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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
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Hey now.
You're an all star.
Get your jump on drive
Ah, we're back on track!
No we're not. It should be 1077.
One job, OP. One. Fucking. Job.
I'm so disappointed with you right now.
Does it matter?
Yes. If there is one thing we can keep straight, we can al least do that for the thread numbers.
My cat's breath smells like cat food.
Nah, the count was fucked last thread. That one should've been 1079.
One Job user jump when?
Thread 1075 was my fuck up and then last thread... yeah.
Let's just get on with the thread and leave it, it's too late to delete now, isn't it?
Also I'll be posting my Salt build soon.
4. Avatar: The Legend of Korra
- Background: Wanderer
- Age: 18 years old
- Nation: Earth Kingdom
- Location: Spirit World
- Perks: Traveler's Luck [Discount Wanderer, 950 left], Tall [Discount Earth Kingdom, 900 left]
- Bending: Bender [800 left], Seismic Sense [700 left], Metalbending [400 left], Mobile Bender [Discount Wanderer, 300 left]
- Items: Marbles [Free Earth Kingdom]
- Companions: Origin Spirit [100 left], Jump Clan (Import Beeheyem) [0 left]
Beeheyem (200 left)
- Background: Wanderer
- Nation: Fire Nation
- Bending: Bender [100 left], Mobile Bender [Discount Wanderer, 0 left]
- Drawbacks: And The Adventure Continues [+0]
- Future: ???
>This place looks weird.
>I'm stuck here aren't I.
>Hello? Can someone let me out of here?
>I STILL have an alien for a best friend, and we're completely lost.
>Every time I ask him why he still sticks around me he tells me "somebody has to" or something like that.
>Oh hi little guy! Are you gonna help me get out of here? Please say yes.
>Oh okay we're going this way now.
>Oh, hi! You have a very large dog I see.
>Oh, okay, it's also a bear.
>What do you mean, "I'm the only one who can do that?" Oh, you mean do the windy thing and the rocky thing at the same time?
>Where are you taking me?
>Oh boy, here we go again.
Well it makes it easier to search the archives. I don't know if that's important to you or not, but some folks find that useful.
I just searched back through the threads to 1070. This one was definitely 1077.
Unless someone is trying to pull that 'this thread never happened' shit again.
No, then we'd be counting backward. Also we were still one or two editions missed. Honestly? This might be RIGHT.
Then what was the last thread number supposed to be? And the one before?
Where did we go wrong this time?
We've had a few editions that just skipped something or regressed, and we just kept going. I can't say for sure which or how many anymore.
So I know this'll probably end badly for me, but I want to use a Denarius.
How can I flip the metaphysical alignment of a being as old as time?
Or at least suppress it while using its powers?
We have had:
#1076: The One Where We Get It Right I Swear to God
#107: Eight Inch Jumper Edition
#1074: Identity Death Edition
#1073: Grape Trees Lost Edition
#1072: Pendulum Jumpmaker Edition
#1071: Hold, Release; Rakshasa and Carcasses Edition
So the next thread after this one is #1078
I love your little greentext bits at the end. You're getting so much use out of being a raptor pokemon for shits and giggles (though I assume you're in human form most of the time, right? Or do you switch as the need arises).
See This is 1077, user.
We can at least be that accurate, so people don't have to spend an hour digging through the archives for something.
You will want ALL the willpower perks, genre savior, talk no jutsu, etc, basically your best bet is to convince the coin-bound fallen that it doesn't have to be a dick since it isn't beholden to the same rules that it had to deal with, now that it's not in that universe anymore.
I'm talking in ancient times. Not anytime relevant. It should not have had bearing on the current thread, in other worlds.
I need some help. What races/origins get stronger over time with no apparent hardcap?
The ones that I can think of:
>Dead Apostle, Tsukihime
>Vampires (specially if killing a high generation Vampire), oWoD
>Prismatic Dragons, Forgotten Realms
>Vampires, Hellsing
>True Immortal, Vampire Diaries
>Force users, Star Wars
>Hive Queen, Hive Queen Quest
Why does the thread number matter again?
