Why are almost all fantasy settings based on Europe?
Why are almost all fantasy settings based on Europe?
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europe is great
Because most fantasy writers are from Europe or America and American history doesn't go back far enough for most fantasy settings unless you want to base it on the Native Americans.
Why are so many vaguely historical at all? What the hell happened to Oz, Wonderland, and the like?
Are they really though?
They're often so far removed from reality, the only thing connecting them to romanticized feudal europe is the accompanying art and depictions. Fill in your own esthetic and europe can't be recognized.
Why are almost all settings based on Earth?
Because write what you know, faggot, and most fantasy archetypes descend from european mythology and folklore.
most english-speaking writers are from european cultures, even if they do not live in europe
All Veeky Forums questions can be answered with one of those answers. Pick the one that apply
2-Lord of the Rings
3-Dungeons and Dragons
Because Europe is the greatest bastion of civilization and advancement on this world.
Because white people want the World to revolve around white people.
Majority of writers are westerners and america has no history.
Try reading non-European/American literature some time.
People write what they know.
>Because white people want the World to revolve around white people.
But it does ?
It does for white ppl
Because then you'd have to explain far more about the world, loosely basing it on something real means that the players already know how some parts of the world work and can plan accordingly. Stuff like Oz, Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass works for stories because the character doesn't have to understand these things but players do in order to have agency.
They are unrelatable and thus, boring to play. The real question is: why is everyone fanning over Tolkien and Lovercraft when they could read some other classic autor, like Lord Dunsany, for ispiration?
No. Bad SJW. Back to >>/lgbt/.
I thought it revolved around Japan desu
White people are pretty much the only important people.
Asians are honorary aryans.
It's true, white people are the best.
Eh. I know Unknown Armies isn't a perfect analogue because you can relate to the real world as a baseline, but the really relevant stuff you're supposed to be interacting with is legit topsy turvy. The incomplete information problems you face and the situations you get yourself into as a result are part of the appeal here. And it's a blast to play.
It's not like the logic puzzle or riddle as gameplay has no early antecedents in tabletop gaming either.
Depending on what you're reading, Dunsany isn't too far outside the ballpark of old other world fantasy. I'm a big fan though, yeah.
eh, we're okay, I guess...
Said the subhuman posting on a white website using a white invention to send messages to a white invention.
>He posts on an image board whose code was literally copypasted from a japanese website
I had to click on a series of Arab numericals in order to reply to you.
Then again, apparently Arabs count as Caucasian. (Or maybe that's just what the Jews say so they can pretend that Antisemitism is automstically Anti -Jew, rather than being Anti-semite)
Idk, race is weird.
Dude, just let them have it.
Literally every other aspect of society is binging on melanin. They know they're a dying breed - that's the only reason Trump is doing as well as he is.
When the South and the Midwest give up their Christian victimization fetish and become enlightened (something that'll only happen with time and education), only then will our country advance as a whole.
>just let them have it.
Let who have who now?
>a series of Arab numericals
Not Arab. Indian, and not used in either place anymore regardless.
>not used in either place anymore regardless
I hope you're really, REALLY sure about that, my son
it never occured to you that i might be /pol/? that's curious
>The decimal Hindu-Arabic numeral system was developed in India by AD 700
>mfw right is re-surging in europe in a massive scale, and we'll see race wars within our lifetime.
Can't wait lads.
The firebomb attacks against refugee centers here last winter were tons of fun. Hopefully they will be repeated again this year. Burn their shelters, and let the winter take them. These worthless refugees and other foreigners do not belong in my homeland.
Yup. Still called Arabic.
I mean, you're not wrong, mind
White fear is a real thing.
The inability to co-exist is not a physical barrier - purely mental. Europe has been toting itself as superior to America culturally for decades, but that's because they've never struggled with issues of race.
America is by far the stronger and more civilized country wherein human rights are concerned.
>tfw Canada beats everyone in this regard
>tfw that's all Canada has going for it
It's only called Arabic because it was brough to Europe through the Middle-East. Now who's being the Eurocentrist.
