>Thanks for giving my homebrew a shot, user! Let's get started on making your character.
>You can either be a birdman, lizardman, wolfman, or a ratman.
>So? Which one do you want to be?
Thanks for giving my homebrew a shot, user! Let's get started on making your character
Aw yeah lizardmen.
Lizardfolk are hardcore. Let's go with that.
A male human fighter.
Hyper light drifter?
If so I play a bird. The birds were cool as fuck.
Ratman please. Wolfmen are sexy but it's so rare you get to play a Ratperson.
>I'm sorry user, but nothing "human" exists in this world.
>But hey, if you don't like any of those options, you can also be a catman!
If I be a birdman, can I have those cool laser spikes they used?
Can I be an apeman with a body shaving fetish?
>No fetishes allowed. You know what happened last time.
I made this thread expecting to get laughed at, but instead I just want to tell people about my homebrew I've been crafting for 2 years.
Birdgirl, please.
No squirrelfolk? Can we just like... take bits from the rat and the cat?
Oh, you were sincere and not just doing some joke? Sorry. Yeah, then, man. Tell us about your setting.
>Since squirrels and rats are both rodents, I think I can swing it lorewise.
>You won't get the reputation or charisma bonuses ratmen get, though.
>Is that fair?
Do I get to be a hybrid Aragorn/Tarzan? If so, yes. Very yes.
Which one gives me the most plusses?
I will play micheal keaton thank you.
Feral dragon as always.
Jesus Christ i was so close to
Oh wait im drunk
You still have time user! I believe in you!
Who's it gonna be? Whomever it is, then their statement shall surely become true.
someone should totally link us to it.
My Miniatures game will actually be quite fun.
I failed.
i somehow only manage to play with DMs that don't let you go too monstrous (ie half-orc is too far).
i would relish the opportunity to play a ratman cleric
I phrased it as a joke because I expect people to not respond positively when they can't play as their preferred human/elf/gnome/goblin/orc race. Rather pleased to see that as not the case.
There are five main races, but subraces of those five exist. So, if you want to be a foxman, you'll just be considered a subrace of wolfmen. Or a squirrelman, a subrace of ratmen. There are five great factions for each race, which is why they are seen as the main races. There are all sorts of subfactions that come into play depending on where on the map you are. They don't really have power outside of their sphere of influence. The five factions are known for certain reasons, thus stereotyping the five main races.
You can totally go against the stereotype, though. Like, birdmen are "seen" as wise, reserved magicians of the north. Who are emotionless assholes. If you want to play a wild, thieving, snarky tropical birdman from the jungles that loves to rob caravans, however, you totally can.
Sure, sounds like it'll be fun.
Last time I looked at the mechanics, they were all pretty balanced. I could dig around and find my old stat breakdown if you wanted. Keep in mind I haven't touched in months.
Can I be a manman?
No, but you can be a wereman. That was a linguist joke.
Probably a Ratman. It's my Chinese Zodiac animal, after all. If I can throw in my Chinese Zodiac element as well (fire) I will. I like theming shit around myself like that.