Rolled 6, 3 = 9 (2d8)
just rolling some dice, don't mind me
On Mystcraft the maker made a ruling that while it had some really stupid bits does state you can't make permanent worlds pre-Spark. While the "start playing Conduit with a Bevin and your perks" bit can be dismissed I'd say the particular portion on world decay is fairly straightforward and not ridiculously stupid like the rest of it. It's intended as a source of resources, not something to create entire bases in.
You know, I'm actually curious. How did you being an airbender in Avatar go? Also, how's this whole dual bender thing going? It seems like both Avatars at the very least took an interest in you.
See Archive purposes.
Because we are the most autistic general on the most autistic board.
Half Elf Valkyries, Valkyrie Profile
Bydo, R-Type
Magic Users, Bayonetta
Orkz, 40k
Jumpers, Jumpchain CYOA
What Jump
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d8)
more dice
I mean you don't get rid of the recoil and just use a perfect defense whenever you fire the thing.
As the need arises, honestly.
Well, it resulted in me getting roped into a lot of shenanigans with Aang and company. It also led to more attention from the Fire Nation, and I probably got captured and used as bait at least once.
They were expecting the Avatar to rescue me, but they weren't expecting Beeheyem.
As for Korra, I'd like to think she was mainly confused by the whole thing. Of course, if Tenzin recognized me from any of his dad's stories, I have some explaining to do.
Point out that it's being a salty little bitch, and that nothing it can do to humanity will cancel out the retardation of spiritually mutilating yourself to fight a vastly superior/omnipotent being. Maybe some verbal equivalent to a bright slap? What happened to Lash implies the Fallen aren't completely irredeemable, so any good redemption perks would help. If you can't appeal to any buried semblance of a concious, maybe self-interest will work.
A Heart to Call My Own from Kingdom Hearts
Salt Jump 090:
CP: 500
No Shoes [+50]
No Service [+200]
Location: Salt Flats
Origin: Drop-In
Mining Arm [Free]
Git in the Pit [-150]
Salt Miner [-300]
Pickax [-50]
Bottle of Water x 2 [-50]
Umbrella [-100]
Bandanna [-100]
Geeze a guy takes off for twenty years, for my wedding and honeymoon I'll add, after centuries of service and ya just send me to mine salt? Thanks for not just kicking me out out of the Chain, Jumpchan.
Thank /JC for Metavore, as I drink my fill of water each day and eat enough salt to satisfy the hunger.
You'd need a Perfect Soak Charm, a Charm that reduces damage to 0, to do that and from what I can tell there's only Pasiap Still Stands (Jade Mountain Style) and perhaps the Five-Dragon Blocking Method (Five-Dragon Style), but both of the aforementioned Charms would be expensive in Mote-Cost vs the recoil of the GBE. The character who shoots the GBE causally in Blame! is some kind of Safeguard variant right?
They'd likely have high soak naturally, because they're made up of really tough shit. If the recoil could be codified to how many times it'd reduce a human to so much pulp I could tell you a range of damage that it could be throwing back, like if the thing can reduce a person to a pulp on recoil alone once fired it's likely dealing 14 lethal, thus reliably killing a person on trigger pull.
As the recoil is just a side-effect of firing the GBE Perfect Blocks would stop your own attack... somehow, and I have no idea what kind of oddness could occur from you Perfect Dodging recoil.
If this dosen't clear everything up just ask for more information.
Hey, in regards to the god-killer weapon that you can get from Skulduggery Pleasant, is it one of the actual God-Killers, or is it just something with the same level and kind of magic?
I personally just want to complete the set, and being able to buy one directly would help a lot.
>luck-based discounts
Blue board, user.
>Faggot still whining
Ork Jump.
Brutus is working on it.
You can grow some ork bodies and possess it in the meantime i guess.