>The inability to co-exist is not a physical barrier
Why should I want to co-exist with a bunch of foreigners who do not care about my people, culture or history, and do not belong in my homeland?
I care only about other Finns, they are my people, my kin, my family. Other groups of people are meaningless to me, as is their suffering. I wouldn't care if all the refugees were put into camps and shot. They are not my people and their hardship means nothing to me.
Deport them all back to the shitholes they came from.
Funny, isn't it?
"Brownish ppl with funny head things brought it here, therefore is ayrab"
A shame Russia didn't wipe you all clean.
No good ever came out of finland.
>I care only about other Finns
>Deport them all back to the shitholes they came from.
But Finn-san, Finland is shithole
>A shame Russia didn't wipe you all clean.
They sure tried, and in doing so, forged our national unity into steel strong bond.
This map makes no sense at all to me. It does not look like Middle-Earth, and the Europe that's interposed over it is all cut up and mangled, so what was the point here?
I'm white British. I'm generally proud to be white and British and I believe it's my duty to help improve my nation, as it should be for all people, regardless of race; as such, I'd call myself a patriot. Politically, I'd call myself mostly centrist, with the very occasional right leaning.
These subhuman cunts not only make me ashamed of my own fucking skin colour, but also my country and culture. Congratulations, asswipes; you have actually made me so sick of being even faintly affiliated with you, I am now more sympathetic to those moronic SJWs.
Your nationalism and racism is poisoning your own well. Fucking STOP and have a look at yourselves. Is willful ignorance and arrogance really the heritage you want to boast of?
>Lord Dunsany
Here's the awnser, you won't like it.
Lovecraft was influenced by Poe and Dunsany. During his start as a writter his poeish pieces got more attention until he morphed them into what we call his lovecraft pieces. It's not a stretch to think there were more than a few other writers that tried to emulate Dunsany but they too were ignored at large while Tolkien rip offs were more accepted be by accident, marketing, or just being liked by the majority of society. Lovecraft only really survived by marketing as one of his contacts decided to open a publication to keep churning out his stories and his own additions to it giving it more exposure of an idea that was novel at the time.
t. Myfarog gamer
Tribalism at its finest.
Mine, mine, mine.
You're a child.
>proud fin.png
Don't know what he has to be proud of. Fins are known for, like, nothing, other than being mistaken for Swedes or Russians
Anglo-Saxon here.
I largely agree with you. I mean, we colonized half of this mudball, we can't whine and go on about people coming to our shores, now, can we?
Makes us look like petulant pussies
Yes, but it is our shithole.
Foreigners are not welcome here.
I laugh when I read news about how foreigners can't stand it here due to racism etc.
Fuck them, they can go back to their homelands.
Fuck off Anglo scum.
Your homeland is being overrun by muslims who rape your children while your police does nothing, and you dare to berate other people who are nationalistic and racist enough to not welcome these fucking barbarians with open arms.
Your coming extinction is your own doing.
I know this is /pol/ bait but if say a black guy got into fantasy stuff, 80% of the shit who would be consuming and know about fantasy would still be based on European folklore.
Tolkien was also influenced by Dunsany.
>France removed
I will never not be triggered by this
I'm sorry, where is Finland again?
Sounds like ti should be, like, north of Turkey or something
>Fins are known for, like, nothing
Hey now. They're known for memes.
wait a minute no that's worse than nothing
What a fantasy setting based on Australasia?
>doing quests for gods outside of time
>sparsely populated, tropical north, cold souther desert, Oceanic mountain ranges
>competing colonial claims from various different peoples
>far from home, no backup, no supply lines, survivalism a must
>natives use anamiatic magics fueled by the land
>fucking super deadly creatures.
>where is Finland again?
Eastern Sweden.
People write what they know, and it's not like American blacks have a particularly long classical history or rich myths to reflect on.
Well, that makes some sense.
