Post pics of cities.
Whether a city is good, neutral, or evil depends on the availability of housing and comfyness.
>Good: Everyone can live there and be comfy.
>Neutral: City designers don't care about comfyness or who is living in it
>Evil: designers wanted only certain residents to be comfy while everyone else is miserable
Most cities start off good or evil but over time they fade into neutral.
City Images Thread
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Goddamn, do I love that intersection of third-world sprawl, faded treasures of the past, indiscriminate industry, and luxury high-rises.
Just trying to figure out where in Edmonton that was taken. Looks to be off the Henday somewhere. Spruce Grove area maybe?
Thats not the city center, just a couple of apartments. Though our center only has about 8 tall buildings anyway.
I love 40k architecture.20 story cathedrals with 25 story statues on top. Rooftop runways. Buildings on top of buildings on top of buildings.
God-Emperor bless. ;-;7
I found this pic on facebook of all places
it was on one of those aesthetic pages.
it could be photoshopped
It could also easily be real. Our city council's zoning rules are retarded so sometimes small apartment complexes spring up near the outskirts of the city.
Land is also super cheap here, so we tend to build out rather than up. Hence the small city center, and the urban sprawl running into old farmland.
The entire city has this weird outlook where people pretend we're a small town even though we're a city of a few million
I wonder how you even begin to service utilities in massive buildings like those. They almost look like the start of some massive super dome or a planetary ring.
Best city, pic related.
I fucking love walled in modern cities.
Pumps, a fuckload of pumps.
I want to say.... chicago?
It looks like sim city 4, but those building,.. What mods?
>>Good: Everyone can live there and be comfy.
>>Neutral: City designers don't care about comfyness or who is living in it
>>Evil: designers wanted only certain residents to be comfy while everyone else is miserable
You left out another category on your list, a category where the city designers wanted everyone to be miserable: Russian
These are pretty awesome looking.
>Fuck me, is that the actual Stalag 17?
More like NYC.
I love and will use all of these pictures.
>that pic.
It's safer there....