberal country, but it's a complete mess of country, similar to the Holy Roman Empire and medieval Italy.

The idea of forest elves may be standard, but I hope the execution is quite unique. The imperial elves are straight-out arrogant evil imperialists, the sea elves are this world's greedy scheming merchants (I don't remember elves typically filling this niche), and the dark elves are brain-frozen Nordic crusaders.

The Undead are also a lot more unique than the pictures would suggest, I hope. It's just that I'm not a very good artist, so I went with the most primitive racial icons.

It's not a complete joke setting like Discworld. It's semi-humorous like the old (and I mean real old, 80's style) Warhammer Fantasy lore. The underlying lore is serious, but there are lots of jokes put in there.

Nigga I'm impressed. There's a lot of love that went into this, which I think is merit enough.

Thank you! You're right on one account, a lot of love went into this. This being said, I still want it to be a quality product that will be fun to play for others as well.

I love this entirely too much, user. You are spoiling your players.

I really love how the Blemmian Tyrannies and the Elven Dominion have their borders, actually, how all the different cultures have subtle differences in their geographical boundaries, like how the Elven Arborealms have fluffy tree borders and the Orc Feifdoms have these tiny, scrawled marginal countries, some completely surrounded.

Holy shit op

A good DM doesn't have less fun than the players ;)

Thank you! This was a bit of a point of contention in our team, some guys wanted it to look more realistic. But I managed to convince them that it's entirely pointless to care about realism in a world that has caveman liches.


Saved images for later reading. This sounds pretty great if you're running a non-serious campaign

>sewer elves

The sewer elves are from Geramean - check them out. Admittedly, the lore snippets in these pictures are way too short and hastily written, though. Ask me if you need more info on something.

>The master brickmakers.

Okay, something just twinged in my memories of Veeky Forums, isn't there a greentext about the city built ENTIRELY of brick?

Not that I'm aware of. I was mostly inspired by Böttcherstraße in Bremen to create these guys.

Whoah, that's a beautiful map.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm not an artist, but you can't fault me for not trying.

Yeah, but, here's the thing: you're the kind of not-artist who, in another life, could have illustrated children's books. That's zogging amazing half-assed work.

I wont deny that this is probably some of the best worldbuilding I've seen, but its also the most autistic thing I've seen on Veeky Forums

Actually, people have asked me after looking at the map and now knowing anything about the lore if this setting is intended for the children.

World building is intrinsically "autistic". It's something that takes a lot of time and effort and that most people don't get.

I'm very glad you made all of that, OP. I've always wondered how it would look of somebody truly went full ham on a fantasy world map, and whether it would be worth it.

I can see now that it's definitely not, and now I don't need to ever indulge that idea

>anytime someone expends more than a cursory amount of effort, it's autism
The word you're looking for is "drive". OP has "drive".

So, i just submitted this thread to suptg, I want to be able to read it and review the materials in the future, and just downloading everything doesn't seem safe enough,

Different strokes for different folks. Myself, I don't enjoy subtlety.

>those bantz
Topkek, wish my players would have exchanges like this