I always did imagine Umbar as a sort of Cathrago.
What exactly is wrong with tribalism?
A tribe who favors it's own will ultimately be more successful than a tribe that welcomes every outsider who seeks to take it's resources.
Also, when you belong to a people that numbers in only just 5 million, you need to be tribal. My people are a drop in the global ocean, and if we are not careful, we will die out, either via mongrelization, or via war.
My people won our freedom with blood and sweat, and I'll be damned if I see this land,that my forefathers bled to make free for our people to live in peace, host parasitic foreigners who hate everything we are.
>Don't know what he has to be proud of
Well, the fact that we are still around, despite Swedes and Ruskies both doing their best to assimilate/destroy us while they ruled over us.
>implying memes aren't the greatest.
Stay jelly.
It's ancient europe. Try to think harder next time.
Europe has more history than america and fuck all people understand asia and africas mythology.
It most certainly is not.
Based. Bring back megalania and you got a setting.
>m-muh nationalism
>m-muh racism
>y-y-you're just nazis!
tolerance is not a virtue, limey.
>I largely agree with you. I mean, we colonized half of this mudball, we can't whine and go on about people coming to our shores, now, can we?
>Makes us look like petulant pussies
The difference is that the imperial powers actually IMPROVED the lands they came to, literally giving them civilization and most of the benefits that came with it.
Not saying that the colonialists weren't perfect (looking at you, Leopold), but comparing colonization to 3rd world hordes flooding your nation is a false equivalency.
The former actually had benefits to the invaded.
>We can't whine and go on about people coming to our shores, now, can we?
You certainly can if they make your country shittier. 1400 children at rotherham, child marriages and female genital mutilation on the rise, your most common baby name is mohammed for fuck's sake.
That's what I'm saying.
I mean they have voodoo stuff, but everything else would be European in origin unless they really dug back, and it's been done before(Spears of the Dawn and Imaro for example).
>Well, the fact that we are still around, despite Swedes and Ruskies both doing their best to assimilate/destroy us while they ruled over us.
So you're proud of being Jewish? Because being proud of just survival is, like, being proud of breathing. Kind of like the Jews.
Oh, wait, Jews own everything. Finns don't.
7. Depends on the setting
Tribalism has proven so successful that your people are a drop in the global population.
>America is by far the stronger and more civilized country wherein human rights are concerned.
>human rights
Sounds like a spook to me.
The greatest mistake man ever made was assuming that all men are equal.
>The difference is that the imperial powers actually IMPROVED the lands they came to, literally giving them civilization and most of the benefits that came with it
Idk Africa is still fucked.
Like disease. And religion.
"Improvement" is subjective, and white people are oft known to be idiosyncratic with the rest of the world.
>small country in a relatively desolate land
>survived attempts at fuckery from the east and west for centuries
>maintained their culture
>country has very high HDI, migrants want to go there
>"lol what has tribalism done for you racist trump supporter XD"
Seems it worked.
'Racism' is a new thing; but it's just another goad to whip the ignorant into line. You can't reason with these idiots: you have to let them flame out and die on their own. And don't worry: they WILL do it, to themselves, by themselves. They just can't help it - they's dumb!
And remember: their pathetic words are all they have. They are powerless. They have no influence, no say. They are the disenfranchised. They are not actually crying out against 'the other' - whomever the other may be. No. They are crying out against their own powerlessness. They are not saying: "I hate niggers!" They are saying: "Somebody love me please!"
They are, in a word, pathetic. They deserve your sympathy and support.
Give them a cookie and a hug, and remember they are just adorable wee spergs making angry noises in their little corner.
>Oh, wait, Jews own everything. Finns don't.
Yesss, keep believing that...
And there are other things to be proud of, language, culture, our beautiful nature and cities etc.
Being under the rule of foreign powers who used us to fight their wars, and taxed us to near starvation (and didn't help when famines actually decimated our population), all the while living in unhospitable, cold, wooden wilderness, sorta hampers population growth.