Perfect dodge would probably be some ridiculous acrobatics to disperse the recoil without being damaged. And GBEs are closer to the Five Iron Shrike. It goes through anything in its path including matter strong enough to hold together a structure the size of the solar system. It's one of those ridiculous kill everything guns scattered throughout the chain.
Warhammer Fantasy.
the fuck
Aren't there moon sized Orks swiming out in space somewhere?
Theoretically possible, but they'd be dead due to a lack of combat. probably.
Thats stuff from back in the day when 40k was more tongue in cheek British humor.
A lot of that got swept under the rug when it became super serial grimdark.
>What happened to Lash
Yeah, but that wasn't a fallen. Lash was essentially a computer program Lasciel injected into his brain, not a real fallen.
>Perfect dodge would probably be some ridiculous acrobatics to disperse the recoil without being damaged.
I could accept that but I don't think that Mortals have access to any Perfect Dodges at those Essence levels, except of course the Half-Castes I believe who can get their parents Charm sets but I believe they are prevent in the source material by fiat from getting Perfects of their parents. I may be wrong.
Well, see , but the largest known Ork, in the current continuety, would have to be The Beast who stood approximately ten meters tall in full armor. He fought Vulcan, a Primarch, and survived the battle, though I think he was taken out later.
Hey anyone got a link to those really good Fan-made Infernal Charms?
So, jumpers, do you have any badass scars?
Here's the one with the odd amount of pregnancy charms: docs.google.com
Some stuff about Coadjutors: docs.google.com
And main hub for one of the big names: docs.google.com
Follow through to his SWLIHN charms for more links to his other stuff.
Some, most notably one on my face an a bunch on my forearms.
Fuck Billy-Ray Sanguine and his little razor too. Goddamn.
Honestly? No. I've been wounded enough to have a ton of the things, but my Aesthetic Perks, combined with Regeneration, means I don't have any. Scars are cool, but I would rather have smooth skin.
Thank you. I wanted to show them to my Exalted group.
I think I got a perk for that so yes?
Yeah, half-caste don't get Perfects or persistent defences.
Which ones would those be?
>bad ass scars
No, my healing factor makes sure I don't get scars, on my ass or anywhere else.
It was you!
Would it be possible to bring Soul Edge under my control?
I forgot my name, sue me.
Oh my god, I'm actually bringing companions with me!
Fallout 4 Jumpchain (Jump #8)
>The Institute
>Synth: Courser (600)
>Charmer (500)
>Chemist (500)
>Benevolent Leader (100)
>SCIENCE! (-200)
>Starting Gear (-200)
>Pip-Boy 3000 (-400)
>Import (-600)
>Scrounger (-500)100
>Medicine Resistant (-300)200
>There’s a Settlement That Needs Your Help (0)300
Companion 1: Tyrone (Typhlosion: Jump #1 and Cyndaquil Jump #3)
>Background: The Railroad
>Race: Synth Courser
>Perks: Charmer (300), Chemist (200)
>Gear: Explosive Box (100), Ballistic Fiber (0)
Companion 2: Lee Zhong (Jump #6)
>Background: Brotherhood of Steel
>Race: Synth Courser
>Perks: Commando (300)
>Gear: Starting Gear (300), Caps (250), T-51a Power Armor (0)
Companion 3: Iio (Jump #6)
>Background: The Institue
>Race: Synth Courser
>Perks: Chemist (300), Mechanist (150)
>Gear: Starting Gear (150), Synth Armor (0)
So, picked up SCIENCE! because I needed something to augment my magical crafting abilities. Tyrone (who finally has a Human-form name) is accompanying me for the third time, and this time he's infiltrating the Railroad. Why? Because Desdemona's an idiot and going about things the wrong way. Mind, so is Elder Maxson, which is why Lee Zhong was infiltrating one of his Deep Recon missions, probably the real reason Paladin Brandis is locked away in a bunker. Wish I could have gone full T-60 with him, but the upgrades weren't discounted, so the best he could get with the T-51. We'll steal some T-60 from the BoS once they show up. Iio is, like me, a surface agent of the Institute, and she's our robotics expert. Knowing my luck, she'd probably already snuck into the RobCo facility ahead of the cosplayer.
Due to Preston being on my ass, and my Benevolent Leadership, Quincy won't be falling to the Gunners anytime soon, and the Sole Survivor will be finding a much more united Commonwealth when they wake up.
Unfortunately no.
Perfect regeneration makes keeping them impossible and I don't want any fake scars as half the fun of them is the story behind them.
>It (GBE) goes through anything in its path including matter strong enough to hold together a structure the size of the solar system.
From what I understand of the manga in question, and I may be wrong but this is as I understand it. The walls of the structure are basically being held together by energy fields which the GBE interferes with and when suddenly the walls are exposed to the reality of not being supported by Gravity Furnaces they fall apart very quickly.
>Five-Iron Shrike
Godspear of the Five-Metal Shrike deals infinite levels of damage as long as you were within 25 yards of the original target. Perfects are the only method of survival. Seriously that was a lot of dakka, and I personally don't know if the GBE matches it.
You could go ask Exalted General, they've likely got a few good ones, but here broski.
Here's where I found a few; docs.google.com
Pic Related is basically me most of the time, so yeah. I keep a superficial scar on my body for each time I've had to use an Extra-Life perk or when an enemy truly meant something to me I might create a scar just for them.
A perk literally to make your scars awesome, where? I'd love that shit.
Ah, yeah I thought so.
Then I'd need to know how much damage the recoil does to you before I'd say anything conclusive. Five-Dragons Blocking Method and Pasiap Still Stands might be able to tank the recoil but only if you have the motes for it, which is unlikely.
Gravity furnaces are used by one particular group. There's one way to shield against them but literally anything else it hits is destroyed utterly. Now that's probably partially limitations of the manga, but for Exalted there's not much difference between a few hundred dice and infinite damage.
If I want to.
Although I also have that perk from Kairos, so, I dunno. Probably.
I imagine they would hang predominantly around my arms, legs, and back. Gotta keep the face clean for cute, y'know, unless it's like a cuteness accentuating tiny scar on like my nose or something.
Arms and hands especially. All those crazy experiments and jamming your hands in machines and whatnot.
But I've never really sat down and figured out what they look like.
All I really know is scars are sexy.
> A perk literally to make your scars awesome, where?
Kairos. The perk's name is literally "Badass Scars".
Are there any powers that can be granted en masse? I want to go to a powerless world (like Person of Interest or something) and suddenly introduce lots of powers to several people in the world. I'd consider Stands, but the only way to grant those is via the Stone Arrow, unless there's something I can use to remotely grant them to lots of people.
>A perk literally to make your scars awesome, where? I'd love that shit.
Not even a perk my man, just go to Dragonblooded.
That sort of thing is innate to Exaltations
/co/co/'s has a Jar of Stand-Granting Jawbreakers. Taking two or more Star Wars Jumps lets you freely grant people connections to the Force. If you don't mind weird Biology powers, you could probably brew up something using the Customization Tables in Resident Evils
Outsider marks, if you forgo the suck Jump Chan's dick option.
Yeah, with Resident Evil, you could make an infectious super soldier serum a la Captain America.
Yeah, I think that was the one. Also had bad-ass hair or something.
Territoeies from travelers gate are a completely custom magic you can give to anyone.
Worm gives you five bottled super powers every year.
Cauldron Vials, and the Arrowhead from Jojo are my go to options. Valinhall or a custom Territory from Traveler's Gate also let you train people in some fairly useful magic.
>That sort of thing is innate to Exaltations
Nah, most of the time they heal perfectly without scars (or quickly fading scars).