And despite our hardships, we are still here.
There is nothing that you self hating fucks can say that will make me share your white guilt, and stop me from being proud of my people.
The rest of the American civilization is garbage - worst healthcare in 1st world countries, failing economy and educational systems, biased justice systems.
All thanks to white people. But human rights? Oh, yeah. America rocks on civil liberties.
>assimilate finns
Eww. We would never assimilate animals. That'd be like fucking our cattle.
You forgot:
7. Direct communication
>this is what leftist actually believe.
>mfw Refugees get firebombed here.
It's always been fucked, but at least during the colonial years they had hospitals.
But of course, ebul whitey got driven out before they finished civilizing the dark continent, and we're back to square one.
Except now the Africans are killing each other with AKs.
>Like disease. And religion.
Not going to argue against the first, but the latter is a fair bit better than human sacrifice.
>"Improvement" is subjective, and white people are oft known to be idiosyncratic with the rest of the world.
Nice meme
>All thanks to white people.
Actually, most of those problems would statistically disappear if every african-american just up and disappeared.
>But human rights? Oh, yeah. America rocks on civil liberties.
That's not something to be proud of.
>brexit succeeded
>trump doing well vs hillary, even better now that it's been shown she's a barely walking corpse
>conservative parties on the rise across europe
>average man becoming less and less afraid of being called racist/nationalist
>"y-you're powerless goy"
>countries with the best healthcare, HDI, etc. such as Norway all have a vast majority white population
>"w-white people ruined america goy"
There's a difference between white guilt and hating people for not being white.
Why to people always try to imply that they're the same.
Not to mention the whole 'corsairs' thing with north africa.
I never said Britain was perfect, hence why I work to IMPROVE it. But 'improvement' does not mean closing oneself off to everything else. That's been tried and it only leads to stagnation. The only sure way to make everyone better forever, is by education. NO-ONE, regardless of if they're European, Middle-Eastern, African, East Asian, Indian, or any other race, has a right to ignorance. That includes you.
Make people, ALL people, better. Don't just remove segments and say the average is improved.
Tolerance long enough to educate and integrate IS a virtue, or at least a skill. I'm not saying that it's okay to come to another nation, another culture and demand it change to suit you, or that you are allowed to sit stagnant and unchanging.
What I'm trying to say is that WE need to change and so do THEY. Only by doing so, by finding and keeping the best of ALL cultures, can we make something that is worth truly being proud of. It is a journey that is never going to end, but it is worth walking all the same.
And then we get people like you, who believe those that change with the times and the world are foolish and that by clinging to some imagined, invented past, they will be strong. As I said before, that has BEEN tried and it didn't work. Madness lies in doing the same thing and expecting different results.
> language
That bar-bar language? Christ I'd rather learn sandnigger than that drivel
being white eskimos isn't something to be proud of
> beautiful nature
As if Finns made the nature of the land. Still looks like shit
> cities
You mean "City". There is only one. And it;s, like, Uppsala or something
Practically swedish considering all the loans.
>beautiful nature and cities
Again, swedish.
>Who designed this, an alien?
Subtle as fuck
What about the fantasy settings set in pseudo-asia? There are quite a few of those. Though, I wouldn't mind a really good setting based upon South America, Pacific Islands, or Africa inb4 KANGZ
They fucked themselves after we left.
Some peoples actually have a culture and improved themselves after we left,most didnt.
Europe is going to burn for this arrogance. France will burn first.
Look harder, idjit!
>France will burn first.
As a Canadian, this makes me happy. I hate those fuckers.
Jesus christ that thing is huge. Fuck dragons, I'll be adding megalania to my setting and other megafauna too. Thanks user.
>Why are almost all SciFi settings based on 19th century Euro-American imperialism?
They aren't. You're just only paying attention to the ones that are.
Norway was never ever in the history of anything twice as long as it is now.
>the country that literally has police with guns telling women to strip off isn't doing enough to prevent other cultures from becoming dominant
Fuck off