>Even mangled limbs and pulped bones recover grow back straight without anything more than the faintest scarring. Only aggravated damage leaves lasting scars, though even these typically fade with time. Severing a body part is the only way to prevent Exalted from healing it back naturally.
Kerbal Space Program (Jump #9)
>Pilot (900)
>This Is, Actually, Rocket Science (900)
>Speak English, Dammit: Actual English (900)
>Some Old Friends (900)
>Esprit de Kerbal: 9 male, 11 female (see GASB) (900)
>We Have Reserves!: I Am A Pilot, Actually (850)
>Zero G Angel (750)
>Kerbal Biology: Full Kerbal (see GASB) (750)
>I Am A Pilot, Actually (750)
>Aerospace Engineering Makes Things Go Fast (650)
>They’re Like Legos, Right? (450)
>This Is How I Want It (50)
>Visit Exotic Alien Worlds, And Study Them (-50)
Technology Packs
>KSP Interstellar (-100)
>Thunder Aerospace Corporation’s Life Support Systems (see KNFB) (-100)
>Emblems (-100)
>Vehicle Assembly Building and Launchpad (-200)
>Astronaut Complex (-300)
>Kerbal Kompanions Assemble (-500)
>Doctor Wendy Khalen (-600)
>Green Alien Space Babes (-600)
>I Need More Time!: 100 years (-600)
>Kerbin Technology Superior (-500)
>Set Difficulty Level to Real Life! (-200)
>Kerbal Needs Food, Badly (0)
One of my favorite video games, and now I get to spend a hundred years doing it (mainly because I didn't want to spend the points on Fast Forward). I pick up a new Companion too, a badass alien scientist who, once she has a technology goal in mind, can research it. Yeah, it would have been cooler if I could do it myself, but I wanted to be an engineer more than I wanted to be a scientist (even though I took the Pilot background).
Pretty sure there is something in the books about scars remaining if they make you look good. But I could be remembering.
A GBE probably matches the Doomsday weapon detailed in an explanation of Exalted combat that I found once it's in Pic Related, but I'll detail it here for the Tl;dr.
A somewhat gratuitous weapon of mass destruction. Designed by first age Solars, it generates an unblockable, undodgeable attack with 50 automatic successes, does 100L levels of damage, and is perfect in its own right - even if somehow the 50 successes are reduced to 0, it’s considered to hit with 0 successes. This is a completely arbitrary horror, and probably will only work for the Tri-Khan’s thaumaturges this once.
The only changes I'd apply is the fact that the GBE isn't a Perfect effect and likely doesn't grant automatic success to hit.
Ah, thanks. I think I'll do a build of it right now acutally.
Uh, wow. That's a lot more options then I thought would be available to me. Thanks, everyone.
One of the dirty tricks they seem to use is manipulating what you see and hear to fuck with your ability to make actual choices or even see know what is really happening. So you might want something to prevent that effecting you, or strip that ability from them
You could use Heart to Call My Own from Kingdom Hearts to vacate whatever happened to them to make them unable to choose a different path.
Or you could just lobotomize their soul, turning them from sentient beings to dumb insensate energy patterns that grant abilities, but do not have the agency to try and corrupt you any more
Or just have a lot of Willpower and "You are always you" abilities if you can get around the sensory spoofing thing.
>A GBE probably matches the Doomsday weapon detailed in an explanation of Exalted combat that I found once it's in Pic Related, but I'll detail it here for the Tl;dr.
>A somewhat gratuitous weapon of mass destruction. Designed by first age Solars, it generates an unblockable, undodgeable attack with 50 automatic successes, does 100L levels of damage, and is perfect in its own right - even if somehow the 50 successes are reduced to 0, it’s considered to hit with 0 successes. This is a completely arbitrary horror, and probably will only work for the Tri-Khan’s thaumaturges this once.
>The only changes I'd apply is the fact that the GBE isn't a Perfect effect and likely doesn't grant automatic success to hit.
A GBE wouldn't have any automatic successes to hit or undodgeableness, as it's not auto-aiming as far as I know.
But it'd be unblockable, with a LOT more damage than a paltry hundred levels.
Remember that Exalted core says that a stone wall needs to receive /80/ levels of damage to be entirely destroyed. (Sure, they don't roll dice for the damage, but for this that doesn't matter)
Why would you want a Denarius anyway? The main benefits is magic use, hellfire, and a demonic alt form. It's already discounted for Practitioners, so you probably already have magic. Hellfire is worse than Soulfire. And the demonic form is pretty meh.
The side benefits aren't anything more than a couple of cheap perks from other jumps.
Hmm I can understand that but what I was getting at was the fact that the GBE is good an equal to some doomsday weapons, but you still would need to somehow survive the recoil. If you could give me a measure of the character's durability in correlation to other things we could figure out the GBE recoil but until then the only way that seem acceptable is Perfect Dodge or Perfect Soak, which no Mortal Hero can get access to.
Then as source of resources EE is better
I'm a tad bit confused here. So what exactly is the gist of jumpchain exactly? I read through the rules but they don't seem to go into any real detail and I don't see much of anything regarding combat or anything like that. How do you actually manage to die, or am I missing something?
It's a game of pretend. You die when you realize that the ambition of your imagination has outstripped what you could reasonably do with the abilities your character has. There are no resolution mechanics, it's very dependent on the idea that people will be honest with themselves and won't be complete powergaming Mary Sues who can never fail. Not completely, anyway.
It's a "chain" of CYOAs, called "jumps", in which you can do multiple of them on one character, instead of one CYOA per character. The goal is to get a planeswalker spark which basically allows you to go anywhere in the omniverse, but in order to do so, you need to complete something called an "endjump", however, most of those are very high-powered settings, so in order to survive, you go to other jumps and accumulate abilities and items from those.
The conversation continues...
tldr: Minecraft-user went on to detail that there might be ways to study the methods to get the Mystcraft Books in better shape/lasting longer.
Jumpchain is a single player role play game in which you play out the scenario as detailed or as vaguely as you wish. The only rules that are codified are those written into the Jumps and in The Rules (At the top). You play by 'chaining' 'jumps' together, hints the name.
What this guy said for the most part .
Personally if I have any doubts about the setting I'm going in I roll 1d100 on board to see what happens. (For me lows are good, and I have terrible luck)
Did he say anything about using EE for out of jump materials or materials from other mods in minecraft jump?
Rolled 9, 6 + 20 = 35 (2d10 + 20)
Who better to be President Bartlet's senior space science advisor than someone with literally a century of experience running a (mostly) successful space agency?
You weren't really talking about that just now though, just comparing the lethalness of GBE vs Exalted superweapons. Where it outclasses literally everything except the Shrike and the God-Spear of All-Searing, by virtue of them copping out with infinite damage. Even the Titan-class giant flying battlestations on have their main cannon "only" deal 100levels of Piercing damage (and even if it has a wider area, it's much shorter range than a GBE).
I mostly just know my Exalted and a bit of GBE output. No idea exactly how tough Killy is, but I do know he's absurdly tough and I think the GBE still blew his arm off at some point?
Personally, I'd just get a Homunculi to fire it. Bit messy, but it works.
The GBE breaking his arm was recoil, not him being hit by the beam.
If you redeem it and make it love you then you can have a headbaby.
That's... weird, but alright. Guess I'm just used to using dice for that kind of stuff.
But how can you tell if you can or can't survive? I mean, comparing different settings' power levels is the kind of thing that has sent thousands of threads spiraling into oblivion.
That makes a lot more sense I suppose. Honestly, I always felt it was just too free form for my tastes, but I figured I should at least check things out since someone apparently made one from my setting. I think I can see the appeal.
Yes, I was talking about recoil at that point.
I would just use cobra la to make it a biotech weapon then breed the creatures as living gbe canons.
So which jumps besides Fear and Star Wars lets me make a clone army that's sapient?